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Created April 6, 2022 10:21
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# 1 "<built-in>"
# 1 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/Source/Generated2/GB_AxB__lxor_eq_bool.c"
// GB_AxB__lxor_eq_bool.c: matrix multiply for a single semiring
// SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS, Timothy A. Davis, (c) 2017-2022, All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// If this file is in the Generated1/ or Generated2/ folder, do not edit it
// (it is auto-generated from Generator/*).
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include "GB_dev.h"
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 13 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/Source/Generated2/GB_AxB__lxor_eq_bool.c"
# 1 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_dev.h" 1
// GB_dev.h: definitions for code development
// SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS, Timothy A. Davis, (c) 2017-2022, All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#ifndef GB_DEV_H
#define GB_DEV_H
// code development settings: by default, all settings should be commented out
// to turn on Debug for a single file of GraphBLAS, add '#define GB_DEBUG'
// just before the statement '#include "GB.h"'
// to turn on Debug for all of GraphBLAS, uncomment this line:
// (GraphBLAS will be exceedingly slow; this is for development only)
// #define GB_DEBUG
// to turn on a very verbose memory trace
// (GraphBLAS will be exceedingly slow; this is for development only)
// #define GB_MEMDUMP
// By default, many internal temporary matrices use statically allocated
// headers to reduce the number of calls to malloc/free. This works fine for
// matrices on the CPU, but the static headers do not get automatically
// transfered to the GPU. Only dynamically allocated headers, allocated by
// rmm_wrap_malloc, get transfered. Set this to 1 to turn off static headers
// (required for CUDA; see GB_static_headers.h). Leave static headers
// enabled by default by leaving this commented out or setting GBNSTATIC to 0.
// #undef GBNSTATIC
// #define GBNSTATIC 1
# 39 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_dev.h"
# 14 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/Source/Generated2/GB_AxB__lxor_eq_bool.c" 2
#ifndef GBCUDA_DEV
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include "GB.h"
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 17 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/Source/Generated2/GB_AxB__lxor_eq_bool.c"
# 1 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB.h" 1
// GB.h: definitions visible only inside GraphBLAS
// SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS, Timothy A. Davis, (c) 2017-2022, All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#ifndef GB_H
#define GB_H
// definitions that modify GraphBLAS.h
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include "GB_dev.h"
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 17 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB.h"
# 18 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB.h"
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include "GB_compiler.h"
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 18 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB.h"
# 1 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h" 1
// GB_compiler.h: handle compiler variations
// SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS, Timothy A. Davis, (c) 2017-2022, All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// determine which compiler is in use
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined ( __NVCC__ )
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 18 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
// NVIDIA nvcc compiler
#define GB_COMPILER_NAME "nvcc"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0
#elif defined ( __INTEL_CLANG_COMPILER )
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#elif 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 34 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
// Intel icx compiler, 2022.0.0 based on clang/llvm 14.0.0
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0
#elif defined ( __INTEL_COMPILER )
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#elif 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 50 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
// Intel icc compiler: 2021.5.0 uses "gcc 7.5 mode"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0
#elif defined ( __clang__ )
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#elif 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 66 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
// clang
#define GB_COMPILER_MAJOR __clang_major__
#define GB_COMPILER_MINOR __clang_minor__
#define GB_COMPILER_SUB __clang_patchlevel__
#define GB_COMPILER_NAME "clang " __clang_version__
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0
#elif defined ( __xlC__ )
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#elif 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 82 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
// xlc
#define GB_COMPILER_MAJOR ( __xlC__ / 256 )
#define GB_COMPILER_MINOR ( __xlC__ - 256 * GB_COMPILER_MAJOR)
#define GB_COMPILER_NAME "IBM xlc " GB_XSTR (__xlC__)
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0
#elif defined ( __GNUC__ )
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#elif 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 98 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
// gcc
#define GB_COMPILER_NAME "GNU gcc " GB_XSTR (__GNUC__) "." \
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0
#elif defined ( _MSC_VER )
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#elif 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 115 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
// Microsoft Visual Studio
#define GB_COMPILER_MAJOR ( _MSC_VER / 100 )
#define GB_COMPILER_NAME "Microsoft Visual Studio " GB_XSTR (_MSC_VER)
# 131 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
// other compiler
#define GB_COMPILER_NAME "other C compiler"
# 147 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
// malloc.h: required include file for Microsoft Visual Studio
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 153 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <malloc.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 153 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
# 154 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
# 155 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
// OpenMP pragmas and tasks
// GB_PRAGMA(x) becomes "#pragma x", but the way to do this depends on the
// compiler:
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 164 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
// MS Visual Studio is not ANSI C11 compliant, and uses __pragma:
#define GB_PRAGMA(x) __pragma (x)
// no #pragma omp simd is available in MS Visual Studio
# 172 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
// ANSI C11 compilers use _Pragma:
#define GB_PRAGMA(x) _Pragma (#x)
// create two kinds of SIMD pragmas:
// GB_PRAGMA_SIMD becomes "#pragma omp simd"
// GB_PRAGMA_SIMD_REDUCTION (+,cij) becomes
// "#pragma omp simd reduction(+:cij)"
#define GB_PRAGMA_SIMD GB_PRAGMA (omp simd)
#define GB_PRAGMA_SIMD_REDUCTION(op,s) GB_PRAGMA (omp simd reduction(op:s))
# 183 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
// variable-length arrays
// If variable-length arrays are not supported, user-defined types are limited
// in size to 128 bytes or less. Many of the type-generic routines allocate
// workspace for a single scalar of variable size, using a statement:
// GB_void aij [xsize] ;
// To support non-variable-length arrays in ANSI C95 or earlier, this is used:
// GB_void aij [GB_VLA(xsize)] ;
// GB_VLA(xsize) is either defined as xsize (for ANSI C99 or later), or a fixed
// size of 128, in which case user-defined types
// are limited to a max of 128 bytes.
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 203 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
// NVIDIA nvcc compiler for host or device code
#define GB_HAS_VLA 1
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#elif 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 208 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
// Microsoft Visual Studio does not support variable-length arrays.
#define GB_HAS_VLA 0
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0
#elif defined ( __cplusplus )
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#elif 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 213 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
#define GB_HAS_VLA 1
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0
#elif GxB_STDC_VERSION >= 199901L
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#elif 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 217 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
// ANSI C99 and later
#define GB_HAS_VLA 1
# 222 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
// ANSI C95 and earlier
#define GB_HAS_VLA 0
# 227 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
// If GraphBLAS is compiled with -DPGI_COMPILER_BUG, then a workaround is
// enabled for a bug in the PGI compiler. The compiler does not correctly
// handle automatic arrays of variable size.
#undef GB_HAS_VLA
#define GB_HAS_VLA 0
# 235 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if ( GB_HAS_VLA )
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 238 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
// variable-length arrays are allowed
#define GB_VLA(s) s
# 243 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
// variable-length arrays are not allowed
#define GB_VLA_MAXSIZE 128
# 249 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
// AVX2 and AVX512F support for the x86_64 architecture
// gcc 7.5.0 cannot compile code with __attribute__ ((target ("avx512f"))), or
// avx2 (it triggers a bug in the compiler), but those targets are fine with
// gcc 9.3.0 or later. It might be OK on gcc 8.x but I haven't tested this.
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if GBX86
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 259 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 261 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __GNUC__ >= 9
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 262 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
// enable avx512f on gcc 9.x and later
# 266 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
// disable avx2 and avx512f on gcc 8.x and earlier
# 270 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#elif 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 271 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
// all these compilers can handle AVX512F and AVX2 on x86
# 275 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
// unsure if xlc can handle AVX, but it is not likely to be used on
// the x86 anyway. cpu_features is disabled for MS Visual Studio.
# 280 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
# 282 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
// non-X86_64 architecture
# 288 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
// prefix for function with target avx512f
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 291 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if (defined (_WIN64) || defined (_WIN32)) && \
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 293 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
// the Intel compilers on Windows support this feature:
#define GB_TARGET_AVX512F __declspec (target ("avx512f"))
# 296 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
#define GB_TARGET_AVX512F __attribute__ ((target ("avx512f")))
# 298 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
# 299 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
#define GB_TARGET_AVX512F
# 301 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
// prefix for function with target avx2
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 304 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if (defined (_WIN64) || defined (_WIN32)) && \
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 306 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
// the Intel compilers on Windows support this feature:
#define GB_TARGET_AVX2 __declspec (target ("avx2"))
# 309 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
#define GB_TARGET_AVX2 __attribute__ ((target ("avx2")))
# 311 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
# 312 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
#define GB_TARGET_AVX2
# 314 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
# 316 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_compiler.h"
# 19 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB.h" 2
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include "GB_cpu_features.h"
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 19 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB.h"
# 1 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_cpu_features.h" 1
// GB_cpu_features.h: cpu features for GraphBLAS
// SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS, Timothy A. Davis, (c) 2017-2022, All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// The following can be optionally #define'd at compile-time:
// GBX86: 1 if the target architecture is x86_64,
// 0 if the target architecture is not x86_64.
// default: #define'd below.
// GBAVX2: 1 if the target architecture is x86_64 and supports AVX2,
// 0 otherwise.
// default: left undefined and cpu_features/GetX86Info is used
// to determine this feature at run-time.
// GBAVX512F: 1 if the target architecture is x86_64 and supports AVX512F
// 0 otherwise.
// default: left undefined and cpu_features/GetX86Info is used
// to determine this feature at run-time.
// GBNCPUFEAT: if #define'd then the Google cpu_features package is not used.
// The run-time tests for AVX2 and AVX512F are replaced with
// compile-time tests, using GBAVX2, and GBAVX512F. If GBAVX2 or
// GBAVX512F macros are not #define'd externally by the build system,
// then no AVX acceleration is used. default: not #define'd (using
// Google's cpu_features).
// determine the target architecture
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined ( GBX86 )
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 41 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_cpu_features.h"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if ( defined (_M_X64) || defined (__x86_64__)) && \
! ( defined (__CLR_VER) || defined (__pnacl__) )
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 44 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_cpu_features.h"
// the target architecture is x86_64, and not a virtual machine
#define GBX86 1
# 47 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_cpu_features.h"
#define GBX86 0
# 49 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_cpu_features.h"
# 51 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_cpu_features.h"
// rely on Google's cpu_features package for run-time tests
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 57 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_cpu_features.h"
// entirely disable cpu_features for MS Visual Studio and nvcc
#define GBNCPUFEAT 1
# 61 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_cpu_features.h"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined ( GBNCPUFEAT )
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 63 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_cpu_features.h"
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include "cpu_features_macros.h"
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 64 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_cpu_features.h"
# 1 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h" 1
// Copyright 2017 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Architectures
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__pnacl__) || defined(__CLR_VER)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 23 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
# 25 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if (defined(_M_IX86) || defined(__i386__)) && !defined(CPU_FEATURES_ARCH_VM)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 27 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#define CPU_FEATURES_ARCH_X86_32
# 29 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if (defined(_M_X64) || defined(__x86_64__)) && !defined(CPU_FEATURES_ARCH_VM)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 31 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#define CPU_FEATURES_ARCH_X86_64
# 33 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(CPU_FEATURES_ARCH_X86_32) || defined(CPU_FEATURES_ARCH_X86_64)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 35 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
# 37 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if (defined(__arm__) || defined(_M_ARM))
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 39 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
# 41 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__aarch64__)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 43 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
# 45 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 47 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
# 49 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__mips64)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 51 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
# 53 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__mips__) && !defined(__mips64) // mips64 also declares __mips__
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 55 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
# 57 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 59 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
# 61 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__powerpc__)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 63 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
# 65 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
// Os
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if (defined(__freebsd__) || defined(__FreeBSD__))
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 71 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
# 73 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__ANDROID__)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 75 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
# 77 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__linux__) && !defined(CPU_FEATURES_OS_FREEBSD) && \
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 80 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
# 82 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if (defined(_WIN64) || defined(_WIN32))
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 84 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
# 86 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if (defined(__apple__) || defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__MACH__))
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 88 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
// From
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include "TargetConditionals.h"
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 89 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
# 90 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(TARGET_OS_OSX)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 91 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
# 93 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(TARGET_OS_IPHONE)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 94 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
// This is set for any non-Mac Apple products (IOS, TV, WATCH)
# 97 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
# 98 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
// Compilers
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__clang__)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 104 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
# 106 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__clang__)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 108 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
# 110 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 112 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
# 114 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
// Cpp
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 120 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
namespace cpu_features { \
extern "C" {
} \
# 127 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
# 130 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
// Compiler flags
// Use the following to check if a feature is known to be available at
// compile time. See for an example.
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(CPU_FEATURES_ARCH_X86)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 138 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__AES__)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 140 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
# 142 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#endif // defined(__AES__)
# 144 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__F16C__)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 146 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
# 148 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#endif // defined(__F16C__)
# 150 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__BMI__)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 152 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
# 154 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#endif // defined(__BMI__)
# 156 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__BMI2__)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 158 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
# 160 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#endif // defined(__BMI2__)
# 162 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if (defined(__SSE__) || (_M_IX86_FP >= 1))
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 164 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
# 166 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
# 168 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if (defined(__SSE2__) || (_M_IX86_FP >= 2))
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 170 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
# 172 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
# 174 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__SSE3__)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 176 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
# 178 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#endif // defined(__SSE3__)
# 180 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__SSSE3__)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 182 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
# 184 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#endif // defined(__SSSE3__)
# 186 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__SSE4_1__)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 188 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
# 190 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#endif // defined(__SSE4_1__)
# 192 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__SSE4_2__)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 194 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
# 196 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#endif // defined(__SSE4_2__)
# 198 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__AVX__)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 200 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
# 202 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#endif // defined(__AVX__)
# 204 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__AVX2__)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 206 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
# 208 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#endif // defined(__AVX2__)
# 210 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#endif // defined(CPU_FEATURES_ARCH_X86)
# 212 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 214 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__ARM_NEON__)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 215 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
# 217 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#endif // defined(__ARM_NEON__)
# 219 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#endif // defined(CPU_FEATURES_ARCH_ANY_ARM)
# 220 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 222 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__mips_msa)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 223 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
# 225 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#endif // defined(__mips_msa)
# 227 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#endif // defined(CPU_FEATURES_ARCH_MIPS)
# 228 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
// Utils
// Communicates to the compiler that the block is unreachable
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 235 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#define UNREACHABLE() __builtin_unreachable()
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#elif 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 237 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
#define UNREACHABLE() __assume(0)
# 239 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
# 241 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
# 243 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_macros.h"
# 65 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_cpu_features.h" 2
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if GBX86
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 68 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_cpu_features.h"
// Intel x86 (also AMD): other architectures are not exploited
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include "cpuinfo_x86.h"
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 69 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_cpu_features.h"
# 1 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpuinfo_x86.h" 1
// Copyright 2017 Google LLC
// Copyright 2020 Intel Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include "cpu_features_cache_info.h"
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 19 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpuinfo_x86.h"
# 1 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_cache_info.h" 1
// Copyright 2017 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include "cpu_features_macros.h"
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 18 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_cache_info.h"
# 19 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_cache_info.h"
typedef enum {
} CacheType;
typedef struct {
int level;
CacheType cache_type;
int cache_size; // Cache size in bytes
int ways; // Associativity, 0 undefined, 0xFF fully associative
int line_size; // Cache line size in bytes
int tlb_entries; // number of entries for TLB
int partitioning; // number of lines per sector
} CacheLevelInfo;
// Increase this value if more cache levels are needed.
# 47 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_cache_info.h"
typedef struct {
int size;
} CacheInfo;
# 55 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpu_features_cache_info.h"
# 20 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpuinfo_x86.h" 2
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include "cpu_features_macros.h"
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 20 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpuinfo_x86.h"
# 21 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpuinfo_x86.h"
// CPUID Vendors
// See for a list of x86 cpu features.
// The field names are based on the short name provided in the wikipedia tables.
typedef struct {
int fpu : 1;
int tsc : 1;
int cx8 : 1;
int clfsh : 1;
int mmx : 1;
int aes : 1;
int erms : 1;
int f16c : 1;
int fma4 : 1;
int fma3 : 1;
int vaes : 1;
int vpclmulqdq : 1;
int bmi1 : 1;
int hle : 1;
int bmi2 : 1;
int rtm : 1;
int rdseed : 1;
int clflushopt : 1;
int clwb : 1;
int sse : 1;
int sse2 : 1;
int sse3 : 1;
int ssse3 : 1;
int sse4_1 : 1;
int sse4_2 : 1;
int sse4a : 1;
int avx : 1;
int avx2 : 1;
int avx512f : 1;
int avx512cd : 1;
int avx512er : 1;
int avx512pf : 1;
int avx512bw : 1;
int avx512dq : 1;
int avx512vl : 1;
int avx512ifma : 1;
int avx512vbmi : 1;
int avx512vbmi2 : 1;
int avx512vnni : 1;
int avx512bitalg : 1;
int avx512vpopcntdq : 1;
int avx512_4vnniw : 1;
int avx512_4vbmi2 : 1;
int avx512_second_fma : 1;
int avx512_4fmaps : 1;
int avx512_bf16 : 1;
int avx512_vp2intersect : 1;
int amx_bf16 : 1;
int amx_tile : 1;
int amx_int8 : 1;
int pclmulqdq : 1;
int smx : 1;
int sgx : 1;
int cx16 : 1; // aka. CMPXCHG16B
int sha : 1;
int popcnt : 1;
int movbe : 1;
int rdrnd : 1;
int dca : 1;
int ss : 1;
int adx : 1;
// Make sure to update X86FeaturesEnum below if you add a field here.
} X86Features;
typedef struct {
X86Features features;
int family;
int model;
int stepping;
char vendor[13]; // 0 terminated string
} X86Info;
// Calls cpuid and returns an initialized X86info.
X86Info GetX86Info(void);
// Returns cache hierarchy informations.
// Can call cpuid multiple times.
// Only works on Intel CPU at the moment.
CacheInfo GetX86CacheInfo(void);
typedef enum {
INTEL_80486, // 80486
INTEL_P5, // P5
AMD_K10, // K10
AMD_K11, // K11
AMD_K12, // K12
AMD_ZEN2, // K17 ZEN 2
AMD_ZEN3, // K19 ZEN 3
} X86Microarchitecture;
// Returns the underlying microarchitecture by looking at X86Info's vendor,
// family and model.
X86Microarchitecture GetX86Microarchitecture(const X86Info* info);
// Calls cpuid and fills the brand_string.
// - brand_string *must* be of size 49 (beware of array decaying).
// - brand_string will be zero terminated.
void FillX86BrandString(char brand_string[49]);
// Introspection functions
typedef enum {
} X86FeaturesEnum;
int GetX86FeaturesEnumValue(const X86Features* features, X86FeaturesEnum value);
const char* GetX86FeaturesEnumName(X86FeaturesEnum);
const char* GetX86MicroarchitectureName(X86Microarchitecture);
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(CPU_FEATURES_ARCH_X86)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 252 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpuinfo_x86.h"
#error "Including cpuinfo_x86.h from a non-x86 target."
# 254 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpuinfo_x86.h"
# 256 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../cpu_features/include/cpuinfo_x86.h"
# 70 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_cpu_features.h" 2
# 71 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_cpu_features.h"
# 73 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_cpu_features.h"
# 75 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_cpu_features.h"
# 20 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB.h" 2
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include "GB_warnings.h"
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 20 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB.h"
# 1 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_warnings.h" 1
// GB_warnings.h: turn off compiler warnings
// SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS, Timothy A. Davis, (c) 2017-2022, All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 11 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_warnings.h"
// 10397: remark about where *.optrpt reports are placed
// 15552: loop not vectorized
#pragma warning (disable: 10397 15552 )
// disable icc -w2 warnings
// 191: type qualifier meangingless
// 193: zero used for undefined #define
#pragma warning (disable: 191 193 )
// disable icc -w3 warnings
// 144: initialize with incompatible pointer
// 181: format
// 869: unused parameters
// 1572: floating point compares
// 1599: shadow
// 2259: typecasting may lose bits
// 161, 2282: unrecognized pragma
// 2557: sign compare
#pragma warning (disable: 161 144 181 869 1572 1599 2259 2282 2557 )
// See GB_unused.h, for warnings 177 and 593, which are not globally
// disabled, but selectively by #include'ing GB_unused.h as needed.
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#elif 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 36 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_warnings.h"
// disable warnings for gcc 5.x and higher:
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if ( __GNUC__ > 4 )
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 39 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_warnings.h"
// disable warnings
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wint-in-bool-context"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wformat-truncation="
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmaybe-uninitialized"
// enable these warnings as errors
#pragma GCC diagnostic error "-Wmisleading-indentation"
# 46 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_warnings.h"
// disable warnings from -Wall -Wextra -Wpendantic
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wsign-compare"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined ( __cplusplus )
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 51 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_warnings.h"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wwrite-strings"
# 53 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_warnings.h"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wincompatible-pointer-types"
# 55 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_warnings.h"
// enable these warnings as errors
#pragma GCC diagnostic error "-Wswitch-default"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined ( __cplusplus )
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 59 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_warnings.h"
#pragma GCC diagnostic error "-Wmissing-prototypes"
# 61 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_warnings.h"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#elif 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 63 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_warnings.h"
// disable warnings for clang
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wpointer-sign"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wpass-failed"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#elif 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 69 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_warnings.h"
// disable MS Visual Studio warnings
#pragma warning(disable:4146)
# 74 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_warnings.h"
# 21 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB.h" 2
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include "GB_coverage.h"
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 21 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB.h"
# 1 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_coverage.h" 1
// GB_coverage.h: for coverage tests in Tcov
// SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS, Timothy A. Davis, (c) 2017-2022, All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// These global values are visible only from the GraphBLAS/Tcov tests.
#ifdef GBCOVER
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <stdint.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 16 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_coverage.h"
# 17 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_coverage.h"
#define GBCOVER_MAX 30000
extern int64_t GB_cov [GBCOVER_MAX] ;
extern int GB_cover_max ;
# 21 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_coverage.h"
# 23 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB_coverage.h"
# 22 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB.h" 2
#define GB_LIBRARY
// user-visible GraphBLAS.h
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include "GraphBLAS.h"
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 28 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Source/GB.h"
# 1 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Include/GraphBLAS.h" 1
// GraphBLAS.h: definitions for the GraphBLAS package
// SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS, Timothy A. Davis, (c) 2017-2022, All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS is a complete implementation of the GraphBLAS
// standard, which defines a set of sparse matrix operations on an extended
// algebra of semirings, using an almost unlimited variety of operators and
// types. When applied to sparse adjacency matrices, these algebraic
// operations are equivalent to computations on graphs. GraphBLAS provides a
// powerful and expressive framework creating graph algorithms based on the
// elegant mathematics of sparse matrix operations on a semiring.
// This GraphBLAS.h file contains GraphBLAS definitions for user applications
// to #include. A few functions and variables with the prefix GB_ need to be
// defined in this file and are thus technically visible to the user, but they
// must not be accessed in user code. They are here only so that the ANSI C11
// _Generic feature can be used in the user-accessible polymorphic functions,
// or to implement a fast GxB_Iterator using macros.
// This implementation conforms to the GraphBLAS API Specification and also
// includes functions and features that are extensions to the spec, which are
// given names of the form GxB_* for functions, built-in objects, and macros,
// so it is clear which are in the spec and which are extensions. Extensions
// with the name GxB_* are user-accessible in SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS but cannot
// be guaranteed to appear in all GraphBLAS implementations.
// Regarding "historical" functions and symbols: when a GxB_* function or
// symbol is added to the C API Specification, the new GrB_* name should be
// used instead. The old GxB_* name will be kept for historical reasons,
// documented here and in working order; it might no longer be mentioned in the
// user guide. Historical functions and symbols would only be removed in the
// rare case that they cause a serious conflict with future methods.
// include files required by GraphBLAS
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <stdio.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 46 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Include/GraphBLAS.h"
# 1 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 1 3 4
/* Define ISO C stdio on top of C++ iostreams.
Copyright (C) 1991, 1994-2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
* ISO C99 Standard: 7.19 Input/output <stdio.h>
#ifndef _STDIO_H
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined __need_FILE && !defined __need___FILE
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 26 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
# define _STDIO_H 1
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <features.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 27 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/features.h" 1 3 4
/* Copyright (C) 1991-2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
#ifndef _FEATURES_H
#define _FEATURES_H 1
/* These are defined by the user (or the compiler)
to specify the desired environment:
__STRICT_ANSI__ ISO Standard C.
_ISOC99_SOURCE Extensions to ISO C89 from ISO C99.
_ISOC11_SOURCE Extensions to ISO C99 from ISO C11.
_POSIX_C_SOURCE If ==1, like _POSIX_SOURCE; if >=2 add IEEE Std 1003.2;
if >=199309L, add IEEE Std 1003.1b-1993;
if >=199506L, add IEEE Std 1003.1c-1995;
if >=200112L, all of IEEE 1003.1-2004
if >=200809L, all of IEEE 1003.1-2008
_XOPEN_SOURCE Includes POSIX and XPG things. Set to 500 if
Single Unix conformance is wanted, to 600 for the
sixth revision, to 700 for the seventh revision.
_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED XPG things and X/Open Unix extensions.
_LARGEFILE_SOURCE Some more functions for correct standard I/O.
_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE Additional functionality from LFS for large files.
_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=N Select default filesystem interface.
_BSD_SOURCE ISO C, POSIX, and 4.3BSD things.
_ATFILE_SOURCE Additional *at interfaces.
_GNU_SOURCE All of the above, plus GNU extensions.
_REENTRANT Select additionally reentrant object.
_THREAD_SAFE Same as _REENTRANT, often used by other systems.
_FORTIFY_SOURCE If set to numeric value > 0 additional security
measures are defined, according to level.
The `-ansi' switch to the GNU C compiler defines __STRICT_ANSI__.
If none of these are defined, the default is to have _SVID_SOURCE,
_BSD_SOURCE, and _POSIX_SOURCE set to one and _POSIX_C_SOURCE set to
200112L. If more than one of these are defined, they accumulate.
together give you ISO C, 1003.1, and 1003.2, but nothing else.
These are defined by this file and are used by the
header files to decide what to declare or define:
__USE_ISOC11 Define ISO C11 things.
__USE_ISOC99 Define ISO C99 things.
__USE_ISOC95 Define ISO C90 AMD1 (C95) things.
__USE_POSIX Define IEEE Std 1003.1 things.
__USE_POSIX2 Define IEEE Std 1003.2 things.
__USE_POSIX199309 Define IEEE Std 1003.1, and .1b things.
__USE_POSIX199506 Define IEEE Std 1003.1, .1b, .1c and .1i things.
__USE_XOPEN Define XPG things.
__USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED Define X/Open Unix things.
__USE_UNIX98 Define Single Unix V2 things.
__USE_XOPEN2K Define XPG6 things.
__USE_XOPEN2KXSI Define XPG6 XSI things.
__USE_XOPEN2K8 Define XPG7 things.
__USE_XOPEN2K8XSI Define XPG7 XSI things.
__USE_LARGEFILE Define correct standard I/O things.
__USE_LARGEFILE64 Define LFS things with separate names.
__USE_FILE_OFFSET64 Define 64bit interface as default.
__USE_BSD Define 4.3BSD things.
__USE_SVID Define SVID things.
__USE_MISC Define things common to BSD and System V Unix.
__USE_ATFILE Define *at interfaces and AT_* constants for them.
__USE_GNU Define GNU extensions.
__USE_REENTRANT Define reentrant/thread-safe *_r functions.
__USE_FORTIFY_LEVEL Additional security measures used, according to level.
__FAVOR_BSD Favor 4.3BSD things in cases of conflict.
The macros `__GNU_LIBRARY__', `__GLIBC__', and `__GLIBC_MINOR__' are
defined by this file unconditionally. `__GNU_LIBRARY__' is provided
only for compatibility. All new code should use the other symbols
to test for features.
All macros listed above as possibly being defined by this file are
explicitly undefined if they are not explicitly defined.
Feature-test macros that are not defined by the user or compiler
but are implied by the other feature-test macros defined (or by the
lack of any definitions) are defined by the file. */
/* Undefine everything, so we get a clean slate. */
#undef __USE_ISOC11
#undef __USE_ISOC99
#undef __USE_ISOC95
#undef __USE_ISOCXX11
#undef __USE_POSIX
#undef __USE_POSIX2
#undef __USE_POSIX199309
#undef __USE_POSIX199506
#undef __USE_XOPEN
#undef __USE_UNIX98
#undef __USE_XOPEN2K
#undef __USE_XOPEN2K8
#undef __USE_XOPEN2K8XSI
#undef __USE_LARGEFILE64
#undef __USE_FILE_OFFSET64
#undef __USE_BSD
#undef __USE_SVID
#undef __USE_MISC
#undef __USE_ATFILE
#undef __USE_GNU
#undef __FAVOR_BSD
/* Suppress kernel-name space pollution unless user expressedly asks
for it. */
# 131 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
/* Always use ISO C things. */
#define __USE_ANSI 1
/* Convenience macros to test the versions of glibc and gcc.
Use them like this:
#if __GNUC_PREREQ (2,8)
... code requiring gcc 2.8 or later ...
Note - they won't work for gcc1 or glibc1, since the _MINOR macros
were not defined then. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __GNUC__ && defined __GNUC_MINOR__
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 143 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# define __GNUC_PREREQ(maj, min) \
((__GNUC__ << 16) + __GNUC_MINOR__ >= ((maj) << 16) + (min))
# 146 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# define __GNUC_PREREQ(maj, min) 0
# 148 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
/* If _BSD_SOURCE was defined by the user, favor BSD over POSIX. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined _BSD_SOURCE && \
!(defined _POSIX_SOURCE || defined _POSIX_C_SOURCE || \
defined _XOPEN_SOURCE || defined _GNU_SOURCE || defined _SVID_SOURCE)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 154 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# define __FAVOR_BSD 1
# 156 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
/* If _GNU_SOURCE was defined by the user, turn on all the other features. */
#ifdef _GNU_SOURCE
# undef _ISOC95_SOURCE
# define _ISOC95_SOURCE 1
# undef _ISOC99_SOURCE
# define _ISOC99_SOURCE 1
# undef _ISOC11_SOURCE
# define _ISOC11_SOURCE 1
# define _POSIX_SOURCE 1
# define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L
# define _XOPEN_SOURCE 700
# define _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE 1
# undef _BSD_SOURCE
# define _BSD_SOURCE 1
# undef _SVID_SOURCE
# define _SVID_SOURCE 1
# define _ATFILE_SOURCE 1
# 182 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
/* If nothing (other than _GNU_SOURCE) is defined,
define _BSD_SOURCE and _SVID_SOURCE. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if (!defined __STRICT_ANSI__ && !defined _ISOC99_SOURCE && \
!defined _POSIX_SOURCE && !defined _POSIX_C_SOURCE && \
!defined _XOPEN_SOURCE && !defined _BSD_SOURCE && !defined _SVID_SOURCE)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 188 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# define _BSD_SOURCE 1
# define _SVID_SOURCE 1
# 191 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
/* This is to enable the ISO C11 extension. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if (defined _ISOC11_SOURCE \
|| (defined __STDC_VERSION__ && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 201112L))
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 195 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# define __USE_ISOC11 1
# 197 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
/* This is to enable the ISO C99 extension. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if (defined _ISOC99_SOURCE || defined _ISOC11_SOURCE \
|| (defined __STDC_VERSION__ && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L))
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 201 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# define __USE_ISOC99 1
# 203 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
/* This is to enable the ISO C90 Amendment 1:1995 extension. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if (defined _ISOC99_SOURCE || defined _ISOC11_SOURCE \
|| (defined __STDC_VERSION__ && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199409L))
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 207 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# define __USE_ISOC95 1
# 209 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
/* This is to enable compatibility for ISO C++11.
So far g++ does not provide a macro. Check the temporary macro for
now, too. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if ((defined __cplusplus && __cplusplus >= 201103L) \
|| defined __GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 216 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# define __USE_ISOCXX11 1
# 218 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
/* If none of the ANSI/POSIX macros are defined, use POSIX.1 and POSIX.2
(and IEEE Std 1003.1b-1993 unless _XOPEN_SOURCE is defined). */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if ((!defined __STRICT_ANSI__ || (_XOPEN_SOURCE - 0) >= 500) && \
!defined _POSIX_SOURCE && !defined _POSIX_C_SOURCE)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 223 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# define _POSIX_SOURCE 1
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if defined _XOPEN_SOURCE && (_XOPEN_SOURCE - 0) < 500
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 225 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 2
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0
# elif defined _XOPEN_SOURCE && (_XOPEN_SOURCE - 0) < 600
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#elif 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 227 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 199506L
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0
# elif defined _XOPEN_SOURCE && (_XOPEN_SOURCE - 0) < 700
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#elif 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 229 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200112L
# else
# 231 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L
# endif
# 233 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# 235 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined _POSIX_SOURCE || _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 1 || defined _XOPEN_SOURCE
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 237 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# define __USE_POSIX 1
# 239 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined _POSIX_C_SOURCE && _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 2 || defined _XOPEN_SOURCE
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 241 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# define __USE_POSIX2 1
# 243 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if (_POSIX_C_SOURCE - 0) >= 199309L
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 245 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# define __USE_POSIX199309 1
# 247 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if (_POSIX_C_SOURCE - 0) >= 199506L
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 249 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# define __USE_POSIX199506 1
# 251 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if (_POSIX_C_SOURCE - 0) >= 200112L
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 253 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# define __USE_XOPEN2K 1
# undef __USE_ISOC95
# define __USE_ISOC95 1
# undef __USE_ISOC99
# define __USE_ISOC99 1
# 259 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if (_POSIX_C_SOURCE - 0) >= 200809L
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 261 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# define __USE_XOPEN2K8 1
# define _ATFILE_SOURCE 1
# 265 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# define __USE_XOPEN 1
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if (_XOPEN_SOURCE - 0) >= 500
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 269 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# define __USE_UNIX98 1
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if (_XOPEN_SOURCE - 0) >= 600
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 274 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if (_XOPEN_SOURCE - 0) >= 700
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 275 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# define __USE_XOPEN2K8 1
# define __USE_XOPEN2K8XSI 1
# endif
# 278 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# define __USE_XOPEN2K 1
# define __USE_XOPEN2KXSI 1
# undef __USE_ISOC95
# define __USE_ISOC95 1
# undef __USE_ISOC99
# define __USE_ISOC99 1
# endif
# 285 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# else
# 286 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# endif
# 289 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# endif
# 290 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# 291 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# define __USE_LARGEFILE 1
# 295 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# define __USE_LARGEFILE64 1
# 299 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined _FILE_OFFSET_BITS && _FILE_OFFSET_BITS == 64
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 301 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# define __USE_FILE_OFFSET64 1
# 303 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined _BSD_SOURCE || defined _SVID_SOURCE
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 305 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# define __USE_MISC 1
# 307 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
#ifdef _BSD_SOURCE
# define __USE_BSD 1
# 311 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# define __USE_SVID 1
# 315 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# define __USE_ATFILE 1
# 319 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
#ifdef _GNU_SOURCE
# define __USE_GNU 1
# 323 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined _REENTRANT || defined _THREAD_SAFE
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 325 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# define __USE_REENTRANT 1
# 327 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 329 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if !defined __OPTIMIZE__ || __OPTIMIZE__ <= 0
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 330 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# warning _FORTIFY_SOURCE requires compiling with optimization (-O)
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0
# elif !__GNUC_PREREQ (4, 1)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#elif 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 332 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# warning _FORTIFY_SOURCE requires GCC 4.1 or later
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0
# elif _FORTIFY_SOURCE > 1
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#elif 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 334 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# define __USE_FORTIFY_LEVEL 2
# else
# 336 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# define __USE_FORTIFY_LEVEL 1
# endif
# 338 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# 339 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# define __USE_FORTIFY_LEVEL 0
# 342 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
/* Get definitions of __STDC_* predefined macros, if the compiler has
not preincluded this header automatically. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <stdc-predef.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 345 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/stdc-predef.h" 1 3 4
/* Copyright (C) 1991-2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
#ifndef _STDC_PREDEF_H
#define _STDC_PREDEF_H 1
/* This header is separate from features.h so that the compiler can
include it implicitly at the start of every compilation. It must
not itself include <features.h> or any other header that includes
<features.h> because the implicit include comes before any feature
test macros that may be defined in a source file before it first
explicitly includes a system header. GCC knows the name of this
header in order to preinclude it. */
/* We do support the IEC 559 math functionality, real and complex. */
#define __STDC_IEC_559__ 1
#define __STDC_IEC_559_COMPLEX__ 1
/* wchar_t uses ISO/IEC 10646 (2nd ed., published 2011-03-15) /
Unicode 6.0. */
#define __STDC_ISO_10646__ 201103L
/* We do not support C11 <threads.h>. */
#define __STDC_NO_THREADS__ 1
# 41 "/usr/include/stdc-predef.h" 3 4
# 346 "/usr/include/features.h" 2 3 4
/* This macro indicates that the installed library is the GNU C Library.
For historic reasons the value now is 6 and this will stay from now
on. The use of this variable is deprecated. Use __GLIBC__ and
__GLIBC_MINOR__ now (see below) when you want to test for a specific
GNU C library version and use the values in <gnu/lib-names.h> to get
the sonames of the shared libraries. */
#undef __GNU_LIBRARY__
#define __GNU_LIBRARY__ 6
/* Major and minor version number of the GNU C library package. Use
these macros to test for features in specific releases. */
#define __GLIBC__ 2
#define __GLIBC_MINOR__ 17
#define __GLIBC_PREREQ(maj, min) \
((__GLIBC__ << 16) + __GLIBC_MINOR__ >= ((maj) << 16) + (min))
/* Decide whether a compiler supports the long long datatypes. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __GNUC__ \
|| (defined __PGI && defined __i386__ ) \
|| (defined __INTEL_COMPILER && (defined __i386__ || defined __ia64__)) \
|| (defined __STDC_VERSION__ && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 369 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# 371 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
/* This is here only because every header file already includes this one. */
#ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
# ifndef _SYS_CDEFS_H
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <sys/cdefs.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 375 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 1 3 4
/* Copyright (C) 1992-2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2012
Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
#ifndef _SYS_CDEFS_H
#define _SYS_CDEFS_H 1
/* We are almost always included from features.h. */
#ifndef _FEATURES_H
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <features.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 24 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# 25 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# 26 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* The GNU libc does not support any K&R compilers or the traditional mode
of ISO C compilers anymore. Check for some of the combinations not
anymore supported. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __GNUC__ && !defined __STDC__
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 31 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# error "You need a ISO C conforming compiler to use the glibc headers"
# 33 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* Some user header file might have defined this before. */
#undef __P
#undef __PMT
#ifdef __GNUC__
/* All functions, except those with callbacks or those that
synchronize memory, are leaf functions. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if __GNUC_PREREQ (4, 6) && !defined _LIBC
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 43 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __LEAF , __leaf__
# define __LEAF_ATTR __attribute__ ((__leaf__))
# else
# 46 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __LEAF
# define __LEAF_ATTR
# endif
# 49 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* GCC can always grok prototypes. For C++ programs we add throw()
to help it optimize the function calls. But this works only with
gcc 2.8.x and egcs. For gcc 3.2 and up we even mark C functions
as non-throwing using a function attribute since programs can use
the -fexceptions options for C code as well. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if !defined __cplusplus && __GNUC_PREREQ (3, 3)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 56 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __THROW __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ __LEAF))
# define __THROWNL __attribute__ ((__nothrow__))
# define __NTH(fct) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ __LEAF)) fct
# else
# 60 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if defined __cplusplus && __GNUC_PREREQ (2,8)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 61 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __THROW throw ()
# define __THROWNL throw ()
# define __NTH(fct) __LEAF_ATTR fct throw ()
# else
# 65 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __THROW
# define __THROWNL
# define __NTH(fct) fct
# endif
# 69 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# endif
# 70 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
#else /* Not GCC. */
# 72 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __inline /* No inline functions. */
# define __THROW
# define __THROWNL
# define __NTH(fct) fct
#endif /* GCC. */
# 80 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* These two macros are not used in glibc anymore. They are kept here
only because some other projects expect the macros to be defined. */
#define __P(args) args
#define __PMT(args) args
/* For these things, GCC behaves the ANSI way normally,
and the non-ANSI way under -traditional. */
#define __CONCAT(x,y) x ## y
#define __STRING(x) #x
/* This is not a typedef so `const __ptr_t' does the right thing. */
#define __ptr_t void *
#define __long_double_t long double
/* C++ needs to know that types and declarations are C, not C++. */
#ifdef __cplusplus
# define __BEGIN_DECLS extern "C" {
# define __END_DECLS }
# 102 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __BEGIN_DECLS
# define __END_DECLS
# 105 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* The standard library needs the functions from the ISO C90 standard
in the std namespace. At the same time we want to be safe for
future changes and we include the ISO C99 code in the non-standard
namespace __c99. The C++ wrapper header take case of adding the
definitions to the global namespace. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __cplusplus && defined _GLIBCPP_USE_NAMESPACES
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 113 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __BEGIN_NAMESPACE_STD namespace std {
# define __END_NAMESPACE_STD }
# define __USING_NAMESPACE_STD(name) using std::name;
# define __BEGIN_NAMESPACE_C99 namespace __c99 {
# define __END_NAMESPACE_C99 }
# define __USING_NAMESPACE_C99(name) using __c99::name;
# 120 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* For compatibility we do not add the declarations into any
namespace. They will end up in the global namespace which is what
old code expects. */
# define __USING_NAMESPACE_STD(name)
# define __BEGIN_NAMESPACE_C99
# define __END_NAMESPACE_C99
# define __USING_NAMESPACE_C99(name)
# 130 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* Support for bounded pointers. */
# define __bounded /* nothing */
# define __unbounded /* nothing */
# define __ptrvalue /* nothing */
# 138 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* Fortify support. */
#define __bos(ptr) __builtin_object_size (ptr, __USE_FORTIFY_LEVEL > 1)
#define __bos0(ptr) __builtin_object_size (ptr, 0)
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __GNUC_PREREQ (4,3)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 145 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __warndecl(name, msg) \
extern void name (void) __attribute__((__warning__ (msg)))
# define __warnattr(msg) __attribute__((__warning__ (msg)))
# define __errordecl(name, msg) \
extern void name (void) __attribute__((__error__ (msg)))
# 151 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __warndecl(name, msg) extern void name (void)
# define __warnattr(msg)
# define __errordecl(name, msg) extern void name (void)
# 155 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* Support for flexible arrays. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __GNUC_PREREQ (2,97)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 158 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* GCC 2.97 supports C99 flexible array members. */
# define __flexarr []
# 161 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# ifdef __GNUC__
# define __flexarr [0]
# else
# 164 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if defined __STDC_VERSION__ && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 165 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __flexarr []
# else
# 167 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* Some other non-C99 compiler. Approximate with [1]. */
# define __flexarr [1]
# endif
# 170 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# endif
# 171 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# 172 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* __asm__ ("xyz") is used throughout the headers to rename functions
at the assembly language level. This is wrapped by the __REDIRECT
macro, in order to support compilers that can do this some other
way. When compilers don't support asm-names at all, we have to do
preprocessor tricks instead (which don't have exactly the right
semantics, but it's the best we can do).
int __REDIRECT(setpgrp, (__pid_t pid, __pid_t pgrp), setpgid); */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ >= 2
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 185 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __REDIRECT(name, proto, alias) name proto __asm__ (__ASMNAME (#alias))
# ifdef __cplusplus
# define __REDIRECT_NTH(name, proto, alias) \
name proto __THROW __asm__ (__ASMNAME (#alias))
# define __REDIRECT_NTHNL(name, proto, alias) \
name proto __THROWNL __asm__ (__ASMNAME (#alias))
# else
# 193 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __REDIRECT_NTH(name, proto, alias) \
name proto __asm__ (__ASMNAME (#alias)) __THROW
# define __REDIRECT_NTHNL(name, proto, alias) \
name proto __asm__ (__ASMNAME (#alias)) __THROWNL
# endif
# 198 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __ASMNAME(cname) __ASMNAME2 (__USER_LABEL_PREFIX__, cname)
# define __ASMNAME2(prefix, cname) __STRING (prefix) cname
# define __REDIRECT(name, proto, alias) name proto; \
_Pragma("let " #name " = " #alias)
# 208 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* GCC has various useful declarations that can be made with the
`__attribute__' syntax. All of the ways we use this do fine if
they are omitted for compilers that don't understand it. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined __GNUC__ || __GNUC__ < 2
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 213 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __attribute__(xyz) /* Ignore */
# 215 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* At some point during the gcc 2.96 development the `malloc' attribute
for functions was introduced. We don't want to use it unconditionally
(although this would be possible) since it generates warnings. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __GNUC_PREREQ (2,96)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 220 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __attribute_malloc__ __attribute__ ((__malloc__))
# 222 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __attribute_malloc__ /* Ignore */
# 224 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* At some point during the gcc 2.96 development the `pure' attribute
for functions was introduced. We don't want to use it unconditionally
(although this would be possible) since it generates warnings. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __GNUC_PREREQ (2,96)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 229 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __attribute_pure__ __attribute__ ((__pure__))
# 231 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __attribute_pure__ /* Ignore */
# 233 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* This declaration tells the compiler that the value is constant. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __GNUC_PREREQ (2,5)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 236 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __attribute_const__ __attribute__ ((__const__))
# 238 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __attribute_const__ /* Ignore */
# 240 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* At some point during the gcc 3.1 development the `used' attribute
for functions was introduced. We don't want to use it unconditionally
(although this would be possible) since it generates warnings. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __GNUC_PREREQ (3,1)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 245 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __attribute_used__ __attribute__ ((__used__))
# define __attribute_noinline__ __attribute__ ((__noinline__))
# 248 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __attribute_used__ __attribute__ ((__unused__))
# define __attribute_noinline__ /* Ignore */
# 251 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* gcc allows marking deprecated functions. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __GNUC_PREREQ (3,2)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 254 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __attribute_deprecated__ __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
# 256 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __attribute_deprecated__ /* Ignore */
# 258 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* At some point during the gcc 2.8 development the `format_arg' attribute
for functions was introduced. We don't want to use it unconditionally
(although this would be possible) since it generates warnings.
