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Last active July 13, 2021 21:28
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Mock Table with Images in Prawn
# NOTE: Prawn 1.0 now supports images in tables, and it works much better than my mock table below!
# As you may have noticed Prawn does not currently support images in table cells.
# There is an unofficial fork with initial table image support but it appears that
# it will be some time before this gets merged into the official branch.
# Instead of using an unofficial branch, I found a nice way to do a mock table with
# image support. You just need to keep track of your page breaks.
# size values
cell_width = 90
row_height = 80
# Build an array with your table data
pieces = do |piece|
number_to_currency(piece.price, :unit => "$")
# Column Header Values
header = ['', 'Name', 'Inv #', 'Medium','Size', 'Price']
pdf.bounding_box [0, pdf.cursor], :width => 500, :height => 20 do
header.each_with_index do |head,i|
pdf.bounding_box [cell_width*i,0], :width => cell_width do
pdf.text head, :size => 10
pdf.move_down 15
# Build the Mock Table
pieces.each_with_index do |p,i|
pdf.bounding_box [0, pdf.cursor], :height => row_height, :width => 500 do
pdf.stroke do
pdf.line pdf.bounds.top_left, pdf.bounds.top_right
pdf.line pdf.bounds.bottom_left, pdf.bounds.bottom_right
pdf.move_down 5 # a bit of padding
cursor = pdf.cursor # keep current cursor value for all cells in this row
p.each_with_index do |v, j|
pdf.bounding_box [cell_width*j, cursor], :height => row_height, :width => cell_width do
if j == 0 # handle image column
# might want logic here to handle empty/nil images
pdf.image open(v), :scale => 0.6
pdf.text v, :size => 10 unless v.blank?
# create a new page every 5 rows
pdf.start_new_page if i > 0 && i % 5 = 0
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I tried to run it and I'm getting error saying 'Undefined method ends_with?'. Weird.

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jfeust commented Aug 29, 2011

You must not be running it from a Rails environment. See the updated gist.

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Okay now.

Since it's a PhotoUploader class I'd to convert it before opening.

img_file = v.to_s
pdf.image open(img_file), :scale => 0.6

But now it's says the file was not found: (No such file or directory - /uploads/item/photo/2/tirupati1.jpg) even the file is present. Maybe removing the first slash.

Anyway, thank you.

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jfeust commented Aug 29, 2011

Read up on the Prawn documentation. open(img) is only used for remote (web based) images.

You would want to just do :
pdf.image img_file

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You right! just pdf.image v worked fine! Thank you again!

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seyonv commented Apr 25, 2017

cursor isn't recognized :(

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