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Last active July 23, 2019 09:40
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use case level transaction interface
// TxDataInterface represents operations needed for transaction support.
// It only needs to be implemented once for each database
// For sqlGdbc, it is implemented for SqlDBTx in transaction.go
type TxDataInterface interface {
// TxBegin starts a transaction. It gets a DB handler from the receiver and return a TxDataInterface, which has a
// *sql.Tx inside. Any data access wrapped inside a transaction will go through the *sql.Tx
TxBegin() (TxDataInterface, error)
// TxEnd is called at the end of a transaction and based on whether there is an error, it commits or rollback the
// transaction.
// txFunc is the business function wrapped in a transaction
TxEnd(txFunc func() error) error
// Return the underline transaction handler, sql.Tx
GetTx() gdbc.SqlGdbc
// This interface needs to be included in every data service interface that needs transaction support
type EnableTxer interface {
// EnableTx enables transaction, basically it replaces the underling database handle sql.DB with sql.Tx
EnableTx(dataInterface TxDataInterface)
// UserDataInterface represents interface for user data access through database
type UserDataInterface interface {
Update(user *model.User) (rowsAffected int64, err error)
// Insert adds a user to a database. The returned resultUser has a Id, which is auto generated by database
Insert(user *model.User) (resultUser *model.User, err error)
// Need to add this for transaction support
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