If several `format_arg' attributes are given for the same function, in
gcc-3.0 and older, all but the last one are ignored. In newer gccs,
all designated arguments are considered. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __GNUC_PREREQ (2,8)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 266 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __attribute_format_arg__(x) __attribute__ ((__format_arg__ (x)))
# 268 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __attribute_format_arg__(x) /* Ignore */
# 270 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* At some point during the gcc 2.97 development the `strfmon' format
attribute for functions was introduced. We don't want to use it
unconditionally (although this would be possible) since it
generates warnings. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __GNUC_PREREQ (2,97)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 276 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __attribute_format_strfmon__(a,b) \
__attribute__ ((__format__ (__strfmon__, a, b)))
# 279 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __attribute_format_strfmon__(a,b) /* Ignore */
# 281 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* The nonull function attribute allows to mark pointer parameters which
must not be NULL. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __GNUC_PREREQ (3,3)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 285 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __nonnull(params) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ params))
# 287 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __nonnull(params)
# 289 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* If fortification mode, we warn about unused results of certain
function calls which can lead to problems. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __GNUC_PREREQ (3,4)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 293 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __attribute_warn_unused_result__ \
__attribute__ ((__warn_unused_result__))
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 296 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __wur __attribute_warn_unused_result__
# endif
# 298 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# 299 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __attribute_warn_unused_result__ /* empty */
# 301 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
#ifndef __wur
# define __wur /* Ignore */
# 304 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* Forces a function to be always inlined. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __GNUC_PREREQ (3,2)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 307 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __always_inline __inline __attribute__ ((__always_inline__))
# 309 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __always_inline __inline
# 311 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* Associate error messages with the source location of the call site rather
than with the source location inside the function. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __GNUC_PREREQ (4,3)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 315 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __attribute_artificial__ __attribute__ ((__artificial__))
# 317 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __attribute_artificial__ /* Ignore */
# 319 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* GCC 4.3 and above with -std=c99 or -std=gnu99 implements ISO C99
inline semantics, unless -fgnu89-inline is used. Using __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__
or __GNUC_GNU_INLINE is not a good enough check for gcc because gcc versions
older than 4.3 may define these macros and still not guarantee GNU inlining
clang++ identifies itself as gcc-4.2, but has support for GNU inlining
semantics, that can be checked fot by using the __GNUC_STDC_INLINE_ and
__GNUC_GNU_INLINE__ macro definitions. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if (!defined __cplusplus || __GNUC_PREREQ (4,3) \
|| (defined __clang__ && (defined __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__ \
|| defined __GNUC_GNU_INLINE__)))
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 332 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if defined __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__ || defined __cplusplus
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 333 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __extern_inline extern __inline __attribute__ ((__gnu_inline__))
# define __extern_always_inline \
extern __always_inline __attribute__ ((__gnu_inline__))
# else
# 337 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __extern_inline extern __inline
# define __extern_always_inline extern __always_inline
# endif
# 340 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# 341 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
#ifdef __extern_always_inline
# define __fortify_function __extern_always_inline __attribute_artificial__
# 345 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* GCC 4.3 and above allow passing all anonymous arguments of an
__extern_always_inline function to some other vararg function. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __GNUC_PREREQ (4,3)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 349 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __va_arg_pack() __builtin_va_arg_pack ()
# define __va_arg_pack_len() __builtin_va_arg_pack_len ()
# 352 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* It is possible to compile containing GCC extensions even if GCC is
run in pedantic mode if the uses are carefully marked using the
`__extension__' keyword. But this is not generally available before
version 2.8. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__GNUC_PREREQ (2,8)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 358 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __extension__ /* Ignore */
# 360 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* __restrict is known in EGCS 1.2 and above. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__GNUC_PREREQ (2,92)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 363 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __restrict /* Ignore */
# 365 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* ISO C99 also allows to declare arrays as non-overlapping. The syntax is
GCC 3.1 supports this. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __GNUC_PREREQ (3,1) && !defined __GNUG__
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 370 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __restrict_arr __restrict
# 372 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# ifdef __GNUC__
# define __restrict_arr /* Not supported in old GCC. */
# else
# 375 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if defined __STDC_VERSION__ && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 376 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __restrict_arr restrict
# else
# 378 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* Some other non-C99 compiler. */
# define __restrict_arr /* Not supported. */
# endif
# 381 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# endif
# 382 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# 383 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __GNUC__ >= 3
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 385 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __glibc_unlikely(cond) __builtin_expect((cond), 0)
# define __glibc_likely(cond) __builtin_expect((cond), 1)
# 388 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __glibc_unlikely(cond) (cond)
# define __glibc_likely(cond) (cond)
# 391 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/wordsize.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 392 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 1 3 4
/* Determine the wordsize from the preprocessor defines. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __x86_64__ && !defined __ILP32__
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 4 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 3 4
# define __WORDSIZE 64
# 6 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 3 4
# define __WORDSIZE 32
# 8 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 3 4
#ifdef __x86_64__
# define __WORDSIZE_TIME64_COMPAT32 1
/* Both x86-64 and x32 use the 64-bit system call interface. */
# define __SYSCALL_WORDSIZE 64
# 14 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 3 4
# 393 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 2 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 395 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __LDBL_COMPAT 1
# ifdef __REDIRECT
# define __LDBL_REDIR1(name, proto, alias) __REDIRECT (name, proto, alias)
# define __LDBL_REDIR(name, proto) \
__LDBL_REDIR1 (name, proto, __nldbl_##name)
# define __LDBL_REDIR1_NTH(name, proto, alias) __REDIRECT_NTH (name, proto, alias)
# define __LDBL_REDIR_NTH(name, proto) \
__LDBL_REDIR1_NTH (name, proto, __nldbl_##name)
# define __LDBL_REDIR1_DECL(name, alias) \
extern __typeof (name) name __asm (__ASMNAME (#alias));
# define __LDBL_REDIR_DECL(name) \
extern __typeof (name) name __asm (__ASMNAME ("__nldbl_" #name));
# define __REDIRECT_LDBL(name, proto, alias) \
__LDBL_REDIR1 (name, proto, __nldbl_##alias)
# define __REDIRECT_NTH_LDBL(name, proto, alias) \
__LDBL_REDIR1_NTH (name, proto, __nldbl_##alias)
# endif
# 412 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# 413 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined __LDBL_COMPAT || !defined __REDIRECT
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 414 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __LDBL_REDIR1(name, proto, alias) name proto
# define __LDBL_REDIR(name, proto) name proto
# define __LDBL_REDIR1_NTH(name, proto, alias) name proto __THROW
# define __LDBL_REDIR_NTH(name, proto) name proto __THROW
# define __LDBL_REDIR_DECL(name)
# ifdef __REDIRECT
# define __REDIRECT_LDBL(name, proto, alias) __REDIRECT (name, proto, alias)
# define __REDIRECT_NTH_LDBL(name, proto, alias) \
__REDIRECT_NTH (name, proto, alias)
# endif
# 424 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# 425 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
#endif /* sys/cdefs.h */
# 427 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# 376 "/usr/include/features.h" 2 3 4
# endif
# 377 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
/* If we don't have __REDIRECT, prototypes will be missing if
__USE_FILE_OFFSET64 but not __USE_LARGEFILE[64]. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if defined __USE_FILE_OFFSET64 && !defined __REDIRECT
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 381 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# define __USE_LARGEFILE 1
# define __USE_LARGEFILE64 1
# endif
# 384 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
#endif /* !ASSEMBLER */
# 386 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
/* Decide whether we can define 'extern inline' functions in headers. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __GNUC_PREREQ (2, 7) && defined __OPTIMIZE__ \
&& !defined __OPTIMIZE_SIZE__ && !defined __NO_INLINE__ \
&& defined __extern_inline
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 391 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# 393 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
/* This is here only because every header file already includes this one.
Get the definitions of all the appropriate `__stub_FUNCTION' symbols.
<gnu/stubs.h> contains `#define __stub_FUNCTION' when FUNCTION is a stub
that will always return failure (and set errno to ENOSYS). */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <gnu/stubs.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 399 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/gnu/stubs.h" 1 3 4
/* This file is automatically generated.
This file selects the right generated file of `__stub_FUNCTION' macros
based on the architecture being compiled for. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined __x86_64__
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 7 "/usr/include/gnu/stubs.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <gnu/stubs-32.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 7 "/usr/include/gnu/stubs.h" 3 4
# 8 "/usr/include/gnu/stubs.h" 3 4
# 9 "/usr/include/gnu/stubs.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __x86_64__ && defined __LP64__
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 10 "/usr/include/gnu/stubs.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <gnu/stubs-64.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 10 "/usr/include/gnu/stubs.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/gnu/stubs-64.h" 1 3 4
/* This file is automatically generated.
It defines a symbol `__stub_FUNCTION' for each function
in the C library which is a stub, meaning it will fail
every time called, usually setting errno to ENOSYS. */
#ifdef _LIBC
#error Applications may not define the macro _LIBC
# 9 "/usr/include/gnu/stubs-64.h" 3 4
#define __stub_bdflush
#define __stub_chflags
#define __stub_fattach
#define __stub_fchflags
#define __stub_fdetach
#define __stub_getmsg
#define __stub_gtty
#define __stub_lchmod
#define __stub_putmsg
#define __stub_revoke
#define __stub_setlogin
#define __stub_sigreturn
#define __stub_sstk
#define __stub_stty
# 11 "/usr/include/gnu/stubs.h" 2 3 4
# 12 "/usr/include/gnu/stubs.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __x86_64__ && defined __ILP32__
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 13 "/usr/include/gnu/stubs.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <gnu/stubs-x32.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 13 "/usr/include/gnu/stubs.h" 3 4
# 14 "/usr/include/gnu/stubs.h" 3 4
# 15 "/usr/include/gnu/stubs.h" 3 4
# 400 "/usr/include/features.h" 2 3 4
#endif /* features.h */
# 403 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# 28 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 2 3 4
# define __need_size_t
# define __need_NULL
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <stddef.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 33 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
# 1 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4
/*===---- stddef.h - Basic type definitions --------------------------------===
* Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
* See for license information.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(__STDDEF_H) || defined(__need_ptrdiff_t) || \
defined(__need_size_t) || defined(__need_wchar_t) || \
defined(__need_NULL) || defined(__need_wint_t)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 13 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(__need_ptrdiff_t) && !defined(__need_size_t) && \
!defined(__need_wchar_t) && !defined(__need_NULL) && \
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 17 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* Always define miscellaneous pieces when modules are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 19 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define __STDDEF_H
# 21 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 22 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <corecrt.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 22 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 23 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#endif // if defined(_MSC_VER)
# 24 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define __need_ptrdiff_t
#define __need_size_t
#define __need_wchar_t
#define __need_NULL
#define __need_STDDEF_H_misc
/* __need_wint_t is intentionally not defined here. */
# 31 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_ptrdiff_t)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 33 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(_PTRDIFF_T) || __has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 34 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* Always define ptrdiff_t when modules are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 36 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define _PTRDIFF_T
# 38 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ ptrdiff_t;
# 40 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_ptrdiff_t
#endif /* defined(__need_ptrdiff_t) */
# 42 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_size_t)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 44 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(_SIZE_T) || __has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 45 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* Always define size_t when modules are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 47 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define _SIZE_T
# 49 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ size_t;
# 51 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_size_t
#endif /*defined(__need_size_t) */
# 53 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 55 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* ISO9899:2011 7.20 (C11 Annex K): Define rsize_t if __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__ is
* enabled. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if (defined(__STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__) && __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__ >= 1 && \
!defined(_RSIZE_T)) || __has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 59 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* Always define rsize_t when modules are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 61 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define _RSIZE_T
# 63 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ rsize_t;
# 65 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#endif /* defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc) */
# 66 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_wchar_t)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 68 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#ifndef __cplusplus
/* Always define wchar_t when modules are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(_WCHAR_T) || __has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 71 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 72 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define _WCHAR_T
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(_MSC_EXTENSIONS)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 74 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 76 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 77 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __WCHAR_TYPE__ wchar_t;
# 79 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 80 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_wchar_t
#endif /* defined(__need_wchar_t) */
# 82 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_NULL)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 84 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef NULL
#ifdef __cplusplus
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if !defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(_MSC_VER)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 87 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# define NULL __null
# else
# 89 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# define NULL 0
# endif
# 91 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 92 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# define NULL ((void*)0)
# 94 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#ifdef __cplusplus
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 96 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
namespace std { typedef decltype(nullptr) nullptr_t; }
using ::std::nullptr_t;
# 99 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 100 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_NULL
#endif /* defined(__need_NULL) */
# 102 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 104 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 201112L || __cplusplus >= 201103L
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 105 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include "__stddef_max_align_t.h"
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 105 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 106 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 107 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define offsetof(t, d) __builtin_offsetof(t, d)
#undef __need_STDDEF_H_misc
#endif /* defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc) */
# 110 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* Some C libraries expect to see a wint_t here. Others (notably MinGW) will use
__WINT_TYPE__ directly; accommodate both by requiring __need_wint_t */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_wint_t)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 114 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* Always define wint_t when modules are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(_WINT_T) || __has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 116 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 117 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define _WINT_T
# 119 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __WINT_TYPE__ wint_t;
# 121 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_wint_t
#endif /* __need_wint_t */
# 123 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 125 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 34 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 2 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/types.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 35 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/types.h" 1 3 4
/* bits/types.h -- definitions of __*_t types underlying *_t types.
Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
* Never include this file directly; use <sys/types.h> instead.
#ifndef _BITS_TYPES_H
#define _BITS_TYPES_H 1
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <features.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 26 "/usr/include/bits/types.h" 3 4
# 27 "/usr/include/bits/types.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/wordsize.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 27 "/usr/include/bits/types.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 1 3 4
/* Determine the wordsize from the preprocessor defines. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __x86_64__ && !defined __ILP32__
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 4 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 3 4
# define __WORDSIZE 64
# 6 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 3 4
# define __WORDSIZE 32
# 8 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 3 4
#ifdef __x86_64__
# define __WORDSIZE_TIME64_COMPAT32 1
/* Both x86-64 and x32 use the 64-bit system call interface. */
# define __SYSCALL_WORDSIZE 64
# 14 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 3 4
# 28 "/usr/include/bits/types.h" 2 3 4
/* Convenience types. */
typedef unsigned char __u_char;
typedef unsigned short int __u_short;
typedef unsigned int __u_int;
typedef unsigned long int __u_long;
/* Fixed-size types, underlying types depend on word size and compiler. */
typedef signed char __int8_t;
typedef unsigned char __uint8_t;
typedef signed short int __int16_t;
typedef unsigned short int __uint16_t;
typedef signed int __int32_t;
typedef unsigned int __uint32_t;
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __WORDSIZE == 64
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 43 "/usr/include/bits/types.h" 3 4
typedef signed long int __int64_t;
typedef unsigned long int __uint64_t;
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0
#elif defined __GLIBC_HAVE_LONG_LONG
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#elif 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 46 "/usr/include/bits/types.h" 3 4
__extension__ typedef signed long long int __int64_t;
__extension__ typedef unsigned long long int __uint64_t;
# 49 "/usr/include/bits/types.h" 3 4
/* quad_t is also 64 bits. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __WORDSIZE == 64
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 52 "/usr/include/bits/types.h" 3 4
typedef long int __quad_t;
typedef unsigned long int __u_quad_t;
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0
#elif defined __GLIBC_HAVE_LONG_LONG
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#elif 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 55 "/usr/include/bits/types.h" 3 4
__extension__ typedef long long int __quad_t;
__extension__ typedef unsigned long long int __u_quad_t;
# 58 "/usr/include/bits/types.h" 3 4
typedef struct
long __val[2];
} __quad_t;
typedef struct
__u_long __val[2];
} __u_quad_t;
# 67 "/usr/include/bits/types.h" 3 4
/* The machine-dependent file <bits/typesizes.h> defines __*_T_TYPE
macros for each of the OS types we define below. The definitions
of those macros must use the following macros for underlying types.
We define __S<SIZE>_TYPE and __U<SIZE>_TYPE for the signed and unsigned
variants of each of the following integer types on this machine.
16 -- "natural" 16-bit type (always short)
32 -- "natural" 32-bit type (always int)
64 -- "natural" 64-bit type (long or long long)
LONG32 -- 32-bit type, traditionally long
QUAD -- 64-bit type, always long long
WORD -- natural type of __WORDSIZE bits (int or long)
LONGWORD -- type of __WORDSIZE bits, traditionally long
We distinguish WORD/LONGWORD, 32/LONG32, and 64/QUAD so that the
conventional uses of `long' or `long long' type modifiers match the
types we define, even when a less-adorned type would be the same size.
This matters for (somewhat) portably writing printf/scanf formats for
these types, where using the appropriate l or ll format modifiers can
make the typedefs and the formats match up across all GNU platforms. If
we used `long' when it's 64 bits where `long long' is expected, then the
compiler would warn about the formats not matching the argument types,
and the programmer changing them to shut up the compiler would break the
program's portability.
Here we assume what is presently the case in all the GCC configurations
we support: long long is always 64 bits, long is always word/address size,
and int is always 32 bits. */
#define __S16_TYPE short int
#define __U16_TYPE unsigned short int
#define __S32_TYPE int
#define __U32_TYPE unsigned int
#define __SLONGWORD_TYPE long int
#define __ULONGWORD_TYPE unsigned long int
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __WORDSIZE == 32
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 105 "/usr/include/bits/types.h" 3 4
# define __SQUAD_TYPE __quad_t
# define __UQUAD_TYPE __u_quad_t
# define __SWORD_TYPE int
# define __UWORD_TYPE unsigned int
# define __SLONG32_TYPE long int
# define __ULONG32_TYPE unsigned long int
# define __S64_TYPE __quad_t
# define __U64_TYPE __u_quad_t
/* We want __extension__ before typedef's that use nonstandard base types
such as `long long' in C89 mode. */
# define __STD_TYPE __extension__ typedef
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0
#elif __WORDSIZE == 64
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#elif 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 117 "/usr/include/bits/types.h" 3 4
# define __SQUAD_TYPE long int
# define __UQUAD_TYPE unsigned long int
# define __SWORD_TYPE long int
# define __UWORD_TYPE unsigned long int
# define __SLONG32_TYPE int
# define __ULONG32_TYPE unsigned int
# define __S64_TYPE long int
# define __U64_TYPE unsigned long int
/* No need to mark the typedef with __extension__. */
# define __STD_TYPE typedef
# 128 "/usr/include/bits/types.h" 3 4
# error
# 130 "/usr/include/bits/types.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/typesizes.h> /* Defines __*_T_TYPE macros. */
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 130 "/usr/include/bits/types.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/typesizes.h" 1 3 4
/* bits/typesizes.h -- underlying types for *_t. Linux/x86-64 version.
Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
#ifndef _BITS_TYPES_H
# error "Never include <bits/typesizes.h> directly; use <sys/types.h> instead."
# 22 "/usr/include/bits/typesizes.h" 3 4
/* See <bits/types.h> for the meaning of these macros. This file exists so
that <bits/types.h> need not vary across different GNU platforms. */
/* X32 kernel interface is 64-bit. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __x86_64__ && defined __ILP32__
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 31 "/usr/include/bits/typesizes.h" 3 4
# 34 "/usr/include/bits/typesizes.h" 3 4
# 37 "/usr/include/bits/typesizes.h" 3 4
#define __UID_T_TYPE __U32_TYPE
#define __GID_T_TYPE __U32_TYPE
#define __INO64_T_TYPE __UQUAD_TYPE
#define __MODE_T_TYPE __U32_TYPE
#ifdef __x86_64__
# 48 "/usr/include/bits/typesizes.h" 3 4
# 51 "/usr/include/bits/typesizes.h" 3 4
#define __OFF64_T_TYPE __SQUAD_TYPE
#define __PID_T_TYPE __S32_TYPE
#define __RLIM64_T_TYPE __UQUAD_TYPE
#define __ID_T_TYPE __U32_TYPE
#define __USECONDS_T_TYPE __U32_TYPE
#define __DADDR_T_TYPE __S32_TYPE
#define __KEY_T_TYPE __S32_TYPE
#define __CLOCKID_T_TYPE __S32_TYPE
#define __TIMER_T_TYPE void *
#define __FSID_T_TYPE struct { int __val[2]; }
#ifdef __x86_64__
/* Tell the libc code that off_t and off64_t are actually the same type
for all ABI purposes, even if possibly expressed as different base types
for C type-checking purposes. */
# define __OFF_T_MATCHES_OFF64_T 1
/* Same for ino_t and ino64_t. */
# define __INO_T_MATCHES_INO64_T 1
# 84 "/usr/include/bits/typesizes.h" 3 4
/* Number of descriptors that can fit in an `fd_set'. */
#define __FD_SETSIZE 1024
#endif /* bits/typesizes.h */
# 90 "/usr/include/bits/typesizes.h" 3 4
# 131 "/usr/include/bits/types.h" 2 3 4
__STD_TYPE __DEV_T_TYPE __dev_t; /* Type of device numbers. */
__STD_TYPE __UID_T_TYPE __uid_t; /* Type of user identifications. */
__STD_TYPE __GID_T_TYPE __gid_t; /* Type of group identifications. */
__STD_TYPE __INO_T_TYPE __ino_t; /* Type of file serial numbers. */
__STD_TYPE __INO64_T_TYPE __ino64_t; /* Type of file serial numbers (LFS).*/
__STD_TYPE __MODE_T_TYPE __mode_t; /* Type of file attribute bitmasks. */
__STD_TYPE __NLINK_T_TYPE __nlink_t; /* Type of file link counts. */
__STD_TYPE __OFF_T_TYPE __off_t; /* Type of file sizes and offsets. */
__STD_TYPE __OFF64_T_TYPE __off64_t; /* Type of file sizes and offsets (LFS). */
__STD_TYPE __PID_T_TYPE __pid_t; /* Type of process identifications. */
__STD_TYPE __FSID_T_TYPE __fsid_t; /* Type of file system IDs. */
__STD_TYPE __CLOCK_T_TYPE __clock_t; /* Type of CPU usage counts. */
__STD_TYPE __RLIM_T_TYPE __rlim_t; /* Type for resource measurement. */
__STD_TYPE __RLIM64_T_TYPE __rlim64_t; /* Type for resource measurement (LFS). */
__STD_TYPE __ID_T_TYPE __id_t; /* General type for IDs. */
__STD_TYPE __TIME_T_TYPE __time_t; /* Seconds since the Epoch. */
__STD_TYPE __USECONDS_T_TYPE __useconds_t; /* Count of microseconds. */
__STD_TYPE __SUSECONDS_T_TYPE __suseconds_t; /* Signed count of microseconds. */
__STD_TYPE __DADDR_T_TYPE __daddr_t; /* The type of a disk address. */
__STD_TYPE __KEY_T_TYPE __key_t; /* Type of an IPC key. */
/* Clock ID used in clock and timer functions. */
__STD_TYPE __CLOCKID_T_TYPE __clockid_t;
/* Timer ID returned by `timer_create'. */
__STD_TYPE __TIMER_T_TYPE __timer_t;
/* Type to represent block size. */
__STD_TYPE __BLKSIZE_T_TYPE __blksize_t;
/* Types from the Large File Support interface. */
/* Type to count number of disk blocks. */
__STD_TYPE __BLKCNT_T_TYPE __blkcnt_t;
__STD_TYPE __BLKCNT64_T_TYPE __blkcnt64_t;
/* Type to count file system blocks. */
__STD_TYPE __FSBLKCNT_T_TYPE __fsblkcnt_t;
__STD_TYPE __FSBLKCNT64_T_TYPE __fsblkcnt64_t;
/* Type to count file system nodes. */
__STD_TYPE __FSFILCNT_T_TYPE __fsfilcnt_t;
__STD_TYPE __FSFILCNT64_T_TYPE __fsfilcnt64_t;
/* Type of miscellaneous file system fields. */
__STD_TYPE __FSWORD_T_TYPE __fsword_t;
__STD_TYPE __SSIZE_T_TYPE __ssize_t; /* Type of a byte count, or error. */
/* Signed long type used in system calls. */
__STD_TYPE __SYSCALL_SLONG_TYPE __syscall_slong_t;
/* Unsigned long type used in system calls. */
__STD_TYPE __SYSCALL_ULONG_TYPE __syscall_ulong_t;
/* These few don't really vary by system, they always correspond
to one of the other defined types. */
typedef __off64_t __loff_t; /* Type of file sizes and offsets (LFS). */
typedef __quad_t *__qaddr_t;
typedef char *__caddr_t;
/* Duplicates info from stdint.h but this is used in unistd.h. */
__STD_TYPE __SWORD_TYPE __intptr_t;
/* Duplicate info from sys/socket.h. */
__STD_TYPE __U32_TYPE __socklen_t;
#undef __STD_TYPE
#endif /* bits/types.h */
# 204 "/usr/include/bits/types.h" 3 4
# 36 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 2 3 4
# define __need_FILE
# define __need___FILE
#endif /* Don't need FILE. */
# 39 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined __FILE_defined && defined __need_FILE
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 42 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
/* Define outside of namespace so the C++ is happy. */
struct _IO_FILE;
/* The opaque type of streams. This is the definition used elsewhere. */
typedef struct _IO_FILE FILE;
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_LARGEFILE64 || defined __USE_SVID || defined __USE_POSIX \
|| defined __USE_BSD || defined __USE_ISOC99 || defined __USE_XOPEN \
|| defined __USE_POSIX2
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 53 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
# 55 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
# define __FILE_defined 1
#endif /* FILE not defined. */
# 58 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
#undef __need_FILE
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined ____FILE_defined && defined __need___FILE
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 62 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
/* The opaque type of streams. This is the definition used elsewhere. */
typedef struct _IO_FILE __FILE;
# define ____FILE_defined 1
#endif /* __FILE not defined. */
# 68 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
#undef __need___FILE
#ifdef _STDIO_H
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <libio.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 74 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/libio.h" 1 3 4
/* Copyright (C) 1991-1995,1997-2007,2009,2011,2012
Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
Written by Per Bothner <>.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
As a special exception, if you link the code in this file with
files compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable,
that does not cause the resulting executable to be covered by
the GNU Lesser General Public License. This exception does not
however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file
might be covered by the GNU Lesser General Public License.
This exception applies to code released by its copyright holders
in files containing the exception. */
#ifndef _IO_STDIO_H
#define _IO_STDIO_H
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <_G_config.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 32 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/_G_config.h" 1 3 4
/* This file is needed by libio to define various configuration parameters.
These are always the same in the GNU C library. */
#ifndef _G_config_h
#define _G_config_h 1
/* Define types for libio in terms of the standard internal type names. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/types.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 9 "/usr/include/_G_config.h" 3 4
# 10 "/usr/include/_G_config.h" 3 4
#define __need_size_t
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined _LIBC || defined _GLIBCPP_USE_WCHAR_T
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 12 "/usr/include/_G_config.h" 3 4
# define __need_wchar_t
# 14 "/usr/include/_G_config.h" 3 4
#define __need_NULL
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <stddef.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 15 "/usr/include/_G_config.h" 3 4
# 1 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4
/*===---- stddef.h - Basic type definitions --------------------------------===
* Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
* See for license information.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(__STDDEF_H) || defined(__need_ptrdiff_t) || \
defined(__need_size_t) || defined(__need_wchar_t) || \
defined(__need_NULL) || defined(__need_wint_t)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 13 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(__need_ptrdiff_t) && !defined(__need_size_t) && \
!defined(__need_wchar_t) && !defined(__need_NULL) && \
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 17 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* Always define miscellaneous pieces when modules are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 19 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define __STDDEF_H
# 21 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 22 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <corecrt.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 22 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 23 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#endif // if defined(_MSC_VER)
# 24 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define __need_ptrdiff_t
#define __need_size_t
#define __need_wchar_t
#define __need_NULL
#define __need_STDDEF_H_misc
/* __need_wint_t is intentionally not defined here. */
# 31 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_ptrdiff_t)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 33 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(_PTRDIFF_T) || __has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 34 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* Always define ptrdiff_t when modules are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 36 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define _PTRDIFF_T
# 38 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ ptrdiff_t;
# 40 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_ptrdiff_t
#endif /* defined(__need_ptrdiff_t) */
# 42 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_size_t)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 44 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(_SIZE_T) || __has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 45 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* Always define size_t when modules are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 47 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define _SIZE_T
# 49 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ size_t;
# 51 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_size_t
#endif /*defined(__need_size_t) */
# 53 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 55 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* ISO9899:2011 7.20 (C11 Annex K): Define rsize_t if __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__ is
* enabled. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if (defined(__STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__) && __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__ >= 1 && \
!defined(_RSIZE_T)) || __has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 59 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* Always define rsize_t when modules are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 61 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define _RSIZE_T
# 63 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ rsize_t;
# 65 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#endif /* defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc) */
# 66 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_wchar_t)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 68 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#ifndef __cplusplus
/* Always define wchar_t when modules are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(_WCHAR_T) || __has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 71 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 72 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define _WCHAR_T
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(_MSC_EXTENSIONS)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 74 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 76 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 77 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __WCHAR_TYPE__ wchar_t;
# 79 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 80 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_wchar_t
#endif /* defined(__need_wchar_t) */
# 82 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_NULL)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 84 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef NULL
#ifdef __cplusplus
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if !defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(_MSC_VER)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 87 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# define NULL __null
# else
# 89 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# define NULL 0
# endif
# 91 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 92 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# define NULL ((void*)0)
# 94 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#ifdef __cplusplus
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 96 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
namespace std { typedef decltype(nullptr) nullptr_t; }
using ::std::nullptr_t;
# 99 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 100 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_NULL
#endif /* defined(__need_NULL) */
# 102 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 104 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 201112L || __cplusplus >= 201103L
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 105 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include "__stddef_max_align_t.h"
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 105 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 106 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 107 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define offsetof(t, d) __builtin_offsetof(t, d)
#undef __need_STDDEF_H_misc
#endif /* defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc) */
# 110 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* Some C libraries expect to see a wint_t here. Others (notably MinGW) will use
__WINT_TYPE__ directly; accommodate both by requiring __need_wint_t */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_wint_t)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 114 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* Always define wint_t when modules are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(_WINT_T) || __has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 116 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 117 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define _WINT_T
# 119 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __WINT_TYPE__ wint_t;
# 121 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_wint_t
#endif /* __need_wint_t */
# 123 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 125 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 16 "/usr/include/_G_config.h" 2 3 4
#define __need_mbstate_t
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined _LIBC || defined _GLIBCPP_USE_WCHAR_T
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 18 "/usr/include/_G_config.h" 3 4
# define __need_wint_t
# 20 "/usr/include/_G_config.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <wchar.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 20 "/usr/include/_G_config.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 1 3 4
/* Copyright (C) 1995-2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
* ISO C99 Standard: 7.24
* Extended multibyte and wide character utilities <wchar.h>
#ifndef _WCHAR_H
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined __need_mbstate_t && !defined __need_wint_t
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 26 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
# define _WCHAR_H 1
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <features.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 27 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
# 28 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
# 29 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
#ifdef _WCHAR_H
/* Get FILE definition. */
# define __need___FILE
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if defined __USE_UNIX98 || defined __USE_XOPEN2K
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 34 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
# define __need_FILE
# endif
# 36 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <stdio.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 36 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
# 37 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
/* Get va_list definition. */
# define __need___va_list
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <stdarg.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 39 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
# 40 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/wchar.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 41 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
# 42 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
/* Get size_t, wchar_t, wint_t and NULL from <stddef.h>. */
# define __need_size_t
# define __need_wchar_t
# define __need_NULL
# 48 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined _WCHAR_H || defined __need_wint_t || !defined __WINT_TYPE__
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 49 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
# undef __need_wint_t
# define __need_wint_t
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <stddef.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 51 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
# 52 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
/* We try to get wint_t from <stddef.h>, but not all GCC versions define it
there. So define it ourselves if it remains undefined. */
# ifndef _WINT_T
/* Integral type unchanged by default argument promotions that can
hold any value corresponding to members of the extended character
set, as well as at least one value that does not correspond to any
member of the extended character set. */
# define _WINT_T
typedef unsigned int wint_t;
# else
# 63 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
/* Work around problems with the <stddef.h> file which doesn't put
wint_t in the std namespace. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if defined __cplusplus && defined _GLIBCPP_USE_NAMESPACES \
&& defined __WINT_TYPE__
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 67 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
typedef __WINT_TYPE__ wint_t;
# endif
# 71 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
# endif
# 72 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
/* Tell the caller that we provide correct C++ prototypes. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if defined __cplusplus && __GNUC_PREREQ (4, 4)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 75 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
# endif
# 77 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
# 78 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if (defined _WCHAR_H || defined __need_mbstate_t) && !defined ____mbstate_t_defined
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 80 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
# define ____mbstate_t_defined 1
/* Conversion state information. */
typedef struct
int __count;
# ifdef __WINT_TYPE__
__WINT_TYPE__ __wch;
# else
# 90 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
wint_t __wch;
# endif
# 92 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
char __wchb[4];
} __value; /* Value so far. */
} __mbstate_t;
# 96 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
#undef __need_mbstate_t
/* The rest of the file is only used if used if __need_mbstate_t is not
defined. */
#ifdef _WCHAR_H
# ifndef __mbstate_t_defined
/* Public type. */
typedef __mbstate_t mbstate_t;
# define __mbstate_t_defined 1
# endif
# 110 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_GNU
# 114 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
#ifndef WCHAR_MIN
/* These constants might also be defined in <inttypes.h>. */
# 120 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
#ifndef WEOF
# define WEOF (0xffffffffu)
# 124 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
/* For XPG4 compliance we have to define the stuff from <wctype.h> here
as well. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_XOPEN && !defined __USE_UNIX98
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 128 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <wctype.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 128 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
# 129 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
# 130 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
/* This incomplete type is defined in <time.h> but needed here because
of `wcsftime'. */
struct tm;
/* XXX We have to clean this up at some point. Since tm is in the std
namespace but wcsftime is in __c99 the type wouldn't be found
without inserting it in the global namespace. */
/* Copy SRC to DEST. */
extern wchar_t *wcscpy (wchar_t *__restrict __dest,
const wchar_t *__restrict __src) __THROW;
/* Copy no more than N wide-characters of SRC to DEST. */
extern wchar_t *wcsncpy (wchar_t *__restrict __dest,
const wchar_t *__restrict __src, size_t __n)
/* Append SRC onto DEST. */
extern wchar_t *wcscat (wchar_t *__restrict __dest,
const wchar_t *__restrict __src) __THROW;
/* Append no more than N wide-characters of SRC onto DEST. */
extern wchar_t *wcsncat (wchar_t *__restrict __dest,
const wchar_t *__restrict __src, size_t __n)
/* Compare S1 and S2. */
extern int wcscmp (const wchar_t *__s1, const wchar_t *__s2)
__THROW __attribute_pure__;
/* Compare N wide-characters of S1 and S2. */
extern int wcsncmp (const wchar_t *__s1, const wchar_t *__s2, size_t __n)
__THROW __attribute_pure__;
#ifdef __USE_XOPEN2K8
/* Compare S1 and S2, ignoring case. */
extern int wcscasecmp (const wchar_t *__s1, const wchar_t *__s2) __THROW;
/* Compare no more than N chars of S1 and S2, ignoring case. */
extern int wcsncasecmp (const wchar_t *__s1, const wchar_t *__s2,
size_t __n) __THROW;
/* Similar to the two functions above but take the information from
the provided locale and not the global locale. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <xlocale.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 180 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
# 181 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
extern int wcscasecmp_l (const wchar_t *__s1, const wchar_t *__s2,
__locale_t __loc) __THROW;
extern int wcsncasecmp_l (const wchar_t *__s1, const wchar_t *__s2,
size_t __n, __locale_t __loc) __THROW;
# 188 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
/* Compare S1 and S2, both interpreted as appropriate to the
LC_COLLATE category of the current locale. */
extern int wcscoll (const wchar_t *__s1, const wchar_t *__s2) __THROW;
/* Transform S2 into array pointed to by S1 such that if wcscmp is
applied to two transformed strings the result is the as applying
`wcscoll' to the original strings. */
extern size_t wcsxfrm (wchar_t *__restrict __s1,
const wchar_t *__restrict __s2, size_t __n) __THROW;
#ifdef __USE_XOPEN2K8
/* Similar to the two functions above but take the information from
the provided locale and not the global locale. */
/* Compare S1 and S2, both interpreted as appropriate to the
LC_COLLATE category of the given locale. */
extern int wcscoll_l (const wchar_t *__s1, const wchar_t *__s2,
__locale_t __loc) __THROW;
/* Transform S2 into array pointed to by S1 such that if wcscmp is
applied to two transformed strings the result is the as applying
`wcscoll' to the original strings. */
extern size_t wcsxfrm_l (wchar_t *__s1, const wchar_t *__s2,
size_t __n, __locale_t __loc) __THROW;
/* Duplicate S, returning an identical malloc'd string. */
extern wchar_t *wcsdup (const wchar_t *__s) __THROW __attribute_malloc__;
# 218 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
/* Find the first occurrence of WC in WCS. */
extern "C++" wchar_t *wcschr (wchar_t *__wcs, wchar_t __wc)
__THROW __asm ("wcschr") __attribute_pure__;
extern "C++" const wchar_t *wcschr (const wchar_t *__wcs, wchar_t __wc)
__THROW __asm ("wcschr") __attribute_pure__;
# 227 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
extern wchar_t *wcschr (const wchar_t *__wcs, wchar_t __wc)
__THROW __attribute_pure__;
# 230 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
/* Find the last occurrence of WC in WCS. */
extern "C++" wchar_t *wcsrchr (wchar_t *__wcs, wchar_t __wc)
__THROW __asm ("wcsrchr") __attribute_pure__;
extern "C++" const wchar_t *wcsrchr (const wchar_t *__wcs, wchar_t __wc)
__THROW __asm ("wcsrchr") __attribute_pure__;
# 237 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
extern wchar_t *wcsrchr (const wchar_t *__wcs, wchar_t __wc)
__THROW __attribute_pure__;
# 240 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_GNU
/* This function is similar to `wcschr'. But it returns a pointer to
the closing NUL wide character in case C is not found in S. */
extern wchar_t *wcschrnul (const wchar_t *__s, wchar_t __wc)
__THROW __attribute_pure__;
# 248 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
/* Return the length of the initial segmet of WCS which
consists entirely of wide characters not in REJECT. */
extern size_t wcscspn (const wchar_t *__wcs, const wchar_t *__reject)
__THROW __attribute_pure__;
/* Return the length of the initial segmet of WCS which
consists entirely of wide characters in ACCEPT. */
extern size_t wcsspn (const wchar_t *__wcs, const wchar_t *__accept)
__THROW __attribute_pure__;
/* Find the first occurrence in WCS of any character in ACCEPT. */
extern "C++" wchar_t *wcspbrk (wchar_t *__wcs, const wchar_t *__accept)
__THROW __asm ("wcspbrk") __attribute_pure__;
extern "C++" const wchar_t *wcspbrk (const wchar_t *__wcs,
const wchar_t *__accept)
__THROW __asm ("wcspbrk") __attribute_pure__;
# 266 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
extern wchar_t *wcspbrk (const wchar_t *__wcs, const wchar_t *__accept)
__THROW __attribute_pure__;
# 269 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
/* Find the first occurrence of NEEDLE in HAYSTACK. */
extern "C++" wchar_t *wcsstr (wchar_t *__haystack, const wchar_t *__needle)
__THROW __asm ("wcsstr") __attribute_pure__;
extern "C++" const wchar_t *wcsstr (const wchar_t *__haystack,
const wchar_t *__needle)
__THROW __asm ("wcsstr") __attribute_pure__;
# 277 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
extern wchar_t *wcsstr (const wchar_t *__haystack, const wchar_t *__needle)
__THROW __attribute_pure__;
# 280 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
/* Divide WCS into tokens separated by characters in DELIM. */
extern wchar_t *wcstok (wchar_t *__restrict __s,
const wchar_t *__restrict __delim,
wchar_t **__restrict __ptr) __THROW;
/* Return the number of wide characters in S. */
extern size_t wcslen (const wchar_t *__s) __THROW __attribute_pure__;
#ifdef __USE_XOPEN
/* Another name for `wcsstr' from XPG4. */
extern "C++" wchar_t *wcswcs (wchar_t *__haystack, const wchar_t *__needle)
__THROW __asm ("wcswcs") __attribute_pure__;
extern "C++" const wchar_t *wcswcs (const wchar_t *__haystack,
const wchar_t *__needle)
__THROW __asm ("wcswcs") __attribute_pure__;
# else
# 299 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
extern wchar_t *wcswcs (const wchar_t *__haystack, const wchar_t *__needle)
__THROW __attribute_pure__;
# endif
# 302 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
# 303 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_XOPEN2K8
/* Return the number of wide characters in S, but at most MAXLEN. */
extern size_t wcsnlen (const wchar_t *__s, size_t __maxlen)
__THROW __attribute_pure__;
# 309 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
/* Search N wide characters of S for C. */
extern "C++" wchar_t *wmemchr (wchar_t *__s, wchar_t __c, size_t __n)
__THROW __asm ("wmemchr") __attribute_pure__;
extern "C++" const wchar_t *wmemchr (const wchar_t *__s, wchar_t __c,
size_t __n)
__THROW __asm ("wmemchr") __attribute_pure__;
# 320 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
extern wchar_t *wmemchr (const wchar_t *__s, wchar_t __c, size_t __n)
__THROW __attribute_pure__;
# 323 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
/* Compare N wide characters of S1 and S2. */
extern int wmemcmp (const wchar_t *__s1, const wchar_t *__s2, size_t __n)
__THROW __attribute_pure__;
/* Copy N wide characters of SRC to DEST. */
extern wchar_t *wmemcpy (wchar_t *__restrict __s1,
const wchar_t *__restrict __s2, size_t __n) __THROW;
/* Copy N wide characters of SRC to DEST, guaranteeing
correct behavior for overlapping strings. */
extern wchar_t *wmemmove (wchar_t *__s1, const wchar_t *__s2, size_t __n)
/* Set N wide characters of S to C. */
extern wchar_t *wmemset (wchar_t *__s, wchar_t __c, size_t __n) __THROW;
#ifdef __USE_GNU
/* Copy N wide characters of SRC to DEST and return pointer to following
wide character. */
extern wchar_t *wmempcpy (wchar_t *__restrict __s1,
const wchar_t *__restrict __s2, size_t __n)
# 348 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
/* Determine whether C constitutes a valid (one-byte) multibyte
character. */
extern wint_t btowc (int __c) __THROW;
/* Determine whether C corresponds to a member of the extended
character set whose multibyte representation is a single byte. */
extern int wctob (wint_t __c) __THROW;
/* Determine whether PS points to an object representing the initial
state. */
extern int mbsinit (const mbstate_t *__ps) __THROW __attribute_pure__;
/* Write wide character representation of multibyte character pointed
to by S to PWC. */
extern size_t mbrtowc (wchar_t *__restrict __pwc,
const char *__restrict __s, size_t __n,
mbstate_t *__restrict __p) __THROW;
/* Write multibyte representation of wide character WC to S. */
extern size_t wcrtomb (char *__restrict __s, wchar_t __wc,
mbstate_t *__restrict __ps) __THROW;
/* Return number of bytes in multibyte character pointed to by S. */
extern size_t __mbrlen (const char *__restrict __s, size_t __n,
mbstate_t *__restrict __ps) __THROW;
extern size_t mbrlen (const char *__restrict __s, size_t __n,
mbstate_t *__restrict __ps) __THROW;
/* Define inline function as optimization. */
/* We can use the BTOWC and WCTOB optimizations since we know that all
locales must use ASCII encoding for the values in the ASCII range
and because the wchar_t encoding is always ISO 10646. */
extern wint_t __btowc_alias (int __c) __asm ("btowc");
__extern_inline wint_t
__NTH (btowc (int __c))
{ return (__builtin_constant_p (__c) && __c >= '\0' && __c <= '\x7f'
? (wint_t) __c : __btowc_alias (__c)); }
extern int __wctob_alias (wint_t __c) __asm ("wctob");
__extern_inline int
__NTH (wctob (wint_t __wc))
{ return (__builtin_constant_p (__wc) && __wc >= L'\0' && __wc <= L'\x7f'
? (int) __wc : __wctob_alias (__wc)); }
__extern_inline size_t
__NTH (mbrlen (const char *__restrict __s, size_t __n,
mbstate_t *__restrict __ps))
{ return (__ps != NULL
? mbrtowc (NULL, __s, __n, __ps) : __mbrlen (__s, __n, NULL)); }
# 404 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
/* Write wide character representation of multibyte character string
SRC to DST. */
extern size_t mbsrtowcs (wchar_t *__restrict __dst,
const char **__restrict __src, size_t __len,
mbstate_t *__restrict __ps) __THROW;
/* Write multibyte character representation of wide character string
SRC to DST. */
extern size_t wcsrtombs (char *__restrict __dst,
const wchar_t **__restrict __src, size_t __len,
mbstate_t *__restrict __ps) __THROW;
#ifdef __USE_XOPEN2K8
/* Write wide character representation of at most NMC bytes of the
multibyte character string SRC to DST. */
extern size_t mbsnrtowcs (wchar_t *__restrict __dst,
const char **__restrict __src, size_t __nmc,
size_t __len, mbstate_t *__restrict __ps) __THROW;
/* Write multibyte character representation of at most NWC characters
from the wide character string SRC to DST. */
extern size_t wcsnrtombs (char *__restrict __dst,
const wchar_t **__restrict __src,
size_t __nwc, size_t __len,
mbstate_t *__restrict __ps) __THROW;
#endif /* use POSIX 2008 */
# 434 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
/* The following functions are extensions found in X/Open CAE. */
#ifdef __USE_XOPEN
/* Determine number of column positions required for C. */
extern int wcwidth (wchar_t __c) __THROW;
/* Determine number of column positions required for first N wide
characters (or fewer if S ends before this) in S. */
extern int wcswidth (const wchar_t *__s, size_t __n) __THROW;
#endif /* Use X/Open. */
# 445 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
/* Convert initial portion of the wide string NPTR to `double'
representation. */
extern double wcstod (const wchar_t *__restrict __nptr,
wchar_t **__restrict __endptr) __THROW;
#ifdef __USE_ISOC99
/* Likewise for `float' and `long double' sizes of floating-point numbers. */
extern float wcstof (const wchar_t *__restrict __nptr,
wchar_t **__restrict __endptr) __THROW;
extern long double wcstold (const wchar_t *__restrict __nptr,
wchar_t **__restrict __endptr) __THROW;
#endif /* C99 */
# 463 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
/* Convert initial portion of wide string NPTR to `long int'
representation. */
extern long int wcstol (const wchar_t *__restrict __nptr,
wchar_t **__restrict __endptr, int __base) __THROW;
/* Convert initial portion of wide string NPTR to `unsigned long int'
representation. */
extern unsigned long int wcstoul (const wchar_t *__restrict __nptr,
wchar_t **__restrict __endptr, int __base)
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_ISOC99 || (defined __GNUC__ && defined __USE_GNU)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 479 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
/* Convert initial portion of wide string NPTR to `long long int'
representation. */
extern long long int wcstoll (const wchar_t *__restrict __nptr,
wchar_t **__restrict __endptr, int __base)
/* Convert initial portion of wide string NPTR to `unsigned long long int'
representation. */
extern unsigned long long int wcstoull (const wchar_t *__restrict __nptr,
wchar_t **__restrict __endptr,
int __base) __THROW;
#endif /* ISO C99 or GCC and GNU. */
# 495 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __GNUC__ && defined __USE_GNU
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 497 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
/* Convert initial portion of wide string NPTR to `long long int'
representation. */
extern long long int wcstoq (const wchar_t *__restrict __nptr,
wchar_t **__restrict __endptr, int __base)
/* Convert initial portion of wide string NPTR to `unsigned long long int'
representation. */
extern unsigned long long int wcstouq (const wchar_t *__restrict __nptr,
wchar_t **__restrict __endptr,
int __base) __THROW;
#endif /* GCC and use GNU. */
# 511 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_GNU
/* The concept of one static locale per category is not very well
thought out. Many applications will need to process its data using
information from several different locales. Another application is
the implementation of the internationalization handling in the
upcoming ISO C++ standard library. To support this another set of
the functions using locale data exist which have an additional
Attention: all these functions are *not* standardized in any form.
