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Last active March 18, 2021 10:19
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import time
import json
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
import socket
MQTT_TOPIC = "hiveos"
TAIL_FILE = "/var/log/hive-agent.log"
def send_mqtt(broker, topic, payload, user=None, password=None):
mqttc = mqtt.Client()
if user:
# auth = {"username": user, "password": password}
mqttc.username_pw_set(MQTT_USER, password=password)
mqttc.publish(topic, payload=payload)
def is_json(myjson):
json_object = json.loads(myjson)
except ValueError as e:
return False
return True
def rework_dict(line):
if not '>' in line and not is_json(line):
json_line = json.loads(line.split('>')[1])
# Handle only interesting lines
if not 'method' in json_line or not json_line['method'] == 'stats' or ('method' in json_line and json_line['method'] == 'stats' and json_line['params']['miner_stats'] is None):
params = json_line['params']
# Delete igpu stats
for stat in ['power', 'fan', 'temp']:
if stat in params and 0 in params[stat]:
# Format weird fields
gpu_errors = [int(x)
for x in params['miner_stats']['ar'][-1].split(';') if x]
rig = {}
rig['name'] = socket.gethostname()
rig['id'] = params['rig_id']
rig['miner'] = params['meta']
rig['cputemp'] = params['cputemp'][0]
rig['miner'] = params['miner']
rig['mined_coin'] = params['meta'][rig['miner']]['coin']
rig['disk_free'] = params['df']
rig['mem_total'] = params['mem'][0]
rig['mem_free'] = params['mem'][1]
rig['cpu_avg_1'] = params['cpuavg'][0]
rig['cpu_avg_5'] = params['cpuavg'][1]
rig['cpu_avg_15'] = params['cpuavg'][2]
rig['khs'] = params['total_khs']
rig['uptime'] = params['miner_stats']['uptime']
rig['version'] = params['miner_stats']['ver']
rig['accepted_hash'] = params['miner_stats']['ar'][0]
rig['rejected_hash'] = params['miner_stats']['ar'][1]
rig['rejected_hash_percent'] = (
rig['rejected_hash'] * 100) / rig['accepted_hash']
rig['gpu_errors'] = sum(gpu_errors)
rig['gpus'] = len(params['miner_stats']['bus_numbers'])
# GPUs
for gpu in range(rig['gpus']):
infos = {}
infos['hs'] = params['miner_stats']['hs'][gpu]
infos['power'] = params['power'][gpu]
infos['bus_number'] = params['miner_stats']['bus_numbers'][gpu]
infos['temp'] = params['miner_stats']['temp'][gpu]
infos['fan'] = params['miner_stats']['fan'][gpu]
infos['errors'] = gpu_errors[gpu]
rig['GPU' + str(gpu + 1)] = infos
return json.dumps(rig)
def tail_f(file):
with open(file, 'r') as file_:, 2)
while True:
curr_position = file_.tell()
line = file_.readline()
if not line:
newlog = rework_dict(line)
if newlog:
send_mqtt(MQTT_BROKER, MQTT_TOPIC, newlog)
if __name__ == "__main__":
- type: entities
show_header_toggle: false
state_color: true
title: HiveOS
icon: mdi:bitcoin
- entity: sensor.hiveos_rig
name: Name
type: attribute
attribute: name
icon: mdi:pound
- entity: sensor.hiveos_rig
name: Hash
type: attribute
attribute: khs
suffix: H/s
icon: mdi:pound
- entity: sensor.hiveos_rig
name: CPU Temp
type: attribute
attribute: cputemp
suffix: °C
icon: mdi:thermometer
- entity: sensor.hiveos_rig
name: Reject hash ratio
type: attribute
attribute: rejected_hash_percent
suffix: "%"
icon: mdi:check
- entity: sensor.hiveos_gpu1
name: Hash
type: attribute
attribute: hs
icon: mdi:expansion-card
- entity: sensor.hiveos_gpu1
name: Consommation
type: attribute
attribute: power
suffix: W
icon: mdi:power
- entity: sensor.hiveos_gpu1
name: Fans
type: attribute
attribute: fan
icon: mdi:fan
suffix: "%"
- entity: sensor.hiveos_gpu1
name: Temp
type: attribute
attribute: temp
suffix: °C
icon: mdi:thermometer
- entity: sensor.hiveos_gpu1
name: Errors
type: attribute
attribute: errors
icon: mdi:alert-circle
- entity: sensor.hiveos_gpu2
name: Hash
type: attribute
attribute: hs
icon: mdi:expansion-card
- entity: sensor.hiveos_gpu2
name: Consommation
type: attribute
attribute: power
suffix: W
icon: mdi:power
- entity: sensor.hiveos_gpu2
name: Fans
type: attribute
attribute: fan
icon: mdi:fan
suffix: "%"
- entity: sensor.hiveos_gpu2
name: Temp
type: attribute
attribute: temp
suffix: °C
icon: mdi:thermometer
- entity: sensor.hiveos_gpu2
name: Errors
type: attribute
attribute: errors
icon: mdi:alert-circle
- platform: mqtt
name: hiveos_rig
state_topic: "hiveos"
value_template: "{{ }}"
json_attributes_topic: "hiveos"
json_attributes_template: "{{ value_json | to_json }}"
- platform: mqtt
name: hiveos_gpu1
state_topic: "hiveos"
value_template: "{{ value_json.GPU1 }}"
json_attributes_topic: "hiveos"
json_attributes_template: "{{ value_json.GPU1 | to_json }}"
- platform: mqtt
name: hiveos_gpu2
state_topic: "hiveos"
value_template: "{{ value_json.GPU2 }}"
json_attributes_topic: "hiveos"
json_attributes_template: "{{ value_json.GPU2 | to_json }}"
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KiPiCoOl commented Mar 18, 2021

Hi !

Thanks for your work !
With Python script i have an error on broker side
Socket error on client <unknown>, disconnecting

Can you help me please ?



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