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Created April 14, 2016 15:17
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module Test.Hspec.JSON
( shouldBeJson
) where
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.State (StateT, get, modify, runStateT)
import Control.Monad.Writer (Writer, execWriter, tell)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Test.Hspec.Expectations.Pretty (Expectation, shouldBe)
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as Char8
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
newtype PrettyJSON = PrettyJSON ByteString
instance Show PrettyJSON where
show (PrettyJSON s) =
case Aeson.decode s of
Just v -> show $ prettyValue v
Nothing -> "Invalid JSON String: " <> Char8.unpack s
instance Eq PrettyJSON where
(==) = (==) `on` recode
type Indented = StateT (Bool, Int) (Writer Text)
prettyValue :: Aeson.Value -> Text
prettyValue = runIndented . indentedValue
runIndented :: Indented () -> Text
runIndented i = execWriter $ runStateT i (True, 0)
newline :: Indented ()
newline = do
tell "\n"
modify (\(_, i) -> (True, i))
write :: Text -> Indented ()
write t = do
(beginningOfLine, indentCount) <- get
modify (\(_, i) -> (False, i))
when beginningOfLine $ tell $ Text.replicate indentCount " "
tell t
indentedValue :: Aeson.Value -> Indented ()
indentedValue (Aeson.Object o) = do
write "{"
indentedItems (uncurry indentedKeyValue) $ HashMap.toList o
write "}"
indentedValue (Aeson.Array xs) = do
write "["
indentedItems indentedValue $ Vector.toList xs
write "]"
indentedValue (Aeson.String s) = write ("\"" <> s <> "\"")
indentedValue (Aeson.Number n) = write (Text.pack $ show n)
indentedValue (Aeson.Bool True) = write "true"
indentedValue (Aeson.Bool False) = write "false"
indentedValue Aeson.Null = write "null"
indentedItems :: (a -> Indented ()) -> [a] -> Indented ()
indentedItems _ [] = return ()
indentedItems f (x:[]) = f x >> newline
indentedItems f (x:xs) = f x >> write "," >> newline >> indentedItems f xs
indent :: Indented ()
indent = modify (fmap (+1))
unindent :: Indented ()
unindent = modify (fmap (subtract 1))
indentedKeyValue :: Text -> Aeson.Value -> Indented ()
indentedKeyValue t v = write (t <> ": ") >> indentedValue v
recode :: PrettyJSON -> String
recode (PrettyJSON x) =
Char8.unpack $ Aeson.encode (Aeson.decode x :: Maybe Aeson.Value)
shouldBeJson :: ByteString -> ByteString -> Expectation
shouldBeJson a b = PrettyJSON a `shouldBe` PrettyJSON b
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