This is a proof-of-concept implementation. */
/* Structure for reentrant locale using functions. This is an
(almost) opaque type for the user level programs. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <xlocale.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 526 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
# 527 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
/* Special versions of the functions above which take the locale to
use as an additional parameter. */
extern long int wcstol_l (const wchar_t *__restrict __nptr,
wchar_t **__restrict __endptr, int __base,
__locale_t __loc) __THROW;
extern unsigned long int wcstoul_l (const wchar_t *__restrict __nptr,
wchar_t **__restrict __endptr,
int __base, __locale_t __loc) __THROW;
extern long long int wcstoll_l (const wchar_t *__restrict __nptr,
wchar_t **__restrict __endptr,
int __base, __locale_t __loc) __THROW;
extern unsigned long long int wcstoull_l (const wchar_t *__restrict __nptr,
wchar_t **__restrict __endptr,
int __base, __locale_t __loc)
extern double wcstod_l (const wchar_t *__restrict __nptr,
wchar_t **__restrict __endptr, __locale_t __loc)
extern float wcstof_l (const wchar_t *__restrict __nptr,
wchar_t **__restrict __endptr, __locale_t __loc)
extern long double wcstold_l (const wchar_t *__restrict __nptr,
wchar_t **__restrict __endptr,
__locale_t __loc) __THROW;
#endif /* use GNU */
# 561 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_XOPEN2K8
/* Copy SRC to DEST, returning the address of the terminating L'\0' in
DEST. */
extern wchar_t *wcpcpy (wchar_t *__restrict __dest,
const wchar_t *__restrict __src) __THROW;
/* Copy no more than N characters of SRC to DEST, returning the address of
the last character written into DEST. */
extern wchar_t *wcpncpy (wchar_t *__restrict __dest,
const wchar_t *__restrict __src, size_t __n)
/* Wide character I/O functions. */
/* Like OPEN_MEMSTREAM, but the stream is wide oriented and produces
a wide character string. */
extern __FILE *open_wmemstream (wchar_t **__bufloc, size_t *__sizeloc) __THROW;
# 582 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_ISOC95 || defined __USE_UNIX98
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 584 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
/* Select orientation for stream. */
extern int fwide (__FILE *__fp, int __mode) __THROW;
/* Write formatted output to STREAM.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern int fwprintf (__FILE *__restrict __stream,
const wchar_t *__restrict __format, ...)
/* __attribute__ ((__format__ (__wprintf__, 2, 3))) */;
/* Write formatted output to stdout.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern int wprintf (const wchar_t *__restrict __format, ...)
/* __attribute__ ((__format__ (__wprintf__, 1, 2))) */;
/* Write formatted output of at most N characters to S. */
extern int swprintf (wchar_t *__restrict __s, size_t __n,
const wchar_t *__restrict __format, ...)
__THROW /* __attribute__ ((__format__ (__wprintf__, 3, 4))) */;
/* Write formatted output to S from argument list ARG.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern int vfwprintf (__FILE *__restrict __s,
const wchar_t *__restrict __format,
__gnuc_va_list __arg)
/* __attribute__ ((__format__ (__wprintf__, 2, 0))) */;
/* Write formatted output to stdout from argument list ARG.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern int vwprintf (const wchar_t *__restrict __format,
__gnuc_va_list __arg)
/* __attribute__ ((__format__ (__wprintf__, 1, 0))) */;
/* Write formatted output of at most N character to S from argument
list ARG. */
extern int vswprintf (wchar_t *__restrict __s, size_t __n,
const wchar_t *__restrict __format,
__gnuc_va_list __arg)
__THROW /* __attribute__ ((__format__ (__wprintf__, 3, 0))) */;
/* Read formatted input from STREAM.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern int fwscanf (__FILE *__restrict __stream,
const wchar_t *__restrict __format, ...)
/* __attribute__ ((__format__ (__wscanf__, 2, 3))) */;
/* Read formatted input from stdin.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern int wscanf (const wchar_t *__restrict __format, ...)
/* __attribute__ ((__format__ (__wscanf__, 1, 2))) */;
/* Read formatted input from S. */
extern int swscanf (const wchar_t *__restrict __s,
const wchar_t *__restrict __format, ...)
__THROW /* __attribute__ ((__format__ (__wscanf__, 2, 3))) */;
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if defined __USE_ISOC99 && !defined __USE_GNU \
&& (!defined __LDBL_COMPAT || !defined __REDIRECT) \
&& (defined __STRICT_ANSI__ || defined __USE_XOPEN2K)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 652 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
# ifdef __REDIRECT
/* For strict ISO C99 or POSIX compliance disallow %as, %aS and %a[
GNU extension which conflicts with valid %a followed by letter
s, S or [. */
extern int __REDIRECT (fwscanf, (__FILE *__restrict __stream,
const wchar_t *__restrict __format, ...),
/* __attribute__ ((__format__ (__wscanf__, 2, 3))) */;
extern int __REDIRECT (wscanf, (const wchar_t *__restrict __format, ...),
/* __attribute__ ((__format__ (__wscanf__, 1, 2))) */;
extern int __REDIRECT_NTH (swscanf, (const wchar_t *__restrict __s,
const wchar_t *__restrict __format,
...), __isoc99_swscanf)
/* __attribute__ ((__format__ (__wscanf__, 2, 3))) */;
# else
# 668 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
extern int __isoc99_fwscanf (__FILE *__restrict __stream,
const wchar_t *__restrict __format, ...);
extern int __isoc99_wscanf (const wchar_t *__restrict __format, ...);
extern int __isoc99_swscanf (const wchar_t *__restrict __s,
const wchar_t *__restrict __format, ...)
# define fwscanf __isoc99_fwscanf
# define wscanf __isoc99_wscanf
# define swscanf __isoc99_swscanf
# endif
# 678 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
# endif
# 679 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
#endif /* Use ISO C95, C99 and Unix98. */
# 682 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_ISOC99
/* Read formatted input from S into argument list ARG.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern int vfwscanf (__FILE *__restrict __s,
const wchar_t *__restrict __format,
__gnuc_va_list __arg)
/* __attribute__ ((__format__ (__wscanf__, 2, 0))) */;
/* Read formatted input from stdin into argument list ARG.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern int vwscanf (const wchar_t *__restrict __format,
__gnuc_va_list __arg)
/* __attribute__ ((__format__ (__wscanf__, 1, 0))) */;
/* Read formatted input from S into argument list ARG. */
extern int vswscanf (const wchar_t *__restrict __s,
const wchar_t *__restrict __format,
__gnuc_va_list __arg)
__THROW /* __attribute__ ((__format__ (__wscanf__, 2, 0))) */;
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if !defined __USE_GNU \
&& (!defined __LDBL_COMPAT || !defined __REDIRECT) \
&& (defined __STRICT_ANSI__ || defined __USE_XOPEN2K)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 709 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
# ifdef __REDIRECT
extern int __REDIRECT (vfwscanf, (__FILE *__restrict __s,
const wchar_t *__restrict __format,
__gnuc_va_list __arg), __isoc99_vfwscanf)
/* __attribute__ ((__format__ (__wscanf__, 2, 0))) */;
extern int __REDIRECT (vwscanf, (const wchar_t *__restrict __format,
__gnuc_va_list __arg), __isoc99_vwscanf)
/* __attribute__ ((__format__ (__wscanf__, 1, 0))) */;
extern int __REDIRECT_NTH (vswscanf, (const wchar_t *__restrict __s,
const wchar_t *__restrict __format,
__gnuc_va_list __arg), __isoc99_vswscanf)
/* __attribute__ ((__format__ (__wscanf__, 2, 0))) */;
# else
# 722 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
extern int __isoc99_vfwscanf (__FILE *__restrict __s,
const wchar_t *__restrict __format,
__gnuc_va_list __arg);
extern int __isoc99_vwscanf (const wchar_t *__restrict __format,
__gnuc_va_list __arg);
extern int __isoc99_vswscanf (const wchar_t *__restrict __s,
const wchar_t *__restrict __format,
__gnuc_va_list __arg) __THROW;
# define vfwscanf __isoc99_vfwscanf
# define vwscanf __isoc99_vwscanf
# define vswscanf __isoc99_vswscanf
# endif
# 734 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
# endif
# 735 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
#endif /* Use ISO C99. */
# 738 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
/* Read a character from STREAM.
These functions are possible cancellation points and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern wint_t fgetwc (__FILE *__stream);
extern wint_t getwc (__FILE *__stream);
/* Read a character from stdin.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern wint_t getwchar (void);
/* Write a character to STREAM.
These functions are possible cancellation points and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern wint_t fputwc (wchar_t __wc, __FILE *__stream);
extern wint_t putwc (wchar_t __wc, __FILE *__stream);
/* Write a character to stdout.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern wint_t putwchar (wchar_t __wc);
/* Get a newline-terminated wide character string of finite length
from STREAM.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern wchar_t *fgetws (wchar_t *__restrict __ws, int __n,
__FILE *__restrict __stream);
/* Write a string to STREAM.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern int fputws (const wchar_t *__restrict __ws,
__FILE *__restrict __stream);
/* Push a character back onto the input buffer of STREAM.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern wint_t ungetwc (wint_t __wc, __FILE *__stream);
#ifdef __USE_GNU
/* These are defined to be equivalent to the `char' functions defined
in POSIX.1:1996.
These functions are not part of POSIX and therefore no official
cancellation point. But due to similarity with an POSIX interface
or due to the implementation they are cancellation points and
therefore not marked with __THROW. */
extern wint_t getwc_unlocked (__FILE *__stream);
extern wint_t getwchar_unlocked (void);
/* This is the wide character version of a GNU extension.
This function is not part of POSIX and therefore no official
cancellation point. But due to similarity with an POSIX interface
or due to the implementation it is a cancellation point and
therefore not marked with __THROW. */
extern wint_t fgetwc_unlocked (__FILE *__stream);
/* Faster version when locking is not necessary.
This function is not part of POSIX and therefore no official
cancellation point. But due to similarity with an POSIX interface
or due to the implementation it is a cancellation point and
therefore not marked with __THROW. */
extern wint_t fputwc_unlocked (wchar_t __wc, __FILE *__stream);
/* These are defined to be equivalent to the `char' functions defined
in POSIX.1:1996.
These functions are not part of POSIX and therefore no official
cancellation point. But due to similarity with an POSIX interface
or due to the implementation they are cancellation points and
therefore not marked with __THROW. */
extern wint_t putwc_unlocked (wchar_t __wc, __FILE *__stream);
extern wint_t putwchar_unlocked (wchar_t __wc);
/* This function does the same as `fgetws' but does not lock the stream.
This function is not part of POSIX and therefore no official
cancellation point. But due to similarity with an POSIX interface
or due to the implementation it is a cancellation point and
therefore not marked with __THROW. */
extern wchar_t *fgetws_unlocked (wchar_t *__restrict __ws, int __n,
__FILE *__restrict __stream);
/* This function does the same as `fputws' but does not lock the stream.
This function is not part of POSIX and therefore no official
cancellation point. But due to similarity with an POSIX interface
or due to the implementation it is a cancellation point and
therefore not marked with __THROW. */
extern int fputws_unlocked (const wchar_t *__restrict __ws,
__FILE *__restrict __stream);
# 849 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
/* Format TP into S according to FORMAT.
Write no more than MAXSIZE wide characters and return the number
of wide characters written, or 0 if it would exceed MAXSIZE. */
extern size_t wcsftime (wchar_t *__restrict __s, size_t __maxsize,
const wchar_t *__restrict __format,
const struct tm *__restrict __tp) __THROW;
# ifdef __USE_GNU
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <xlocale.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 861 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
# 862 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
/* Similar to `wcsftime' but takes the information from
the provided locale and not the global locale. */
extern size_t wcsftime_l (wchar_t *__restrict __s, size_t __maxsize,
const wchar_t *__restrict __format,
const struct tm *__restrict __tp,
__locale_t __loc) __THROW;
# endif
# 870 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
/* The X/Open standard demands that most of the functions defined in
the <wctype.h> header must also appear here. This is probably
because some X/Open members wrote their implementation before the
ISO C standard was published and introduced the better solution.
We have to provide these definitions for compliance reasons but we
do this nonsense only if really necessary. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_UNIX98 && !defined __USE_GNU
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 878 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
# define __need_iswxxx
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <wctype.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 879 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
# 880 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
# 881 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
/* Define some macros helping to catch buffer overflows. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __USE_FORTIFY_LEVEL > 0 && defined __fortify_function
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 884 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/wchar2.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 884 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
# 885 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
# 886 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
#ifdef __LDBL_COMPAT
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/wchar-ldbl.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 888 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
# 889 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
# 890 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
#endif /* _WCHAR_H defined */
# 894 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
#endif /* wchar.h */
# 896 "/usr/include/wchar.h" 3 4
/* Undefine all __need_* constants in case we are included to get those
constants but the whole file was already read. */
#undef __need_mbstate_t
#undef __need_wint_t
# 21 "/usr/include/_G_config.h" 2 3 4
typedef struct
__off_t __pos;
__mbstate_t __state;
} _G_fpos_t;
typedef struct
__off64_t __pos;
__mbstate_t __state;
} _G_fpos64_t;
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined _LIBC || defined _GLIBCPP_USE_WCHAR_T
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 32 "/usr/include/_G_config.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <gconv.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 32 "/usr/include/_G_config.h" 3 4
# 33 "/usr/include/_G_config.h" 3 4
typedef union
struct __gconv_info __cd;
struct __gconv_info __cd;
struct __gconv_step_data __data;
} __combined;
} _G_iconv_t;
# 43 "/usr/include/_G_config.h" 3 4
/* These library features are always available in the GNU C library. */
#define _G_va_list __gnuc_va_list
#define _G_HAVE_MMAP 1
#define _G_HAVE_MREMAP 1
#define _G_IO_IO_FILE_VERSION 0x20001
/* This is defined by <bits/stat.h> if `st_blksize' exists. */
#define _G_BUFSIZ 8192
#endif /* _G_config.h */
# 59 "/usr/include/_G_config.h" 3 4
# 33 "/usr/include/libio.h" 2 3 4
/* ALL of these should be defined in _G_config.h */
#define _IO_fpos_t _G_fpos_t
#define _IO_fpos64_t _G_fpos64_t
#define _IO_size_t size_t
#define _IO_ssize_t __ssize_t
#define _IO_off_t __off_t
#define _IO_off64_t __off64_t
#define _IO_pid_t __pid_t
#define _IO_uid_t __uid_t
#define _IO_iconv_t _G_iconv_t
#define _IO_va_list _G_va_list
#define _IO_wint_t wint_t
/* This define avoids name pollution if we're using GNU stdarg.h */
#define __need___va_list
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <stdarg.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 50 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
# 1 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdarg.h" 1 3 4
/*===---- stdarg.h - Variable argument handling ----------------------------===
* Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
* See for license information.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#ifndef __STDARG_H
#define __STDARG_H
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 13 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdarg.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <vcruntime.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 13 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdarg.h" 3 4
# 14 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdarg.h" 3 4
#endif // if defined(_MSC_VER)
# 15 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdarg.h" 3 4
#ifndef _VA_LIST
typedef __builtin_va_list va_list;
#define _VA_LIST
# 20 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdarg.h" 3 4
#define va_start(ap, param) __builtin_va_start(ap, param)
#define va_end(ap) __builtin_va_end(ap)
#define va_arg(ap, type) __builtin_va_arg(ap, type)
/* GCC always defines __va_copy, but does not define va_copy unless in c99 mode
* or -ansi is not specified, since it was not part of C90.
#define __va_copy(d,s) __builtin_va_copy(d,s)
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L || __cplusplus >= 201103L || !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 30 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdarg.h" 3 4
#define va_copy(dest, src) __builtin_va_copy(dest, src)
# 32 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdarg.h" 3 4
#ifndef __GNUC_VA_LIST
#define __GNUC_VA_LIST 1
typedef __builtin_va_list __gnuc_va_list;
# 37 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdarg.h" 3 4
#endif /* __STDARG_H */
# 39 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdarg.h" 3 4
# 51 "/usr/include/libio.h" 2 3 4
#ifdef __GNUC_VA_LIST
# undef _IO_va_list
# define _IO_va_list __gnuc_va_list
#endif /* __GNUC_VA_LIST */
# 55 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
#ifndef __P
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <sys/cdefs.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 57 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
# 58 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
#endif /*!__P*/
# 59 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
#ifndef EOF
# define EOF (-1)
# 65 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
#ifndef NULL
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if defined __GNUG__ && \
(__GNUC__ > 2 || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 8))
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 68 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
# define NULL (__null)
# else
# 70 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if !defined(__cplusplus)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 71 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
# define NULL ((void*)0)
# else
# 73 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
# define NULL (0)
# endif
# 75 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
# endif
# 76 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
# 77 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
#define _IOS_INPUT 1
#define _IOS_OUTPUT 2
#define _IOS_ATEND 4
#define _IOS_APPEND 8
#define _IOS_TRUNC 16
#define _IOS_NOCREATE 32
#define _IOS_NOREPLACE 64
#define _IOS_BIN 128
/* Magic numbers and bits for the _flags field.
The magic numbers use the high-order bits of _flags;
the remaining bits are available for variable flags.
Note: The magic numbers must all be negative if stdio
emulation is desired. */
#define _IO_MAGIC 0xFBAD0000 /* Magic number */
#define _OLD_STDIO_MAGIC 0xFABC0000 /* Emulate old stdio. */
#define _IO_MAGIC_MASK 0xFFFF0000
#define _IO_USER_BUF 1 /* User owns buffer; don't delete it on close. */
#define _IO_UNBUFFERED 2
#define _IO_NO_READS 4 /* Reading not allowed */
#define _IO_NO_WRITES 8 /* Writing not allowd */
#define _IO_EOF_SEEN 0x10
#define _IO_ERR_SEEN 0x20
#define _IO_DELETE_DONT_CLOSE 0x40 /* Don't call close(_fileno) on cleanup. */
#define _IO_LINKED 0x80 /* Set if linked (using _chain) to streambuf::_list_all.*/
#define _IO_IN_BACKUP 0x100
#define _IO_LINE_BUF 0x200
#define _IO_TIED_PUT_GET 0x400 /* Set if put and get pointer logicly tied. */
#define _IO_IS_APPENDING 0x1000
#define _IO_IS_FILEBUF 0x2000
#define _IO_BAD_SEEN 0x4000
#define _IO_USER_LOCK 0x8000
#define _IO_FLAGS2_MMAP 1
#ifdef _LIBC
# define _IO_FLAGS2_FORTIFY 4
# 118 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
#define _IO_FLAGS2_USER_WBUF 8
#ifdef _LIBC
# define _IO_FLAGS2_SCANF_STD 16
# define _IO_FLAGS2_NOCLOSE 32
# define _IO_FLAGS2_CLOEXEC 64
# 124 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
/* These are "formatting flags" matching the iostream fmtflags enum values. */
#define _IO_SKIPWS 01
#define _IO_LEFT 02
#define _IO_RIGHT 04
#define _IO_INTERNAL 010
#define _IO_DEC 020
#define _IO_OCT 040
#define _IO_HEX 0100
#define _IO_SHOWBASE 0200
#define _IO_SHOWPOINT 0400
#define _IO_UPPERCASE 01000
#define _IO_SHOWPOS 02000
#define _IO_SCIENTIFIC 04000
#define _IO_FIXED 010000
#define _IO_UNITBUF 020000
#define _IO_STDIO 040000
#define _IO_DONT_CLOSE 0100000
#define _IO_BOOLALPHA 0200000
struct _IO_jump_t; struct _IO_FILE;
/* Handle lock. */
#ifdef _IO_MTSAFE_IO
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if defined __GLIBC__ && __GLIBC__ >= 2
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 150 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/stdio-lock.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 150 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
# 151 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
# else
# 152 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
/*# include <comthread.h>*/
# endif
# 154 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
# 155 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
typedef void _IO_lock_t;
# 157 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
/* A streammarker remembers a position in a buffer. */
struct _IO_marker {
struct _IO_marker *_next;
struct _IO_FILE *_sbuf;
/* If _pos >= 0
it points to _buf->Gbase()+_pos. FIXME comment */
/* if _pos < 0, it points to _buf->eBptr()+_pos. FIXME comment */
int _pos;
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 169 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
void set_streampos(streampos sp) { _spos = sp; }
void set_offset(int offset) { _pos = offset; _spos = (streampos)(-2); }
streammarker(streambuf *sb);
int saving() { return _spos == -2; }
int delta(streammarker&);
int delta();
# 178 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
/* This is the structure from the libstdc++ codecvt class. */
enum __codecvt_result
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined _LIBC || defined _GLIBCPP_USE_WCHAR_T
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 190 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
/* The order of the elements in the following struct must match the order
of the virtual functions in the libstdc++ codecvt class. */
struct _IO_codecvt
void (*__codecvt_destr) (struct _IO_codecvt *);
enum __codecvt_result (*__codecvt_do_out) (struct _IO_codecvt *,
__mbstate_t *,
const wchar_t *,
const wchar_t *,
const wchar_t **, char *,
char *, char **);
enum __codecvt_result (*__codecvt_do_unshift) (struct _IO_codecvt *,
__mbstate_t *, char *,
char *, char **);
enum __codecvt_result (*__codecvt_do_in) (struct _IO_codecvt *,
__mbstate_t *,
const char *, const char *,
const char **, wchar_t *,
wchar_t *, wchar_t **);
int (*__codecvt_do_encoding) (struct _IO_codecvt *);
int (*__codecvt_do_always_noconv) (struct _IO_codecvt *);
int (*__codecvt_do_length) (struct _IO_codecvt *, __mbstate_t *,
const char *, const char *, _IO_size_t);
int (*__codecvt_do_max_length) (struct _IO_codecvt *);
_IO_iconv_t __cd_in;
_IO_iconv_t __cd_out;
/* Extra data for wide character streams. */
struct _IO_wide_data
wchar_t *_IO_read_ptr; /* Current read pointer */
wchar_t *_IO_read_end; /* End of get area. */
wchar_t *_IO_read_base; /* Start of putback+get area. */
wchar_t *_IO_write_base; /* Start of put area. */
wchar_t *_IO_write_ptr; /* Current put pointer. */
wchar_t *_IO_write_end; /* End of put area. */
wchar_t *_IO_buf_base; /* Start of reserve area. */
wchar_t *_IO_buf_end; /* End of reserve area. */
/* The following fields are used to support backing up and undo. */
wchar_t *_IO_save_base; /* Pointer to start of non-current get area. */
wchar_t *_IO_backup_base; /* Pointer to first valid character of
backup area */
wchar_t *_IO_save_end; /* Pointer to end of non-current get area. */
__mbstate_t _IO_state;
__mbstate_t _IO_last_state;
struct _IO_codecvt _codecvt;
wchar_t _shortbuf[1];
const struct _IO_jump_t *_wide_vtable;
# 245 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
struct _IO_FILE {
int _flags; /* High-order word is _IO_MAGIC; rest is flags. */
#define _IO_file_flags _flags
/* The following pointers correspond to the C++ streambuf protocol. */
/* Note: Tk uses the _IO_read_ptr and _IO_read_end fields directly. */
char* _IO_read_ptr; /* Current read pointer */
char* _IO_read_end; /* End of get area. */
char* _IO_read_base; /* Start of putback+get area. */
char* _IO_write_base; /* Start of put area. */
char* _IO_write_ptr; /* Current put pointer. */
char* _IO_write_end; /* End of put area. */
char* _IO_buf_base; /* Start of reserve area. */
char* _IO_buf_end; /* End of reserve area. */
/* The following fields are used to support backing up and undo. */
char *_IO_save_base; /* Pointer to start of non-current get area. */
char *_IO_backup_base; /* Pointer to first valid character of backup area */
char *_IO_save_end; /* Pointer to end of non-current get area. */
struct _IO_marker *_markers;
struct _IO_FILE *_chain;
int _fileno;
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 271 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
int _blksize;
# 273 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
int _flags2;
# 275 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
_IO_off_t _old_offset; /* This used to be _offset but it's too small. */
#define __HAVE_COLUMN /* temporary */
/* 1+column number of pbase(); 0 is unknown. */
unsigned short _cur_column;
signed char _vtable_offset;
char _shortbuf[1];
/* char* _save_gptr; char* _save_egptr; */
_IO_lock_t *_lock;
struct _IO_FILE_complete
struct _IO_FILE _file;
# 293 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined _G_IO_IO_FILE_VERSION && _G_IO_IO_FILE_VERSION == 0x20001
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 294 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
_IO_off64_t _offset;
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if defined _LIBC || defined _GLIBCPP_USE_WCHAR_T
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 296 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
/* Wide character stream stuff. */
struct _IO_codecvt *_codecvt;
struct _IO_wide_data *_wide_data;
struct _IO_FILE *_freeres_list;
void *_freeres_buf;
size_t _freeres_size;
# else
# 303 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
void *__pad1;
void *__pad2;
void *__pad3;
void *__pad4;
size_t __pad5;
# endif
# 309 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
int _mode;
/* Make sure we don't get into trouble again. */
char _unused2[15 * sizeof (int) - 4 * sizeof (void *) - sizeof (size_t)];
# 313 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
#ifndef __cplusplus
typedef struct _IO_FILE _IO_FILE;
# 318 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
struct _IO_FILE_plus;
extern struct _IO_FILE_plus _IO_2_1_stdin_;
extern struct _IO_FILE_plus _IO_2_1_stdout_;
extern struct _IO_FILE_plus _IO_2_1_stderr_;
#ifndef _LIBC
#define _IO_stdin ((_IO_FILE*)(&_IO_2_1_stdin_))
#define _IO_stdout ((_IO_FILE*)(&_IO_2_1_stdout_))
#define _IO_stderr ((_IO_FILE*)(&_IO_2_1_stderr_))
# 329 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
extern _IO_FILE *_IO_stdin attribute_hidden;
extern _IO_FILE *_IO_stdout attribute_hidden;
extern _IO_FILE *_IO_stderr attribute_hidden;
# 333 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
/* Functions to do I/O and file management for a stream. */
/* Read NBYTES bytes from COOKIE into a buffer pointed to by BUF.
Return number of bytes read. */
typedef __ssize_t __io_read_fn (void *__cookie, char *__buf, size_t __nbytes);
/* Write N bytes pointed to by BUF to COOKIE. Write all N bytes
unless there is an error. Return number of bytes written. If
there is an error, return 0 and do not write anything. If the file
has been opened for append (__mode.__append set), then set the file
pointer to the end of the file and then do the write; if not, just
write at the current file pointer. */
typedef __ssize_t __io_write_fn (void *__cookie, const char *__buf,
size_t __n);
/* Move COOKIE's file position to *POS bytes from the
beginning of the file (if W is SEEK_SET),
the current position (if W is SEEK_CUR),
or the end of the file (if W is SEEK_END).
Set *POS to the new file position.
Returns zero if successful, nonzero if not. */
typedef int __io_seek_fn (void *__cookie, _IO_off64_t *__pos, int __w);
/* Close COOKIE. */
typedef int __io_close_fn (void *__cookie);
#ifdef _GNU_SOURCE
/* User-visible names for the above. */
typedef __io_read_fn cookie_read_function_t;
typedef __io_write_fn cookie_write_function_t;
typedef __io_seek_fn cookie_seek_function_t;
typedef __io_close_fn cookie_close_function_t;
/* The structure with the cookie function pointers. */
typedef struct
__io_read_fn *read; /* Read bytes. */
__io_write_fn *write; /* Write bytes. */
__io_seek_fn *seek; /* Seek/tell file position. */
__io_close_fn *close; /* Close file. */
} _IO_cookie_io_functions_t;
typedef _IO_cookie_io_functions_t cookie_io_functions_t;
struct _IO_cookie_file;
/* Initialize one of those. */
extern void _IO_cookie_init (struct _IO_cookie_file *__cfile, int __read_write,
void *__cookie, _IO_cookie_io_functions_t __fns);
# 385 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
# 390 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
extern int __underflow (_IO_FILE *);
extern int __uflow (_IO_FILE *);
extern int __overflow (_IO_FILE *, int);
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined _LIBC || defined _GLIBCPP_USE_WCHAR_T
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 395 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
extern _IO_wint_t __wunderflow (_IO_FILE *);
extern _IO_wint_t __wuflow (_IO_FILE *);
extern _IO_wint_t __woverflow (_IO_FILE *, _IO_wint_t);
# 399 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __GNUC__ >= 3
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 401 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
# define _IO_BE(expr, res) __builtin_expect ((expr), res)
# 403 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
# define _IO_BE(expr, res) (expr)
# 405 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
#define _IO_getc_unlocked(_fp) \
(_IO_BE ((_fp)->_IO_read_ptr >= (_fp)->_IO_read_end, 0) \
? __uflow (_fp) : *(unsigned char *) (_fp)->_IO_read_ptr++)
#define _IO_peekc_unlocked(_fp) \
(_IO_BE ((_fp)->_IO_read_ptr >= (_fp)->_IO_read_end, 0) \
&& __underflow (_fp) == EOF ? EOF \
: *(unsigned char *) (_fp)->_IO_read_ptr)
#define _IO_putc_unlocked(_ch, _fp) \
(_IO_BE ((_fp)->_IO_write_ptr >= (_fp)->_IO_write_end, 0) \
? __overflow (_fp, (unsigned char) (_ch)) \
: (unsigned char) (*(_fp)->_IO_write_ptr++ = (_ch)))
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined _LIBC || defined _GLIBCPP_USE_WCHAR_T
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 419 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
# define _IO_getwc_unlocked(_fp) \
(_IO_BE ((_fp)->_wide_data == NULL \
|| ((_fp)->_wide_data->_IO_read_ptr \
>= (_fp)->_wide_data->_IO_read_end), 0) \
? __wuflow (_fp) : (_IO_wint_t) *(_fp)->_wide_data->_IO_read_ptr++)
# define _IO_putwc_unlocked(_wch, _fp) \
(_IO_BE ((_fp)->_wide_data == NULL \
|| ((_fp)->_wide_data->_IO_write_ptr \
>= (_fp)->_wide_data->_IO_write_end), 0) \
? __woverflow (_fp, _wch) \
: (_IO_wint_t) (*(_fp)->_wide_data->_IO_write_ptr++ = (_wch)))
# 431 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
#define _IO_feof_unlocked(__fp) (((__fp)->_flags & _IO_EOF_SEEN) != 0)
#define _IO_ferror_unlocked(__fp) (((__fp)->_flags & _IO_ERR_SEEN) != 0)
extern int _IO_getc (_IO_FILE *__fp);
extern int _IO_putc (int __c, _IO_FILE *__fp);
extern int _IO_feof (_IO_FILE *__fp) __THROW;
extern int _IO_ferror (_IO_FILE *__fp) __THROW;
extern int _IO_peekc_locked (_IO_FILE *__fp);
/* This one is for Emacs. */
((_fp)->_IO_write_ptr - (_fp)->_IO_write_base)
extern void _IO_flockfile (_IO_FILE *) __THROW;
extern void _IO_funlockfile (_IO_FILE *) __THROW;
extern int _IO_ftrylockfile (_IO_FILE *) __THROW;
#ifdef _IO_MTSAFE_IO
# define _IO_peekc(_fp) _IO_peekc_locked (_fp)
# define _IO_flockfile(_fp) \
if (((_fp)->_flags & _IO_USER_LOCK) == 0) _IO_flockfile (_fp)
# define _IO_funlockfile(_fp) \
if (((_fp)->_flags & _IO_USER_LOCK) == 0) _IO_funlockfile (_fp)
# 457 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
# define _IO_peekc(_fp) _IO_peekc_unlocked (_fp)
# define _IO_flockfile(_fp) /**/
# define _IO_funlockfile(_fp) /**/
# define _IO_ftrylockfile(_fp) /**/
# define _IO_cleanup_region_start(_fct, _fp) /**/
# define _IO_cleanup_region_end(_Doit) /**/
#endif /* !_IO_MTSAFE_IO */
# 464 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
extern int _IO_vfscanf (_IO_FILE * __restrict, const char * __restrict,
_IO_va_list, int *__restrict);
extern int _IO_vfprintf (_IO_FILE *__restrict, const char *__restrict,
extern _IO_ssize_t _IO_padn (_IO_FILE *, int, _IO_ssize_t);
extern _IO_size_t _IO_sgetn (_IO_FILE *, void *, _IO_size_t);
extern _IO_off64_t _IO_seekoff (_IO_FILE *, _IO_off64_t, int, int);
extern _IO_off64_t _IO_seekpos (_IO_FILE *, _IO_off64_t, int);
extern void _IO_free_backup_area (_IO_FILE *) __THROW;
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined _LIBC || defined _GLIBCPP_USE_WCHAR_T
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 478 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
extern _IO_wint_t _IO_getwc (_IO_FILE *__fp);
extern _IO_wint_t _IO_putwc (wchar_t __wc, _IO_FILE *__fp);
extern int _IO_fwide (_IO_FILE *__fp, int __mode) __THROW;
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if __GNUC__ >= 2
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 482 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
/* While compiling glibc we have to handle compatibility with very old
versions. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if defined _LIBC && defined SHARED
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 485 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <shlib-compat.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 485 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
# 486 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if SHLIB_COMPAT (libc, GLIBC_2_0, GLIBC_2_1)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 487 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
# define _IO_fwide_maybe_incompatible \
(__builtin_expect (&_IO_stdin_used == NULL, 0))
extern const int _IO_stdin_used;
weak_extern (_IO_stdin_used);
# endif
# 492 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
# endif
# 493 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
# ifndef _IO_fwide_maybe_incompatible
# define _IO_fwide_maybe_incompatible (0)
# endif
# 496 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
/* A special optimized version of the function above. It optimizes the
case of initializing an unoriented byte stream. */
# define _IO_fwide(__fp, __mode) \
({ int __result = (__mode); \
if (__result < 0 && ! _IO_fwide_maybe_incompatible) \
{ \
if ((__fp)->_mode == 0) \
/* We know that all we have to do is to set the flag. */ \
(__fp)->_mode = -1; \
__result = (__fp)->_mode; \
} \
else if (__builtin_constant_p (__mode) && (__mode) == 0) \
__result = _IO_fwide_maybe_incompatible ? -1 : (__fp)->_mode; \
else \
__result = _IO_fwide (__fp, __result); \
__result; })
# endif
# 513 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
extern int _IO_vfwscanf (_IO_FILE * __restrict, const wchar_t * __restrict,
_IO_va_list, int *__restrict);
extern int _IO_vfwprintf (_IO_FILE *__restrict, const wchar_t *__restrict,
extern _IO_ssize_t _IO_wpadn (_IO_FILE *, wint_t, _IO_ssize_t);
extern void _IO_free_wbackup_area (_IO_FILE *) __THROW;
# 521 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
#ifdef __LDBL_COMPAT
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/libio-ldbl.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 523 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
# 524 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
# 525 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
#ifdef __cplusplus
# 529 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
#endif /* _IO_STDIO_H */
# 531 "/usr/include/libio.h" 3 4
# 75 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 2 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_XOPEN || defined __USE_XOPEN2K8
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 77 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
# ifdef __GNUC__
typedef _G_va_list va_list;
# endif
# 82 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
# else
# 83 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <stdarg.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 83 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
# 84 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
# endif
# 85 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
# 86 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_XOPEN2K8
# ifndef __off_t_defined
# ifndef __USE_FILE_OFFSET64
typedef __off_t off_t;
# else
# 92 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
typedef __off64_t off_t;
# endif
# 94 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
# define __off_t_defined
# endif
# 96 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if defined __USE_LARGEFILE64 && !defined __off64_t_defined
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 97 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
typedef __off64_t off64_t;
# define __off64_t_defined
# endif
# 100 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
# ifndef __ssize_t_defined
typedef __ssize_t ssize_t;
# define __ssize_t_defined
# endif
# 105 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
# 106 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
/* The type of the second argument to `fgetpos' and `fsetpos'. */
#ifndef __USE_FILE_OFFSET64
typedef _G_fpos_t fpos_t;
# 112 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
typedef _G_fpos64_t fpos_t;
# 114 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_LARGEFILE64
typedef _G_fpos64_t fpos64_t;
# 118 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
/* The possibilities for the third argument to `setvbuf'. */
#define _IOFBF 0 /* Fully buffered. */
#define _IOLBF 1 /* Line buffered. */
#define _IONBF 2 /* No buffering. */
/* Default buffer size. */
#ifndef BUFSIZ
# 129 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
/* End of file character.
Some things throughout the library rely on this being -1. */
#ifndef EOF
# define EOF (-1)
# 136 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
/* The possibilities for the third argument to `fseek'.
These values should not be changed. */
#define SEEK_SET 0 /* Seek from beginning of file. */
#define SEEK_CUR 1 /* Seek from current position. */
#define SEEK_END 2 /* Seek from end of file. */
#ifdef __USE_GNU
# define SEEK_DATA 3 /* Seek to next data. */
# define SEEK_HOLE 4 /* Seek to next hole. */
# 147 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_SVID || defined __USE_XOPEN
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 150 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
/* Default path prefix for `tempnam' and `tmpnam'. */
# define P_tmpdir "/tmp"
# 153 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
/* Get the values:
L_tmpnam How long an array of chars must be to be passed to `tmpnam'.
TMP_MAX The minimum number of unique filenames generated by tmpnam
(and tempnam when it uses tmpnam's name space),
or tempnam (the two are separate).
L_ctermid How long an array to pass to `ctermid'.
L_cuserid How long an array to pass to `cuserid'.
FOPEN_MAX Minimum number of files that can be open at once.
FILENAME_MAX Maximum length of a filename. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/stdio_lim.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 164 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/stdio_lim.h" 1 3 4
/* Copyright (C) 1994, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined _STDIO_H && !defined __need_FOPEN_MAX && !defined __need_IOV_MAX
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 19 "/usr/include/bits/stdio_lim.h" 3 4
# error "Never include <bits/stdio_lim.h> directly; use <stdio.h> instead."
# 21 "/usr/include/bits/stdio_lim.h" 3 4
#ifdef _STDIO_H
# define L_tmpnam 20
# define TMP_MAX 238328
# define FILENAME_MAX 4096
# ifdef __USE_POSIX
# define L_ctermid 9
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if !defined __USE_XOPEN2K || defined __USE_GNU
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 30 "/usr/include/bits/stdio_lim.h" 3 4
# define L_cuserid 9
# endif
# 32 "/usr/include/bits/stdio_lim.h" 3 4
# endif
# 33 "/usr/include/bits/stdio_lim.h" 3 4
# 34 "/usr/include/bits/stdio_lim.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __need_FOPEN_MAX || defined _STDIO_H
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 36 "/usr/include/bits/stdio_lim.h" 3 4
# undef FOPEN_MAX
# define FOPEN_MAX 16
# 39 "/usr/include/bits/stdio_lim.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __need_IOV_MAX && !defined IOV_MAX
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 41 "/usr/include/bits/stdio_lim.h" 3 4
# define IOV_MAX 1024
# 43 "/usr/include/bits/stdio_lim.h" 3 4
# 165 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 2 3 4
/* Standard streams. */
extern struct _IO_FILE *stdin; /* Standard input stream. */
extern struct _IO_FILE *stdout; /* Standard output stream. */
extern struct _IO_FILE *stderr; /* Standard error output stream. */
/* C89/C99 say they're macros. Make them happy. */
#define stdin stdin
#define stdout stdout
#define stderr stderr
/* Remove file FILENAME. */
extern int remove (const char *__filename) __THROW;
/* Rename file OLD to NEW. */
extern int rename (const char *__old, const char *__new) __THROW;
#ifdef __USE_ATFILE
/* Rename file OLD relative to OLDFD to NEW relative to NEWFD. */
extern int renameat (int __oldfd, const char *__old, int __newfd,
const char *__new) __THROW;
# 188 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
/* Create a temporary file and open it read/write.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
#ifndef __USE_FILE_OFFSET64
extern FILE *tmpfile (void) __wur;
# 197 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
# ifdef __REDIRECT
extern FILE *__REDIRECT (tmpfile, (void), tmpfile64) __wur;
# else
# 200 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
# define tmpfile tmpfile64
# endif
# 202 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
# 203 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_LARGEFILE64
extern FILE *tmpfile64 (void) __wur;
# 207 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
/* Generate a temporary filename. */
extern char *tmpnam (char *__s) __THROW __wur;
#ifdef __USE_MISC
/* This is the reentrant variant of `tmpnam'. The only difference is
that it does not allow S to be NULL. */
extern char *tmpnam_r (char *__s) __THROW __wur;
# 217 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_SVID || defined __USE_XOPEN
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 220 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
/* Generate a unique temporary filename using up to five characters of PFX
if it is not NULL. The directory to put this file in is searched for
as follows: First the environment variable "TMPDIR" is checked.
If it contains the name of a writable directory, that directory is used.
If not and if DIR is not NULL, that value is checked. If that fails,
P_tmpdir is tried and finally "/tmp". The storage for the filename
is allocated by `malloc'. */
extern char *tempnam (const char *__dir, const char *__pfx)
__THROW __attribute_malloc__ __wur;
# 230 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
/* Close STREAM.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern int fclose (FILE *__stream);
/* Flush STREAM, or all streams if STREAM is NULL.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern int fflush (FILE *__stream);
#ifdef __USE_MISC
/* Faster versions when locking is not required.
This function is not part of POSIX and therefore no official
cancellation point. But due to similarity with an POSIX interface
or due to the implementation it is a cancellation point and
therefore not marked with __THROW. */
extern int fflush_unlocked (FILE *__stream);
# 254 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_GNU
/* Close all streams.
This function is not part of POSIX and therefore no official
cancellation point. But due to similarity with an POSIX interface
or due to the implementation it is a cancellation point and
therefore not marked with __THROW. */
extern int fcloseall (void);
# 264 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
#ifndef __USE_FILE_OFFSET64
/* Open a file and create a new stream for it.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern FILE *fopen (const char *__restrict __filename,
const char *__restrict __modes) __wur;
/* Open a file, replacing an existing stream with it.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern FILE *freopen (const char *__restrict __filename,
const char *__restrict __modes,
FILE *__restrict __stream) __wur;
# 282 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
# ifdef __REDIRECT
extern FILE *__REDIRECT (fopen, (const char *__restrict __filename,
const char *__restrict __modes), fopen64)
extern FILE *__REDIRECT (freopen, (const char *__restrict __filename,
const char *__restrict __modes,
FILE *__restrict __stream), freopen64)
# else
# 291 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
# define fopen fopen64
# define freopen freopen64
# endif
# 294 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
# 295 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_LARGEFILE64
extern FILE *fopen64 (const char *__restrict __filename,
const char *__restrict __modes) __wur;
extern FILE *freopen64 (const char *__restrict __filename,
const char *__restrict __modes,
FILE *__restrict __stream) __wur;
# 303 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_POSIX
/* Create a new stream that refers to an existing system file descriptor. */
extern FILE *fdopen (int __fd, const char *__modes) __THROW __wur;
# 308 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_GNU
/* Create a new stream that refers to the given magic cookie,
and uses the given functions for input and output. */
extern FILE *fopencookie (void *__restrict __magic_cookie,
const char *__restrict __modes,
_IO_cookie_io_functions_t __io_funcs) __THROW __wur;
# 316 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_XOPEN2K8
/* Create a new stream that refers to a memory buffer. */
extern FILE *fmemopen (void *__s, size_t __len, const char *__modes)
__THROW __wur;
/* Open a stream that writes into a malloc'd buffer that is expanded as
necessary. *BUFLOC and *SIZELOC are updated with the buffer's location
and the number of characters written on fflush or fclose. */
extern FILE *open_memstream (char **__bufloc, size_t *__sizeloc) __THROW __wur;
# 327 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
/* If BUF is NULL, make STREAM unbuffered.
Else make it use buffer BUF, of size BUFSIZ. */
extern void setbuf (FILE *__restrict __stream, char *__restrict __buf) __THROW;
/* Make STREAM use buffering mode MODE.
If BUF is not NULL, use N bytes of it for buffering;
else allocate an internal buffer N bytes long. */
extern int setvbuf (FILE *__restrict __stream, char *__restrict __buf,
int __modes, size_t __n) __THROW;
#ifdef __USE_BSD
/* If BUF is NULL, make STREAM unbuffered.
Else make it use SIZE bytes of BUF for buffering. */
extern void setbuffer (FILE *__restrict __stream, char *__restrict __buf,
size_t __size) __THROW;
/* Make STREAM line-buffered. */
extern void setlinebuf (FILE *__stream) __THROW;
# 349 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
/* Write formatted output to STREAM.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern int fprintf (FILE *__restrict __stream,
const char *__restrict __format, ...);
/* Write formatted output to stdout.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern int printf (const char *__restrict __format, ...);
/* Write formatted output to S. */
extern int sprintf (char *__restrict __s,
const char *__restrict __format, ...) __THROWNL;
/* Write formatted output to S from argument list ARG.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern int vfprintf (FILE *__restrict __s, const char *__restrict __format,
_G_va_list __arg);
/* Write formatted output to stdout from argument list ARG.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern int vprintf (const char *__restrict __format, _G_va_list __arg);
/* Write formatted output to S from argument list ARG. */
extern int vsprintf (char *__restrict __s, const char *__restrict __format,
_G_va_list __arg) __THROWNL;
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_BSD || defined __USE_ISOC99 || defined __USE_UNIX98
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 384 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
/* Maximum chars of output to write in MAXLEN. */
extern int snprintf (char *__restrict __s, size_t __maxlen,
const char *__restrict __format, ...)
__THROWNL __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 3, 4)));
extern int vsnprintf (char *__restrict __s, size_t __maxlen,
const char *__restrict __format, _G_va_list __arg)
__THROWNL __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 3, 0)));
# 395 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_GNU
/* Write formatted output to a string dynamically allocated with `malloc'.
Store the address of the string in *PTR. */
extern int vasprintf (char **__restrict __ptr, const char *__restrict __f,
_G_va_list __arg)
__THROWNL __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 2, 0))) __wur;
extern int __asprintf (char **__restrict __ptr,
const char *__restrict __fmt, ...)
__THROWNL __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 2, 3))) __wur;
extern int asprintf (char **__restrict __ptr,
const char *__restrict __fmt, ...)
__THROWNL __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 2, 3))) __wur;
# 409 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_XOPEN2K8
/* Write formatted output to a file descriptor. */
extern int vdprintf (int __fd, const char *__restrict __fmt,
_G_va_list __arg)
__attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 2, 0)));
extern int dprintf (int __fd, const char *__restrict __fmt, ...)
__attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 2, 3)));
# 418 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
/* Read formatted input from STREAM.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern int fscanf (FILE *__restrict __stream,
const char *__restrict __format, ...) __wur;
/* Read formatted input from stdin.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern int scanf (const char *__restrict __format, ...) __wur;
/* Read formatted input from S. */
extern int sscanf (const char *__restrict __s,
const char *__restrict __format, ...) __THROW;
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_ISOC99 && !defined __USE_GNU \
&& (!defined __LDBL_COMPAT || !defined __REDIRECT) \
&& (defined __STRICT_ANSI__ || defined __USE_XOPEN2K)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 439 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
# ifdef __REDIRECT
/* For strict ISO C99 or POSIX compliance disallow %as, %aS and %a[
GNU extension which conflicts with valid %a followed by letter
s, S or [. */
extern int __REDIRECT (fscanf, (FILE *__restrict __stream,
const char *__restrict __format, ...),
__isoc99_fscanf) __wur;
extern int __REDIRECT (scanf, (const char *__restrict __format, ...),
__isoc99_scanf) __wur;
extern int __REDIRECT_NTH (sscanf, (const char *__restrict __s,
const char *__restrict __format, ...),
# else
# 452 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
extern int __isoc99_fscanf (FILE *__restrict __stream,
const char *__restrict __format, ...) __wur;
extern int __isoc99_scanf (const char *__restrict __format, ...) __wur;
extern int __isoc99_sscanf (const char *__restrict __s,
const char *__restrict __format, ...) __THROW;
# define fscanf __isoc99_fscanf
# define scanf __isoc99_scanf
# define sscanf __isoc99_sscanf
# endif
# 461 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
# 462 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_ISOC99
/* Read formatted input from S into argument list ARG.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern int vfscanf (FILE *__restrict __s, const char *__restrict __format,
_G_va_list __arg)
__attribute__ ((__format__ (__scanf__, 2, 0))) __wur;
/* Read formatted input from stdin into argument list ARG.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern int vscanf (const char *__restrict __format, _G_va_list __arg)
__attribute__ ((__format__ (__scanf__, 1, 0))) __wur;
/* Read formatted input from S into argument list ARG. */
extern int vsscanf (const char *__restrict __s,
const char *__restrict __format, _G_va_list __arg)
__THROW __attribute__ ((__format__ (__scanf__, 2, 0)));
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if !defined __USE_GNU \
&& (!defined __LDBL_COMPAT || !defined __REDIRECT) \
&& (defined __STRICT_ANSI__ || defined __USE_XOPEN2K)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 490 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
# ifdef __REDIRECT
/* For strict ISO C99 or POSIX compliance disallow %as, %aS and %a[
GNU extension which conflicts with valid %a followed by letter
s, S or [. */
extern int __REDIRECT (vfscanf,
(FILE *__restrict __s,
const char *__restrict __format, _G_va_list __arg),
__attribute__ ((__format__ (__scanf__, 2, 0))) __wur;
extern int __REDIRECT (vscanf, (const char *__restrict __format,
_G_va_list __arg), __isoc99_vscanf)
__attribute__ ((__format__ (__scanf__, 1, 0))) __wur;
extern int __REDIRECT_NTH (vsscanf,
(const char *__restrict __s,
const char *__restrict __format,
_G_va_list __arg), __isoc99_vsscanf)
__attribute__ ((__format__ (__scanf__, 2, 0)));
# else
# 508 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
extern int __isoc99_vfscanf (FILE *__restrict __s,
const char *__restrict __format,
_G_va_list __arg) __wur;
extern int __isoc99_vscanf (const char *__restrict __format,
_G_va_list __arg) __wur;
extern int __isoc99_vsscanf (const char *__restrict __s,
const char *__restrict __format,
_G_va_list __arg) __THROW;
# define vfscanf __isoc99_vfscanf
# define vscanf __isoc99_vscanf
# define vsscanf __isoc99_vsscanf
# endif
# 520 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
# endif
# 521 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
#endif /* Use ISO C9x. */
# 524 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
/* Read a character from STREAM.
These functions are possible cancellation points and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern int fgetc (FILE *__stream);
extern int getc (FILE *__stream);
/* Read a character from stdin.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern int getchar (void);
/* The C standard explicitly says this is a macro, so we always do the
optimization for it. */
#define getc(_fp) _IO_getc (_fp)
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_POSIX || defined __USE_MISC
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 546 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
/* These are defined in POSIX.1:1996.
These functions are possible cancellation points and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern int getc_unlocked (FILE *__stream);
extern int getchar_unlocked (void);
#endif /* Use POSIX or MISC. */
# 553 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_MISC
/* Faster version when locking is not necessary.
This function is not part of POSIX and therefore no official
cancellation point. But due to similarity with an POSIX interface
or due to the implementation it is a cancellation point and
therefore not marked with __THROW. */
extern int fgetc_unlocked (FILE *__stream);
#endif /* Use MISC. */
# 563 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
/* Write a character to STREAM.
These functions are possible cancellation points and therefore not
marked with __THROW.
These functions is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern int fputc (int __c, FILE *__stream);
extern int putc (int __c, FILE *__stream);
/* Write a character to stdout.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern int putchar (int __c);
/* The C standard explicitly says this can be a macro,
so we always do the optimization for it. */
#define putc(_ch, _fp) _IO_putc (_ch, _fp)
#ifdef __USE_MISC
/* Faster version when locking is not necessary.
This function is not part of POSIX and therefore no official
cancellation point. But due to similarity with an POSIX interface
or due to the implementation it is a cancellation point and
therefore not marked with __THROW. */
extern int fputc_unlocked (int __c, FILE *__stream);
#endif /* Use MISC. */
# 596 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_POSIX || defined __USE_MISC
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 598 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
/* These are defined in POSIX.1:1996.
These functions are possible cancellation points and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern int putc_unlocked (int __c, FILE *__stream);
extern int putchar_unlocked (int __c);
#endif /* Use POSIX or MISC. */
# 605 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_SVID || defined __USE_MISC \
|| (defined __USE_XOPEN && !defined __USE_XOPEN2K)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 609 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
/* Get a word (int) from STREAM. */
extern int getw (FILE *__stream);
/* Write a word (int) to STREAM. */
extern int putw (int __w, FILE *__stream);
# 615 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
/* Get a newline-terminated string of finite length from STREAM.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern char *fgets (char *__restrict __s, int __n, FILE *__restrict __stream)
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined __USE_ISOC11 \
|| (defined __cplusplus && __cplusplus <= 201103L)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 627 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
/* Get a newline-terminated string from stdin, removing the newline.
DO NOT USE THIS FUNCTION!! There is no limit on how much it will read.
The function has been officially removed in ISO C11. This opportunity
is used to also remove it from the GNU feature list. It is now only
available when explicitly using an old ISO C, Unix, or POSIX standard.
GCC defines _GNU_SOURCE when building C++ code and the function is still
in C++11, so it is also available for C++.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern char *gets (char *__s) __wur __attribute_deprecated__;
# 640 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_GNU
/* This function does the same as `fgets' but does not lock the stream.
This function is not part of POSIX and therefore no official
cancellation point. But due to similarity with an POSIX interface
or due to the implementation it is a cancellation point and
therefore not marked with __THROW. */
extern char *fgets_unlocked (char *__restrict __s, int __n,
FILE *__restrict __stream) __wur;
# 652 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_XOPEN2K8
/* Read up to (and including) a DELIMITER from STREAM into *LINEPTR
(and null-terminate it). *LINEPTR is a pointer returned from malloc (or
NULL), pointing to *N characters of space. It is realloc'd as
necessary. Returns the number of characters read (not including the
null terminator), or -1 on error or EOF.
These functions are not part of POSIX and therefore no official
cancellation point. But due to similarity with an POSIX interface
or due to the implementation they are cancellation points and
therefore not marked with __THROW. */
extern _IO_ssize_t __getdelim (char **__restrict __lineptr,
size_t *__restrict __n, int __delimiter,
FILE *__restrict __stream) __wur;
extern _IO_ssize_t getdelim (char **__restrict __lineptr,
size_t *__restrict __n, int __delimiter,
FILE *__restrict __stream) __wur;
/* Like `getdelim', but reads up to a newline.
This function is not part of POSIX and therefore no official
cancellation point. But due to similarity with an POSIX interface
or due to the implementation it is a cancellation point and
therefore not marked with __THROW. */
extern _IO_ssize_t getline (char **__restrict __lineptr,
size_t *__restrict __n,
FILE *__restrict __stream) __wur;
# 682 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
/* Write a string to STREAM.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern int fputs (const char *__restrict __s, FILE *__restrict __stream);
/* Write a string, followed by a newline, to stdout.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern int puts (const char *__s);
/* Push a character back onto the input buffer of STREAM.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern int ungetc (int __c, FILE *__stream);
/* Read chunks of generic data from STREAM.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern size_t fread (void *__restrict __ptr, size_t __size,
size_t __n, FILE *__restrict __stream) __wur;
/* Write chunks of generic data to STREAM.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern size_t fwrite (const void *__restrict __ptr, size_t __size,
size_t __n, FILE *__restrict __s);
#ifdef __USE_GNU
/* This function does the same as `fputs' but does not lock the stream.
This function is not part of POSIX and therefore no official
cancellation point. But due to similarity with an POSIX interface
or due to the implementation it is a cancellation point and
therefore not marked with __THROW. */
extern int fputs_unlocked (const char *__restrict __s,
FILE *__restrict __stream);
# 729 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_MISC
/* Faster versions when locking is not necessary.
These functions are not part of POSIX and therefore no official
cancellation point. But due to similarity with an POSIX interface
or due to the implementation they are cancellation points and
therefore not marked with __THROW. */
extern size_t fread_unlocked (void *__restrict __ptr, size_t __size,
size_t __n, FILE *__restrict __stream) __wur;
extern size_t fwrite_unlocked (const void *__restrict __ptr, size_t __size,
size_t __n, FILE *__restrict __stream);
# 742 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
/* Seek to a certain position on STREAM.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern int fseek (FILE *__stream, long int __off, int __whence);
/* Return the current position of STREAM.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern long int ftell (FILE *__stream) __wur;
/* Rewind to the beginning of STREAM.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern void rewind (FILE *__stream);
/* The Single Unix Specification, Version 2, specifies an alternative,
more adequate interface for the two functions above which deal with
file offset. `long int' is not the right type. These definitions
are originally defined in the Large File Support API. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_LARGEFILE || defined __USE_XOPEN2K
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 768 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
# ifndef __USE_FILE_OFFSET64
/* Seek to a certain position on STREAM.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern int fseeko (FILE *__stream, __off_t __off, int __whence);
/* Return the current position of STREAM.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern __off_t ftello (FILE *__stream) __wur;
# else
# 780 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
# ifdef __REDIRECT
extern int __REDIRECT (fseeko,
(FILE *__stream, __off64_t __off, int __whence),
extern __off64_t __REDIRECT (ftello, (FILE *__stream), ftello64);
# else
# 786 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
# define fseeko fseeko64
# define ftello ftello64
# endif
# 789 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
# endif
# 790 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
# 791 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
#ifndef __USE_FILE_OFFSET64
/* Get STREAM's position.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern int fgetpos (FILE *__restrict __stream, fpos_t *__restrict __pos);
/* Set STREAM's position.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern int fsetpos (FILE *__stream, const fpos_t *__pos);
# 805 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
# ifdef __REDIRECT
extern int __REDIRECT (fgetpos, (FILE *__restrict __stream,
fpos_t *__restrict __pos), fgetpos64);
extern int __REDIRECT (fsetpos,
(FILE *__stream, const fpos_t *__pos), fsetpos64);
# else
# 811 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
# define fgetpos fgetpos64
# define fsetpos fsetpos64
# endif
# 814 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
# 815 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_LARGEFILE64
extern int fseeko64 (FILE *__stream, __off64_t __off, int __whence);
extern __off64_t ftello64 (FILE *__stream) __wur;
extern int fgetpos64 (FILE *__restrict __stream, fpos64_t *__restrict __pos);
extern int fsetpos64 (FILE *__stream, const fpos64_t *__pos);
# 823 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
/* Clear the error and EOF indicators for STREAM. */
extern void clearerr (FILE *__stream) __THROW;
/* Return the EOF indicator for STREAM. */
extern int feof (FILE *__stream) __THROW __wur;
/* Return the error indicator for STREAM. */
extern int ferror (FILE *__stream) __THROW __wur;
#ifdef __USE_MISC
/* Faster versions when locking is not required. */
extern void clearerr_unlocked (FILE *__stream) __THROW;
extern int feof_unlocked (FILE *__stream) __THROW __wur;
extern int ferror_unlocked (FILE *__stream) __THROW __wur;
# 839 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
/* Print a message describing the meaning of the value of errno.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern void perror (const char *__s);
/* Provide the declarations for `sys_errlist' and `sys_nerr' if they
are available on this system. Even if available, these variables
should not be used directly. The `strerror' function provides
all the necessary functionality. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/sys_errlist.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 853 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/sys_errlist.h" 1 3 4
/* Declare sys_errlist and sys_nerr, or don't. Compatibility (do) version.
Copyright (C) 2002, 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
#ifndef _STDIO_H
# error "Never include <bits/sys_errlist.h> directly; use <stdio.h> instead."
# 22 "/usr/include/bits/sys_errlist.h" 3 4
/* sys_errlist and sys_nerr are deprecated. Use strerror instead. */
#ifdef __USE_BSD
extern int sys_nerr;
extern const char *const sys_errlist[];
# 29 "/usr/include/bits/sys_errlist.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_GNU
extern int _sys_nerr;
extern const char *const _sys_errlist[];
# 33 "/usr/include/bits/sys_errlist.h" 3 4
# 854 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 2 3 4
#ifdef __USE_POSIX
/* Return the system file descriptor for STREAM. */
extern int fileno (FILE *__stream) __THROW __wur;
#endif /* Use POSIX. */
# 860 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_MISC
/* Faster version when locking is not required. */
extern int fileno_unlocked (FILE *__stream) __THROW __wur;
# 865 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if (defined __USE_POSIX2 || defined __USE_SVID || defined __USE_BSD || \
defined __USE_MISC)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 869 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
/* Create a new stream connected to a pipe running the given command.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern FILE *popen (const char *__command, const char *__modes) __wur;
/* Close a stream opened by popen and return the status of its child.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern int pclose (FILE *__stream);
# 881 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_POSIX
/* Return the name of the controlling terminal. */
extern char *ctermid (char *__s) __THROW;
#endif /* Use POSIX. */
# 887 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_XOPEN
/* Return the name of the current user. */
extern char *cuserid (char *__s);
#endif /* Use X/Open, but not issue 6. */
# 893 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_GNU
struct obstack; /* See <obstack.h>. */
/* Write formatted output to an obstack. */
extern int obstack_printf (struct obstack *__restrict __obstack,
const char *__restrict __format, ...)
__THROWNL __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 2, 3)));
extern int obstack_vprintf (struct obstack *__restrict __obstack,
const char *__restrict __format,
_G_va_list __args)
__THROWNL __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 2, 0)));
#endif /* Use GNU. */
# 907 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_POSIX || defined __USE_MISC
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 910 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
/* These are defined in POSIX.1:1996. */
/* Acquire ownership of STREAM. */
extern void flockfile (FILE *__stream) __THROW;
/* Try to acquire ownership of STREAM but do not block if it is not
possible. */
extern int ftrylockfile (FILE *__stream) __THROW __wur;
/* Relinquish the ownership granted for STREAM. */
extern void funlockfile (FILE *__stream) __THROW;
#endif /* POSIX || misc */
# 922 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_XOPEN && !defined __USE_XOPEN2K && !defined __USE_GNU
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 924 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
/* The X/Open standard requires some functions and variables to be
declared here which do not belong into this header. But we have to
follow. In GNU mode we don't do this nonsense. */
# define __need_getopt
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <getopt.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 928 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
# 929 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
#endif /* X/Open, but not issue 6 and not for GNU. */
# 930 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
/* If we are compiling with optimizing read this file. It contains
several optimizing inline functions and macros. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/stdio.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 934 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/stdio.h" 1 3 4
/* Optimizing macros and inline functions for stdio functions.
Copyright (C) 1998,2000,2001,2004,2007,2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
#ifndef _STDIO_H
# error "Never include <bits/stdio.h> directly; use <stdio.h> instead."
# 22 "/usr/include/bits/stdio.h" 3 4
#ifndef __extern_inline
# define __STDIO_INLINE inline
# 26 "/usr/include/bits/stdio.h" 3 4
# define __STDIO_INLINE __extern_inline
# 28 "/usr/include/bits/stdio.h" 3 4
/* For -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE{,=2} bits/stdio2.h will define a different
inline. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if !(__USE_FORTIFY_LEVEL > 0 && defined __fortify_function)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 34 "/usr/include/bits/stdio.h" 3 4
/* Write formatted output to stdout from argument list ARG. */
vprintf (const char *__restrict __fmt, _G_va_list __arg)
return vfprintf (stdout, __fmt, __arg);
# endif
# 41 "/usr/include/bits/stdio.h" 3 4
/* Read a character from stdin. */
getchar (void)
return _IO_getc (stdin);
# ifdef __USE_MISC
/* Faster version when locking is not necessary. */
fgetc_unlocked (FILE *__fp)
return _IO_getc_unlocked (__fp);
# endif /* misc */
# 58 "/usr/include/bits/stdio.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if defined __USE_POSIX || defined __USE_MISC
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 61 "/usr/include/bits/stdio.h" 3 4
/* This is defined in POSIX.1:1996. */
getc_unlocked (FILE *__fp)
return _IO_getc_unlocked (__fp);
/* This is defined in POSIX.1:1996. */
getchar_unlocked (void)
return _IO_getc_unlocked (stdin);
# endif /* POSIX || misc */
# 75 "/usr/include/bits/stdio.h" 3 4
/* Write a character to stdout. */
putchar (int __c)
return _IO_putc (__c, stdout);
# ifdef __USE_MISC
/* Faster version when locking is not necessary. */
fputc_unlocked (int __c, FILE *__stream)
return _IO_putc_unlocked (__c, __stream);
# endif /* misc */
# 93 "/usr/include/bits/stdio.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if defined __USE_POSIX || defined __USE_MISC
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 96 "/usr/include/bits/stdio.h" 3 4
/* This is defined in POSIX.1:1996. */
putc_unlocked (int __c, FILE *__stream)
return _IO_putc_unlocked (__c, __stream);
/* This is defined in POSIX.1:1996. */
putchar_unlocked (int __c)
return _IO_putc_unlocked (__c, stdout);
# endif /* POSIX || misc */
# 110 "/usr/include/bits/stdio.h" 3 4
# ifdef __USE_GNU
/* Like `getdelim', but reads up to a newline. */
__STDIO_INLINE _IO_ssize_t
getline (char **__lineptr, size_t *__n, FILE *__stream)
return __getdelim (__lineptr, __n, '\n', __stream);
# endif /* GNU */
# 120 "/usr/include/bits/stdio.h" 3 4
# ifdef __USE_MISC
/* Faster versions when locking is not required. */
__NTH (feof_unlocked (FILE *__stream))
return _IO_feof_unlocked (__stream);
/* Faster versions when locking is not required. */
__NTH (ferror_unlocked (FILE *__stream))
return _IO_ferror_unlocked (__stream);
# endif /* misc */
# 137 "/usr/include/bits/stdio.h" 3 4
#endif /* Use extern inlines. */
# 139 "/usr/include/bits/stdio.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_MISC && defined __GNUC__ && defined __OPTIMIZE__ \
&& !defined __cplusplus
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 143 "/usr/include/bits/stdio.h" 3 4
/* Perform some simple optimizations. */
# define fread_unlocked(ptr, size, n, stream) \
(__extension__ ((__builtin_constant_p (size) && __builtin_constant_p (n) \
&& (size_t) (size) * (size_t) (n) <= 8 \
&& (size_t) (size) != 0) \
? ({ char *__ptr = (char *) (ptr); \
FILE *__stream = (stream); \
size_t __cnt; \
for (__cnt = (size_t) (size) * (size_t) (n); \
__cnt > 0; --__cnt) \
{ \
int __c = _IO_getc_unlocked (__stream); \
if (__c == EOF) \
break; \
*__ptr++ = __c; \
} \
((size_t) (size) * (size_t) (n) - __cnt) \
/ (size_t) (size); }) \
: (((__builtin_constant_p (size) && (size_t) (size) == 0) \
|| (__builtin_constant_p (n) && (size_t) (n) == 0)) \
/* Evaluate all parameters once. */ \
? ((void) (ptr), (void) (stream), (void) (size), \
(void) (n), (size_t) 0) \
: fread_unlocked (ptr, size, n, stream))))
# define fwrite_unlocked(ptr, size, n, stream) \
(__extension__ ((__builtin_constant_p (size) && __builtin_constant_p (n) \
&& (size_t) (size) * (size_t) (n) <= 8 \
&& (size_t) (size) != 0) \
? ({ const char *__ptr = (const char *) (ptr); \
FILE *__stream = (stream); \
size_t __cnt; \
for (__cnt = (size_t) (size) * (size_t) (n); \
__cnt > 0; --__cnt) \
if (_IO_putc_unlocked (*__ptr++, __stream) == EOF) \
break; \
((size_t) (size) * (size_t) (n) - __cnt) \
/ (size_t) (size); }) \
: (((__builtin_constant_p (size) && (size_t) (size) == 0) \
|| (__builtin_constant_p (n) && (size_t) (n) == 0)) \
/* Evaluate all parameters once. */ \
? ((void) (ptr), (void) (stream), (void) (size), \
(void) (n), (size_t) 0) \
: fwrite_unlocked (ptr, size, n, stream))))
# 188 "/usr/include/bits/stdio.h" 3 4
/* Define helper macro. */
# 935 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 2 3 4
# 936 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __USE_FORTIFY_LEVEL > 0 && defined __fortify_function
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 937 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/stdio2.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 937 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
# 938 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
# 939 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
#ifdef __LDBL_COMPAT
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/stdio-ldbl.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 940 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
# 941 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
# 942 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
#endif /* <stdio.h> included. */
# 946 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
#endif /* !_STDIO_H */
# 948 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
# 47 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Include/GraphBLAS.h" 2
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <errno.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 47 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Include/GraphBLAS.h"
# 1 "/usr/include/errno.h" 1 3 4
/* Copyright (C) 1991,92,93,94,95,96,97,2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
* ISO C99 Standard: 7.5 Errors <errno.h>
#ifndef _ERRNO_H
/* The includer defined __need_Emath if he wants only the definitions
of EDOM and ERANGE, and not everything else. */
#ifndef __need_Emath
# define _ERRNO_H 1
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <features.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 28 "/usr/include/errno.h" 3 4
# 29 "/usr/include/errno.h" 3 4
# 30 "/usr/include/errno.h" 3 4
/* Get the error number constants from the system-specific file.
This file will test __need_Emath and _ERRNO_H. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/errno.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 35 "/usr/include/errno.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/errno.h" 1 3 4
/* Error constants. Linux specific version.
Copyright (C) 1996-1999, 2005, 2009, 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
#ifdef _ERRNO_H
# undef EDOM
# undef EILSEQ
# undef ERANGE
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <linux/errno.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 24 "/usr/include/bits/errno.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/linux/errno.h" 1 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <asm/errno.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 1 "/usr/include/linux/errno.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/asm/errno.h" 1 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <asm-generic/errno.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 1 "/usr/include/asm/errno.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/asm-generic/errno.h" 1 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <asm-generic/errno-base.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 4 "/usr/include/asm-generic/errno.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/asm-generic/errno-base.h" 1 3 4
#define EPERM 1 /* Operation not permitted */
#define ENOENT 2 /* No such file or directory */
#define ESRCH 3 /* No such process */
#define EINTR 4 /* Interrupted system call */
#define EIO 5 /* I/O error */
#define ENXIO 6 /* No such device or address */
#define E2BIG 7 /* Argument list too long */
#define ENOEXEC 8 /* Exec format error */
#define EBADF 9 /* Bad file number */
#define ECHILD 10 /* No child processes */
#define EAGAIN 11 /* Try again */
#define ENOMEM 12 /* Out of memory */
#define EACCES 13 /* Permission denied */
#define EFAULT 14 /* Bad address */
#define ENOTBLK 15 /* Block device required */
#define EBUSY 16 /* Device or resource busy */
#define EEXIST 17 /* File exists */
#define EXDEV 18 /* Cross-device link */
#define ENODEV 19 /* No such device */
#define ENOTDIR 20 /* Not a directory */
#define EISDIR 21 /* Is a directory */
#define EINVAL 22 /* Invalid argument */
#define ENFILE 23 /* File table overflow */
#define EMFILE 24 /* Too many open files */
#define ENOTTY 25 /* Not a typewriter */
#define ETXTBSY 26 /* Text file busy */
#define EFBIG 27 /* File too large */
#define ENOSPC 28 /* No space left on device */
#define ESPIPE 29 /* Illegal seek */
#define EROFS 30 /* Read-only file system */
#define EMLINK 31 /* Too many links */
#define EPIPE 32 /* Broken pipe */
#define EDOM 33 /* Math argument out of domain of func */
#define ERANGE 34 /* Math result not representable */
# 40 "/usr/include/asm-generic/errno-base.h" 3 4
# 5 "/usr/include/asm-generic/errno.h" 2 3 4
#define EDEADLK 35 /* Resource deadlock would occur */
#define ENAMETOOLONG 36 /* File name too long */
#define ENOLCK 37 /* No record locks available */
#define ENOSYS 38 /* Function not implemented */
#define ENOTEMPTY 39 /* Directory not empty */
#define ELOOP 40 /* Too many symbolic links encountered */
#define EWOULDBLOCK EAGAIN /* Operation would block */
#define ENOMSG 42 /* No message of desired type */
#define EIDRM 43 /* Identifier removed */
#define ECHRNG 44 /* Channel number out of range */
#define EL2NSYNC 45 /* Level 2 not synchronized */
#define EL3HLT 46 /* Level 3 halted */
#define EL3RST 47 /* Level 3 reset */
#define ELNRNG 48 /* Link number out of range */
#define EUNATCH 49 /* Protocol driver not attached */
#define ENOCSI 50 /* No CSI structure available */
#define EL2HLT 51 /* Level 2 halted */
#define EBADE 52 /* Invalid exchange */
#define EBADR 53 /* Invalid request descriptor */
#define EXFULL 54 /* Exchange full */
#define ENOANO 55 /* No anode */
#define EBADRQC 56 /* Invalid request code */
#define EBADSLT 57 /* Invalid slot */
#define EBFONT 59 /* Bad font file format */
#define ENOSTR 60 /* Device not a stream */
#define ENODATA 61 /* No data available */
#define ETIME 62 /* Timer expired */
#define ENOSR 63 /* Out of streams resources */
#define ENONET 64 /* Machine is not on the network */
#define ENOPKG 65 /* Package not installed */
#define EREMOTE 66 /* Object is remote */
#define ENOLINK 67 /* Link has been severed */
#define EADV 68 /* Advertise error */
#define ESRMNT 69 /* Srmount error */
#define ECOMM 70 /* Communication error on send */
#define EPROTO 71 /* Protocol error */
#define EMULTIHOP 72 /* Multihop attempted */
#define EDOTDOT 73 /* RFS specific error */
#define EBADMSG 74 /* Not a data message */
#define EOVERFLOW 75 /* Value too large for defined data type */
#define ENOTUNIQ 76 /* Name not unique on network */
#define EBADFD 77 /* File descriptor in bad state */
#define EREMCHG 78 /* Remote address changed */
#define ELIBACC 79 /* Can not access a needed shared library */
#define ELIBBAD 80 /* Accessing a corrupted shared library */
#define ELIBSCN 81 /* .lib section in a.out corrupted */
#define ELIBMAX 82 /* Attempting to link in too many shared libraries */
#define ELIBEXEC 83 /* Cannot exec a shared library directly */
#define EILSEQ 84 /* Illegal byte sequence */
#define ERESTART 85 /* Interrupted system call should be restarted */
#define ESTRPIPE 86 /* Streams pipe error */
#define EUSERS 87 /* Too many users */
#define ENOTSOCK 88 /* Socket operation on non-socket */
#define EDESTADDRREQ 89 /* Destination address required */
#define EMSGSIZE 90 /* Message too long */
#define EPROTOTYPE 91 /* Protocol wrong type for socket */
#define ENOPROTOOPT 92 /* Protocol not available */
#define EPROTONOSUPPORT 93 /* Protocol not supported */
#define ESOCKTNOSUPPORT 94 /* Socket type not supported */
#define EOPNOTSUPP 95 /* Operation not supported on transport endpoint */
#define EPFNOSUPPORT 96 /* Protocol family not supported */
#define EAFNOSUPPORT 97 /* Address family not supported by protocol */
#define EADDRINUSE 98 /* Address already in use */
#define EADDRNOTAVAIL 99 /* Cannot assign requested address */
#define ENETDOWN 100 /* Network is down */
#define ENETUNREACH 101 /* Network is unreachable */
#define ENETRESET 102 /* Network dropped connection because of reset */
#define ECONNABORTED 103 /* Software caused connection abort */
#define ECONNRESET 104 /* Connection reset by peer */
#define ENOBUFS 105 /* No buffer space available */
#define EISCONN 106 /* Transport endpoint is already connected */
#define ENOTCONN 107 /* Transport endpoint is not connected */
#define ESHUTDOWN 108 /* Cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown */
#define ETOOMANYREFS 109 /* Too many references: cannot splice */
#define ETIMEDOUT 110 /* Connection timed out */
#define ECONNREFUSED 111 /* Connection refused */
#define EHOSTDOWN 112 /* Host is down */
#define EHOSTUNREACH 113 /* No route to host */
#define EALREADY 114 /* Operation already in progress */
#define EINPROGRESS 115 /* Operation now in progress */
#define ESTALE 116 /* Stale file handle */
#define EUCLEAN 117 /* Structure needs cleaning */
#define ENOTNAM 118 /* Not a XENIX named type file */
#define ENAVAIL 119 /* No XENIX semaphores available */
#define EISNAM 120 /* Is a named type file */
#define EREMOTEIO 121 /* Remote I/O error */
#define EDQUOT 122 /* Quota exceeded */
#define ENOMEDIUM 123 /* No medium found */
#define EMEDIUMTYPE 124 /* Wrong medium type */
#define ECANCELED 125 /* Operation Canceled */
#define ENOKEY 126 /* Required key not available */
#define EKEYEXPIRED 127 /* Key has expired */
#define EKEYREVOKED 128 /* Key has been revoked */
#define EKEYREJECTED 129 /* Key was rejected by service */
/* for robust mutexes */
#define EOWNERDEAD 130 /* Owner died */
#define ENOTRECOVERABLE 131 /* State not recoverable */
#define ERFKILL 132 /* Operation not possible due to RF-kill */
#define EHWPOISON 133 /* Memory page has hardware error */
# 114 "/usr/include/asm-generic/errno.h" 3 4
# 2 "/usr/include/asm/errno.h" 2 3 4
# 2 "/usr/include/linux/errno.h" 2 3 4
# 25 "/usr/include/bits/errno.h" 2 3 4
/* Linux has no ENOTSUP error code. */
/* Older Linux versions also had no ECANCELED error code. */
# ifndef ECANCELED
# define ECANCELED 125
# endif
# 33 "/usr/include/bits/errno.h" 3 4
/* Support for error codes to support robust mutexes was added later, too. */
# define EOWNERDEAD 130
# endif
# 39 "/usr/include/bits/errno.h" 3 4
# ifndef ERFKILL
# define ERFKILL 132
# endif
# 43 "/usr/include/bits/errno.h" 3 4
# ifndef EHWPOISON
# define EHWPOISON 133
# endif
# 47 "/usr/include/bits/errno.h" 3 4
# ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
/* Function to get address of global `errno' variable. */
extern int *__errno_location (void) __THROW __attribute__ ((__const__));
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if !defined _LIBC || defined _LIBC_REENTRANT
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 53 "/usr/include/bits/errno.h" 3 4
/* When using threads, errno is a per-thread value. */
# define errno (*__errno_location ())
# endif
# 56 "/usr/include/bits/errno.h" 3 4
# endif /* !__ASSEMBLER__ */
# 57 "/usr/include/bits/errno.h" 3 4
#endif /* _ERRNO_H */
# 58 "/usr/include/bits/errno.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined _ERRNO_H && defined __need_Emath
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 60 "/usr/include/bits/errno.h" 3 4
/* This is ugly but the kernel header is not clean enough. We must
define only the values EDOM, EILSEQ and ERANGE in case __need_Emath is
defined. */
# define EDOM 33 /* Math argument out of domain of function. */
# define EILSEQ 84 /* Illegal byte sequence. */
# define ERANGE 34 /* Math result not representable. */
#endif /* !_ERRNO_H && __need_Emath */
# 67 "/usr/include/bits/errno.h" 3 4
# 36 "/usr/include/errno.h" 2 3 4
#undef __need_Emath
#ifdef _ERRNO_H
/* Declare the `errno' variable, unless it's defined as a macro by
bits/errno.h. This is the case in GNU, where it is a per-thread
variable. This redeclaration using the macro still works, but it
will be a function declaration without a prototype and may trigger
a -Wstrict-prototypes warning. */
#ifndef errno
extern int errno;
# 48 "/usr/include/errno.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_GNU
/* The full and simple forms of the name with which the program was
invoked. These variables are set up automatically at startup based on
the value of ARGV[0] (this works only if you use GNU ld). */
extern char *program_invocation_name, *program_invocation_short_name;
#endif /* __USE_GNU */
# 56 "/usr/include/errno.h" 3 4
#endif /* _ERRNO_H */
# 57 "/usr/include/errno.h" 3 4
#endif /* _ERRNO_H */
# 61 "/usr/include/errno.h" 3 4
/* The Hurd <bits/errno.h> defines `error_t' as an enumerated type so
that printing `error_t' values in the debugger shows the names. We
might need this definition sometimes even if this file was included
before. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_GNU || defined __need_error_t
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 67 "/usr/include/errno.h" 3 4
# ifndef __error_t_defined
typedef int error_t;
# define __error_t_defined 1
# endif
# 71 "/usr/include/errno.h" 3 4
# undef __need_error_t
# 73 "/usr/include/errno.h" 3 4
# 48 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Include/GraphBLAS.h" 2
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <string.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 48 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Include/GraphBLAS.h"
# 1 "/usr/include/string.h" 1 3 4
/* Copyright (C) 1991-2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
* ISO C99 Standard: 7.21 String handling <string.h>
#ifndef _STRING_H
#define _STRING_H 1
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <features.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 25 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
# 26 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
/* Get size_t and NULL from <stddef.h>. */
#define __need_size_t
#define __need_NULL
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <stddef.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 32 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
# 1 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4
/*===---- stddef.h - Basic type definitions --------------------------------===
* Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
* See for license information.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(__STDDEF_H) || defined(__need_ptrdiff_t) || \
defined(__need_size_t) || defined(__need_wchar_t) || \
defined(__need_NULL) || defined(__need_wint_t)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 13 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(__need_ptrdiff_t) && !defined(__need_size_t) && \
!defined(__need_wchar_t) && !defined(__need_NULL) && \
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 17 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* Always define miscellaneous pieces when modules are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 19 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define __STDDEF_H
# 21 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 22 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <corecrt.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 22 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 23 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#endif // if defined(_MSC_VER)
# 24 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define __need_ptrdiff_t
#define __need_size_t
#define __need_wchar_t
#define __need_NULL
#define __need_STDDEF_H_misc
/* __need_wint_t is intentionally not defined here. */
# 31 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_ptrdiff_t)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 33 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(_PTRDIFF_T) || __has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 34 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* Always define ptrdiff_t when modules are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 36 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define _PTRDIFF_T
# 38 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ ptrdiff_t;
# 40 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_ptrdiff_t
#endif /* defined(__need_ptrdiff_t) */
# 42 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_size_t)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 44 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(_SIZE_T) || __has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 45 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* Always define size_t when modules are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 47 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define _SIZE_T
# 49 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ size_t;
# 51 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_size_t
#endif /*defined(__need_size_t) */
# 53 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 55 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* ISO9899:2011 7.20 (C11 Annex K): Define rsize_t if __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__ is
* enabled. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if (defined(__STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__) && __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__ >= 1 && \
!defined(_RSIZE_T)) || __has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 59 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* Always define rsize_t when modules are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 61 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define _RSIZE_T
# 63 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ rsize_t;
# 65 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#endif /* defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc) */
# 66 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_wchar_t)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 68 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#ifndef __cplusplus
/* Always define wchar_t when modules are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(_WCHAR_T) || __has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 71 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 72 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define _WCHAR_T
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(_MSC_EXTENSIONS)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 74 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 76 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 77 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __WCHAR_TYPE__ wchar_t;
# 79 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 80 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_wchar_t
#endif /* defined(__need_wchar_t) */
# 82 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_NULL)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 84 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef NULL
#ifdef __cplusplus
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if !defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(_MSC_VER)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 87 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# define NULL __null
# else
# 89 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# define NULL 0
# endif
# 91 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 92 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# define NULL ((void*)0)
# 94 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#ifdef __cplusplus
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 96 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
namespace std { typedef decltype(nullptr) nullptr_t; }
using ::std::nullptr_t;
# 99 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 100 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_NULL
#endif /* defined(__need_NULL) */
# 102 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 104 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 201112L || __cplusplus >= 201103L
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 105 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include "__stddef_max_align_t.h"
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 105 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 106 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 107 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define offsetof(t, d) __builtin_offsetof(t, d)
#undef __need_STDDEF_H_misc
#endif /* defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc) */
# 110 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* Some C libraries expect to see a wint_t here. Others (notably MinGW) will use
__WINT_TYPE__ directly; accommodate both by requiring __need_wint_t */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_wint_t)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 114 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* Always define wint_t when modules are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(_WINT_T) || __has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 116 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 117 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define _WINT_T
# 119 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __WINT_TYPE__ wint_t;
# 121 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_wint_t
#endif /* __need_wint_t */
# 123 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 125 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 33 "/usr/include/string.h" 2 3 4
/* Tell the caller that we provide correct C++ prototypes. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __cplusplus && __GNUC_PREREQ (4, 4)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 36 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
# 38 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
/* Copy N bytes of SRC to DEST. */
extern void *memcpy (void *__restrict __dest, const void *__restrict __src,
size_t __n) __THROW __nonnull ((1, 2));
/* Copy N bytes of SRC to DEST, guaranteeing
correct behavior for overlapping strings. */
extern void *memmove (void *__dest, const void *__src, size_t __n)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 2));
/* Copy no more than N bytes of SRC to DEST, stopping when C is found.
Return the position in DEST one byte past where C was copied,
or NULL if C was not found in the first N bytes of SRC. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_SVID || defined __USE_BSD || defined __USE_XOPEN
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 54 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
extern void *memccpy (void *__restrict __dest, const void *__restrict __src,
int __c, size_t __n)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 2));
#endif /* SVID. */
# 58 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
/* Set N bytes of S to C. */
extern void *memset (void *__s, int __c, size_t __n) __THROW __nonnull ((1));
/* Compare N bytes of S1 and S2. */
extern int memcmp (const void *__s1, const void *__s2, size_t __n)
__THROW __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1, 2));
/* Search N bytes of S for C. */
extern "C++"
extern void *memchr (void *__s, int __c, size_t __n)
__THROW __asm ("memchr") __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1));
extern const void *memchr (const void *__s, int __c, size_t __n)
__THROW __asm ("memchr") __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1));
# ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
__extern_always_inline void *
memchr (void *__s, int __c, size_t __n) __THROW
return __builtin_memchr (__s, __c, __n);
__extern_always_inline const void *
memchr (const void *__s, int __c, size_t __n) __THROW
return __builtin_memchr (__s, __c, __n);
# endif
# 90 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
# 92 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
extern void *memchr (const void *__s, int __c, size_t __n)
__THROW __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1));
# 95 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_GNU
/* Search in S for C. This is similar to `memchr' but there is no
length limit. */
extern "C++" void *rawmemchr (void *__s, int __c)
__THROW __asm ("rawmemchr") __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1));
extern "C++" const void *rawmemchr (const void *__s, int __c)
__THROW __asm ("rawmemchr") __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1));
# else
# 106 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
extern void *rawmemchr (const void *__s, int __c)
__THROW __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1));
# endif
# 109 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
/* Search N bytes of S for the final occurrence of C. */
extern "C++" void *memrchr (void *__s, int __c, size_t __n)
__THROW __asm ("memrchr") __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1));
extern "C++" const void *memrchr (const void *__s, int __c, size_t __n)
__THROW __asm ("memrchr") __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1));
# else
# 117 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
extern void *memrchr (const void *__s, int __c, size_t __n)
__THROW __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1));
# endif
# 120 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
# 121 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
/* Copy SRC to DEST. */
extern char *strcpy (char *__restrict __dest, const char *__restrict __src)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 2));
/* Copy no more than N characters of SRC to DEST. */
extern char *strncpy (char *__restrict __dest,
const char *__restrict __src, size_t __n)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 2));
/* Append SRC onto DEST. */
extern char *strcat (char *__restrict __dest, const char *__restrict __src)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 2));
/* Append no more than N characters from SRC onto DEST. */
extern char *strncat (char *__restrict __dest, const char *__restrict __src,
size_t __n) __THROW __nonnull ((1, 2));
/* Compare S1 and S2. */
extern int strcmp (const char *__s1, const char *__s2)
__THROW __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1, 2));
/* Compare N characters of S1 and S2. */
extern int strncmp (const char *__s1, const char *__s2, size_t __n)
__THROW __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1, 2));
/* Compare the collated forms of S1 and S2. */
extern int strcoll (const char *__s1, const char *__s2)
__THROW __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1, 2));
/* Put a transformation of SRC into no more than N bytes of DEST. */
extern size_t strxfrm (char *__restrict __dest,
const char *__restrict __src, size_t __n)
__THROW __nonnull ((2));
#ifdef __USE_XOPEN2K8
/* The following functions are equivalent to the both above but they
take the locale they use for the collation as an extra argument.
This is not standardsized but something like will come. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <xlocale.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 159 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/xlocale.h" 1 3 4
/* Definition of locale datatype.
Copyright (C) 1997,2000,2002,2009,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
Contributed by Ulrich Drepper <>, 1997.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
#ifndef _XLOCALE_H
#define _XLOCALE_H 1
/* Structure for reentrant locale using functions. This is an
(almost) opaque type for the user level programs. The file and
this data structure is not standardized. Don't rely on it. It can
go away without warning. */
typedef struct __locale_struct
/* Note: LC_ALL is not a valid index into this array. */
struct __locale_data *__locales[13]; /* 13 = __LC_LAST. */
/* To increase the speed of this solution we add some special members. */
const unsigned short int *__ctype_b;
const int *__ctype_tolower;
const int *__ctype_toupper;
/* Note: LC_ALL is not a valid index into this array. */
const char *__names[13];
} *__locale_t;
/* POSIX 2008 makes locale_t official. */
typedef __locale_t locale_t;
#endif /* xlocale.h */
# 45 "/usr/include/xlocale.h" 3 4
# 160 "/usr/include/string.h" 2 3 4
/* Compare the collated forms of S1 and S2 using rules from L. */
extern int strcoll_l (const char *__s1, const char *__s2, __locale_t __l)
__THROW __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1, 2, 3));
/* Put a transformation of SRC into no more than N bytes of DEST. */
extern size_t strxfrm_l (char *__dest, const char *__src, size_t __n,
__locale_t __l) __THROW __nonnull ((2, 4));
# 168 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_SVID || defined __USE_BSD || defined __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED \
|| defined __USE_XOPEN2K8
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 171 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
/* Duplicate S, returning an identical malloc'd string. */
extern char *strdup (const char *__s)
__THROW __attribute_malloc__ __nonnull ((1));
# 175 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
/* Return a malloc'd copy of at most N bytes of STRING. The
resultant string is terminated even if no null terminator
appears before STRING[N]. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_XOPEN2K8
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 180 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
extern char *strndup (const char *__string, size_t __n)
__THROW __attribute_malloc__ __nonnull ((1));
# 183 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_GNU && defined __GNUC__
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 185 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
/* Duplicate S, returning an identical alloca'd string. */
# define strdupa(s) \
(__extension__ \
({ \
const char *__old = (s); \
size_t __len = strlen (__old) + 1; \
char *__new = (char *) __builtin_alloca (__len); \
(char *) memcpy (__new, __old, __len); \
/* Return an alloca'd copy of at most N bytes of string. */
# define strndupa(s, n) \
(__extension__ \
({ \
const char *__old = (s); \
size_t __len = strnlen (__old, (n)); \
char *__new = (char *) __builtin_alloca (__len + 1); \
__new[__len] = '\0'; \
(char *) memcpy (__new, __old, __len); \
# 206 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
/* Find the first occurrence of C in S. */
extern "C++"
extern char *strchr (char *__s, int __c)
__THROW __asm ("strchr") __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1));
extern const char *strchr (const char *__s, int __c)
__THROW __asm ("strchr") __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1));
# ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
__extern_always_inline char *
strchr (char *__s, int __c) __THROW
return __builtin_strchr (__s, __c);
__extern_always_inline const char *
strchr (const char *__s, int __c) __THROW
return __builtin_strchr (__s, __c);
# endif
# 230 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
# 232 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
extern char *strchr (const char *__s, int __c)
__THROW __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1));
# 235 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
/* Find the last occurrence of C in S. */
extern "C++"
extern char *strrchr (char *__s, int __c)
__THROW __asm ("strrchr") __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1));
extern const char *strrchr (const char *__s, int __c)
__THROW __asm ("strrchr") __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1));
# ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
__extern_always_inline char *
strrchr (char *__s, int __c) __THROW
return __builtin_strrchr (__s, __c);
__extern_always_inline const char *
strrchr (const char *__s, int __c) __THROW
return __builtin_strrchr (__s, __c);
# endif
# 257 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
# 259 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
extern char *strrchr (const char *__s, int __c)
__THROW __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1));
# 262 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_GNU
/* This function is similar to `strchr'. But it returns a pointer to
the closing NUL byte in case C is not found in S. */
extern "C++" char *strchrnul (char *__s, int __c)
__THROW __asm ("strchrnul") __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1));
extern "C++" const char *strchrnul (const char *__s, int __c)
__THROW __asm ("strchrnul") __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1));
# else
# 273 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
extern char *strchrnul (const char *__s, int __c)
__THROW __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1));
# endif
# 276 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
# 277 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
/* Return the length of the initial segment of S which
consists entirely of characters not in REJECT. */
extern size_t strcspn (const char *__s, const char *__reject)
__THROW __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1, 2));
/* Return the length of the initial segment of S which
consists entirely of characters in ACCEPT. */
extern size_t strspn (const char *__s, const char *__accept)
__THROW __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1, 2));
/* Find the first occurrence in S of any character in ACCEPT. */
extern "C++"
extern char *strpbrk (char *__s, const char *__accept)
__THROW __asm ("strpbrk") __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1, 2));
extern const char *strpbrk (const char *__s, const char *__accept)
__THROW __asm ("strpbrk") __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1, 2));
# ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
__extern_always_inline char *
strpbrk (char *__s, const char *__accept) __THROW
return __builtin_strpbrk (__s, __accept);
__extern_always_inline const char *
strpbrk (const char *__s, const char *__accept) __THROW
return __builtin_strpbrk (__s, __accept);
# endif
# 309 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
# 311 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
extern char *strpbrk (const char *__s, const char *__accept)
__THROW __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1, 2));
# 314 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
/* Find the first occurrence of NEEDLE in HAYSTACK. */
extern "C++"
extern char *strstr (char *__haystack, const char *__needle)
__THROW __asm ("strstr") __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1, 2));
extern const char *strstr (const char *__haystack, const char *__needle)
__THROW __asm ("strstr") __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1, 2));
# ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
__extern_always_inline char *
strstr (char *__haystack, const char *__needle) __THROW
return __builtin_strstr (__haystack, __needle);
__extern_always_inline const char *
strstr (const char *__haystack, const char *__needle) __THROW
return __builtin_strstr (__haystack, __needle);
# endif
# 336 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
# 338 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
extern char *strstr (const char *__haystack, const char *__needle)
__THROW __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1, 2));
# 341 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
/* Divide S into tokens separated by characters in DELIM. */
extern char *strtok (char *__restrict __s, const char *__restrict __delim)
__THROW __nonnull ((2));
/* Divide S into tokens separated by characters in DELIM. Information
passed between calls are stored in SAVE_PTR. */
extern char *__strtok_r (char *__restrict __s,
const char *__restrict __delim,
char **__restrict __save_ptr)
__THROW __nonnull ((2, 3));
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_POSIX || defined __USE_MISC
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 355 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
extern char *strtok_r (char *__restrict __s, const char *__restrict __delim,
char **__restrict __save_ptr)
__THROW __nonnull ((2, 3));
# 359 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_GNU
/* Similar to `strstr' but this function ignores the case of both strings. */
extern "C++" char *strcasestr (char *__haystack, const char *__needle)
__THROW __asm ("strcasestr") __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1, 2));
extern "C++" const char *strcasestr (const char *__haystack,
const char *__needle)
__THROW __asm ("strcasestr") __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1, 2));
# else
# 369 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
extern char *strcasestr (const char *__haystack, const char *__needle)
__THROW __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1, 2));
# endif
# 372 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
# 373 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_GNU
/* Find the first occurrence of NEEDLE in HAYSTACK.
NEEDLE is NEEDLELEN bytes long;
HAYSTACK is HAYSTACKLEN bytes long. */
extern void *memmem (const void *__haystack, size_t __haystacklen,
const void *__needle, size_t __needlelen)
__THROW __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1, 3));
/* Copy N bytes of SRC to DEST, return pointer to bytes after the
last written byte. */
extern void *__mempcpy (void *__restrict __dest,
const void *__restrict __src, size_t __n)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 2));
extern void *mempcpy (void *__restrict __dest,
const void *__restrict __src, size_t __n)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 2));
# 391 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
/* Return the length of S. */
extern size_t strlen (const char *__s)
__THROW __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1));
#ifdef __USE_XOPEN2K8
/* Find the length of STRING, but scan at most MAXLEN characters.
If no '\0' terminator is found in that many characters, return MAXLEN. */
extern size_t strnlen (const char *__string, size_t __maxlen)
__THROW __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1));
# 405 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
/* Return a string describing the meaning of the `errno' code in ERRNUM. */
extern char *strerror (int __errnum) __THROW;
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_XOPEN2K || defined __USE_MISC
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 412 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
/* Reentrant version of `strerror'.
There are 2 flavors of `strerror_r', GNU which returns the string
and may or may not use the supplied temporary buffer and POSIX one
which fills the string into the buffer.
To use the POSIX version, -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600 or -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200112L
without -D_GNU_SOURCE is needed, otherwise the GNU version is
preferred. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if defined __USE_XOPEN2K && !defined __USE_GNU
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 420 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
/* Fill BUF with a string describing the meaning of the `errno' code in
# ifdef __REDIRECT_NTH
extern int __REDIRECT_NTH (strerror_r,
(int __errnum, char *__buf, size_t __buflen),
__xpg_strerror_r) __nonnull ((2));
# else
# 427 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
extern int __xpg_strerror_r (int __errnum, char *__buf, size_t __buflen)
__THROW __nonnull ((2));
# define strerror_r __xpg_strerror_r
# endif
# 431 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
# else
# 432 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
/* If a temporary buffer is required, at most BUFLEN bytes of BUF will be
used. */
extern char *strerror_r (int __errnum, char *__buf, size_t __buflen)
__THROW __nonnull ((2)) __wur;
# endif
# 437 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
# 438 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_XOPEN2K8
/* Translate error number to string according to the locale L. */
extern char *strerror_l (int __errnum, __locale_t __l) __THROW;
# 443 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
/* We define this function always since `bzero' is sometimes needed when
the namespace rules does not allow this. */
extern void __bzero (void *__s, size_t __n) __THROW __nonnull ((1));
#ifdef __USE_BSD
/* Copy N bytes of SRC to DEST (like memmove, but args reversed). */
extern void bcopy (const void *__src, void *__dest, size_t __n)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 2));
/* Set N bytes of S to 0. */
extern void bzero (void *__s, size_t __n) __THROW __nonnull ((1));
/* Compare N bytes of S1 and S2 (same as memcmp). */
extern int bcmp (const void *__s1, const void *__s2, size_t __n)
__THROW __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1, 2));
/* Find the first occurrence of C in S (same as strchr). */
extern "C++"
extern char *index (char *__s, int __c)
__THROW __asm ("index") __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1));
extern const char *index (const char *__s, int __c)
__THROW __asm ("index") __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1));
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if defined __OPTIMIZE__ && !defined __CORRECT_ISO_CPP_STRINGS_H_PROTO
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 471 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
__extern_always_inline char *
index (char *__s, int __c) __THROW
return __builtin_index (__s, __c);
__extern_always_inline const char *
index (const char *__s, int __c) __THROW
return __builtin_index (__s, __c);
# endif
# 483 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
# else
# 485 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
extern char *index (const char *__s, int __c)
__THROW __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1));
# endif
# 488 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
/* Find the last occurrence of C in S (same as strrchr). */
extern "C++"
extern char *rindex (char *__s, int __c)
__THROW __asm ("rindex") __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1));
extern const char *rindex (const char *__s, int __c)
__THROW __asm ("rindex") __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1));
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if defined __OPTIMIZE__ && !defined __CORRECT_ISO_CPP_STRINGS_H_PROTO
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 499 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
__extern_always_inline char *
rindex (char *__s, int __c) __THROW
return __builtin_rindex (__s, __c);
__extern_always_inline const char *
rindex (const char *__s, int __c) __THROW
return __builtin_rindex (__s, __c);
# 511 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
# else
# 513 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
extern char *rindex (const char *__s, int __c)
__THROW __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1));
# endif
# 516 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
/* Return the position of the first bit set in I, or 0 if none are set.
The least-significant bit is position 1, the most-significant 32. */
extern int ffs (int __i) __THROW __attribute__ ((__const__));
/* The following two functions are non-standard but necessary for non-32 bit
platforms. */
# ifdef __USE_GNU
extern int ffsl (long int __l) __THROW __attribute__ ((__const__));
# ifdef __GNUC__
__extension__ extern int ffsll (long long int __ll)
__THROW __attribute__ ((__const__));
# endif
# 529 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
# endif
# 530 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
/* Compare S1 and S2, ignoring case. */
extern int strcasecmp (const char *__s1, const char *__s2)
__THROW __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1, 2));
/* Compare no more than N chars of S1 and S2, ignoring case. */
extern int strncasecmp (const char *__s1, const char *__s2, size_t __n)
__THROW __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1, 2));
#endif /* Use BSD. */
# 539 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_GNU
/* Again versions of a few functions which use the given locale instead
of the global one. */
extern int strcasecmp_l (const char *__s1, const char *__s2,
__locale_t __loc)
__THROW __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1, 2, 3));
extern int strncasecmp_l (const char *__s1, const char *__s2,
size_t __n, __locale_t __loc)
__THROW __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1, 2, 4));
# 551 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_BSD
/* Return the next DELIM-delimited token from *STRINGP,
terminating it with a '\0', and update *STRINGP to point past it. */
extern char *strsep (char **__restrict __stringp,
const char *__restrict __delim)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 2));
# 559 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_XOPEN2K8
/* Return a string describing the meaning of the signal number in SIG. */
extern char *strsignal (int __sig) __THROW;
/* Copy SRC to DEST, returning the address of the terminating '\0' in DEST. */
extern char *__stpcpy (char *__restrict __dest, const char *__restrict __src)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 2));
extern char *stpcpy (char *__restrict __dest, const char *__restrict __src)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 2));
/* Copy no more than N characters of SRC to DEST, returning the address of
the last character written into DEST. */
extern char *__stpncpy (char *__restrict __dest,
const char *__restrict __src, size_t __n)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 2));
extern char *stpncpy (char *__restrict __dest,
const char *__restrict __src, size_t __n)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 2));
# 579 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_GNU
/* Compare S1 and S2 as strings holding name & indices/version numbers. */
extern int strverscmp (const char *__s1, const char *__s2)
__THROW __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1, 2));
/* Sautee STRING briskly. */
extern char *strfry (char *__string) __THROW __nonnull ((1));
/* Frobnicate N bytes of S. */
extern void *memfrob (void *__s, size_t __n) __THROW __nonnull ((1));
# ifndef basename
/* Return the file name within directory of FILENAME. We don't
declare the function if the `basename' macro is available (defined
in <libgen.h>) which makes the XPG version of this function
available. */
extern "C++" char *basename (char *__filename)
__THROW __asm ("basename") __nonnull ((1));
extern "C++" const char *basename (const char *__filename)
__THROW __asm ("basename") __nonnull ((1));
# else
# 602 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
extern char *basename (const char *__filename) __THROW __nonnull ((1));
# endif
# 604 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
# endif
# 605 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
# 606 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ >= 2
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 609 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if defined __OPTIMIZE__ && !defined __OPTIMIZE_SIZE__ \
&& !defined __NO_INLINE__ && !defined __cplusplus
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 611 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
/* When using GNU CC we provide some optimized versions of selected
functions from this header. There are two kinds of optimizations:
- machine-dependent optimizations, most probably using inline
assembler code; these might be quite expensive since the code
size can increase significantly.
These optimizations are not used unless the symbol
is defined before including this header.
- machine-independent optimizations which do not increase the
code size significantly and which optimize mainly situations
where one or more arguments are compile-time constants.
These optimizations are used always when the compiler is
taught to optimize.
One can inhibit all optimizations by defining __NO_STRING_INLINES. */
/* Get the machine-dependent optimizations (if any). */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/string.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 630 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 1 3 4
/* Optimized, inlined string functions. i486/x86-64 version.
Copyright (C) 2001-2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
#ifndef _STRING_H
# error "Never use <bits/string.h> directly; include <string.h> instead."
# 22 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
/* The ix86 processors can access unaligned multi-byte variables. */
#define _STRING_ARCH_unaligned 1
/* Enable inline functions only for i486 or better when compiling for
ia32. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined __x86_64__ && (defined __i486__ || defined __pentium__ \
|| defined __pentiumpro__ || defined __pentium4__ \
|| defined __nocona__ || defined __atom__ \
|| defined __core2__ || defined __corei7__ \
|| defined __k6__ || defined __geode__ \
|| defined __k8__ || defined __athlon__ \
|| defined __amdfam10__)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 35 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
/* We only provide optimizations if the user selects them and if
GNU CC is used. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if !defined __NO_STRING_INLINES && defined __USE_STRING_INLINES \
&& defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ >= 2
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 40 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
# ifndef __STRING_INLINE
# ifndef __extern_inline
# define __STRING_INLINE inline
# else
# 45 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
# define __STRING_INLINE __extern_inline
# endif
# 47 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
# endif
# 48 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
/* The macros are used in some of the optimized implementations below. */
# define __STRING_SMALL_GET16(src, idx) \
((((const unsigned char *) (src))[idx + 1] << 8) \
| ((const unsigned char *) (src))[idx])
# define __STRING_SMALL_GET32(src, idx) \
(((((const unsigned char *) (src))[idx + 3] << 8 \
| ((const unsigned char *) (src))[idx + 2]) << 8 \
| ((const unsigned char *) (src))[idx + 1]) << 8 \
| ((const unsigned char *) (src))[idx])
/* Copy N bytes of SRC to DEST. */
# define _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_memcpy 1
# define memcpy(dest, src, n) \
(__extension__ (__builtin_constant_p (n) \
? __memcpy_c ((dest), (src), (n)) \
: __memcpy_g ((dest), (src), (n))))
# define __memcpy_c(dest, src, n) \
((n) == 0 \
? (dest) \
: (((n) % 4 == 0) \
? __memcpy_by4 (dest, src, n) \
: (((n) % 2 == 0) \
? __memcpy_by2 (dest, src, n) \
: __memcpy_g (dest, src, n))))
__STRING_INLINE void *__memcpy_by4 (void *__dest, const void *__src,
size_t __n);
__memcpy_by4 (void *__dest, const void *__src, size_t __n)
register unsigned long int __d0, __d1;
register void *__tmp = __dest;
__asm__ __volatile__
"movl (%2),%0\n\t"
"leal 4(%2),%2\n\t"
"movl %0,(%1)\n\t"
"leal 4(%1),%1\n\t"
"decl %3\n\t"
"jnz 1b"
: "=&r" (__d0), "=&r" (__tmp), "=&r" (__src), "=&r" (__d1)
: "1" (__tmp), "2" (__src), "3" (__n / 4)
: "memory", "cc");
return __dest;
__STRING_INLINE void *__memcpy_by2 (void *__dest, const void *__src,
size_t __n);
__memcpy_by2 (void *__dest, const void *__src, size_t __n)
register unsigned long int __d0, __d1;
register void *__tmp = __dest;
__asm__ __volatile__
("shrl $1,%3\n\t"
"jz 2f\n" /* only a word */
"movl (%2),%0\n\t"
"leal 4(%2),%2\n\t"
"movl %0,(%1)\n\t"
"leal 4(%1),%1\n\t"
"decl %3\n\t"
"jnz 1b\n"
"movw (%2),%w0\n\t"
"movw %w0,(%1)"
: "=&q" (__d0), "=&r" (__tmp), "=&r" (__src), "=&r" (__d1)
: "1" (__tmp), "2" (__src), "3" (__n / 2)
: "memory", "cc");
return __dest;
__STRING_INLINE void *__memcpy_g (void *__dest, const void *__src, size_t __n);
__memcpy_g (void *__dest, const void *__src, size_t __n)
register unsigned long int __d0, __d1, __d2;
register void *__tmp = __dest;
__asm__ __volatile__
"shrl $1,%%ecx\n\t"
"jnc 1f\n\t"
"shrl $1,%%ecx\n\t"
"jnc 2f\n\t"
"rep; movsl"
: "=&c" (__d0), "=&D" (__d1), "=&S" (__d2),
"=m" ( *(struct { __extension__ char __x[__n]; } *)__dest)
: "0" (__n), "1" (__tmp), "2" (__src),
"m" ( *(struct { __extension__ char __x[__n]; } *)__src)
: "cc");
return __dest;
# define _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_memmove 1
/* Copy N bytes of SRC to DEST, guaranteeing
correct behavior for overlapping strings. */
# define memmove(dest, src, n) __memmove_g (dest, src, n)
__STRING_INLINE void *__memmove_g (void *, const void *, size_t)
__asm__ ("memmove");
__memmove_g (void *__dest, const void *__src, size_t __n)
register unsigned long int __d0, __d1, __d2;
register void *__tmp = __dest;
if (__dest < __src)
__asm__ __volatile__
"rep; movsb"
: "=&c" (__d0), "=&S" (__d1), "=&D" (__d2),
"=m" ( *(struct { __extension__ char __x[__n]; } *)__dest)
: "0" (__n), "1" (__src), "2" (__tmp),
"m" ( *(struct { __extension__ char __x[__n]; } *)__src));
__asm__ __volatile__
"rep; movsb\n\t"
: "=&c" (__d0), "=&S" (__d1), "=&D" (__d2),
"=m" ( *(struct { __extension__ char __x[__n]; } *)__dest)
: "0" (__n), "1" (__n - 1 + (const char *) __src),
"2" (__n - 1 + (char *) __tmp),
"m" ( *(struct { __extension__ char __x[__n]; } *)__src));
return __dest;
# endif
# 185 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
/* Compare N bytes of S1 and S2. */
# define _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_memcmp 1
# ifndef __PIC__
/* gcc has problems to spill registers when using PIC. */
memcmp (const void *__s1, const void *__s2, size_t __n)
register unsigned long int __d0, __d1, __d2;
register int __res;
__asm__ __volatile__
"testl %3,%3\n\t"
"repe; cmpsb\n\t"
"je 1f\n\t"
"sbbl %0,%0\n\t"
"orl $1,%0\n"
: "=&a" (__res), "=&S" (__d0), "=&D" (__d1), "=&c" (__d2)
: "0" (0), "1" (__s1), "2" (__s2), "3" (__n),
"m" ( *(struct { __extension__ char __x[__n]; } *)__s1),
"m" ( *(struct { __extension__ char __x[__n]; } *)__s2)
: "cc");
return __res;
# endif
# 212 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
# endif
# 213 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
/* Set N bytes of S to C. */
# define _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_memset 1
# define _USE_STRING_ARCH_memset 1
# define memset(s, c, n) \
(__extension__ (__builtin_constant_p (n) && (n) <= 16 \
? ((n) == 1 \
? __memset_c1 ((s), (c)) \
: __memset_gc ((s), (c), (n))) \
: (__builtin_constant_p (c) \
? (__builtin_constant_p (n) \
? __memset_ccn ((s), (c), (n)) \
: memset ((s), (c), (n))) \
: (__builtin_constant_p (n) \
? __memset_gcn ((s), (c), (n)) \
: memset ((s), (c), (n))))))
# define __memset_c1(s, c) ({ void *__s = (s); \
*((unsigned char *) __s) = (unsigned char) (c); \
__s; })
# define __memset_gc(s, c, n) \
({ void *__s = (s); \
union { \
unsigned int __ui; \
unsigned short int __usi; \
unsigned char __uc; \
} *__u = __s; \
unsigned int __c = ((unsigned int) ((unsigned char) (c))) * 0x01010101; \
/* We apply a trick here. `gcc' would implement the following \
assignments using immediate operands. But this uses to much \
memory (7, instead of 4 bytes). So we force the value in a \
registers. */ \
if ((n) == 3 || (n) >= 5) \
__asm__ __volatile__ ("" : "=r" (__c) : "0" (__c)); \
/* This `switch' statement will be removed at compile-time. */ \
switch (n) \
{ \
case 15: \
__u->__ui = __c; \
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 4); \
case 11: \
__u->__ui = __c; \
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 4); \
case 7: \
__u->__ui = __c; \
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 4); \
case 3: \
__u->__usi = (unsigned short int) __c; \
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 2); \
__u->__uc = (unsigned char) __c; \
break; \
case 14: \
__u->__ui = __c; \
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 4); \
case 10: \
__u->__ui = __c; \
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 4); \
case 6: \
__u->__ui = __c; \
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 4); \
case 2: \
__u->__usi = (unsigned short int) __c; \
break; \
case 13: \
__u->__ui = __c; \
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 4); \
case 9: \
__u->__ui = __c; \
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 4); \
case 5: \
__u->__ui = __c; \
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 4); \
case 1: \
__u->__uc = (unsigned char) __c; \
break; \
case 16: \
__u->__ui = __c; \
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 4); \
case 12: \
__u->__ui = __c; \
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 4); \
case 8: \
__u->__ui = __c; \
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 4); \
case 4: \
__u->__ui = __c; \
case 0: \
break; \
} \
__s; })
# define __memset_ccn(s, c, n) \
(((n) % 4 == 0) \
? __memset_ccn_by4 (s, ((unsigned int) ((unsigned char) (c))) * 0x01010101,\
n) \
: (((n) % 2 == 0) \
? __memset_ccn_by2 (s, \
((unsigned int) ((unsigned char) (c))) * 0x01010101,\
n) \
: memset (s, c, n)))
__STRING_INLINE void *__memset_ccn_by4 (void *__s, unsigned int __c,
size_t __n);
__memset_ccn_by4 (void *__s, unsigned int __c, size_t __n)
register void *__tmp = __s;
register unsigned long int __d0;
# ifdef __i686__
__asm__ __volatile__
"rep; stosl"
: "=&a" (__c), "=&D" (__tmp), "=&c" (__d0),
"=m" ( *(struct { __extension__ char __x[__n]; } *)__s)
: "0" ((unsigned int) __c), "1" (__tmp), "2" (__n / 4)
: "cc");
# else
# 338 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
__asm__ __volatile__
"movl %0,(%1)\n\t"
"addl $4,%1\n\t"
"decl %2\n\t"
"jnz 1b\n"
: "=&r" (__c), "=&r" (__tmp), "=&r" (__d0),
"=m" ( *(struct { __extension__ char __x[__n]; } *)__s)
: "0" ((unsigned int) __c), "1" (__tmp), "2" (__n / 4)
: "cc");
# endif
# 349 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
return __s;
__STRING_INLINE void *__memset_ccn_by2 (void *__s, unsigned int __c,
size_t __n);
__memset_ccn_by2 (void *__s, unsigned int __c, size_t __n)
register unsigned long int __d0, __d1;
register void *__tmp = __s;
# ifdef __i686__
__asm__ __volatile__
"rep; stosl\n"
: "=&a" (__d0), "=&D" (__tmp), "=&c" (__d1),
"=m" ( *(struct { __extension__ char __x[__n]; } *)__s)
: "0" ((unsigned int) __c), "1" (__tmp), "2" (__n / 4)
: "cc");
# else
# 370 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
__asm__ __volatile__
("1:\tmovl %0,(%1)\n\t"
"leal 4(%1),%1\n\t"
"decl %2\n\t"
"jnz 1b\n"
"movw %w0,(%1)"
: "=&q" (__d0), "=&r" (__tmp), "=&r" (__d1),
"=m" ( *(struct { __extension__ char __x[__n]; } *)__s)
: "0" ((unsigned int) __c), "1" (__tmp), "2" (__n / 4)
: "cc");
# 381 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
return __s;
# define __memset_gcn(s, c, n) \
(((n) % 4 == 0) \
? __memset_gcn_by4 (s, c, n) \
: (((n) % 2 == 0) \
? __memset_gcn_by2 (s, c, n) \
: memset (s, c, n)))
__STRING_INLINE void *__memset_gcn_by4 (void *__s, int __c, size_t __n);
__memset_gcn_by4 (void *__s, int __c, size_t __n)
register void *__tmp = __s;
register unsigned long int __d0;
__asm__ __volatile__
("movb %b0,%h0\n"
"pushw %w0\n\t"
"shll $16,%0\n\t"
"popw %w0\n"
"movl %0,(%1)\n\t"
"addl $4,%1\n\t"
"decl %2\n\t"
"jnz 1b\n"
: "=&q" (__c), "=&r" (__tmp), "=&r" (__d0),
"=m" ( *(struct { __extension__ char __x[__n]; } *)__s)
: "0" ((unsigned int) __c), "1" (__tmp), "2" (__n / 4)
: "cc");
return __s;
__STRING_INLINE void *__memset_gcn_by2 (void *__s, int __c, size_t __n);
__memset_gcn_by2 (void *__s, int __c, size_t __n)
register unsigned long int __d0, __d1;
register void *__tmp = __s;
__asm__ __volatile__
("movb %b0,%h0\n\t"
"pushw %w0\n\t"
"shll $16,%0\n\t"
"popw %w0\n"
"movl %0,(%1)\n\t"
"leal 4(%1),%1\n\t"
"decl %2\n\t"
"jnz 1b\n"
"movw %w0,(%1)"
: "=&q" (__d0), "=&r" (__tmp), "=&r" (__d1),
"=m" ( *(struct { __extension__ char __x[__n]; } *)__s)
: "0" ((unsigned int) __c), "1" (__tmp), "2" (__n / 4)
: "cc");
return __s;
/* Search N bytes of S for C. */
# define _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_memchr 1
memchr (const void *__s, int __c, size_t __n)
register unsigned long int __d0;
# ifdef __i686__
register unsigned long int __d1;
# endif
# 451 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
register unsigned char *__res;
if (__n == 0)
return NULL;
# ifdef __i686__
__asm__ __volatile__
"repne; scasb\n\t"
"cmovne %2,%0"
: "=D" (__res), "=&c" (__d0), "=&r" (__d1)
: "a" (__c), "0" (__s), "1" (__n), "2" (1),
"m" ( *(struct { __extension__ char __x[__n]; } *)__s)
: "cc");
# else
# 464 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
__asm__ __volatile__
"repne; scasb\n\t"
"je 1f\n\t"
"movl $1,%0\n"
: "=D" (__res), "=&c" (__d0)
: "a" (__c), "0" (__s), "1" (__n),
"m" ( *(struct { __extension__ char __x[__n]; } *)__s)
: "cc");
# endif
# 475 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
return __res - 1;
# endif
# 478 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
# define _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_memrchr 1
__STRING_INLINE void *__memrchr (const void *__s, int __c, size_t __n);
__memrchr (const void *__s, int __c, size_t __n)
register unsigned long int __d0;
# ifdef __i686__
register unsigned long int __d1;
# endif
# 490 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
register void *__res;
if (__n == 0)
return NULL;
# ifdef __i686__
__asm__ __volatile__
"repne; scasb\n\t"
"cmovne %2,%0\n\t"
"incl %0"
: "=D" (__res), "=&c" (__d0), "=&r" (__d1)
: "a" (__c), "0" (__s + __n - 1), "1" (__n), "2" (-1),
"m" ( *(struct { __extension__ char __x[__n]; } *)__s)
: "cc");
# else
# 505 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
__asm__ __volatile__
"repne; scasb\n\t"
"je 1f\n\t"
"orl $-1,%0\n"
"incl %0"
: "=D" (__res), "=&c" (__d0)
: "a" (__c), "0" (__s + __n - 1), "1" (__n),
"m" ( *(struct { __extension__ char __x[__n]; } *)__s)
: "cc");
# endif
# 517 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
return __res;
# ifdef __USE_GNU
# define memrchr(s, c, n) __memrchr ((s), (c), (n))
# endif
# 522 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
# endif
# 523 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
/* Return pointer to C in S. */
# define _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_rawmemchr 1
__STRING_INLINE void *__rawmemchr (const void *__s, int __c);
__rawmemchr (const void *__s, int __c)
register unsigned long int __d0;
register unsigned char *__res;
__asm__ __volatile__
"repne; scasb\n\t"
: "=D" (__res), "=&c" (__d0)
: "a" (__c), "0" (__s), "1" (0xffffffff),
"m" ( *(struct { char __x[0xfffffff]; } *)__s)
: "cc");
return __res - 1;
# ifdef __USE_GNU
rawmemchr (const void *__s, int __c)
return __rawmemchr (__s, __c);
# endif /* use GNU */
# 550 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
# endif
# 551 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
/* Return the length of S. */
# define _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_strlen 1
# define strlen(str) \
(__extension__ (__builtin_constant_p (str) \
? __builtin_strlen (str) \
: __strlen_g (str)))
__STRING_INLINE size_t __strlen_g (const char *__str);
__strlen_g (const char *__str)
register char __dummy;
register const char *__tmp = __str;
__asm__ __volatile__
"movb (%0),%b1\n\t"
"leal 1(%0),%0\n\t"
"testb %b1,%b1\n\t"
"jne 1b"
: "=r" (__tmp), "=&q" (__dummy)
: "0" (__str),
"m" ( *(struct { char __x[0xfffffff]; } *)__str)
: "cc" );
return __tmp - __str - 1;
/* Copy SRC to DEST. */
# define _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_strcpy 1
# define strcpy(dest, src) \
(__extension__ (__builtin_constant_p (src) \
? (sizeof ((src)[0]) == 1 && strlen (src) + 1 <= 8 \
? __strcpy_a_small ((dest), (src), strlen (src) + 1) \
: (char *) memcpy ((char *) (dest), \
(const char *) (src), \
strlen (src) + 1)) \
: __strcpy_g ((dest), (src))))
# define __strcpy_a_small(dest, src, srclen) \
(__extension__ ({ char *__dest = (dest); \
union { \
unsigned int __ui; \
unsigned short int __usi; \
unsigned char __uc; \
char __c; \
} *__u = (void *) __dest; \
switch (srclen) \
{ \
case 1: \
__u->__uc = '\0'; \
break; \
case 2: \
__u->__usi = __STRING_SMALL_GET16 (src, 0); \
break; \
case 3: \
__u->__usi = __STRING_SMALL_GET16 (src, 0); \
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 2); \
__u->__uc = '\0'; \
break; \
case 4: \
__u->__ui = __STRING_SMALL_GET32 (src, 0); \
break; \
case 5: \
__u->__ui = __STRING_SMALL_GET32 (src, 0); \
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 4); \
__u->__uc = '\0'; \
break; \
case 6: \
__u->__ui = __STRING_SMALL_GET32 (src, 0); \
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 4); \
__u->__usi = __STRING_SMALL_GET16 (src, 4); \
break; \
case 7: \
__u->__ui = __STRING_SMALL_GET32 (src, 0); \
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 4); \
__u->__usi = __STRING_SMALL_GET16 (src, 4); \
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 2); \
__u->__uc = '\0'; \
break; \
case 8: \
__u->__ui = __STRING_SMALL_GET32 (src, 0); \
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 4); \
__u->__ui = __STRING_SMALL_GET32 (src, 4); \
break; \
} \
(char *) __dest; }))
__STRING_INLINE char *__strcpy_g (char *__dest, const char *__src);
__strcpy_g (char *__dest, const char *__src)
register char *__tmp = __dest;
register char __dummy;
__asm__ __volatile__
"movb (%0),%b2\n\t"
"leal 1(%0),%0\n\t"
"movb %b2,(%1)\n\t"
"leal 1(%1),%1\n\t"
"testb %b2,%b2\n\t"
"jne 1b"
: "=&r" (__src), "=&r" (__tmp), "=&q" (__dummy),
"=m" ( *(struct { char __x[0xfffffff]; } *)__dest)
: "0" (__src), "1" (__tmp),
"m" ( *(struct { char __x[0xfffffff]; } *)__src)
: "cc");
return __dest;
# ifdef __USE_GNU
# define _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_stpcpy 1
/* Copy SRC to DEST. */
# define __stpcpy(dest, src) \
(__extension__ (__builtin_constant_p (src) \
? (strlen (src) + 1 <= 8 \
? __stpcpy_a_small ((dest), (src), strlen (src) + 1) \
: __stpcpy_c ((dest), (src), strlen (src) + 1)) \
: __stpcpy_g ((dest), (src))))
# define __stpcpy_c(dest, src, srclen) \
((srclen) % 4 == 0 \
? __mempcpy_by4 (dest, src, srclen) - 1 \
: ((srclen) % 2 == 0 \
? __mempcpy_by2 (dest, src, srclen) - 1 \
: __mempcpy_byn (dest, src, srclen) - 1))
/* In glibc itself we use this symbol for namespace reasons. */
# define stpcpy(dest, src) __stpcpy ((dest), (src))
# define __stpcpy_a_small(dest, src, srclen) \
(__extension__ ({ union { \
unsigned int __ui; \
unsigned short int __usi; \
unsigned char __uc; \
char __c; \
} *__u = (void *) (dest); \
switch (srclen) \
{ \
case 1: \
__u->__uc = '\0'; \
break; \
case 2: \
__u->__usi = __STRING_SMALL_GET16 (src, 0); \
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 1); \
break; \
case 3: \
__u->__usi = __STRING_SMALL_GET16 (src, 0); \
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 2); \
__u->__uc = '\0'; \
break; \
case 4: \
__u->__ui = __STRING_SMALL_GET32 (src, 0); \
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 3); \
break; \
case 5: \
__u->__ui = __STRING_SMALL_GET32 (src, 0); \
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 4); \
__u->__uc = '\0'; \
break; \
case 6: \
__u->__ui = __STRING_SMALL_GET32 (src, 0); \
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 4); \
__u->__usi = __STRING_SMALL_GET16 (src, 4); \
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 1); \
break; \
case 7: \
__u->__ui = __STRING_SMALL_GET32 (src, 0); \
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 4); \
__u->__usi = __STRING_SMALL_GET16 (src, 4); \
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 2); \
__u->__uc = '\0'; \
break; \
case 8: \
__u->__ui = __STRING_SMALL_GET32 (src, 0); \
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 4); \
__u->__ui = __STRING_SMALL_GET32 (src, 4); \
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 3); \
break; \
} \
(char *) __u; }))
__STRING_INLINE char *__mempcpy_by4 (char *__dest, const char *__src,
size_t __srclen);
__mempcpy_by4 (char *__dest, const char *__src, size_t __srclen)
register char *__tmp = __dest;
register unsigned long int __d0, __d1;
__asm__ __volatile__
"movl (%2),%0\n\t"
"leal 4(%2),%2\n\t"
"movl %0,(%1)\n\t"
"leal 4(%1),%1\n\t"
"decl %3\n\t"
"jnz 1b"
: "=&r" (__d0), "=r" (__tmp), "=&r" (__src), "=&r" (__d1)
: "1" (__tmp), "2" (__src), "3" (__srclen / 4)
: "memory", "cc");
return __tmp;
__STRING_INLINE char *__mempcpy_by2 (char *__dest, const char *__src,
size_t __srclen);
__mempcpy_by2 (char *__dest, const char *__src, size_t __srclen)
register char *__tmp = __dest;
register unsigned long int __d0, __d1;
__asm__ __volatile__
("shrl $1,%3\n\t"
"jz 2f\n" /* only a word */
"movl (%2),%0\n\t"
"leal 4(%2),%2\n\t"
"movl %0,(%1)\n\t"
"leal 4(%1),%1\n\t"
"decl %3\n\t"
"jnz 1b\n"
"movw (%2),%w0\n\t"
"movw %w0,(%1)"
: "=&q" (__d0), "=r" (__tmp), "=&r" (__src), "=&r" (__d1),
"=m" ( *(struct { __extension__ char __x[__srclen]; } *)__dest)
: "1" (__tmp), "2" (__src), "3" (__srclen / 2),
"m" ( *(struct { __extension__ char __x[__srclen]; } *)__src)
: "cc");
return __tmp + 2;
__STRING_INLINE char *__mempcpy_byn (char *__dest, const char *__src,
size_t __srclen);
__mempcpy_byn (char *__dest, const char *__src, size_t __srclen)
register unsigned long __d0, __d1;
register char *__tmp = __dest;
__asm__ __volatile__
"shrl $1,%%ecx\n\t"
"jnc 1f\n\t"
"shrl $1,%%ecx\n\t"
"jnc 2f\n\t"
"rep; movsl"
: "=D" (__tmp), "=&c" (__d0), "=&S" (__d1),
"=m" ( *(struct { __extension__ char __x[__srclen]; } *)__dest)
: "0" (__tmp), "1" (__srclen), "2" (__src),
"m" ( *(struct { __extension__ char __x[__srclen]; } *)__src)
: "cc");
return __tmp;
__STRING_INLINE char *__stpcpy_g (char *__dest, const char *__src);
__stpcpy_g (char *__dest, const char *__src)
register char *__tmp = __dest;
register char __dummy;
__asm__ __volatile__
"movb (%0),%b2\n\t"
"leal 1(%0),%0\n\t"
"movb %b2,(%1)\n\t"
"leal 1(%1),%1\n\t"
"testb %b2,%b2\n\t"
"jne 1b"
: "=&r" (__src), "=r" (__tmp), "=&q" (__dummy),
"=m" ( *(struct { char __x[0xfffffff]; } *)__dest)
: "0" (__src), "1" (__tmp),
"m" ( *(struct { char __x[0xfffffff]; } *)__src)
: "cc");
return __tmp - 1;
# endif
# 838 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
/* Copy no more than N characters of SRC to DEST. */
# define _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_strncpy 1
# define strncpy(dest, src, n) \
(__extension__ (__builtin_constant_p (src) \
? ((strlen (src) + 1 >= ((size_t) (n)) \
? (char *) memcpy ((char *) (dest), \
(const char *) (src), n) \
: __strncpy_cg ((dest), (src), strlen (src) + 1, n))) \
: __strncpy_gg ((dest), (src), n)))
# define __strncpy_cg(dest, src, srclen, n) \
(((srclen) % 4 == 0) \
? __strncpy_by4 (dest, src, srclen, n) \
: (((srclen) % 2 == 0) \
? __strncpy_by2 (dest, src, srclen, n) \
: __strncpy_byn (dest, src, srclen, n)))
__STRING_INLINE char *__strncpy_by4 (char *__dest, const char __src[],
size_t __srclen, size_t __n);
__strncpy_by4 (char *__dest, const char __src[], size_t __srclen, size_t __n)
register char *__tmp = __dest;
register int __dummy1, __dummy2;
__asm__ __volatile__
"movl (%2),%0\n\t"
"leal 4(%2),%2\n\t"
"movl %0,(%1)\n\t"
"leal 4(%1),%1\n\t"
"decl %3\n\t"
"jnz 1b"
: "=&r" (__dummy1), "=r" (__tmp), "=&r" (__src), "=&r" (__dummy2),
"=m" ( *(struct { __extension__ char __x[__srclen]; } *)__dest)
: "1" (__tmp), "2" (__src), "3" (__srclen / 4),
"m" ( *(struct { __extension__ char __x[__srclen]; } *)__src)
: "cc");
(void) memset (__tmp, '\0', __n - __srclen);
return __dest;
__STRING_INLINE char *__strncpy_by2 (char *__dest, const char __src[],
size_t __srclen, size_t __n);
__strncpy_by2 (char *__dest, const char __src[], size_t __srclen, size_t __n)
register char *__tmp = __dest;
register int __dummy1, __dummy2;
__asm__ __volatile__
("shrl $1,%3\n\t"
"jz 2f\n" /* only a word */
"movl (%2),%0\n\t"
"leal 4(%2),%2\n\t"
"movl %0,(%1)\n\t"
"leal 4(%1),%1\n\t"
"decl %3\n\t"
"jnz 1b\n"
"movw (%2),%w0\n\t"
"movw %w0,(%1)\n\t"
: "=&q" (__dummy1), "=r" (__tmp), "=&r" (__src), "=&r" (__dummy2),
"=m" ( *(struct { __extension__ char __x[__srclen]; } *)__dest)
: "1" (__tmp), "2" (__src), "3" (__srclen / 2),
"m" ( *(struct { __extension__ char __x[__srclen]; } *)__src)
: "cc");
(void) memset (__tmp + 2, '\0', __n - __srclen);
return __dest;
__STRING_INLINE char *__strncpy_byn (char *__dest, const char __src[],
size_t __srclen, size_t __n);
__strncpy_byn (char *__dest, const char __src[], size_t __srclen, size_t __n)
register unsigned long int __d0, __d1;
register char *__tmp = __dest;
__asm__ __volatile__
"shrl $1,%1\n\t"
"jnc 1f\n\t"
"shrl $1,%1\n\t"
"jnc 2f\n\t"
"rep; movsl"
: "=D" (__tmp), "=&c" (__d0), "=&S" (__d1),
"=m" ( *(struct { __extension__ char __x[__srclen]; } *)__dest)
: "1" (__srclen), "0" (__tmp),"2" (__src),
"m" ( *(struct { __extension__ char __x[__srclen]; } *)__src)
: "cc");
(void) memset (__tmp, '\0', __n - __srclen);
return __dest;
__STRING_INLINE char *__strncpy_gg (char *__dest, const char *__src,
size_t __n);
__strncpy_gg (char *__dest, const char *__src, size_t __n)
register char *__tmp = __dest;
register char __dummy;
if (__n > 0)
__asm__ __volatile__
"movb (%0),%2\n\t"
"incl %0\n\t"
"movb %2,(%1)\n\t"
"incl %1\n\t"
"decl %3\n\t"
"je 3f\n\t"
"testb %2,%2\n\t"
"jne 1b\n\t"
"movb %2,(%1)\n\t"
"incl %1\n\t"
"decl %3\n\t"
"jne 2b\n\t"
: "=&r" (__src), "=&r" (__tmp), "=&q" (__dummy), "=&r" (__n)
: "0" (__src), "1" (__tmp), "3" (__n)
: "memory", "cc");
return __dest;
/* Append SRC onto DEST. */
# define _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_strcat 1
# define strcat(dest, src) \
(__extension__ (__builtin_constant_p (src) \
? __strcat_c ((dest), (src), strlen (src) + 1) \
: __strcat_g ((dest), (src))))
__STRING_INLINE char *__strcat_c (char *__dest, const char __src[],
size_t __srclen);
__strcat_c (char *__dest, const char __src[], size_t __srclen)
# ifdef __i686__
register unsigned long int __d0;
register char *__tmp;
__asm__ __volatile__
("repne; scasb"
: "=D" (__tmp), "=&c" (__d0),
"=m" ( *(struct { char __x[0xfffffff]; } *)__dest)
: "0" (__dest), "1" (0xffffffff), "a" (0),
"m" ( *(struct { __extension__ char __x[__srclen]; } *)__src)
: "cc");
# else
# 997 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
register char *__tmp = __dest - 1;
__asm__ __volatile__
"incl %0\n\t"
"cmpb $0,(%0)\n\t"
"jne 1b\n"
: "=r" (__tmp),
"=m" ( *(struct { char __x[0xfffffff]; } *)__dest)
: "0" (__tmp),
"m" ( *(struct { __extension__ char __x[__srclen]; } *)__src)
: "cc");
# endif
# 1009 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
(void) memcpy (__tmp, __src, __srclen);
return __dest;
__STRING_INLINE char *__strcat_g (char *__dest, const char *__src);
__strcat_g (char *__dest, const char *__src)
register char *__tmp = __dest - 1;
register char __dummy;
__asm__ __volatile__
"incl %1\n\t"
"cmpb $0,(%1)\n\t"
"jne 1b\n"
"movb (%2),%b0\n\t"
"incl %2\n\t"
"movb %b0,(%1)\n\t"
"incl %1\n\t"
"testb %b0,%b0\n\t"
"jne 2b\n"
: "=&q" (__dummy), "=&r" (__tmp), "=&r" (__src),
"=m" ( *(struct { char __x[0xfffffff]; } *)__dest)
: "1" (__tmp), "2" (__src),
"m" ( *(struct { char __x[0xfffffff]; } *)__src)
: "memory", "cc");
return __dest;
/* Append no more than N characters from SRC onto DEST. */
# define _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_strncat 1
# define strncat(dest, src, n) \
(__extension__ ({ char *__dest = (dest); \
__builtin_constant_p (src) && __builtin_constant_p (n) \
? (strlen (src) < ((size_t) (n)) \
? strcat (__dest, (src)) \
: (*(char *)__mempcpy (strchr (__dest, '\0'), \
(const char *) (src), \
(n)) = 0, __dest)) \
: __strncat_g (__dest, (src), (n)); }))
__STRING_INLINE char *__strncat_g (char *__dest, const char __src[],
size_t __n);
__strncat_g (char *__dest, const char __src[], size_t __n)
register char *__tmp = __dest;
register char __dummy;
# ifdef __i686__
__asm__ __volatile__
("repne; scasb\n"
"movl %4, %3\n\t"
"decl %1\n\t"
"subl $1,%3\n\t"
"jc 2f\n\t"
"movb (%2),%b0\n\t"
"testb %b0,%b0\n\t"
"jne 1b\n\t"
"decl %1\n"
"movb $0,(%1)"
: "=&a" (__dummy), "=&D" (__tmp), "=&S" (__src), "=&c" (__n)
: "g" (__n), "0" (0), "1" (__tmp), "2" (__src), "3" (0xffffffff)
: "memory", "cc");
# else
# 1080 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
__asm__ __volatile__
"cmpb $0,1(%1)\n\t"
"leal 1(%1),%1\n\t"
"jne 1b\n"
"subl $1,%3\n\t"
"jc 3f\n\t"
"movb (%2),%b0\n\t"
"leal 1(%2),%2\n\t"
"movb %b0,(%1)\n\t"
"leal 1(%1),%1\n\t"
"testb %b0,%b0\n\t"
"jne 2b\n\t"
"decl %1\n"
"movb $0,(%1)"
: "=&q" (__dummy), "=&r" (__tmp), "=&r" (__src), "=&r" (__n)
: "1" (__tmp), "2" (__src), "3" (__n)
: "memory", "cc");
# 1102 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
return __dest;
/* Compare S1 and S2. */
# define _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_strcmp 1
# define strcmp(s1, s2) \
(__extension__ (__builtin_constant_p (s1) && __builtin_constant_p (s2) \
&& (sizeof ((s1)[0]) != 1 || strlen (s1) >= 4) \
&& (sizeof ((s2)[0]) != 1 || strlen (s2) >= 4) \
? memcmp ((const char *) (s1), (const char *) (s2), \
(strlen (s1) < strlen (s2) \
? strlen (s1) : strlen (s2)) + 1) \
: (__builtin_constant_p (s1) && sizeof ((s1)[0]) == 1 \
&& sizeof ((s2)[0]) == 1 && strlen (s1) < 4 \
? (__builtin_constant_p (s2) && sizeof ((s2)[0]) == 1 \
? __strcmp_cc ((const unsigned char *) (s1), \
(const unsigned char *) (s2), \
strlen (s1)) \
: __strcmp_cg ((const unsigned char *) (s1), \
(const unsigned char *) (s2), \
strlen (s1))) \
: (__builtin_constant_p (s2) && sizeof ((s1)[0]) == 1 \
&& sizeof ((s2)[0]) == 1 && strlen (s2) < 4 \
? (__builtin_constant_p (s1) \
? __strcmp_cc ((const unsigned char *) (s1), \
(const unsigned char *) (s2), \
strlen (s2)) \
: __strcmp_gc ((const unsigned char *) (s1), \
(const unsigned char *) (s2), \
strlen (s2))) \
: __strcmp_gg ((s1), (s2))))))
# define __strcmp_cc(s1, s2, l) \
(__extension__ ({ register int __result = (s1)[0] - (s2)[0]; \
if (l > 0 && __result == 0) \
{ \
__result = (s1)[1] - (s2)[1]; \
if (l > 1 && __result == 0) \
{ \
__result = (s1)[2] - (s2)[2]; \
if (l > 2 && __result == 0) \
__result = (s1)[3] - (s2)[3]; \
} \
} \
__result; }))
# define __strcmp_cg(s1, s2, l1) \
(__extension__ ({ const unsigned char *__s2 = (s2); \
register int __result = (s1)[0] - __s2[0]; \
if (l1 > 0 && __result == 0) \
{ \
__result = (s1)[1] - __s2[1]; \
if (l1 > 1 && __result == 0) \
{ \
__result = (s1)[2] - __s2[2]; \
if (l1 > 2 && __result == 0) \
__result = (s1)[3] - __s2[3]; \
} \
} \
__result; }))
# define __strcmp_gc(s1, s2, l2) \
(__extension__ ({ const unsigned char *__s1 = (s1); \
register int __result = __s1[0] - (s2)[0]; \
if (l2 > 0 && __result == 0) \
{ \
__result = __s1[1] - (s2)[1]; \
if (l2 > 1 && __result == 0) \
{ \
__result = __s1[2] - (s2)[2]; \
if (l2 > 2 && __result == 0) \
__result = __s1[3] - (s2)[3]; \
} \
} \
__result; }))
__STRING_INLINE int __strcmp_gg (const char *__s1, const char *__s2);
__strcmp_gg (const char *__s1, const char *__s2)
register int __res;
__asm__ __volatile__
"movb (%1),%b0\n\t"
"leal 1(%1),%1\n\t"
"cmpb %b0,(%2)\n\t"
"jne 2f\n\t"
"leal 1(%2),%2\n\t"
"testb %b0,%b0\n\t"
"jne 1b\n\t"
"xorl %0,%0\n\t"
"jmp 3f\n"
"movl $1,%0\n\t"
"jb 3f\n\t"
"negl %0\n"
: "=q" (__res), "=&r" (__s1), "=&r" (__s2)
: "1" (__s1), "2" (__s2),
"m" ( *(struct { char __x[0xfffffff]; } *)__s1),
"m" ( *(struct { char __x[0xfffffff]; } *)__s2)
: "cc");
return __res;
/* Compare N characters of S1 and S2. */
# define _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_strncmp 1
# define strncmp(s1, s2, n) \
(__extension__ (__builtin_constant_p (s1) && strlen (s1) < ((size_t) (n)) \
? strcmp ((s1), (s2)) \
: (__builtin_constant_p (s2) && strlen (s2) < ((size_t) (n))\
? strcmp ((s1), (s2)) \
: __strncmp_g ((s1), (s2), (n)))))
__STRING_INLINE int __strncmp_g (const char *__s1, const char *__s2,
size_t __n);
__strncmp_g (const char *__s1, const char *__s2, size_t __n)
register int __res;
__asm__ __volatile__
"subl $1,%3\n\t"
"jc 2f\n\t"
"movb (%1),%b0\n\t"
"incl %1\n\t"
"cmpb %b0,(%2)\n\t"
"jne 3f\n\t"
"incl %2\n\t"
"testb %b0,%b0\n\t"
"jne 1b\n"
"xorl %0,%0\n\t"
"jmp 4f\n"
"movl $1,%0\n\t"
"jb 4f\n\t"
"negl %0\n"
: "=q" (__res), "=&r" (__s1), "=&r" (__s2), "=&r" (__n)
: "1" (__s1), "2" (__s2), "3" (__n),
"m" ( *(struct { __extension__ char __x[__n]; } *)__s1),
"m" ( *(struct { __extension__ char __x[__n]; } *)__s2)
: "cc");
return __res;
/* Find the first occurrence of C in S. */
# define _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_strchr 1
# define _USE_STRING_ARCH_strchr 1
# define strchr(s, c) \
(__extension__ (__builtin_constant_p (c) \
? ((c) == '\0' \
? (char *) __rawmemchr ((s), (c)) \
: __strchr_c ((s), ((c) & 0xff) << 8)) \
: __strchr_g ((s), (c))))
__STRING_INLINE char *__strchr_c (const char *__s, int __c);
__strchr_c (const char *__s, int __c)
register unsigned long int __d0;
register char *__res;
__asm__ __volatile__
"movb (%0),%%al\n\t"
"cmpb %%ah,%%al\n\t"
"je 2f\n\t"
"leal 1(%0),%0\n\t"
"testb %%al,%%al\n\t"
"jne 1b\n\t"
"xorl %0,%0\n"
: "=r" (__res), "=&a" (__d0)
: "0" (__s), "1" (__c),
"m" ( *(struct { char __x[0xfffffff]; } *)__s)
: "cc");
return __res;
__STRING_INLINE char *__strchr_g (const char *__s, int __c);
__strchr_g (const char *__s, int __c)
register unsigned long int __d0;
register char *__res;
__asm__ __volatile__
("movb %%al,%%ah\n"
"movb (%0),%%al\n\t"
"cmpb %%ah,%%al\n\t"
"je 2f\n\t"
"leal 1(%0),%0\n\t"
"testb %%al,%%al\n\t"
"jne 1b\n\t"
"xorl %0,%0\n"
: "=r" (__res), "=&a" (__d0)
: "0" (__s), "1" (__c),
"m" ( *(struct { char __x[0xfffffff]; } *)__s)
: "cc");
return __res;
/* Find the first occurrence of C in S or the final NUL byte. */
# define _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_strchrnul 1
# define __strchrnul(s, c) \
(__extension__ (__builtin_constant_p (c) \
? ((c) == '\0' \
? (char *) __rawmemchr ((s), c) \
: __strchrnul_c ((s), ((c) & 0xff) << 8)) \
: __strchrnul_g ((s), c)))
__STRING_INLINE char *__strchrnul_c (const char *__s, int __c);
__strchrnul_c (const char *__s, int __c)
register unsigned long int __d0;
register char *__res;
__asm__ __volatile__
"movb (%0),%%al\n\t"
"cmpb %%ah,%%al\n\t"
"je 2f\n\t"
"leal 1(%0),%0\n\t"
"testb %%al,%%al\n\t"
"jne 1b\n\t"
"decl %0\n"
: "=r" (__res), "=&a" (__d0)
: "0" (__s), "1" (__c),
"m" ( *(struct { char __x[0xfffffff]; } *)__s)
: "cc");
return __res;
__STRING_INLINE char *__strchrnul_g (const char *__s, int __c);
__strchrnul_g (const char *__s, int __c)
register unsigned long int __d0;
register char *__res;
__asm__ __volatile__
("movb %%al,%%ah\n"
"movb (%0),%%al\n\t"
"cmpb %%ah,%%al\n\t"
"je 2f\n\t"
"leal 1(%0),%0\n\t"
"testb %%al,%%al\n\t"
"jne 1b\n\t"
"decl %0\n"
: "=r" (__res), "=&a" (__d0)
: "0" (__s), "1" (__c),
"m" ( *(struct { char __x[0xfffffff]; } *)__s)
: "cc");
return __res;
# ifdef __USE_GNU
# define strchrnul(s, c) __strchrnul ((s), (c))
# endif
# 1374 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if defined __USE_BSD || defined __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 1377 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
/* Find the first occurrence of C in S. This is the BSD name. */
# define _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_index 1
# define index(s, c) \
(__extension__ (__builtin_constant_p (c) \
? __strchr_c ((s), ((c) & 0xff) << 8) \
: __strchr_g ((s), (c))))
# endif
# 1384 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
/* Find the last occurrence of C in S. */
# define _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_strrchr 1
# define strrchr(s, c) \
(__extension__ (__builtin_constant_p (c) \
? __strrchr_c ((s), ((c) & 0xff) << 8) \
: __strrchr_g ((s), (c))))
# ifdef __i686__
__STRING_INLINE char *__strrchr_c (const char *__s, int __c);
__strrchr_c (const char *__s, int __c)
register unsigned long int __d0, __d1;
register char *__res;
__asm__ __volatile__
"cmpb %h2,%b2\n\t"
"cmove %1,%0\n\t"
"testb %b2,%b2\n\t"
"jne 1b"
: "=d" (__res), "=&S" (__d0), "=&a" (__d1)
: "0" (1), "1" (__s), "2" (__c),
"m" ( *(struct { char __x[0xfffffff]; } *)__s)
: "cc");
return __res - 1;
__STRING_INLINE char *__strrchr_g (const char *__s, int __c);
__strrchr_g (const char *__s, int __c)
register unsigned long int __d0, __d1;
register char *__res;
__asm__ __volatile__
("movb %b2,%h2\n"
"cmpb %h2,%b2\n\t"
"cmove %1,%0\n\t"
"testb %b2,%b2\n\t"
"jne 1b"
: "=d" (__res), "=&S" (__d0), "=&a" (__d1)
: "0" (1), "1" (__s), "2" (__c),
"m" ( *(struct { char __x[0xfffffff]; } *)__s)
: "cc");
return __res - 1;
# else
# 1439 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
__STRING_INLINE char *__strrchr_c (const char *__s, int __c);
__strrchr_c (const char *__s, int __c)
register unsigned long int __d0, __d1;
register char *__res;
__asm__ __volatile__
"cmpb %%ah,%%al\n\t"
"jne 2f\n\t"
"leal -1(%%esi),%0\n"
"testb %%al,%%al\n\t"
"jne 1b"
: "=d" (__res), "=&S" (__d0), "=&a" (__d1)
: "0" (0), "1" (__s), "2" (__c),
"m" ( *(struct { char __x[0xfffffff]; } *)__s)
: "cc");
return __res;
__STRING_INLINE char *__strrchr_g (const char *__s, int __c);
__strrchr_g (const char *__s, int __c)
register unsigned long int __d0, __d1;
register char *__res;
__asm__ __volatile__
("movb %%al,%%ah\n"
"cmpb %%ah,%%al\n\t"
"jne 2f\n\t"
"leal -1(%%esi),%0\n"
"testb %%al,%%al\n\t"
"jne 1b"
: "=r" (__res), "=&S" (__d0), "=&a" (__d1)
: "0" (0), "1" (__s), "2" (__c),
"m" ( *(struct { char __x[0xfffffff]; } *)__s)
: "cc");
return __res;
# endif
# 1488 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if defined __USE_BSD || defined __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 1491 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
/* Find the last occurrence of C in S. This is the BSD name. */
# define _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_rindex 1
# define rindex(s, c) \
(__extension__ (__builtin_constant_p (c) \
? __strrchr_c ((s), ((c) & 0xff) << 8) \
: __strrchr_g ((s), (c))))
# endif
# 1498 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
/* Return the length of the initial segment of S which
consists entirely of characters not in REJECT. */
# define _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_strcspn 1
# define strcspn(s, reject) \
(__extension__ (__builtin_constant_p (reject) && sizeof ((reject)[0]) == 1 \
? ((reject)[0] == '\0' \
? strlen (s) \
: ((reject)[1] == '\0' \
? __strcspn_c1 ((s), (((reject)[0] << 8) & 0xff00)) \
: __strcspn_cg ((s), (reject), strlen (reject)))) \
: __strcspn_g ((s), (reject))))
__STRING_INLINE size_t __strcspn_c1 (const char *__s, int __reject);
__strcspn_c1 (const char *__s, int __reject)
register unsigned long int __d0;
register char *__res;
__asm__ __volatile__
"movb (%0),%%al\n\t"
"leal 1(%0),%0\n\t"
"cmpb %%ah,%%al\n\t"
"je 2f\n\t"
"testb %%al,%%al\n\t"
"jne 1b\n"
: "=r" (__res), "=&a" (__d0)
: "0" (__s), "1" (__reject),
"m" ( *(struct { char __x[0xfffffff]; } *)__s)
: "cc");
return (__res - 1) - __s;
# endif
# 1536 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
__STRING_INLINE size_t __strcspn_cg (const char *__s, const char __reject[],
size_t __reject_len);
__strcspn_cg (const char *__s, const char __reject[], size_t __reject_len)
register unsigned long int __d0, __d1, __d2;
register const char *__res;
__asm__ __volatile__
"testb %%al,%%al\n\t"
"je 2f\n\t"
"movl %5,%%edi\n\t"
"movl %6,%%ecx\n\t"
"repne; scasb\n\t"
"jne 1b\n"
: "=S" (__res), "=&a" (__d0), "=&c" (__d1), "=&D" (__d2)
: "0" (__s), "d" (__reject), "g" (__reject_len)
: "memory", "cc");
return (__res - 1) - __s;
__STRING_INLINE size_t __strcspn_g (const char *__s, const char *__reject);
# ifdef __PIC__
__strcspn_g (const char *__s, const char *__reject)
register unsigned long int __d0, __d1, __d2;
register const char *__res;
__asm__ __volatile__
("pushl %%ebx\n\t"
"movl %4,%%edi\n\t"
"repne; scasb\n\t"
"notl %%ecx\n\t"
"leal -1(%%ecx),%%ebx\n"
"testb %%al,%%al\n\t"
"je 2f\n\t"
"movl %4,%%edi\n\t"
"movl %%ebx,%%ecx\n\t"
"repne; scasb\n\t"
"jne 1b\n"
"popl %%ebx"
: "=S" (__res), "=&a" (__d0), "=&c" (__d1), "=&D" (__d2)
: "r" (__reject), "0" (__s), "1" (0), "2" (0xffffffff)
: "memory", "cc");
return (__res - 1) - __s;
# else
# 1593 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
__strcspn_g (const char *__s, const char *__reject)
register unsigned long int __d0, __d1, __d2, __d3;
register const char *__res;
__asm__ __volatile__
"repne; scasb\n\t"
"notl %%ecx\n\t"
"leal -1(%%ecx),%%edx\n"
"testb %%al,%%al\n\t"
"je 2f\n\t"
"movl %%ebx,%%edi\n\t"
"movl %%edx,%%ecx\n\t"
"repne; scasb\n\t"
"jne 1b\n"
: "=S" (__res), "=&a" (__d0), "=&c" (__d1), "=&D" (__d2), "=&d" (__d3)
: "0" (__s), "1" (0), "2" (0xffffffff), "3" (__reject), "b" (__reject)
/* Clobber memory, otherwise GCC cannot handle this. */
: "memory", "cc");
return (__res - 1) - __s;
# endif
# 1619 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
/* Return the length of the initial segment of S which
consists entirely of characters in ACCEPT. */
# define _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_strspn 1
# define strspn(s, accept) \
(__extension__ (__builtin_constant_p (accept) && sizeof ((accept)[0]) == 1 \
? ((accept)[0] == '\0' \
? ((void) (s), 0) \
: ((accept)[1] == '\0' \
? __strspn_c1 ((s), (((accept)[0] << 8 ) & 0xff00)) \
: __strspn_cg ((s), (accept), strlen (accept)))) \
: __strspn_g ((s), (accept))))
__STRING_INLINE size_t __strspn_c1 (const char *__s, int __accept);
__strspn_c1 (const char *__s, int __accept)
register unsigned long int __d0;
register char *__res;
/* Please note that __accept never can be '\0'. */
__asm__ __volatile__
"movb (%0),%b1\n\t"
"leal 1(%0),%0\n\t"
"cmpb %h1,%b1\n\t"
"je 1b"
: "=r" (__res), "=&q" (__d0)
: "0" (__s), "1" (__accept),
"m" ( *(struct { char __x[0xfffffff]; } *)__s)
: "cc");
return (__res - 1) - __s;
# endif
# 1655 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
__STRING_INLINE size_t __strspn_cg (const char *__s, const char __accept[],
size_t __accept_len);
__strspn_cg (const char *__s, const char __accept[], size_t __accept_len)
register unsigned long int __d0, __d1, __d2;
register const char *__res;
__asm__ __volatile__
"testb %%al,%%al\n\t"
"je 2f\n\t"
"movl %5,%%edi\n\t"
"movl %6,%%ecx\n\t"
"repne; scasb\n\t"
"je 1b\n"
: "=S" (__res), "=&a" (__d0), "=&c" (__d1), "=&D" (__d2)
: "0" (__s), "g" (__accept), "g" (__accept_len),
/* Since we do not know how large the memory we access it, use a
really large amount. */
"m" ( *(struct { char __x[0xfffffff]; } *)__s),
"m" ( *(struct { __extension__ char __x[__accept_len]; } *)__accept)
: "cc");
return (__res - 1) - __s;
__STRING_INLINE size_t __strspn_g (const char *__s, const char *__accept);
# ifdef __PIC__
__strspn_g (const char *__s, const char *__accept)
register unsigned long int __d0, __d1, __d2;
register const char *__res;
__asm__ __volatile__
("pushl %%ebx\n\t"
"repne; scasb\n\t"
"notl %%ecx\n\t"
"leal -1(%%ecx),%%ebx\n"
"testb %%al,%%al\n\t"
"je 2f\n\t"
"movl %%edx,%%edi\n\t"
"movl %%ebx,%%ecx\n\t"
"repne; scasb\n\t"
"je 1b\n"
"popl %%ebx"
: "=S" (__res), "=&a" (__d0), "=&c" (__d1), "=&D" (__d2)
: "d" (__accept), "0" (__s), "1" (0), "2" (0xffffffff), "3" (__accept)
: "memory", "cc");
return (__res - 1) - __s;
# else
# 1715 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
__strspn_g (const char *__s, const char *__accept)
register unsigned long int __d0, __d1, __d2, __d3;
register const char *__res;
__asm__ __volatile__
"repne; scasb\n\t"
"notl %%ecx\n\t"
"leal -1(%%ecx),%%edx\n"
"testb %%al,%%al\n\t"
"je 2f\n\t"
"movl %%ebx,%%edi\n\t"
"movl %%edx,%%ecx\n\t"
"repne; scasb\n\t"
"je 1b\n"
: "=S" (__res), "=&a" (__d0), "=&c" (__d1), "=&D" (__d2), "=&d" (__d3)
: "0" (__s), "1" (0), "2" (0xffffffff), "3" (__accept), "b" (__accept)
: "memory", "cc");
return (__res - 1) - __s;
# endif
# 1740 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
/* Find the first occurrence in S of any character in ACCEPT. */
# define _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_strpbrk 1
# define strpbrk(s, accept) \
(__extension__ (__builtin_constant_p (accept) && sizeof ((accept)[0]) == 1 \
? ((accept)[0] == '\0' \
? ((void) (s), (char *) 0) \
: ((accept)[1] == '\0' \
? strchr ((s), (accept)[0]) \
: __strpbrk_cg ((s), (accept), strlen (accept)))) \
: __strpbrk_g ((s), (accept))))
__STRING_INLINE char *__strpbrk_cg (const char *__s, const char __accept[],
size_t __accept_len);
__strpbrk_cg (const char *__s, const char __accept[], size_t __accept_len)
register unsigned long int __d0, __d1, __d2;
register char *__res;
__asm__ __volatile__
"testb %%al,%%al\n\t"
"je 2f\n\t"
"movl %5,%%edi\n\t"
"movl %6,%%ecx\n\t"
"repne; scasb\n\t"
"jne 1b\n\t"
"decl %0\n\t"
"jmp 3f\n"
"xorl %0,%0\n"
: "=S" (__res), "=&a" (__d0), "=&c" (__d1), "=&D" (__d2)
: "0" (__s), "d" (__accept), "g" (__accept_len)
: "memory", "cc");
return __res;
__STRING_INLINE char *__strpbrk_g (const char *__s, const char *__accept);
# ifdef __PIC__
__strpbrk_g (const char *__s, const char *__accept)
register unsigned long int __d0, __d1, __d2;
register char *__res;
__asm__ __volatile__
("pushl %%ebx\n\t"
"movl %%edx,%%edi\n\t"
"repne; scasb\n\t"
"notl %%ecx\n\t"
"leal -1(%%ecx),%%ebx\n"
"testb %%al,%%al\n\t"
"je 2f\n\t"
"movl %%edx,%%edi\n\t"
"movl %%ebx,%%ecx\n\t"
"repne; scasb\n\t"
"jne 1b\n\t"
"decl %0\n\t"
"jmp 3f\n"
"xorl %0,%0\n"
"popl %%ebx"
: "=S" (__res), "=&a" (__d0), "=&c" (__d1), "=&D" (__d2)
: "d" (__accept), "0" (__s), "1" (0), "2" (0xffffffff)
: "memory", "cc");
return __res;
# else
# 1817 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
__strpbrk_g (const char *__s, const char *__accept)
register unsigned long int __d0, __d1, __d2, __d3;
register char *__res;
__asm__ __volatile__
("movl %%ebx,%%edi\n\t"
"repne; scasb\n\t"
"notl %%ecx\n\t"
"leal -1(%%ecx),%%edx\n"
"testb %%al,%%al\n\t"
"je 2f\n\t"
"movl %%ebx,%%edi\n\t"
"movl %%edx,%%ecx\n\t"
"repne; scasb\n\t"
"jne 1b\n\t"
"decl %0\n\t"
"jmp 3f\n"
"xorl %0,%0\n"
: "=S" (__res), "=&a" (__d0), "=&c" (__d1), "=&d" (__d2), "=&D" (__d3)
: "0" (__s), "1" (0), "2" (0xffffffff), "b" (__accept)
: "memory", "cc");
return __res;
# endif
# 1847 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
/* Find the first occurrence of NEEDLE in HAYSTACK. */
# define _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_strstr 1
# define strstr(haystack, needle) \
(__extension__ (__builtin_constant_p (needle) && sizeof ((needle)[0]) == 1 \
? ((needle)[0] == '\0' \
? (haystack) \
: ((needle)[1] == '\0' \
? strchr ((haystack), (needle)[0]) \
: __strstr_cg ((haystack), (needle), \
strlen (needle)))) \
: __strstr_g ((haystack), (needle))))
/* Please note that this function need not handle NEEDLEs with a
length shorter than two. */
__STRING_INLINE char *__strstr_cg (const char *__haystack,
const char __needle[],
size_t __needle_len);
__strstr_cg (const char *__haystack, const char __needle[],
size_t __needle_len)
register unsigned long int __d0, __d1, __d2;
register char *__res;
__asm__ __volatile__
("cld\n" \
"movl %6,%%edi\n\t"
"movl %5,%%eax\n\t"
"movl %4,%%ecx\n\t"
"repe; cmpsb\n\t"
"je 2f\n\t"
"cmpb $0,-1(%%esi)\n\t"
"leal 1(%%eax),%5\n\t"
"jne 1b\n\t"
"xorl %%eax,%%eax\n"
: "=&a" (__res), "=&S" (__d0), "=&D" (__d1), "=&c" (__d2)
: "g" (__needle_len), "1" (__haystack), "d" (__needle)
: "memory", "cc");
return __res;
__STRING_INLINE char *__strstr_g (const char *__haystack,
const char *__needle);
# ifdef __PIC__
__strstr_g (const char *__haystack, const char *__needle)
register unsigned long int __d0, __d1, __d2;
register char *__res;
__asm__ __volatile__
"repne; scasb\n\t"
"notl %%ecx\n\t"
"pushl %%ebx\n\t"
"decl %%ecx\n\t" /* NOTE! This also sets Z if searchstring='' */
"movl %%ecx,%%ebx\n"
"movl %%edx,%%edi\n\t"
"movl %%esi,%%eax\n\t"
"movl %%ebx,%%ecx\n\t"
"repe; cmpsb\n\t"
"je 2f\n\t" /* also works for empty string, see above */
"cmpb $0,-1(%%esi)\n\t"
"leal 1(%%eax),%%esi\n\t"
"jne 1b\n\t"
"xorl %%eax,%%eax\n"
"popl %%ebx"
: "=&a" (__res), "=&c" (__d0), "=&S" (__d1), "=&D" (__d2)
: "0" (0), "1" (0xffffffff), "2" (__haystack), "3" (__needle),
"d" (__needle)
: "memory", "cc");
return __res;
# else
# 1927 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
__strstr_g (const char *__haystack, const char *__needle)
register unsigned long int __d0, __d1, __d2, __d3;
register char *__res;
__asm__ __volatile__
"repne; scasb\n\t"
"notl %%ecx\n\t"
"decl %%ecx\n\t" /* NOTE! This also sets Z if searchstring='' */
"movl %%ecx,%%edx\n"
"movl %%ebx,%%edi\n\t"
"movl %%esi,%%eax\n\t"
"movl %%edx,%%ecx\n\t"
"repe; cmpsb\n\t"
"je 2f\n\t" /* also works for empty string, see above */
"cmpb $0,-1(%%esi)\n\t"
"leal 1(%%eax),%%esi\n\t"
"jne 1b\n\t"
"xorl %%eax,%%eax\n"
: "=&a" (__res), "=&c" (__d0), "=&S" (__d1), "=&D" (__d2), "=&d" (__d3)
: "0" (0), "1" (0xffffffff), "2" (__haystack), "3" (__needle),
"b" (__needle)
: "memory", "cc");
return __res;
# endif
# 1956 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
/* Bit find functions. We define only the i686 version since for the other
processors gcc generates good code. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if defined __USE_BSD || defined __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 1961 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
# ifdef __i686__
# define _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_ffs 1
# define ffs(word) (__builtin_constant_p (word) \
? __builtin_ffs (word) \
: ({ int __cnt, __tmp; \
__asm__ __volatile__ \
("bsfl %2,%0\n\t" \
"cmovel %1,%0" \
: "=&r" (__cnt), "=r" (__tmp) \
: "rm" (word), "1" (-1)); \
__cnt + 1; }))
# ifndef ffsl
# define ffsl(word) ffs(word)
# endif
# 1976 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
# endif /* i686 */
# 1977 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
# endif /* BSD || X/Open */
# 1978 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
# endif
# 1982 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
# endif /* use string inlines && GNU CC */
# 1984 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
# 1986 "/usr/include/bits/string.h" 3 4
# 631 "/usr/include/string.h" 2 3 4
/* These are generic optimizations which do not add too much inline code. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/string2.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 633 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 1 3 4
/* Machine-independant string function optimizations.
Copyright (C) 1997-2004, 2007, 2008, 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
Contributed by Ulrich Drepper <>, 1997.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
#ifndef _STRING_H
# error "Never use <bits/string2.h> directly; include <string.h> instead."
# 23 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
/* Unlike the definitions in the header <bits/string.h> the
definitions contained here are not optimized down to assembler
level. Those optimizations are not always a good idea since this
means the code size increases a lot. Instead the definitions here
optimize some functions in a way which do not dramatically
increase the code size and which do not use assembler. The main
trick is to use GCC's `__builtin_constant_p' function.
Every function XXX which has a defined version in
<bits/string.h> must be accompanied by a symbol _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_XXX
to make sure we don't get redefinitions.
We must use here macros instead of inline functions since the
trick won't work with the latter. */
# ifdef __cplusplus
# define __STRING_INLINE inline
# else
# 45 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# define __STRING_INLINE __extern_inline
# endif
# 47 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# 48 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if _STRING_ARCH_unaligned
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 50 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
/* If we can do unaligned memory accesses we must know the endianess. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <endian.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 51 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/endian.h" 1 3 4
/* Copyright (C) 1992-2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
#ifndef _ENDIAN_H
#define _ENDIAN_H 1
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <features.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 21 "/usr/include/endian.h" 3 4
# 22 "/usr/include/endian.h" 3 4
/* Definitions for byte order, according to significance of bytes,
from low addresses to high addresses. The value is what you get by
putting '4' in the most significant byte, '3' in the second most
significant byte, '2' in the second least significant byte, and '1'
in the least significant byte, and then writing down one digit for
each byte, starting with the byte at the lowest address at the left,
and proceeding to the byte with the highest address at the right. */
#define __LITTLE_ENDIAN 1234
#define __BIG_ENDIAN 4321
#define __PDP_ENDIAN 3412
/* This file defines `__BYTE_ORDER' for the particular machine. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/endian.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 36 "/usr/include/endian.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/endian.h" 1 3 4
/* i386/x86_64 are little-endian. */
#ifndef _ENDIAN_H
# error "Never use <bits/endian.h> directly; include <endian.h> instead."
# 6 "/usr/include/bits/endian.h" 3 4
# 37 "/usr/include/endian.h" 2 3 4
/* Some machines may need to use a different endianness for floating point
values. */
# 43 "/usr/include/endian.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_BSD
# 50 "/usr/include/endian.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 52 "/usr/include/endian.h" 3 4
# define __LONG_LONG_PAIR(HI, LO) LO, HI
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#elif 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 54 "/usr/include/endian.h" 3 4
# define __LONG_LONG_PAIR(HI, LO) HI, LO
# 56 "/usr/include/endian.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_BSD && !defined __ASSEMBLER__
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 59 "/usr/include/endian.h" 3 4
/* Conversion interfaces. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/byteswap.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 60 "/usr/include/endian.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 1 3 4
/* Macros to swap the order of bytes in integer values.
Copyright (C) 1997-2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined _BYTESWAP_H && !defined _NETINET_IN_H && !defined _ENDIAN_H
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 20 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
# error "Never use <bits/byteswap.h> directly; include <byteswap.h> instead."
# 22 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
#define _BITS_BYTESWAP_H 1
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <features.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 26 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
# 27 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/types.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 27 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
# 28 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/wordsize.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 28 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 1 3 4
/* Determine the wordsize from the preprocessor defines. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __x86_64__ && !defined __ILP32__
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 4 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 3 4
# define __WORDSIZE 64
# 6 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 3 4
# define __WORDSIZE 32
# 8 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 3 4
#ifdef __x86_64__
# define __WORDSIZE_TIME64_COMPAT32 1
/* Both x86-64 and x32 use the 64-bit system call interface. */
# define __SYSCALL_WORDSIZE 64
# 14 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 3 4
# 29 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 2 3 4
/* Swap bytes in 16 bit value. */
#define __bswap_constant_16(x) \
((unsigned short int) ((((x) >> 8) & 0xff) | (((x) & 0xff) << 8)))
/* Get __bswap_16. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/byteswap-16.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 35 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap-16.h" 1 3 4
/* Macros to swap the order of bytes in 16-bit integer values.
Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
# error "Never use <bits/byteswap-16.h> directly; include <byteswap.h> instead."
# 22 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap-16.h" 3 4
#ifdef __GNUC__
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if __GNUC__ >= 2
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 25 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap-16.h" 3 4
# define __bswap_16(x) \
(__extension__ \
({ unsigned short int __v, __x = (unsigned short int) (x); \
if (__builtin_constant_p (__x)) \
__v = __bswap_constant_16 (__x); \
else \
__asm__ ("rorw $8, %w0" \
: "=r" (__v) \
: "0" (__x) \
: "cc"); \
__v; }))
# else
# 37 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap-16.h" 3 4
/* This is better than nothing. */
# define __bswap_16(x) \
(__extension__ \
({ unsigned short int __x = (unsigned short int) (x); \
__bswap_constant_16 (__x); }))
# endif
# 43 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap-16.h" 3 4
# 44 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap-16.h" 3 4
static __inline unsigned short int
__bswap_16 (unsigned short int __bsx)
return __bswap_constant_16 (__bsx);
# 50 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap-16.h" 3 4
# 36 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 2 3 4
/* Swap bytes in 32 bit value. */
#define __bswap_constant_32(x) \
((((x) & 0xff000000) >> 24) | (((x) & 0x00ff0000) >> 8) | \
(((x) & 0x0000ff00) << 8) | (((x) & 0x000000ff) << 24))
#ifdef __GNUC__
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if __GNUC_PREREQ (4, 3)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 44 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
static __inline unsigned int
__bswap_32 (unsigned int __bsx)
return __builtin_bswap32 (__bsx);
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0
# elif __GNUC__ >= 2
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#elif 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 50 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if __WORDSIZE == 64 || (defined __i486__ || defined __pentium__ \
|| defined __pentiumpro__ || defined __pentium4__ \
|| defined __k8__ || defined __athlon__ \
|| defined __k6__ || defined __nocona__ \
|| defined __core2__ || defined __geode__ \
|| defined __amdfam10__)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 56 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
/* To swap the bytes in a word the i486 processors and up provide the
`bswap' opcode. On i386 we have to use three instructions. */
# define __bswap_32(x) \
(__extension__ \
({ unsigned int __v, __x = (x); \
if (__builtin_constant_p (__x)) \
__v = __bswap_constant_32 (__x); \
else \
__asm__ ("bswap %0" : "=r" (__v) : "0" (__x)); \
__v; }))
# else
# 67 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
# define __bswap_32(x) \
(__extension__ \
({ unsigned int __v, __x = (x); \
if (__builtin_constant_p (__x)) \
__v = __bswap_constant_32 (__x); \
else \
__asm__ ("rorw $8, %w0;" \
"rorl $16, %0;" \
"rorw $8, %w0" \
: "=r" (__v) \
: "0" (__x) \
: "cc"); \
__v; }))
# endif
# 81 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
# else
# 82 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
# define __bswap_32(x) \
(__extension__ \
({ unsigned int __x = (x); __bswap_constant_32 (__x); }))
# endif
# 86 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
# 87 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
static __inline unsigned int
__bswap_32 (unsigned int __bsx)
return __bswap_constant_32 (__bsx);
# 93 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __GNUC_PREREQ (2, 0)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 96 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
/* Swap bytes in 64 bit value. */
# define __bswap_constant_64(x) \
(__extension__ ((((x) & 0xff00000000000000ull) >> 56) \
| (((x) & 0x00ff000000000000ull) >> 40) \
| (((x) & 0x0000ff0000000000ull) >> 24) \
| (((x) & 0x000000ff00000000ull) >> 8) \
| (((x) & 0x00000000ff000000ull) << 8) \
| (((x) & 0x0000000000ff0000ull) << 24) \
| (((x) & 0x000000000000ff00ull) << 40) \
| (((x) & 0x00000000000000ffull) << 56)))
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if __GNUC_PREREQ (4, 3)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 108 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
static __inline __uint64_t
__bswap_64 (__uint64_t __bsx)
return __builtin_bswap64 (__bsx);
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0
# elif __WORDSIZE == 64
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#elif 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 114 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
# define __bswap_64(x) \
(__extension__ \
({ __uint64_t __v, __x = (x); \
if (__builtin_constant_p (__x)) \
__v = __bswap_constant_64 (__x); \
else \
__asm__ ("bswap %q0" : "=r" (__v) : "0" (__x)); \
__v; }))
# else
# 123 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
# define __bswap_64(x) \
(__extension__ \
({ union { __extension__ __uint64_t __ll; \
unsigned int __l[2]; } __w, __r; \
if (__builtin_constant_p (x)) \
__r.__ll = __bswap_constant_64 (x); \
else \
{ \
__w.__ll = (x); \
__r.__l[0] = __bswap_32 (__w.__l[1]); \
__r.__l[1] = __bswap_32 (__w.__l[0]); \
} \
__r.__ll; }))
# endif
# 137 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#elif 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 138 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
# define __bswap_constant_64(x) \
((((x) & 0xff00000000000000ull) >> 56) \
| (((x) & 0x00ff000000000000ull) >> 40) \
| (((x) & 0x0000ff0000000000ull) >> 24) \
| (((x) & 0x000000ff00000000ull) >> 8) \
| (((x) & 0x00000000ff000000ull) << 8) \
| (((x) & 0x0000000000ff0000ull) << 24) \
| (((x) & 0x000000000000ff00ull) << 40) \
| (((x) & 0x00000000000000ffull) << 56))
static __inline __uint64_t
__bswap_64 (__uint64_t __bsx)
return __bswap_constant_64 (__bsx);
# 154 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
#endif /* _BITS_BYTESWAP_H */
# 156 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
# 61 "/usr/include/endian.h" 2 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 63 "/usr/include/endian.h" 3 4
# define htobe16(x) __bswap_16 (x)
# define htole16(x) (x)
# define be16toh(x) __bswap_16 (x)
# define le16toh(x) (x)
# define htobe32(x) __bswap_32 (x)
# define htole32(x) (x)
# define be32toh(x) __bswap_32 (x)
# define le32toh(x) (x)
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 74 "/usr/include/endian.h" 3 4
# define htobe64(x) __bswap_64 (x)
# define htole64(x) (x)
# define be64toh(x) __bswap_64 (x)
# define le64toh(x) (x)
# endif
# 79 "/usr/include/endian.h" 3 4
# else
# 81 "/usr/include/endian.h" 3 4
# define htobe16(x) (x)
# define htole16(x) __bswap_16 (x)
# define be16toh(x) (x)
# define le16toh(x) __bswap_16 (x)
# define htobe32(x) (x)
# define htole32(x) __bswap_32 (x)
# define be32toh(x) (x)
# define le32toh(x) __bswap_32 (x)
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 92 "/usr/include/endian.h" 3 4
# define htobe64(x) (x)
# define htole64(x) __bswap_64 (x)
# define be64toh(x) (x)
# define le64toh(x) __bswap_64 (x)
# endif
# 97 "/usr/include/endian.h" 3 4
# endif
# 98 "/usr/include/endian.h" 3 4
# 99 "/usr/include/endian.h" 3 4
#endif /* endian.h */
# 101 "/usr/include/endian.h" 3 4
# 52 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 2 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/types.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 52 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# 53 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 55 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# define __STRING2_SMALL_GET16(src, idx) \
(((const unsigned char *) (const char *) (src))[idx + 1] << 8 \
| ((const unsigned char *) (const char *) (src))[idx])
# define __STRING2_SMALL_GET32(src, idx) \
(((((const unsigned char *) (const char *) (src))[idx + 3] << 8 \
| ((const unsigned char *) (const char *) (src))[idx + 2]) << 8 \
| ((const unsigned char *) (const char *) (src))[idx + 1]) << 8 \
| ((const unsigned char *) (const char *) (src))[idx])
# else
# 64 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# define __STRING2_SMALL_GET16(src, idx) \
(((const unsigned char *) (const char *) (src))[idx] << 8 \
| ((const unsigned char *) (const char *) (src))[idx + 1])
# define __STRING2_SMALL_GET32(src, idx) \
(((((const unsigned char *) (const char *) (src))[idx] << 8 \
| ((const unsigned char *) (const char *) (src))[idx + 1]) << 8 \
| ((const unsigned char *) (const char *) (src))[idx + 2]) << 8 \
| ((const unsigned char *) (const char *) (src))[idx + 3])
# endif
# 73 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# 74 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
/* These are a few types we need for the optimizations if we cannot
use unaligned memory accesses. */
# define __STRING2_COPY_TYPE(N) \
typedef struct { unsigned char __arr[N]; } \
__attribute__ ((__packed__)) __STRING2_COPY_ARR##N
# 88 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
/* Dereferencing a pointer arg to run sizeof on it fails for the void
pointer case, so we use this instead.
Note that __x is evaluated twice. */
#define __string2_1bptr_p(__x) \
((size_t)(const void *)((__x) + 1) - (size_t)(const void *)(__x) == 1)
/* Set N bytes of S to C. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_memset
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 97 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if !__GNUC_PREREQ (3, 0)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 98 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if _STRING_ARCH_unaligned
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 99 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# define memset(s, c, n) \
(__extension__ (__builtin_constant_p (n) && (n) <= 16 \
? ((n) == 1 \
? __memset_1 (s, c) \
: __memset_gc (s, c, n)) \
: (__builtin_constant_p (c) && (c) == '\0' \
? ({ void *__s = (s); __bzero (__s, n); __s; }) \
: memset (s, c, n))))
# define __memset_1(s, c) ({ void *__s = (s); \
*((__uint8_t *) __s) = (__uint8_t) c; __s; })
# define __memset_gc(s, c, n) \
({ void *__s = (s); \
union { \
unsigned int __ui; \
unsigned short int __usi; \
unsigned char __uc; \
} *__u = __s; \
__uint8_t __c = (__uint8_t) (c); \
/* This `switch' statement will be removed at compile-time. */ \
switch ((unsigned int) (n)) \
{ \
case 15: \
__u->__ui = __c * 0x01010101; \
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 4); \
case 11: \
__u->__ui = __c * 0x01010101; \
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 4); \
case 7: \
__u->__ui = __c * 0x01010101; \
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 4); \
case 3: \
__u->__usi = (unsigned short int) __c * 0x0101; \
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 2); \
__u->__uc = (unsigned char) __c; \
break; \
case 14: \
__u->__ui = __c * 0x01010101; \
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 4); \
case 10: \
__u->__ui = __c * 0x01010101; \
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 4); \
case 6: \
__u->__ui = __c * 0x01010101; \
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 4); \
case 2: \
__u->__usi = (unsigned short int) __c * 0x0101; \
break; \
case 13: \
__u->__ui = __c * 0x01010101; \
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 4); \
case 9: \
__u->__ui = __c * 0x01010101; \
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 4); \
case 5: \
__u->__ui = __c * 0x01010101; \
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 4); \
case 1: \
__u->__uc = (unsigned char) __c; \
break; \
case 16: \
__u->__ui = __c * 0x01010101; \
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 4); \
case 12: \
__u->__ui = __c * 0x01010101; \
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 4); \
case 8: \
__u->__ui = __c * 0x01010101; \
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 4); \
case 4: \
__u->__ui = __c * 0x01010101; \
case 0: \
break; \
} \
__s; })
# else
# 181 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# define memset(s, c, n) \
(__extension__ (__builtin_constant_p (c) && (c) == '\0' \
? ({ void *__s = (s); __bzero (__s, n); __s; }) \
: memset (s, c, n)))
# endif
# 186 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# endif
# 187 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
/* GCC < 3.0 optimizes memset(s, 0, n) but not bzero(s, n).
The optimization is broken before EGCS 1.1.
GCC 3.0+ has __builtin_bzero as well, but at least till GCC 3.4
if it decides to call the library function, it calls memset
and not bzero. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if __GNUC_PREREQ (2, 91)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 194 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# define __bzero(s, n) __builtin_memset (s, '\0', n)
# endif
# 196 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# 198 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
/* Copy N bytes from SRC to DEST, returning pointer to byte following the
last copied. */
#ifdef __USE_GNU
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if !defined _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_mempcpy || defined _FORCE_INLINES
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 204 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# ifndef _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_mempcpy
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if __GNUC_PREREQ (3, 4)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 206 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# define __mempcpy(dest, src, n) __builtin_mempcpy (dest, src, n)
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0
# elif __GNUC_PREREQ (3, 0)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#elif 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 208 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# define __mempcpy(dest, src, n) \
(__extension__ (__builtin_constant_p (src) && __builtin_constant_p (n) \
&& __string2_1bptr_p (src) && n <= 8 \
? __builtin_memcpy (dest, src, n) + (n) \
: __mempcpy (dest, src, n)))
# else
# 214 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# define __mempcpy(dest, src, n) \
(__extension__ (__builtin_constant_p (src) && __builtin_constant_p (n) \
&& __string2_1bptr_p (src) && n <= 8 \
? __mempcpy_small (dest, __mempcpy_args (src), n) \
: __mempcpy (dest, src, n)))
# endif
# 220 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
/* In glibc we use this function frequently but for namespace reasons
we have to use the name `__mempcpy'. */
# define mempcpy(dest, src, n) __mempcpy (dest, src, n)
# endif
# 224 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if !__GNUC_PREREQ (3, 0) || defined _FORCE_INLINES
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 226 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if _STRING_ARCH_unaligned
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 227 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# define __mempcpy_args(src) \
((const char *) (src))[0], ((const char *) (src))[2], \
((const char *) (src))[4], ((const char *) (src))[6], \
__extension__ __STRING2_SMALL_GET16 (src, 0), \
__extension__ __STRING2_SMALL_GET16 (src, 4), \
__extension__ __STRING2_SMALL_GET32 (src, 0), \
__extension__ __STRING2_SMALL_GET32 (src, 4)
# endif
# 236 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
__STRING_INLINE void *__mempcpy_small (void *, char, char, char, char,
__uint16_t, __uint16_t, __uint32_t,
__uint32_t, size_t);
__mempcpy_small (void *__dest1,
char __src0_1, char __src2_1, char __src4_1, char __src6_1,
__uint16_t __src0_2, __uint16_t __src4_2,
__uint32_t __src0_4, __uint32_t __src4_4,
size_t __srclen)
union {
__uint32_t __ui;
__uint16_t __usi;
unsigned char __uc;
unsigned char __c;
} *__u = __dest1;
switch ((unsigned int) __srclen)
case 1:
__u->__c = __src0_1;
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 1);
case 2:
__u->__usi = __src0_2;
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 2);
case 3:
__u->__usi = __src0_2;
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 2);
__u->__c = __src2_1;
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 1);
case 4:
__u->__ui = __src0_4;
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 4);
case 5:
__u->__ui = __src0_4;
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 4);
__u->__c = __src4_1;
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 1);
case 6:
__u->__ui = __src0_4;
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 4);
__u->__usi = __src4_2;
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 2);
case 7:
__u->__ui = __src0_4;
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 4);
__u->__usi = __src4_2;
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 2);
__u->__c = __src6_1;
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 1);
case 8:
__u->__ui = __src0_4;
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 4);
__u->__ui = __src4_4;
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 4);
return (void *) __u;
# else
# 302 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# define __mempcpy_args(src) \
((const char *) (src))[0], \
__extension__ ((__STRING2_COPY_ARR2) \
{ { ((const char *) (src))[0], ((const char *) (src))[1] } }), \
__extension__ ((__STRING2_COPY_ARR3) \
{ { ((const char *) (src))[0], ((const char *) (src))[1], \
((const char *) (src))[2] } }), \
__extension__ ((__STRING2_COPY_ARR4) \
{ { ((const char *) (src))[0], ((const char *) (src))[1], \
((const char *) (src))[2], ((const char *) (src))[3] } }), \
__extension__ ((__STRING2_COPY_ARR5) \
{ { ((const char *) (src))[0], ((const char *) (src))[1], \
((const char *) (src))[2], ((const char *) (src))[3], \
((const char *) (src))[4] } }), \
__extension__ ((__STRING2_COPY_ARR6) \
{ { ((const char *) (src))[0], ((const char *) (src))[1], \
((const char *) (src))[2], ((const char *) (src))[3], \
((const char *) (src))[4], ((const char *) (src))[5] } }), \
__extension__ ((__STRING2_COPY_ARR7) \
{ { ((const char *) (src))[0], ((const char *) (src))[1], \
((const char *) (src))[2], ((const char *) (src))[3], \
((const char *) (src))[4], ((const char *) (src))[5], \
((const char *) (src))[6] } }), \
__extension__ ((__STRING2_COPY_ARR8) \
{ { ((const char *) (src))[0], ((const char *) (src))[1], \
((const char *) (src))[2], ((const char *) (src))[3], \
((const char *) (src))[4], ((const char *) (src))[5], \
((const char *) (src))[6], ((const char *) (src))[7] } })
# endif
# 332 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
__STRING_INLINE void *__mempcpy_small (void *, char, __STRING2_COPY_ARR2,
__STRING2_COPY_ARR8, size_t);
__mempcpy_small (void *__dest, char __src1,
__STRING2_COPY_ARR2 __src2, __STRING2_COPY_ARR3 __src3,
__STRING2_COPY_ARR4 __src4, __STRING2_COPY_ARR5 __src5,
__STRING2_COPY_ARR6 __src6, __STRING2_COPY_ARR7 __src7,
__STRING2_COPY_ARR8 __src8, size_t __srclen)
union {
char __c;
__STRING2_COPY_ARR2 __sca2;
__STRING2_COPY_ARR3 __sca3;
__STRING2_COPY_ARR4 __sca4;
__STRING2_COPY_ARR5 __sca5;
__STRING2_COPY_ARR6 __sca6;
__STRING2_COPY_ARR7 __sca7;
__STRING2_COPY_ARR8 __sca8;
} *__u = __dest;
switch ((unsigned int) __srclen)
case 1:
__u->__c = __src1;
case 2:
__extension__ __u->__sca2 = __src2;
case 3:
__extension__ __u->__sca3 = __src3;
case 4:
__extension__ __u->__sca4 = __src4;
case 5:
__extension__ __u->__sca5 = __src5;
case 6:
__extension__ __u->__sca6 = __src6;
case 7:
__extension__ __u->__sca7 = __src7;
case 8:
__extension__ __u->__sca8 = __src8;
return __extension__ ((void *) __u + __srclen);
# endif
# 386 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# endif
# 387 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# endif
# 388 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# 389 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
/* Return pointer to C in S. */
#ifndef _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_strchr
extern void *__rawmemchr (const void *__s, int __c);
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if __GNUC_PREREQ (3, 2)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 395 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# define strchr(s, c) \
(__extension__ (__builtin_constant_p (c) && !__builtin_constant_p (s) \
&& (c) == '\0' \
? (char *) __rawmemchr (s, c) \
: __builtin_strchr (s, c)))
# else
# 401 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# define strchr(s, c) \
(__extension__ (__builtin_constant_p (c) && (c) == '\0' \
? (char *) __rawmemchr (s, c) \
: strchr (s, c)))
# endif
# 406 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# 407 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
/* Copy SRC to DEST. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if (!defined _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_strcpy && !__GNUC_PREREQ (3, 0)) \
|| defined _FORCE_INLINES
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 412 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if !defined _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_strcpy && !__GNUC_PREREQ (3, 0)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 413 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# define strcpy(dest, src) \
(__extension__ (__builtin_constant_p (src) \
? (__string2_1bptr_p (src) && strlen (src) + 1 <= 8 \
? __strcpy_small (dest, __strcpy_args (src), \
strlen (src) + 1) \
: (char *) memcpy (dest, src, strlen (src) + 1)) \
: strcpy (dest, src)))
# endif
# 421 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if _STRING_ARCH_unaligned
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 423 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# define __strcpy_args(src) \
__extension__ __STRING2_SMALL_GET16 (src, 0), \
__extension__ __STRING2_SMALL_GET16 (src, 4), \
__extension__ __STRING2_SMALL_GET32 (src, 0), \
__extension__ __STRING2_SMALL_GET32 (src, 4)
# endif
# 430 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
__STRING_INLINE char *__strcpy_small (char *, __uint16_t, __uint16_t,
__uint32_t, __uint32_t, size_t);
__strcpy_small (char *__dest,
__uint16_t __src0_2, __uint16_t __src4_2,
__uint32_t __src0_4, __uint32_t __src4_4,
size_t __srclen)
union {
__uint32_t __ui;
__uint16_t __usi;
unsigned char __uc;
} *__u = (void *) __dest;
switch ((unsigned int) __srclen)
case 1:
__u->__uc = '\0';
case 2:
__u->__usi = __src0_2;
case 3:
__u->__usi = __src0_2;
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 2);
__u->__uc = '\0';
case 4:
__u->__ui = __src0_4;
case 5:
__u->__ui = __src0_4;
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 4);
__u->__uc = '\0';
case 6:
__u->__ui = __src0_4;
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 4);
__u->__usi = __src4_2;
case 7:
__u->__ui = __src0_4;
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 4);
__u->__usi = __src4_2;
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 2);
__u->__uc = '\0';
case 8:
__u->__ui = __src0_4;
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 4);
__u->__ui = __src4_4;
return __dest;
# else
# 485 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# define __strcpy_args(src) \
__extension__ ((__STRING2_COPY_ARR2) \
{ { ((const char *) (src))[0], '\0' } }), \
__extension__ ((__STRING2_COPY_ARR3) \
{ { ((const char *) (src))[0], ((const char *) (src))[1], \
'\0' } }), \
__extension__ ((__STRING2_COPY_ARR4) \
{ { ((const char *) (src))[0], ((const char *) (src))[1], \
((const char *) (src))[2], '\0' } }), \
__extension__ ((__STRING2_COPY_ARR5) \
{ { ((const char *) (src))[0], ((const char *) (src))[1], \
((const char *) (src))[2], ((const char *) (src))[3], \
'\0' } }), \
__extension__ ((__STRING2_COPY_ARR6) \
{ { ((const char *) (src))[0], ((const char *) (src))[1], \
((const char *) (src))[2], ((const char *) (src))[3], \
((const char *) (src))[4], '\0' } }), \
__extension__ ((__STRING2_COPY_ARR7) \
{ { ((const char *) (src))[0], ((const char *) (src))[1], \
((const char *) (src))[2], ((const char *) (src))[3], \
((const char *) (src))[4], ((const char *) (src))[5], \
'\0' } }), \
__extension__ ((__STRING2_COPY_ARR8) \
{ { ((const char *) (src))[0], ((const char *) (src))[1], \
((const char *) (src))[2], ((const char *) (src))[3], \
((const char *) (src))[4], ((const char *) (src))[5], \
((const char *) (src))[6], '\0' } })
# endif
# 514 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
__STRING_INLINE char *__strcpy_small (char *, __STRING2_COPY_ARR2,
__STRING2_COPY_ARR8, size_t);
__strcpy_small (char *__dest,
__STRING2_COPY_ARR2 __src2, __STRING2_COPY_ARR3 __src3,
__STRING2_COPY_ARR4 __src4, __STRING2_COPY_ARR5 __src5,
__STRING2_COPY_ARR6 __src6, __STRING2_COPY_ARR7 __src7,
__STRING2_COPY_ARR8 __src8, size_t __srclen)
union {
char __c;
__STRING2_COPY_ARR2 __sca2;
__STRING2_COPY_ARR3 __sca3;
__STRING2_COPY_ARR4 __sca4;
__STRING2_COPY_ARR5 __sca5;
__STRING2_COPY_ARR6 __sca6;
__STRING2_COPY_ARR7 __sca7;
__STRING2_COPY_ARR8 __sca8;
} *__u = (void *) __dest;
switch ((unsigned int) __srclen)
case 1:
__u->__c = '\0';
case 2:
__extension__ __u->__sca2 = __src2;
case 3:
__extension__ __u->__sca3 = __src3;
case 4:
__extension__ __u->__sca4 = __src4;
case 5:
__extension__ __u->__sca5 = __src5;
case 6:
__extension__ __u->__sca6 = __src6;
case 7:
__extension__ __u->__sca7 = __src7;
case 8:
__extension__ __u->__sca8 = __src8;
return __dest;
# endif
# 568 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# 569 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
/* Copy SRC to DEST, returning pointer to final NUL byte. */
#ifdef __USE_GNU
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if !defined _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_stpcpy || defined _FORCE_INLINES
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 574 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# ifndef _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_stpcpy
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if __GNUC_PREREQ (3, 4)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 576 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# define __stpcpy(dest, src) __builtin_stpcpy (dest, src)
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0
# elif __GNUC_PREREQ (3, 0)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#elif 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 578 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# define __stpcpy(dest, src) \
(__extension__ (__builtin_constant_p (src) \
? (__string2_1bptr_p (src) && strlen (src) + 1 <= 8 \
? __builtin_strcpy (dest, src) + strlen (src) \
: ((char *) (__mempcpy) (dest, src, strlen (src) + 1) \
- 1)) \
: __stpcpy (dest, src)))
# else
# 586 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# define __stpcpy(dest, src) \
(__extension__ (__builtin_constant_p (src) \
? (__string2_1bptr_p (src) && strlen (src) + 1 <= 8 \
? __stpcpy_small (dest, __stpcpy_args (src), \
strlen (src) + 1) \
: ((char *) (__mempcpy) (dest, src, strlen (src) + 1) \
- 1)) \
: __stpcpy (dest, src)))
# endif
# 595 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
/* In glibc we use this function frequently but for namespace reasons
we have to use the name `__stpcpy'. */
# define stpcpy(dest, src) __stpcpy (dest, src)
# endif
# 599 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if !__GNUC_PREREQ (3, 0) || defined _FORCE_INLINES
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 601 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if _STRING_ARCH_unaligned
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 602 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# define __stpcpy_args(src) \
__extension__ __STRING2_SMALL_GET16 (src, 0), \
__extension__ __STRING2_SMALL_GET16 (src, 4), \
__extension__ __STRING2_SMALL_GET32 (src, 0), \
__extension__ __STRING2_SMALL_GET32 (src, 4)
# endif
# 609 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
__STRING_INLINE char *__stpcpy_small (char *, __uint16_t, __uint16_t,
__uint32_t, __uint32_t, size_t);
__stpcpy_small (char *__dest,
__uint16_t __src0_2, __uint16_t __src4_2,
__uint32_t __src0_4, __uint32_t __src4_4,
size_t __srclen)
union {
unsigned int __ui;
unsigned short int __usi;
unsigned char __uc;
char __c;
} *__u = (void *) __dest;
switch ((unsigned int) __srclen)
case 1:
__u->__uc = '\0';
case 2:
__u->__usi = __src0_2;
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 1);
case 3:
__u->__usi = __src0_2;
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 2);
__u->__uc = '\0';
case 4:
__u->__ui = __src0_4;
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 3);
case 5:
__u->__ui = __src0_4;
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 4);
__u->__uc = '\0';
case 6:
__u->__ui = __src0_4;
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 4);
__u->__usi = __src4_2;
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 1);
case 7:
__u->__ui = __src0_4;
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 4);
__u->__usi = __src4_2;
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 2);
__u->__uc = '\0';
case 8:
__u->__ui = __src0_4;
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 4);
__u->__ui = __src4_4;
__u = __extension__ ((void *) __u + 3);
return &__u->__c;
# else
# 669 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# define __stpcpy_args(src) \
__extension__ ((__STRING2_COPY_ARR2) \
{ { ((const char *) (src))[0], '\0' } }), \
__extension__ ((__STRING2_COPY_ARR3) \
{ { ((const char *) (src))[0], ((const char *) (src))[1], \
'\0' } }), \
__extension__ ((__STRING2_COPY_ARR4) \
{ { ((const char *) (src))[0], ((const char *) (src))[1], \
((const char *) (src))[2], '\0' } }), \
__extension__ ((__STRING2_COPY_ARR5) \
{ { ((const char *) (src))[0], ((const char *) (src))[1], \
((const char *) (src))[2], ((const char *) (src))[3], \
'\0' } }), \
__extension__ ((__STRING2_COPY_ARR6) \
{ { ((const char *) (src))[0], ((const char *) (src))[1], \
((const char *) (src))[2], ((const char *) (src))[3], \
((const char *) (src))[4], '\0' } }), \
__extension__ ((__STRING2_COPY_ARR7) \
{ { ((const char *) (src))[0], ((const char *) (src))[1], \
((const char *) (src))[2], ((const char *) (src))[3], \
((const char *) (src))[4], ((const char *) (src))[5], \
'\0' } }), \
__extension__ ((__STRING2_COPY_ARR8) \
{ { ((const char *) (src))[0], ((const char *) (src))[1], \
((const char *) (src))[2], ((const char *) (src))[3], \
((const char *) (src))[4], ((const char *) (src))[5], \
((const char *) (src))[6], '\0' } })
# endif
# 698 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
__STRING_INLINE char *__stpcpy_small (char *, __STRING2_COPY_ARR2,
__STRING2_COPY_ARR8, size_t);
__stpcpy_small (char *__dest,
__STRING2_COPY_ARR2 __src2, __STRING2_COPY_ARR3 __src3,
__STRING2_COPY_ARR4 __src4, __STRING2_COPY_ARR5 __src5,
__STRING2_COPY_ARR6 __src6, __STRING2_COPY_ARR7 __src7,
__STRING2_COPY_ARR8 __src8, size_t __srclen)
union {
char __c;
__STRING2_COPY_ARR2 __sca2;
__STRING2_COPY_ARR3 __sca3;
__STRING2_COPY_ARR4 __sca4;
__STRING2_COPY_ARR5 __sca5;
__STRING2_COPY_ARR6 __sca6;
__STRING2_COPY_ARR7 __sca7;
__STRING2_COPY_ARR8 __sca8;
} *__u = (void *) __dest;
switch ((unsigned int) __srclen)
case 1:
__u->__c = '\0';
case 2:
__extension__ __u->__sca2 = __src2;
case 3:
__extension__ __u->__sca3 = __src3;
case 4:
__extension__ __u->__sca4 = __src4;
case 5:
__extension__ __u->__sca5 = __src5;
case 6:
__extension__ __u->__sca6 = __src6;
case 7:
__extension__ __u->__sca7 = __src7;
case 8:
__extension__ __u->__sca8 = __src8;
return __dest + __srclen - 1;
# endif
# 752 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# endif
# 753 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# endif
# 754 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# 755 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
/* Copy no more than N characters of SRC to DEST. */
#ifndef _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_strncpy
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if __GNUC_PREREQ (3, 2)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 760 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# define strncpy(dest, src, n) __builtin_strncpy (dest, src, n)
# else
# 762 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# define strncpy(dest, src, n) \
(__extension__ (__builtin_constant_p (src) && __builtin_constant_p (n) \
? (strlen (src) + 1 >= ((size_t) (n)) \
? (char *) memcpy (dest, src, n) \
: strncpy (dest, src, n)) \
: strncpy (dest, src, n)))
# endif
# 769 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# 770 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
/* Append no more than N characters from SRC onto DEST. */
#ifndef _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_strncat
# ifdef _USE_STRING_ARCH_strchr
# define strncat(dest, src, n) \
(__extension__ ({ char *__dest = (dest); \
__builtin_constant_p (src) && __builtin_constant_p (n) \
? (strlen (src) < ((size_t) (n)) \
? strcat (__dest, src) \
: (*((char *) __mempcpy (strchr (__dest, '\0'), \
src, n)) = '\0', __dest)) \
: strncat (dest, src, n); }))
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0
# elif __GNUC_PREREQ (3, 2)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#elif 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 784 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# define strncat(dest, src, n) __builtin_strncat (dest, src, n)
# else
# 786 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# define strncat(dest, src, n) \
(__extension__ (__builtin_constant_p (src) && __builtin_constant_p (n) \
? (strlen (src) < ((size_t) (n)) \
? strcat (dest, src) \
: strncat (dest, src, n)) \
: strncat (dest, src, n)))
# endif
# 793 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# 794 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
/* Compare characters of S1 and S2. */
#ifndef _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_strcmp
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if __GNUC_PREREQ (3, 2)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 799 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# define strcmp(s1, s2) \
__extension__ \
({ size_t __s1_len, __s2_len; \
(__builtin_constant_p (s1) && __builtin_constant_p (s2) \
&& (__s1_len = strlen (s1), __s2_len = strlen (s2), \
(!__string2_1bptr_p (s1) || __s1_len >= 4) \
&& (!__string2_1bptr_p (s2) || __s2_len >= 4)) \
? __builtin_strcmp (s1, s2) \
: (__builtin_constant_p (s1) && __string2_1bptr_p (s1) \
&& (__s1_len = strlen (s1), __s1_len < 4) \
? (__builtin_constant_p (s2) && __string2_1bptr_p (s2) \
? __builtin_strcmp (s1, s2) \
: __strcmp_cg (s1, s2, __s1_len)) \
: (__builtin_constant_p (s2) && __string2_1bptr_p (s2) \
&& (__s2_len = strlen (s2), __s2_len < 4) \
? (__builtin_constant_p (s1) && __string2_1bptr_p (s1) \
? __builtin_strcmp (s1, s2) \
: __strcmp_gc (s1, s2, __s2_len)) \
: __builtin_strcmp (s1, s2)))); })
# else
# 819 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# define strcmp(s1, s2) \
__extension__ \
({ size_t __s1_len, __s2_len; \
(__builtin_constant_p (s1) && __builtin_constant_p (s2) \
&& (__s1_len = strlen (s1), __s2_len = strlen (s2), \
(!__string2_1bptr_p (s1) || __s1_len >= 4) \
&& (!__string2_1bptr_p (s2) || __s2_len >= 4)) \
? memcmp ((const char *) (s1), (const char *) (s2), \
(__s1_len < __s2_len ? __s1_len : __s2_len) + 1) \
: (__builtin_constant_p (s1) && __string2_1bptr_p (s1) \
&& (__s1_len = strlen (s1), __s1_len < 4) \
? (__builtin_constant_p (s2) && __string2_1bptr_p (s2) \
? __strcmp_cc (s1, s2, __s1_len) \
: __strcmp_cg (s1, s2, __s1_len)) \
: (__builtin_constant_p (s2) && __string2_1bptr_p (s2) \
&& (__s2_len = strlen (s2), __s2_len < 4) \
? (__builtin_constant_p (s1) && __string2_1bptr_p (s1) \
? __strcmp_cc (s1, s2, __s2_len) \
: __strcmp_gc (s1, s2, __s2_len)) \
: strcmp (s1, s2)))); })
# endif
# 840 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# define __strcmp_cc(s1, s2, l) \
(__extension__ ({ int __result = \
(((const unsigned char *) (const char *) (s1))[0] \
- ((const unsigned char *) (const char *)(s2))[0]); \
if (l > 0 && __result == 0) \
{ \
__result = (((const unsigned char *) \
(const char *) (s1))[1] \
- ((const unsigned char *) \
(const char *) (s2))[1]); \
if (l > 1 && __result == 0) \
{ \
__result = \
(((const unsigned char *) \
(const char *) (s1))[2] \
- ((const unsigned char *) \
(const char *) (s2))[2]); \
if (l > 2 && __result == 0) \
__result = \
(((const unsigned char *) \
(const char *) (s1))[3] \
- ((const unsigned char *) \
(const char *) (s2))[3]); \
} \
} \
__result; }))
# define __strcmp_cg(s1, s2, l1) \
(__extension__ ({ const unsigned char *__s2 = \
(const unsigned char *) (const char *) (s2); \
int __result = \
(((const unsigned char *) (const char *) (s1))[0] \
- __s2[0]); \
if (l1 > 0 && __result == 0) \
{ \
__result = (((const unsigned char *) \
(const char *) (s1))[1] - __s2[1]); \
if (l1 > 1 && __result == 0) \
{ \
__result = (((const unsigned char *) \
(const char *) (s1))[2] - __s2[2]); \
if (l1 > 2 && __result == 0) \
__result = (((const unsigned char *) \
(const char *) (s1))[3] \
- __s2[3]); \
} \
} \
__result; }))
# define __strcmp_gc(s1, s2, l2) \
(__extension__ ({ const unsigned char *__s1 = \
(const unsigned char *) (const char *) (s1); \
register int __result = \
__s1[0] - ((const unsigned char *) \
(const char *) (s2))[0]; \
if (l2 > 0 && __result == 0) \
{ \
__result = (__s1[1] \
- ((const unsigned char *) \
(const char *) (s2))[1]); \
if (l2 > 1 && __result == 0) \
{ \
__result = \
(__s1[2] - ((const unsigned char *) \
(const char *) (s2))[2]); \
if (l2 > 2 && __result == 0) \
__result = \
(__s1[3] \
- ((const unsigned char *) \
(const char *) (s2))[3]); \
} \
} \
__result; }))
# 915 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
/* Compare N characters of S1 and S2. */
#ifndef _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_strncmp
# define strncmp(s1, s2, n) \
(__extension__ (__builtin_constant_p (n) \
&& ((__builtin_constant_p (s1) \
&& strlen (s1) < ((size_t) (n))) \
|| (__builtin_constant_p (s2) \
&& strlen (s2) < ((size_t) (n)))) \
? strcmp (s1, s2) : strncmp (s1, s2, n)))
# 927 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
/* Return the length of the initial segment of S which
consists entirely of characters not in REJECT. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_strcspn || defined _FORCE_INLINES
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 932 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# ifndef _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_strcspn
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if __GNUC_PREREQ (3, 2)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 934 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# define strcspn(s, reject) \
__extension__ \
({ char __r0, __r1, __r2; \
(__builtin_constant_p (reject) && __string2_1bptr_p (reject) \
? ((__builtin_constant_p (s) && __string2_1bptr_p (s)) \
? __builtin_strcspn (s, reject) \
: ((__r0 = ((const char *) (reject))[0], __r0 == '\0') \
? strlen (s) \
: ((__r1 = ((const char *) (reject))[1], __r1 == '\0') \
? __strcspn_c1 (s, __r0) \
: ((__r2 = ((const char *) (reject))[2], __r2 == '\0') \
? __strcspn_c2 (s, __r0, __r1) \
: (((const char *) (reject))[3] == '\0' \
? __strcspn_c3 (s, __r0, __r1, __r2) \
: __builtin_strcspn (s, reject)))))) \
: __builtin_strcspn (s, reject)); })
# else
# 951 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# define strcspn(s, reject) \
__extension__ \
({ char __r0, __r1, __r2; \
(__builtin_constant_p (reject) && __string2_1bptr_p (reject) \
? ((__r0 = ((const char *) (reject))[0], __r0 == '\0') \
? strlen (s) \
: ((__r1 = ((const char *) (reject))[1], __r1 == '\0') \
? __strcspn_c1 (s, __r0) \
: ((__r2 = ((const char *) (reject))[2], __r2 == '\0') \
? __strcspn_c2 (s, __r0, __r1) \
: (((const char *) (reject))[3] == '\0' \
? __strcspn_c3 (s, __r0, __r1, __r2) \
: strcspn (s, reject))))) \
: strcspn (s, reject)); })
# endif
# 966 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# endif
# 967 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
__STRING_INLINE size_t __strcspn_c1 (const char *__s, int __reject);
__strcspn_c1 (const char *__s, int __reject)
size_t __result = 0;
while (__s[__result] != '\0' && __s[__result] != __reject)
return __result;
__STRING_INLINE size_t __strcspn_c2 (const char *__s, int __reject1,
int __reject2);
__strcspn_c2 (const char *__s, int __reject1, int __reject2)
size_t __result = 0;
while (__s[__result] != '\0' && __s[__result] != __reject1
&& __s[__result] != __reject2)
return __result;
__STRING_INLINE size_t __strcspn_c3 (const char *__s, int __reject1,
int __reject2, int __reject3);
__strcspn_c3 (const char *__s, int __reject1, int __reject2,
int __reject3)
size_t __result = 0;
while (__s[__result] != '\0' && __s[__result] != __reject1
&& __s[__result] != __reject2 && __s[__result] != __reject3)
return __result;
# 1003 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
/* Return the length of the initial segment of S which
consists entirely of characters in ACCEPT. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_strspn || defined _FORCE_INLINES
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 1008 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# ifndef _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_strspn
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if __GNUC_PREREQ (3, 2)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 1010 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# define strspn(s, accept) \
__extension__ \
({ char __a0, __a1, __a2; \
(__builtin_constant_p (accept) && __string2_1bptr_p (accept) \
? ((__builtin_constant_p (s) && __string2_1bptr_p (s)) \
? __builtin_strspn (s, accept) \
: ((__a0 = ((const char *) (accept))[0], __a0 == '\0') \
? ((void) (s), (size_t) 0) \
: ((__a1 = ((const char *) (accept))[1], __a1 == '\0') \
? __strspn_c1 (s, __a0) \
: ((__a2 = ((const char *) (accept))[2], __a2 == '\0') \
? __strspn_c2 (s, __a0, __a1) \
: (((const char *) (accept))[3] == '\0' \
? __strspn_c3 (s, __a0, __a1, __a2) \
: __builtin_strspn (s, accept)))))) \
: __builtin_strspn (s, accept)); })
# else
# 1027 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# define strspn(s, accept) \
__extension__ \
({ char __a0, __a1, __a2; \
(__builtin_constant_p (accept) && __string2_1bptr_p (accept) \
? ((__a0 = ((const char *) (accept))[0], __a0 == '\0') \
? ((void) (s), (size_t) 0) \
: ((__a1 = ((const char *) (accept))[1], __a1 == '\0') \
? __strspn_c1 (s, __a0) \
: ((__a2 = ((const char *) (accept))[2], __a2 == '\0') \
? __strspn_c2 (s, __a0, __a1) \
: (((const char *) (accept))[3] == '\0' \
? __strspn_c3 (s, __a0, __a1, __a2) \
: strspn (s, accept))))) \
: strspn (s, accept)); })
# endif
# 1042 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# endif
# 1043 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
__STRING_INLINE size_t __strspn_c1 (const char *__s, int __accept);
__strspn_c1 (const char *__s, int __accept)
size_t __result = 0;
/* Please note that __accept never can be '\0'. */
while (__s[__result] == __accept)
return __result;
__STRING_INLINE size_t __strspn_c2 (const char *__s, int __accept1,
int __accept2);
__strspn_c2 (const char *__s, int __accept1, int __accept2)
size_t __result = 0;
/* Please note that __accept1 and __accept2 never can be '\0'. */
while (__s[__result] == __accept1 || __s[__result] == __accept2)
return __result;
__STRING_INLINE size_t __strspn_c3 (const char *__s, int __accept1,
int __accept2, int __accept3);
__strspn_c3 (const char *__s, int __accept1, int __accept2, int __accept3)
size_t __result = 0;
/* Please note that __accept1 to __accept3 never can be '\0'. */
while (__s[__result] == __accept1 || __s[__result] == __accept2
|| __s[__result] == __accept3)
return __result;
# 1080 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
/* Find the first occurrence in S of any character in ACCEPT. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_strpbrk || defined _FORCE_INLINES
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 1084 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# ifndef _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_strpbrk
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if __GNUC_PREREQ (3, 2)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 1086 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# define strpbrk(s, accept) \
__extension__ \
({ char __a0, __a1, __a2; \
(__builtin_constant_p (accept) && __string2_1bptr_p (accept) \
? ((__builtin_constant_p (s) && __string2_1bptr_p (s)) \
? __builtin_strpbrk (s, accept) \
: ((__a0 = ((const char *) (accept))[0], __a0 == '\0') \
? ((void) (s), (char *) NULL) \
: ((__a1 = ((const char *) (accept))[1], __a1 == '\0') \
? __builtin_strchr (s, __a0) \
: ((__a2 = ((const char *) (accept))[2], __a2 == '\0') \
? __strpbrk_c2 (s, __a0, __a1) \
: (((const char *) (accept))[3] == '\0' \
? __strpbrk_c3 (s, __a0, __a1, __a2) \
: __builtin_strpbrk (s, accept)))))) \
: __builtin_strpbrk (s, accept)); })
# else
# 1103 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# define strpbrk(s, accept) \
__extension__ \
({ char __a0, __a1, __a2; \
(__builtin_constant_p (accept) && __string2_1bptr_p (accept) \
? ((__a0 = ((const char *) (accept))[0], __a0 == '\0') \
? ((void) (s), (char *) NULL) \
: ((__a1 = ((const char *) (accept))[1], __a1 == '\0') \
? strchr (s, __a0) \
: ((__a2 = ((const char *) (accept))[2], __a2 == '\0') \
? __strpbrk_c2 (s, __a0, __a1) \
: (((const char *) (accept))[3] == '\0' \
? __strpbrk_c3 (s, __a0, __a1, __a2) \
: strpbrk (s, accept))))) \
: strpbrk (s, accept)); })
# endif
# 1118 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# endif
# 1119 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
__STRING_INLINE char *__strpbrk_c2 (const char *__s, int __accept1,
int __accept2);
__strpbrk_c2 (const char *__s, int __accept1, int __accept2)
/* Please note that __accept1 and __accept2 never can be '\0'. */
while (*__s != '\0' && *__s != __accept1 && *__s != __accept2)
return *__s == '\0' ? NULL : (char *) (size_t) __s;
__STRING_INLINE char *__strpbrk_c3 (const char *__s, int __accept1,
int __accept2, int __accept3);
__strpbrk_c3 (const char *__s, int __accept1, int __accept2, int __accept3)
/* Please note that __accept1 to __accept3 never can be '\0'. */
while (*__s != '\0' && *__s != __accept1 && *__s != __accept2
&& *__s != __accept3)
return *__s == '\0' ? NULL : (char *) (size_t) __s;
# 1143 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
/* Find the first occurrence of NEEDLE in HAYSTACK. Newer gcc versions
do this itself. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_strstr && !__GNUC_PREREQ (2, 97)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 1148 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# define strstr(haystack, needle) \
(__extension__ (__builtin_constant_p (needle) && __string2_1bptr_p (needle) \
? (((const char *) (needle))[0] == '\0' \
? (char *) (size_t) (haystack) \
: (((const char *) (needle))[1] == '\0' \
? strchr (haystack, \
((const char *) (needle))[0]) \
: strstr (haystack, needle))) \
: strstr (haystack, needle)))
# 1158 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_strtok_r || defined _FORCE_INLINES
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 1161 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# ifndef _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_strtok_r
# define __strtok_r(s, sep, nextp) \
(__extension__ (__builtin_constant_p (sep) && __string2_1bptr_p (sep) \
&& ((const char *) (sep))[0] != '\0' \
&& ((const char *) (sep))[1] == '\0' \
? __strtok_r_1c (s, ((const char *) (sep))[0], nextp) \
: __strtok_r (s, sep, nextp)))
# endif
# 1169 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
__STRING_INLINE char *__strtok_r_1c (char *__s, char __sep, char **__nextp);
__strtok_r_1c (char *__s, char __sep, char **__nextp)
char *__result;
if (__s == NULL)
__s = *__nextp;
while (*__s == __sep)
__result = NULL;
if (*__s != '\0')
__result = __s++;
while (*__s != '\0')
if (*__s++ == __sep)
__s[-1] = '\0';
*__nextp = __s;
return __result;
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if defined __USE_POSIX || defined __USE_MISC
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 1194 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# define strtok_r(s, sep, nextp) __strtok_r (s, sep, nextp)
# endif
# 1196 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# 1197 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_strsep || defined _FORCE_INLINES
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 1200 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# ifndef _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_strsep
extern char *__strsep_g (char **__stringp, const char *__delim);
# define __strsep(s, reject) \
__extension__ \
({ char __r0, __r1, __r2; \
(__builtin_constant_p (reject) && __string2_1bptr_p (reject) \
&& (__r0 = ((const char *) (reject))[0], \
((const char *) (reject))[0] != '\0') \
? ((__r1 = ((const char *) (reject))[1], \
((const char *) (reject))[1] == '\0') \
? __strsep_1c (s, __r0) \
: ((__r2 = ((const char *) (reject))[2], __r2 == '\0') \
? __strsep_2c (s, __r0, __r1) \
: (((const char *) (reject))[3] == '\0' \
? __strsep_3c (s, __r0, __r1, __r2) \
: __strsep_g (s, reject)))) \
: __strsep_g (s, reject)); })
# endif
# 1219 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
__STRING_INLINE char *__strsep_1c (char **__s, char __reject);
__strsep_1c (char **__s, char __reject)
char *__retval = *__s;
if (__retval != NULL && (*__s = strchr (__retval, __reject)) != NULL)
*(*__s)++ = '\0';
return __retval;
__STRING_INLINE char *__strsep_2c (char **__s, char __reject1, char __reject2);
__strsep_2c (char **__s, char __reject1, char __reject2)
char *__retval = *__s;
if (__retval != NULL)
char *__cp = __retval;
while (1)
if (*__cp == '\0')
__cp = NULL;
if (*__cp == __reject1 || *__cp == __reject2)
*__cp++ = '\0';
*__s = __cp;
return __retval;
__STRING_INLINE char *__strsep_3c (char **__s, char __reject1, char __reject2,
char __reject3);
__strsep_3c (char **__s, char __reject1, char __reject2, char __reject3)
char *__retval = *__s;
if (__retval != NULL)
char *__cp = __retval;
while (1)
if (*__cp == '\0')
__cp = NULL;
if (*__cp == __reject1 || *__cp == __reject2 || *__cp == __reject3)
*__cp++ = '\0';
*__s = __cp;
return __retval;
# ifdef __USE_BSD
# define strsep(s, reject) __strsep (s, reject)
# endif
# 1287 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# 1288 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
/* We need the memory allocation functions for inline strdup().
Referring to stdlib.h (even minimally) is not allowed
in any of the tight standards compliant modes. */
#ifdef __USE_MISC
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if !defined _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_strdup || !defined _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_strndup
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 1295 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# define __need_malloc_and_calloc
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <stdlib.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 1296 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 1 3 4
/* Copyright (C) 1991-2007, 2009-2011, 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
* ISO C99 Standard: 7.20 General utilities <stdlib.h>
#ifndef _STDLIB_H
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <features.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 24 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 25 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Get size_t, wchar_t and NULL from <stddef.h>. */
#define __need_size_t
#ifndef __need_malloc_and_calloc
# define __need_wchar_t
# define __need_NULL
# 32 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <stddef.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 32 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 1 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4
/*===---- stddef.h - Basic type definitions --------------------------------===
* Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
* See for license information.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(__STDDEF_H) || defined(__need_ptrdiff_t) || \
defined(__need_size_t) || defined(__need_wchar_t) || \
defined(__need_NULL) || defined(__need_wint_t)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 13 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(__need_ptrdiff_t) && !defined(__need_size_t) && \
!defined(__need_wchar_t) && !defined(__need_NULL) && \
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 17 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* Always define miscellaneous pieces when modules are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 19 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define __STDDEF_H
# 21 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 22 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <corecrt.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 22 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 23 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#endif // if defined(_MSC_VER)
# 24 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define __need_ptrdiff_t
#define __need_size_t
#define __need_wchar_t
#define __need_NULL
#define __need_STDDEF_H_misc
/* __need_wint_t is intentionally not defined here. */
# 31 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_ptrdiff_t)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 33 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(_PTRDIFF_T) || __has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 34 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* Always define ptrdiff_t when modules are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 36 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define _PTRDIFF_T
# 38 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ ptrdiff_t;
# 40 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_ptrdiff_t
#endif /* defined(__need_ptrdiff_t) */
# 42 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_size_t)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 44 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(_SIZE_T) || __has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 45 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* Always define size_t when modules are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 47 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define _SIZE_T
# 49 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ size_t;
# 51 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_size_t
#endif /*defined(__need_size_t) */
# 53 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 55 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* ISO9899:2011 7.20 (C11 Annex K): Define rsize_t if __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__ is
* enabled. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if (defined(__STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__) && __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__ >= 1 && \
!defined(_RSIZE_T)) || __has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 59 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* Always define rsize_t when modules are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 61 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define _RSIZE_T
# 63 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ rsize_t;
# 65 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#endif /* defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc) */
# 66 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_wchar_t)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 68 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#ifndef __cplusplus
/* Always define wchar_t when modules are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(_WCHAR_T) || __has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 71 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 72 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define _WCHAR_T
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(_MSC_EXTENSIONS)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 74 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 76 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 77 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __WCHAR_TYPE__ wchar_t;
# 79 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 80 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_wchar_t
#endif /* defined(__need_wchar_t) */
# 82 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_NULL)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 84 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef NULL
#ifdef __cplusplus
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if !defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(_MSC_VER)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 87 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# define NULL __null
# else
# 89 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# define NULL 0
# endif
# 91 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 92 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# define NULL ((void*)0)
# 94 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#ifdef __cplusplus
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 96 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
namespace std { typedef decltype(nullptr) nullptr_t; }
using ::std::nullptr_t;
# 99 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 100 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_NULL
#endif /* defined(__need_NULL) */
# 102 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 104 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 201112L || __cplusplus >= 201103L
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 105 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include "__stddef_max_align_t.h"
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 105 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 106 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 107 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define offsetof(t, d) __builtin_offsetof(t, d)
#undef __need_STDDEF_H_misc
#endif /* defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc) */
# 110 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* Some C libraries expect to see a wint_t here. Others (notably MinGW) will use
__WINT_TYPE__ directly; accommodate both by requiring __need_wint_t */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_wint_t)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 114 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* Always define wint_t when modules are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(_WINT_T) || __has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 116 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 117 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define _WINT_T
# 119 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __WINT_TYPE__ wint_t;
# 121 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_wint_t
#endif /* __need_wint_t */
# 123 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 125 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 33 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 2 3 4
#ifndef __need_malloc_and_calloc
#define _STDLIB_H 1
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if (defined __USE_XOPEN || defined __USE_XOPEN2K8) && !defined _SYS_WAIT_H
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 40 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* XPG requires a few symbols from <sys/wait.h> being defined. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/waitflags.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 41 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 42 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/waitstatus.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 42 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 43 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# ifdef __USE_BSD
/* Lots of hair to allow traditional BSD use of `union wait'
as well as POSIX.1 use of `int' for the status word. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if defined __GNUC__ && !defined __cplusplus
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 50 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# define __WAIT_INT(status) \
(__extension__ (((union { __typeof(status) __in; int __i; }) \
{ .__in = (status) }).__i))
# else
# 54 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# define __WAIT_INT(status) (*(int *) &(status))
# endif
# 56 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* This is the type of the argument to `wait'. The funky union
causes redeclarations with either `int *' or `union wait *' to be
allowed without complaint. __WAIT_STATUS_DEFN is the type used in
the actual function definitions. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if !defined __GNUC__ || __GNUC__ < 2 || defined __cplusplus
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 63 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# define __WAIT_STATUS void *
# define __WAIT_STATUS_DEFN void *
# else
# 66 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* This works in GCC 2.6.1 and later. */
typedef union
union wait *__uptr;
int *__iptr;
} __WAIT_STATUS __attribute__ ((__transparent_union__));
# define __WAIT_STATUS_DEFN int *
# endif
# 74 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# else /* Don't use BSD. */
# 76 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# define __WAIT_INT(status) (status)
# define __WAIT_STATUS int *
# define __WAIT_STATUS_DEFN int *
# endif /* Use BSD. */
# 82 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Define the macros <sys/wait.h> also would define this way. */
# define WEXITSTATUS(status) __WEXITSTATUS (__WAIT_INT (status))
# define WTERMSIG(status) __WTERMSIG (__WAIT_INT (status))
# define WSTOPSIG(status) __WSTOPSIG (__WAIT_INT (status))
# define WIFEXITED(status) __WIFEXITED (__WAIT_INT (status))
# define WIFSIGNALED(status) __WIFSIGNALED (__WAIT_INT (status))
# define WIFSTOPPED(status) __WIFSTOPPED (__WAIT_INT (status))
# define WIFCONTINUED(status) __WIFCONTINUED (__WAIT_INT (status))
# endif
# 93 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#endif /* X/Open or XPG7 and <sys/wait.h> not included. */
# 94 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Returned by `div'. */
typedef struct
int quot; /* Quotient. */
int rem; /* Remainder. */
} div_t;
/* Returned by `ldiv'. */
#ifndef __ldiv_t_defined
typedef struct
long int quot; /* Quotient. */
long int rem; /* Remainder. */
} ldiv_t;
# define __ldiv_t_defined 1
# 112 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_ISOC99 && !defined __lldiv_t_defined
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 115 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Returned by `lldiv'. */
__extension__ typedef struct
long long int quot; /* Quotient. */
long long int rem; /* Remainder. */
} lldiv_t;
# define __lldiv_t_defined 1
# 125 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* The largest number rand will return (same as INT_MAX). */
#define RAND_MAX 2147483647
/* We define these the same for all machines.
Changes from this to the outside world should be done in `_exit'. */
#define EXIT_FAILURE 1 /* Failing exit status. */
#define EXIT_SUCCESS 0 /* Successful exit status. */
/* Maximum length of a multibyte character in the current locale. */
#define MB_CUR_MAX (__ctype_get_mb_cur_max ())
extern size_t __ctype_get_mb_cur_max (void) __THROW __wur;
/* Convert a string to a floating-point number. */
extern double atof (const char *__nptr)
__THROW __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
/* Convert a string to an integer. */
extern int atoi (const char *__nptr)
__THROW __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
/* Convert a string to a long integer. */
extern long int atol (const char *__nptr)
__THROW __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_ISOC99 || (defined __GLIBC_HAVE_LONG_LONG && defined __USE_MISC)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 155 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Convert a string to a long long integer. */
__extension__ extern long long int atoll (const char *__nptr)
__THROW __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# 161 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Convert a string to a floating-point number. */
extern double strtod (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr)
__THROW __nonnull ((1));
#ifdef __USE_ISOC99
/* Likewise for `float' and `long double' sizes of floating-point numbers. */
extern float strtof (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr) __THROW __nonnull ((1));
extern long double strtold (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr)
__THROW __nonnull ((1));
# 180 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Convert a string to a long integer. */
extern long int strtol (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr, int __base)
__THROW __nonnull ((1));
/* Convert a string to an unsigned long integer. */
extern unsigned long int strtoul (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr, int __base)
__THROW __nonnull ((1));
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __GLIBC_HAVE_LONG_LONG && defined __USE_BSD
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 193 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Convert a string to a quadword integer. */
extern long long int strtoq (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr, int __base)
__THROW __nonnull ((1));
/* Convert a string to an unsigned quadword integer. */
extern unsigned long long int strtouq (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr, int __base)
__THROW __nonnull ((1));
#endif /* GCC and use BSD. */
# 204 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_ISOC99 || (defined __GLIBC_HAVE_LONG_LONG && defined __USE_MISC)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 206 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Convert a string to a quadword integer. */
extern long long int strtoll (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr, int __base)
__THROW __nonnull ((1));
/* Convert a string to an unsigned quadword integer. */
extern unsigned long long int strtoull (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr, int __base)
__THROW __nonnull ((1));
#endif /* ISO C99 or GCC and use MISC. */
# 219 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_GNU
/* The concept of one static locale per category is not very well
thought out. Many applications will need to process its data using
information from several different locales. Another problem is
the implementation of the internationalization handling in the
ISO C++ standard library. To support this another set of
the functions using locale data exist which take an additional
Attention: even though several *_l interfaces are part of POSIX:2008,
these are not. */
/* Structure for reentrant locale using functions. This is an
(almost) opaque type for the user level programs. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <xlocale.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 235 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 236 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Special versions of the functions above which take the locale to
use as an additional parameter. */
extern long int strtol_l (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr, int __base,
__locale_t __loc) __THROW __nonnull ((1, 4));
extern unsigned long int strtoul_l (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr,
int __base, __locale_t __loc)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 4));
extern long long int strtoll_l (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr, int __base,
__locale_t __loc)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 4));
extern unsigned long long int strtoull_l (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr,
int __base, __locale_t __loc)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 4));
extern double strtod_l (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr, __locale_t __loc)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 3));
extern float strtof_l (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr, __locale_t __loc)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 3));
extern long double strtold_l (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr,
__locale_t __loc)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 3));
#endif /* GNU */
# 273 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
__extern_inline int
__NTH (atoi (const char *__nptr))
return (int) strtol (__nptr, (char **) NULL, 10);
__extern_inline long int
__NTH (atol (const char *__nptr))
return strtol (__nptr, (char **) NULL, 10);
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if defined __USE_MISC || defined __USE_ISOC99
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 290 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
__extension__ __extern_inline long long int
__NTH (atoll (const char *__nptr))
return strtoll (__nptr, (char **) NULL, 10);
# endif
# 298 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#endif /* Optimizing and Inlining. */
# 299 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_SVID || defined __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 302 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Convert N to base 64 using the digits "./0-9A-Za-z", least-significant
digit first. Returns a pointer to static storage overwritten by the
next call. */
extern char *l64a (long int __n) __THROW __wur;
/* Read a number from a string S in base 64 as above. */
extern long int a64l (const char *__s)
__THROW __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
#endif /* Use SVID || extended X/Open. */
# 312 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_SVID || defined __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED || defined __USE_BSD
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 314 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <sys/types.h> /* we need int32_t... */
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 314 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 315 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* These are the functions that actually do things. The `random', `srandom',
`initstate' and `setstate' functions are those from BSD Unices.
The `rand' and `srand' functions are required by the ANSI standard.
We provide both interfaces to the same random number generator. */
/* Return a random long integer between 0 and RAND_MAX inclusive. */
extern long int random (void) __THROW;
/* Seed the random number generator with the given number. */
extern void srandom (unsigned int __seed) __THROW;
/* Initialize the random number generator to use state buffer STATEBUF,
of length STATELEN, and seed it with SEED. Optimal lengths are 8, 16,
32, 64, 128 and 256, the bigger the better; values less than 8 will
cause an error and values greater than 256 will be rounded down. */
extern char *initstate (unsigned int __seed, char *__statebuf,
size_t __statelen) __THROW __nonnull ((2));
/* Switch the random number generator to state buffer STATEBUF,
which should have been previously initialized by `initstate'. */
extern char *setstate (char *__statebuf) __THROW __nonnull ((1));
# ifdef __USE_MISC
/* Reentrant versions of the `random' family of functions.
These functions all use the following data structure to contain
state, rather than global state variables. */
struct random_data
int32_t *fptr; /* Front pointer. */
int32_t *rptr; /* Rear pointer. */
int32_t *state; /* Array of state values. */
int rand_type; /* Type of random number generator. */
int rand_deg; /* Degree of random number generator. */
int rand_sep; /* Distance between front and rear. */
int32_t *end_ptr; /* Pointer behind state table. */
extern int random_r (struct random_data *__restrict __buf,
int32_t *__restrict __result) __THROW __nonnull ((1, 2));
extern int srandom_r (unsigned int __seed, struct random_data *__buf)
__THROW __nonnull ((2));
extern int initstate_r (unsigned int __seed, char *__restrict __statebuf,
size_t __statelen,
struct random_data *__restrict __buf)
__THROW __nonnull ((2, 4));
extern int setstate_r (char *__restrict __statebuf,
struct random_data *__restrict __buf)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 2));
# endif /* Use misc. */
# 369 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#endif /* Use SVID || extended X/Open || BSD. */
# 370 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Return a random integer between 0 and RAND_MAX inclusive. */
extern int rand (void) __THROW;
/* Seed the random number generator with the given number. */
extern void srand (unsigned int __seed) __THROW;
#ifdef __USE_POSIX
/* Reentrant interface according to POSIX.1. */
extern int rand_r (unsigned int *__seed) __THROW;
# 383 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_SVID || defined __USE_XOPEN
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 386 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* System V style 48-bit random number generator functions. */
/* Return non-negative, double-precision floating-point value in [0.0,1.0). */
extern double drand48 (void) __THROW;
extern double erand48 (unsigned short int __xsubi[3]) __THROW __nonnull ((1));
/* Return non-negative, long integer in [0,2^31). */
extern long int lrand48 (void) __THROW;
extern long int nrand48 (unsigned short int __xsubi[3])
__THROW __nonnull ((1));
/* Return signed, long integers in [-2^31,2^31). */
extern long int mrand48 (void) __THROW;
extern long int jrand48 (unsigned short int __xsubi[3])
__THROW __nonnull ((1));
/* Seed random number generator. */
extern void srand48 (long int __seedval) __THROW;
extern unsigned short int *seed48 (unsigned short int __seed16v[3])
__THROW __nonnull ((1));
extern void lcong48 (unsigned short int __param[7]) __THROW __nonnull ((1));
# ifdef __USE_MISC
/* Data structure for communication with thread safe versions. This
type is to be regarded as opaque. It's only exported because users
have to allocate objects of this type. */
struct drand48_data
unsigned short int __x[3]; /* Current state. */
unsigned short int __old_x[3]; /* Old state. */
unsigned short int __c; /* Additive const. in congruential formula. */
unsigned short int __init; /* Flag for initializing. */
unsigned long long int __a; /* Factor in congruential formula. */
/* Return non-negative, double-precision floating-point value in [0.0,1.0). */
extern int drand48_r (struct drand48_data *__restrict __buffer,
double *__restrict __result) __THROW __nonnull ((1, 2));
extern int erand48_r (unsigned short int __xsubi[3],
struct drand48_data *__restrict __buffer,
double *__restrict __result) __THROW __nonnull ((1, 2));
/* Return non-negative, long integer in [0,2^31). */
extern int lrand48_r (struct drand48_data *__restrict __buffer,
long int *__restrict __result)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 2));
extern int nrand48_r (unsigned short int __xsubi[3],
struct drand48_data *__restrict __buffer,
long int *__restrict __result)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 2));
/* Return signed, long integers in [-2^31,2^31). */
extern int mrand48_r (struct drand48_data *__restrict __buffer,
long int *__restrict __result)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 2));
extern int jrand48_r (unsigned short int __xsubi[3],
struct drand48_data *__restrict __buffer,
long int *__restrict __result)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 2));
/* Seed random number generator. */
extern int srand48_r (long int __seedval, struct drand48_data *__buffer)
__THROW __nonnull ((2));
extern int seed48_r (unsigned short int __seed16v[3],
struct drand48_data *__buffer) __THROW __nonnull ((1, 2));
extern int lcong48_r (unsigned short int __param[7],
struct drand48_data *__buffer)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 2));
# endif /* Use misc. */
# 457 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#endif /* Use SVID or X/Open. */
# 458 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#endif /* don't just need malloc and calloc */
# 460 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifndef __malloc_and_calloc_defined
# define __malloc_and_calloc_defined
/* Allocate SIZE bytes of memory. */
extern void *malloc (size_t __size) __THROW __attribute_malloc__ __wur;
/* Allocate NMEMB elements of SIZE bytes each, all initialized to 0. */
extern void *calloc (size_t __nmemb, size_t __size)
__THROW __attribute_malloc__ __wur;
# 471 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifndef __need_malloc_and_calloc
/* Re-allocate the previously allocated block
in PTR, making the new block SIZE bytes long. */
/* __attribute_malloc__ is not used, because if realloc returns
the same pointer that was passed to it, aliasing needs to be allowed
between objects pointed by the old and new pointers. */
extern void *realloc (void *__ptr, size_t __size)
__THROW __attribute_warn_unused_result__;
/* Free a block allocated by `malloc', `realloc' or `calloc'. */
extern void free (void *__ptr) __THROW;
#ifdef __USE_MISC
/* Free a block. An alias for `free'. (Sun Unices). */
extern void cfree (void *__ptr) __THROW;
#endif /* Use misc. */
# 489 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_GNU || defined __USE_BSD || defined __USE_MISC
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 491 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <alloca.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 491 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 492 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#endif /* Use GNU, BSD, or misc. */
# 493 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if (defined __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED && !defined __USE_XOPEN2K) \
|| defined __USE_BSD
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 496 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Allocate SIZE bytes on a page boundary. The storage cannot be freed. */
extern void *valloc (size_t __size) __THROW __attribute_malloc__ __wur;
# 499 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_XOPEN2K
/* Allocate memory of SIZE bytes with an alignment of ALIGNMENT. */
extern int posix_memalign (void **__memptr, size_t __alignment, size_t __size)
__THROW __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# 505 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_ISOC11
/* ISO C variant of aligned allocation. */
extern void *aligned_alloc (size_t __alignment, size_t __size)
__THROW __wur __attribute__ ((__malloc__, __alloc_size__ (2)));
# 511 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Abort execution and generate a core-dump. */
extern void abort (void) __THROW __attribute__ ((__noreturn__));
/* Register a function to be called when `exit' is called. */
extern int atexit (void (*__func) (void)) __THROW __nonnull ((1));
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_ISOC11 || defined __USE_ISOCXX11
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 521 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Register a function to be called when `quick_exit' is called. */
# ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C++" int at_quick_exit (void (*__func) (void))
__THROW __asm ("at_quick_exit") __nonnull ((1));
# else
# 526 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
extern int at_quick_exit (void (*__func) (void)) __THROW __nonnull ((1));
# endif
# 528 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 529 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_MISC
/* Register a function to be called with the status
given to `exit' and the given argument. */
extern int on_exit (void (*__func) (int __status, void *__arg), void *__arg)
__THROW __nonnull ((1));
# 537 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Call all functions registered with `atexit' and `on_exit',
in the reverse of the order in which they were registered,
perform stdio cleanup, and terminate program execution with STATUS. */
extern void exit (int __status) __THROW __attribute__ ((__noreturn__));
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_ISOC11 || defined __USE_ISOCXX11
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 545 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Call all functions registered with `at_quick_exit' in the reverse
of the order in which they were registered and terminate program
execution with STATUS. */
extern void quick_exit (int __status) __THROW __attribute__ ((__noreturn__));
# 550 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_ISOC99
/* Terminate the program with STATUS without calling any of the
functions registered with `atexit' or `on_exit'. */
extern void _Exit (int __status) __THROW __attribute__ ((__noreturn__));
# 559 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Return the value of envariable NAME, or NULL if it doesn't exist. */
extern char *getenv (const char *__name) __THROW __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
#ifdef __USE_GNU
/* This function is similar to the above but returns NULL if the
programs is running with SUID or SGID enabled. */
extern char *secure_getenv (const char *__name)
__THROW __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# 572 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_SVID || defined __USE_XOPEN
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 574 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* The SVID says this is in <stdio.h>, but this seems a better place. */
/* Put STRING, which is of the form "NAME=VALUE", in the environment.
If there is no `=', remove NAME from the environment. */
extern int putenv (char *__string) __THROW __nonnull ((1));
# 579 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_BSD || defined __USE_XOPEN2K
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 581 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Set NAME to VALUE in the environment.
If REPLACE is nonzero, overwrite an existing value. */
extern int setenv (const char *__name, const char *__value, int __replace)
__THROW __nonnull ((2));
/* Remove the variable NAME from the environment. */
extern int unsetenv (const char *__name) __THROW __nonnull ((1));
# 589 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_MISC
/* The `clearenv' was planned to be added to POSIX.1 but probably
never made it. Nevertheless the POSIX.9 standard (POSIX bindings
for Fortran 77) requires this function. */
extern int clearenv (void) __THROW;
# 596 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_MISC \
|| (defined __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED && !defined __USE_XOPEN2K8)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 600 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Generate a unique temporary file name from TEMPLATE.
The last six characters of TEMPLATE must be "XXXXXX";
they are replaced with a string that makes the file name unique.
Always returns TEMPLATE, it's either a temporary file name or a null
string if it cannot get a unique file name. */
extern char *mktemp (char *__template) __THROW __nonnull ((1));
# 607 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_MISC || defined __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED \
|| defined __USE_XOPEN2K8
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 610 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Generate a unique temporary file name from TEMPLATE.
The last six characters of TEMPLATE must be "XXXXXX";
they are replaced with a string that makes the filename unique.
Returns a file descriptor open on the file for reading and writing,
or -1 if it cannot create a uniquely-named file.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
# ifndef __USE_FILE_OFFSET64
extern int mkstemp (char *__template) __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# else
# 621 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# ifdef __REDIRECT
extern int __REDIRECT (mkstemp, (char *__template), mkstemp64)
__nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# else
# 625 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# define mkstemp mkstemp64
# endif
# 627 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# endif
# 628 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# ifdef __USE_LARGEFILE64
extern int mkstemp64 (char *__template) __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# endif
# 631 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 632 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_MISC
/* Similar to mkstemp, but the template can have a suffix after the
XXXXXX. The length of the suffix is specified in the second
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
# ifndef __USE_FILE_OFFSET64
extern int mkstemps (char *__template, int __suffixlen) __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# else
# 643 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# ifdef __REDIRECT
extern int __REDIRECT (mkstemps, (char *__template, int __suffixlen),
mkstemps64) __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# else
# 647 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# define mkstemps mkstemps64
# endif
# 649 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# endif
# 650 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# ifdef __USE_LARGEFILE64
extern int mkstemps64 (char *__template, int __suffixlen)
__nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# endif
# 654 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 655 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_BSD || defined __USE_XOPEN2K8
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 657 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Create a unique temporary directory from TEMPLATE.
The last six characters of TEMPLATE must be "XXXXXX";
they are replaced with a string that makes the directory name unique.
Returns TEMPLATE, or a null pointer if it cannot get a unique name.
The directory is created mode 700. */
extern char *mkdtemp (char *__template) __THROW __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# 664 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_GNU
/* Generate a unique temporary file name from TEMPLATE similar to
mkstemp. But allow the caller to pass additional flags which are
used in the open call to create the file..
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
# ifndef __USE_FILE_OFFSET64
extern int mkostemp (char *__template, int __flags) __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# else
# 675 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# ifdef __REDIRECT
extern int __REDIRECT (mkostemp, (char *__template, int __flags), mkostemp64)
__nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# else
# 679 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# define mkostemp mkostemp64
# endif
# 681 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# endif
# 682 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# ifdef __USE_LARGEFILE64
extern int mkostemp64 (char *__template, int __flags) __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# endif
# 685 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Similar to mkostemp, but the template can have a suffix after the
XXXXXX. The length of the suffix is specified in the second
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
# ifndef __USE_FILE_OFFSET64
extern int mkostemps (char *__template, int __suffixlen, int __flags)
__nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# else
# 696 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# ifdef __REDIRECT
extern int __REDIRECT (mkostemps, (char *__template, int __suffixlen,
int __flags), mkostemps64)
__nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# else
# 701 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# define mkostemps mkostemps64
# endif
# 703 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# endif
# 704 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# ifdef __USE_LARGEFILE64
extern int mkostemps64 (char *__template, int __suffixlen, int __flags)
__nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# endif
# 708 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 709 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Execute the given line as a shell command.
This function is a cancellation point and therefore not marked with
__THROW. */
extern int system (const char *__command) __wur;
#ifdef __USE_GNU
/* Return a malloc'd string containing the canonical absolute name of the
existing named file. */
extern char *canonicalize_file_name (const char *__name)
__THROW __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# 726 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_BSD || defined __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 728 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Return the canonical absolute name of file NAME. If RESOLVED is
null, the result is malloc'd; otherwise, if the canonical name is
PATH_MAX chars or more, returns null with `errno' set to
ENAMETOOLONG; if the name fits in fewer than PATH_MAX chars,
returns the name in RESOLVED. */
extern char *realpath (const char *__restrict __name,
char *__restrict __resolved) __THROW __wur;
# 736 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Shorthand for type of comparison functions. */
#ifndef __COMPAR_FN_T
# define __COMPAR_FN_T
typedef int (*__compar_fn_t) (const void *, const void *);
# ifdef __USE_GNU
typedef __compar_fn_t comparison_fn_t;
# endif
# 746 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 747 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_GNU
typedef int (*__compar_d_fn_t) (const void *, const void *, void *);
# 750 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Do a binary search for KEY in BASE, which consists of NMEMB elements
of SIZE bytes each, using COMPAR to perform the comparisons. */
extern void *bsearch (const void *__key, const void *__base,
size_t __nmemb, size_t __size, __compar_fn_t __compar)
__nonnull ((1, 2, 5)) __wur;
/* Sort NMEMB elements of BASE, of SIZE bytes each,
using COMPAR to perform the comparisons. */
extern void qsort (void *__base, size_t __nmemb, size_t __size,
__compar_fn_t __compar) __nonnull ((1, 4));
#ifdef __USE_GNU
extern void qsort_r (void *__base, size_t __nmemb, size_t __size,
__compar_d_fn_t __compar, void *__arg)
__nonnull ((1, 4));
# 767 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Return the absolute value of X. */
extern int abs (int __x) __THROW __attribute__ ((__const__)) __wur;
extern long int labs (long int __x) __THROW __attribute__ ((__const__)) __wur;
#ifdef __USE_ISOC99
__extension__ extern long long int llabs (long long int __x)
__THROW __attribute__ ((__const__)) __wur;
# 778 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Return the `div_t', `ldiv_t' or `lldiv_t' representation
of the value of NUMER over DENOM. */
/* GCC may have built-ins for these someday. */
extern div_t div (int __numer, int __denom)
__THROW __attribute__ ((__const__)) __wur;
extern ldiv_t ldiv (long int __numer, long int __denom)
__THROW __attribute__ ((__const__)) __wur;
#ifdef __USE_ISOC99
__extension__ extern lldiv_t lldiv (long long int __numer,
long long int __denom)
__THROW __attribute__ ((__const__)) __wur;
# 797 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if (defined __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED && !defined __USE_XOPEN2K8) \
|| defined __USE_SVID
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 801 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Convert floating point numbers to strings. The returned values are
valid only until another call to the same function. */
/* Convert VALUE to a string with NDIGIT digits and return a pointer to
this. Set *DECPT with the position of the decimal character and *SIGN
with the sign of the number. */
extern char *ecvt (double __value, int __ndigit, int *__restrict __decpt,
int *__restrict __sign) __THROW __nonnull ((3, 4)) __wur;
/* Convert VALUE to a string rounded to NDIGIT decimal digits. Set *DECPT
with the position of the decimal character and *SIGN with the sign of
the number. */
extern char *fcvt (double __value, int __ndigit, int *__restrict __decpt,
int *__restrict __sign) __THROW __nonnull ((3, 4)) __wur;
/* If possible convert VALUE to a string with NDIGIT significant digits.
Otherwise use exponential representation. The resulting string will
be written to BUF. */
extern char *gcvt (double __value, int __ndigit, char *__buf)
__THROW __nonnull ((3)) __wur;
# ifdef __USE_MISC
/* Long double versions of above functions. */
extern char *qecvt (long double __value, int __ndigit,
int *__restrict __decpt, int *__restrict __sign)
__THROW __nonnull ((3, 4)) __wur;
extern char *qfcvt (long double __value, int __ndigit,
int *__restrict __decpt, int *__restrict __sign)
__THROW __nonnull ((3, 4)) __wur;
extern char *qgcvt (long double __value, int __ndigit, char *__buf)
__THROW __nonnull ((3)) __wur;
/* Reentrant version of the functions above which provide their own
buffers. */
extern int ecvt_r (double __value, int __ndigit, int *__restrict __decpt,
int *__restrict __sign, char *__restrict __buf,
size_t __len) __THROW __nonnull ((3, 4, 5));
extern int fcvt_r (double __value, int __ndigit, int *__restrict __decpt,
int *__restrict __sign, char *__restrict __buf,
size_t __len) __THROW __nonnull ((3, 4, 5));
extern int qecvt_r (long double __value, int __ndigit,
int *__restrict __decpt, int *__restrict __sign,
char *__restrict __buf, size_t __len)
__THROW __nonnull ((3, 4, 5));
extern int qfcvt_r (long double __value, int __ndigit,
int *__restrict __decpt, int *__restrict __sign,
char *__restrict __buf, size_t __len)
__THROW __nonnull ((3, 4, 5));
# endif /* misc */
# 853 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#endif /* use MISC || use X/Open Unix */
# 854 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Return the length of the multibyte character
in S, which is no longer than N. */
extern int mblen (const char *__s, size_t __n) __THROW __wur;
/* Return the length of the given multibyte character,
putting its `wchar_t' representation in *PWC. */
extern int mbtowc (wchar_t *__restrict __pwc,
const char *__restrict __s, size_t __n) __THROW __wur;
/* Put the multibyte character represented
by WCHAR in S, returning its length. */
extern int wctomb (char *__s, wchar_t __wchar) __THROW __wur;
/* Convert a multibyte string to a wide char string. */
extern size_t mbstowcs (wchar_t *__restrict __pwcs,
const char *__restrict __s, size_t __n) __THROW;
/* Convert a wide char string to multibyte string. */
extern size_t wcstombs (char *__restrict __s,
const wchar_t *__restrict __pwcs, size_t __n)
#ifdef __USE_SVID
/* Determine whether the string value of RESPONSE matches the affirmation
or negative response expression as specified by the LC_MESSAGES category
in the program's current locale. Returns 1 if affirmative, 0 if
negative, and -1 if not matching. */
extern int rpmatch (const char *__response) __THROW __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# 886 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED || defined __USE_XOPEN2K8
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 889 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Parse comma separated suboption from *OPTIONP and match against
strings in TOKENS. If found return index and set *VALUEP to
optional value introduced by an equal sign. If the suboption is
not part of TOKENS return in *VALUEP beginning of unknown
suboption. On exit *OPTIONP is set to the beginning of the next
token or at the terminating NUL character. */
extern int getsubopt (char **__restrict __optionp,
char *const *__restrict __tokens,
char **__restrict __valuep)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 2, 3)) __wur;
# 900 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_XOPEN
/* Setup DES tables according KEY. */
extern void setkey (const char *__key) __THROW __nonnull ((1));
# 906 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* X/Open pseudo terminal handling. */
/* Return a master pseudo-terminal handle. */
extern int posix_openpt (int __oflag) __wur;
# 914 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_XOPEN
/* The next four functions all take a master pseudo-tty fd and
perform an operation on the associated slave: */
/* Chown the slave to the calling user. */
extern int grantpt (int __fd) __THROW;
/* Release an internal lock so the slave can be opened.
Call after grantpt(). */
extern int unlockpt (int __fd) __THROW;
/* Return the pathname of the pseudo terminal slave assoicated with
the master FD is open on, or NULL on errors.
The returned storage is good until the next call to this function. */
extern char *ptsname (int __fd) __THROW __wur;
# 931 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_GNU
/* Store at most BUFLEN characters of the pathname of the slave pseudo
terminal associated with the master FD is open on in BUF.
Return 0 on success, otherwise an error number. */
extern int ptsname_r (int __fd, char *__buf, size_t __buflen)
__THROW __nonnull ((2));
/* Open a master pseudo terminal and return its file descriptor. */
extern int getpt (void);
# 942 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_BSD
/* Put the 1 minute, 5 minute and 15 minute load averages into the first
NELEM elements of LOADAVG. Return the number written (never more than
three, but may be less than NELEM), or -1 if an error occurred. */
extern int getloadavg (double __loadavg[], int __nelem)
__THROW __nonnull ((1));
# 950 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/stdlib-float.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 951 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 952 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Define some macros helping to catch buffer overflows. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __USE_FORTIFY_LEVEL > 0 && defined __fortify_function
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 955 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/stdlib.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 955 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 956 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 957 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifdef __LDBL_COMPAT
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/stdlib-ldbl.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 958 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 959 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 960 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#endif /* don't just need malloc and calloc */
# 962 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#undef __need_malloc_and_calloc
#endif /* stdlib.h */
# 967 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 1297 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 2 3 4
# endif
# 1298 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# ifndef _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_strdup
extern char *__strdup (const char *__string) __THROW __attribute_malloc__;
# define __strdup(s) \
(__extension__ (__builtin_constant_p (s) && __string2_1bptr_p (s) \
? (((const char *) (s))[0] == '\0' \
? (char *) calloc ((size_t) 1, (size_t) 1) \
: ({ size_t __len = strlen (s) + 1; \
char *__retval = (char *) malloc (__len); \
if (__retval != NULL) \
__retval = (char *) memcpy (__retval, s, __len); \
__retval; })) \
: __strdup (s)))
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if defined __USE_SVID || defined __USE_BSD || defined __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 1314 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# define strdup(s) __strdup (s)
# endif
# 1316 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# endif
# 1317 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# ifndef _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_strndup
extern char *__strndup (const char *__string, size_t __n)
__THROW __attribute_malloc__;
# define __strndup(s, n) \
(__extension__ (__builtin_constant_p (s) && __string2_1bptr_p (s) \
? (((const char *) (s))[0] == '\0' \
? (char *) calloc ((size_t) 1, (size_t) 1) \
: ({ size_t __len = strlen (s) + 1; \
size_t __n = (n); \
char *__retval; \
if (__n < __len) \
__len = __n + 1; \
__retval = (char *) malloc (__len); \
if (__retval != NULL) \
{ \
__retval[__len - 1] = '\0'; \
__retval = (char *) memcpy (__retval, s, \
__len - 1); \
} \
__retval; })) \
: __strndup (s, n)))
# ifdef __USE_GNU
# define strndup(s, n) __strndup (s, n)
# endif
# 1344 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# endif
# 1345 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
#endif /* Use misc. or use GNU. */
# 1347 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# 1351 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
#endif /* No string inlines. */
# 1353 "/usr/include/bits/string2.h" 3 4
# 634 "/usr/include/string.h" 2 3 4
# endif
# 635 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if __USE_FORTIFY_LEVEL > 0 && defined __fortify_function
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 637 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
/* Functions with security checks. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/string3.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 638 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
# 639 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
# endif
# 640 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
# 641 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
#endif /* string.h */
# 645 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
# 49 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Include/GraphBLAS.h" 2
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <stdlib.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 49 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Include/GraphBLAS.h"
# 1 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 1 3 4
/* Copyright (C) 1991-2007, 2009-2011, 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
* ISO C99 Standard: 7.20 General utilities <stdlib.h>
#ifndef _STDLIB_H
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <features.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 24 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 25 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Get size_t, wchar_t and NULL from <stddef.h>. */
#define __need_size_t
#ifndef __need_malloc_and_calloc
# define __need_wchar_t
# define __need_NULL
# 32 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <stddef.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 32 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 1 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4
/*===---- stddef.h - Basic type definitions --------------------------------===
* Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
* See for license information.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(__STDDEF_H) || defined(__need_ptrdiff_t) || \
defined(__need_size_t) || defined(__need_wchar_t) || \
defined(__need_NULL) || defined(__need_wint_t)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 13 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(__need_ptrdiff_t) && !defined(__need_size_t) && \
!defined(__need_wchar_t) && !defined(__need_NULL) && \
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 17 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* Always define miscellaneous pieces when modules are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 19 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define __STDDEF_H
# 21 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 22 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <corecrt.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 22 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 23 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#endif // if defined(_MSC_VER)
# 24 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define __need_ptrdiff_t
#define __need_size_t
#define __need_wchar_t
#define __need_NULL
#define __need_STDDEF_H_misc
/* __need_wint_t is intentionally not defined here. */
# 31 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_ptrdiff_t)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 33 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(_PTRDIFF_T) || __has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 34 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* Always define ptrdiff_t when modules are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 36 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define _PTRDIFF_T
# 38 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ ptrdiff_t;
# 40 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_ptrdiff_t
#endif /* defined(__need_ptrdiff_t) */
# 42 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_size_t)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 44 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(_SIZE_T) || __has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 45 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* Always define size_t when modules are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 47 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define _SIZE_T
# 49 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ size_t;
# 51 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_size_t
#endif /*defined(__need_size_t) */
# 53 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 55 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* ISO9899:2011 7.20 (C11 Annex K): Define rsize_t if __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__ is
* enabled. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if (defined(__STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__) && __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__ >= 1 && \
!defined(_RSIZE_T)) || __has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 59 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* Always define rsize_t when modules are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 61 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define _RSIZE_T
# 63 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ rsize_t;
# 65 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#endif /* defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc) */
# 66 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_wchar_t)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 68 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#ifndef __cplusplus
/* Always define wchar_t when modules are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(_WCHAR_T) || __has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 71 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 72 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define _WCHAR_T
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(_MSC_EXTENSIONS)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 74 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 76 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 77 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __WCHAR_TYPE__ wchar_t;
# 79 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 80 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_wchar_t
#endif /* defined(__need_wchar_t) */
# 82 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_NULL)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 84 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef NULL
#ifdef __cplusplus
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if !defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(_MSC_VER)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 87 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# define NULL __null
# else
# 89 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# define NULL 0
# endif
# 91 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 92 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# define NULL ((void*)0)
# 94 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#ifdef __cplusplus
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 96 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
namespace std { typedef decltype(nullptr) nullptr_t; }
using ::std::nullptr_t;
# 99 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 100 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_NULL
#endif /* defined(__need_NULL) */
# 102 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 104 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 201112L || __cplusplus >= 201103L
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 105 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include "__stddef_max_align_t.h"
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 105 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 106 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 107 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define offsetof(t, d) __builtin_offsetof(t, d)
#undef __need_STDDEF_H_misc
#endif /* defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc) */
# 110 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* Some C libraries expect to see a wint_t here. Others (notably MinGW) will use
__WINT_TYPE__ directly; accommodate both by requiring __need_wint_t */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_wint_t)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 114 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* Always define wint_t when modules are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(_WINT_T) || __has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 116 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 117 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define _WINT_T
# 119 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __WINT_TYPE__ wint_t;
# 121 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_wint_t
#endif /* __need_wint_t */
# 123 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 125 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 33 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 2 3 4
#ifndef __need_malloc_and_calloc
#define _STDLIB_H 1
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if (defined __USE_XOPEN || defined __USE_XOPEN2K8) && !defined _SYS_WAIT_H
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 40 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* XPG requires a few symbols from <sys/wait.h> being defined. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/waitflags.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 41 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/waitflags.h" 1 3 4
/* Definitions of flag bits for `waitpid' et al.
Copyright (C) 1992,1996,1997,2000,2004,2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined _SYS_WAIT_H && !defined _STDLIB_H
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 20 "/usr/include/bits/waitflags.h" 3 4
# error "Never include <bits/waitflags.h> directly; use <sys/wait.h> instead."
# 22 "/usr/include/bits/waitflags.h" 3 4
/* Bits in the third argument to `waitpid'. */
#define WNOHANG 1 /* Don't block waiting. */
#define WUNTRACED 2 /* Report status of stopped children. */
/* Bits in the fourth argument to `waitid'. */
#define WSTOPPED 2 /* Report stopped child (same as WUNTRACED). */
#define WEXITED 4 /* Report dead child. */
#define WCONTINUED 8 /* Report continued child. */
#define WNOWAIT 0x01000000 /* Don't reap, just poll status. */
#define __WNOTHREAD 0x20000000 /* Don't wait on children of other threads
in this group */
#define __WALL 0x40000000 /* Wait for any child. */
#define __WCLONE 0x80000000 /* Wait for cloned process. */
# 42 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 2 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/waitstatus.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 42 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/waitstatus.h" 1 3 4
/* Definitions of status bits for `wait' et al.
Copyright (C) 1992,1994,1996,1997,2000,2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined _SYS_WAIT_H && !defined _STDLIB_H
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 20 "/usr/include/bits/waitstatus.h" 3 4
# error "Never include <bits/waitstatus.h> directly; use <sys/wait.h> instead."
# 22 "/usr/include/bits/waitstatus.h" 3 4
/* Everything extant so far uses these same bits. */
/* If WIFEXITED(STATUS), the low-order 8 bits of the status. */
#define __WEXITSTATUS(status) (((status) & 0xff00) >> 8)
/* If WIFSIGNALED(STATUS), the terminating signal. */
#define __WTERMSIG(status) ((status) & 0x7f)
/* If WIFSTOPPED(STATUS), the signal that stopped the child. */
#define __WSTOPSIG(status) __WEXITSTATUS(status)
/* Nonzero if STATUS indicates normal termination. */
#define __WIFEXITED(status) (__WTERMSIG(status) == 0)
/* Nonzero if STATUS indicates termination by a signal. */
#define __WIFSIGNALED(status) \
(((signed char) (((status) & 0x7f) + 1) >> 1) > 0)
/* Nonzero if STATUS indicates the child is stopped. */
#define __WIFSTOPPED(status) (((status) & 0xff) == 0x7f)
/* Nonzero if STATUS indicates the child continued after a stop. We only
define this if <bits/waitflags.h> provides the WCONTINUED flag bit. */
# define __WIFCONTINUED(status) ((status) == __W_CONTINUED)
# 51 "/usr/include/bits/waitstatus.h" 3 4
/* Nonzero if STATUS indicates the child dumped core. */
#define __WCOREDUMP(status) ((status) & __WCOREFLAG)
/* Macros for constructing status values. */
#define __W_EXITCODE(ret, sig) ((ret) << 8 | (sig))
#define __W_STOPCODE(sig) ((sig) << 8 | 0x7f)
#define __W_CONTINUED 0xffff
#define __WCOREFLAG 0x80
#ifdef __USE_BSD
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <endian.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 64 "/usr/include/bits/waitstatus.h" 3 4
# 65 "/usr/include/bits/waitstatus.h" 3 4
union wait
int w_status;
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 72 "/usr/include/bits/waitstatus.h" 3 4
unsigned int __w_termsig:7; /* Terminating signal. */
unsigned int __w_coredump:1; /* Set if dumped core. */
unsigned int __w_retcode:8; /* Return code if exited normally. */
unsigned int:16;
# endif /* Little endian. */
# 77 "/usr/include/bits/waitstatus.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 78 "/usr/include/bits/waitstatus.h" 3 4
unsigned int:16;
unsigned int __w_retcode:8;
unsigned int __w_coredump:1;
unsigned int __w_termsig:7;
# endif /* Big endian. */
# 83 "/usr/include/bits/waitstatus.h" 3 4
} __wait_terminated;
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 87 "/usr/include/bits/waitstatus.h" 3 4
unsigned int __w_stopval:8; /* W_STOPPED if stopped. */
unsigned int __w_stopsig:8; /* Stopping signal. */
unsigned int:16;
# endif /* Little endian. */
# 91 "/usr/include/bits/waitstatus.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 92 "/usr/include/bits/waitstatus.h" 3 4
unsigned int:16;
unsigned int __w_stopsig:8; /* Stopping signal. */
unsigned int __w_stopval:8; /* W_STOPPED if stopped. */
# endif /* Big endian. */
# 96 "/usr/include/bits/waitstatus.h" 3 4
} __wait_stopped;
# define w_termsig __wait_terminated.__w_termsig
# define w_coredump __wait_terminated.__w_coredump
# define w_retcode __wait_terminated.__w_retcode
# define w_stopsig __wait_stopped.__w_stopsig
# define w_stopval __wait_stopped.__w_stopval
#endif /* Use BSD. */
# 106 "/usr/include/bits/waitstatus.h" 3 4
# 43 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 2 3 4
# ifdef __USE_BSD
/* Lots of hair to allow traditional BSD use of `union wait'
as well as POSIX.1 use of `int' for the status word. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if defined __GNUC__ && !defined __cplusplus
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 50 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# define __WAIT_INT(status) \
(__extension__ (((union { __typeof(status) __in; int __i; }) \
{ .__in = (status) }).__i))
# else
# 54 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# define __WAIT_INT(status) (*(int *) &(status))
# endif
# 56 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* This is the type of the argument to `wait'. The funky union
causes redeclarations with either `int *' or `union wait *' to be
allowed without complaint. __WAIT_STATUS_DEFN is the type used in
the actual function definitions. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if !defined __GNUC__ || __GNUC__ < 2 || defined __cplusplus
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 63 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# define __WAIT_STATUS void *
# define __WAIT_STATUS_DEFN void *
# else
# 66 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* This works in GCC 2.6.1 and later. */
typedef union
union wait *__uptr;
int *__iptr;
} __WAIT_STATUS __attribute__ ((__transparent_union__));
# define __WAIT_STATUS_DEFN int *
# endif
# 74 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# else /* Don't use BSD. */
# 76 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# define __WAIT_INT(status) (status)
# define __WAIT_STATUS int *
# define __WAIT_STATUS_DEFN int *
# endif /* Use BSD. */
# 82 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Define the macros <sys/wait.h> also would define this way. */
# define WEXITSTATUS(status) __WEXITSTATUS (__WAIT_INT (status))
# define WTERMSIG(status) __WTERMSIG (__WAIT_INT (status))
# define WSTOPSIG(status) __WSTOPSIG (__WAIT_INT (status))
# define WIFEXITED(status) __WIFEXITED (__WAIT_INT (status))
# define WIFSIGNALED(status) __WIFSIGNALED (__WAIT_INT (status))
# define WIFSTOPPED(status) __WIFSTOPPED (__WAIT_INT (status))
# define WIFCONTINUED(status) __WIFCONTINUED (__WAIT_INT (status))
# endif
# 93 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#endif /* X/Open or XPG7 and <sys/wait.h> not included. */
# 94 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Returned by `div'. */
typedef struct
int quot; /* Quotient. */
int rem; /* Remainder. */
} div_t;
/* Returned by `ldiv'. */
#ifndef __ldiv_t_defined
typedef struct
long int quot; /* Quotient. */
long int rem; /* Remainder. */
} ldiv_t;
# define __ldiv_t_defined 1
# 112 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_ISOC99 && !defined __lldiv_t_defined
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 115 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Returned by `lldiv'. */
__extension__ typedef struct
long long int quot; /* Quotient. */
long long int rem; /* Remainder. */
} lldiv_t;
# define __lldiv_t_defined 1
# 125 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* The largest number rand will return (same as INT_MAX). */
#define RAND_MAX 2147483647
/* We define these the same for all machines.
Changes from this to the outside world should be done in `_exit'. */
#define EXIT_FAILURE 1 /* Failing exit status. */
#define EXIT_SUCCESS 0 /* Successful exit status. */
/* Maximum length of a multibyte character in the current locale. */
#define MB_CUR_MAX (__ctype_get_mb_cur_max ())
extern size_t __ctype_get_mb_cur_max (void) __THROW __wur;
/* Convert a string to a floating-point number. */
extern double atof (const char *__nptr)
__THROW __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
/* Convert a string to an integer. */
extern int atoi (const char *__nptr)
__THROW __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
/* Convert a string to a long integer. */
extern long int atol (const char *__nptr)
__THROW __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_ISOC99 || (defined __GLIBC_HAVE_LONG_LONG && defined __USE_MISC)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 155 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Convert a string to a long long integer. */
__extension__ extern long long int atoll (const char *__nptr)
__THROW __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# 161 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Convert a string to a floating-point number. */
extern double strtod (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr)
__THROW __nonnull ((1));
#ifdef __USE_ISOC99
/* Likewise for `float' and `long double' sizes of floating-point numbers. */
extern float strtof (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr) __THROW __nonnull ((1));
extern long double strtold (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr)
__THROW __nonnull ((1));
# 180 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Convert a string to a long integer. */
extern long int strtol (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr, int __base)
__THROW __nonnull ((1));
/* Convert a string to an unsigned long integer. */
extern unsigned long int strtoul (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr, int __base)
__THROW __nonnull ((1));
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __GLIBC_HAVE_LONG_LONG && defined __USE_BSD
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 193 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Convert a string to a quadword integer. */
extern long long int strtoq (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr, int __base)
__THROW __nonnull ((1));
/* Convert a string to an unsigned quadword integer. */
extern unsigned long long int strtouq (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr, int __base)
__THROW __nonnull ((1));
#endif /* GCC and use BSD. */
# 204 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_ISOC99 || (defined __GLIBC_HAVE_LONG_LONG && defined __USE_MISC)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 206 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Convert a string to a quadword integer. */
extern long long int strtoll (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr, int __base)
__THROW __nonnull ((1));
/* Convert a string to an unsigned quadword integer. */
extern unsigned long long int strtoull (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr, int __base)
__THROW __nonnull ((1));
#endif /* ISO C99 or GCC and use MISC. */
# 219 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_GNU
/* The concept of one static locale per category is not very well
thought out. Many applications will need to process its data using
information from several different locales. Another problem is
the implementation of the internationalization handling in the
ISO C++ standard library. To support this another set of
the functions using locale data exist which take an additional
Attention: even though several *_l interfaces are part of POSIX:2008,
these are not. */
/* Structure for reentrant locale using functions. This is an
(almost) opaque type for the user level programs. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <xlocale.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 235 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 236 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Special versions of the functions above which take the locale to
use as an additional parameter. */
extern long int strtol_l (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr, int __base,
__locale_t __loc) __THROW __nonnull ((1, 4));
extern unsigned long int strtoul_l (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr,
int __base, __locale_t __loc)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 4));
extern long long int strtoll_l (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr, int __base,
__locale_t __loc)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 4));
extern unsigned long long int strtoull_l (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr,
int __base, __locale_t __loc)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 4));
extern double strtod_l (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr, __locale_t __loc)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 3));
extern float strtof_l (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr, __locale_t __loc)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 3));
extern long double strtold_l (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr,
__locale_t __loc)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 3));
#endif /* GNU */
# 273 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
__extern_inline int
__NTH (atoi (const char *__nptr))
return (int) strtol (__nptr, (char **) NULL, 10);
__extern_inline long int
__NTH (atol (const char *__nptr))
return strtol (__nptr, (char **) NULL, 10);
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if defined __USE_MISC || defined __USE_ISOC99
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 290 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
__extension__ __extern_inline long long int
__NTH (atoll (const char *__nptr))
return strtoll (__nptr, (char **) NULL, 10);
# endif
# 298 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#endif /* Optimizing and Inlining. */
# 299 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_SVID || defined __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 302 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Convert N to base 64 using the digits "./0-9A-Za-z", least-significant
digit first. Returns a pointer to static storage overwritten by the
next call. */
extern char *l64a (long int __n) __THROW __wur;
/* Read a number from a string S in base 64 as above. */
extern long int a64l (const char *__s)
__THROW __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
#endif /* Use SVID || extended X/Open. */
# 312 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_SVID || defined __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED || defined __USE_BSD
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 314 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <sys/types.h> /* we need int32_t... */
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 314 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 1 3 4
/* Copyright (C) 1991,1992,1994-2002,2006,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
* POSIX Standard: 2.6 Primitive System Data Types <sys/types.h>
#ifndef _SYS_TYPES_H
#define _SYS_TYPES_H 1
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <features.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 25 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# 26 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/types.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 29 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# 30 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_BSD
# ifndef __u_char_defined
typedef __u_char u_char;
typedef __u_short u_short;
typedef __u_int u_int;
typedef __u_long u_long;
typedef __quad_t quad_t;
typedef __u_quad_t u_quad_t;
typedef __fsid_t fsid_t;
# define __u_char_defined
# endif
# 42 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# 43 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
typedef __loff_t loff_t;
#ifndef __ino_t_defined
# ifndef __USE_FILE_OFFSET64
typedef __ino_t ino_t;
# else
# 50 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
typedef __ino64_t ino_t;
# endif
# 52 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# define __ino_t_defined
# 54 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_LARGEFILE64 && !defined __ino64_t_defined
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 55 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
typedef __ino64_t ino64_t;
# define __ino64_t_defined
# 58 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
#ifndef __dev_t_defined
typedef __dev_t dev_t;
# define __dev_t_defined
# 63 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
#ifndef __gid_t_defined
typedef __gid_t gid_t;
# define __gid_t_defined
# 68 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
#ifndef __mode_t_defined
typedef __mode_t mode_t;
# define __mode_t_defined
# 73 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
#ifndef __nlink_t_defined
typedef __nlink_t nlink_t;
# define __nlink_t_defined
# 78 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
#ifndef __uid_t_defined
typedef __uid_t uid_t;
# define __uid_t_defined
# 83 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
#ifndef __off_t_defined
# ifndef __USE_FILE_OFFSET64
typedef __off_t off_t;
# else
# 88 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
typedef __off64_t off_t;
# endif
# 90 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# define __off_t_defined
# 92 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_LARGEFILE64 && !defined __off64_t_defined
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 93 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
typedef __off64_t off64_t;
# define __off64_t_defined
# 96 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
#ifndef __pid_t_defined
typedef __pid_t pid_t;
# define __pid_t_defined
# 101 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if (defined __USE_SVID || defined __USE_XOPEN || defined __USE_XOPEN2K8) \
&& !defined __id_t_defined
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 104 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
typedef __id_t id_t;
# define __id_t_defined
# 107 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
#ifndef __ssize_t_defined
typedef __ssize_t ssize_t;
# define __ssize_t_defined
# 112 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_BSD
# ifndef __daddr_t_defined
typedef __daddr_t daddr_t;
typedef __caddr_t caddr_t;
# define __daddr_t_defined
# endif
# 119 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# 120 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if (defined __USE_SVID || defined __USE_XOPEN) && !defined __key_t_defined
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 122 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
typedef __key_t key_t;
# define __key_t_defined
# 125 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_XOPEN || defined __USE_XOPEN2K8
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 127 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# define __need_clock_t
# 129 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
#define __need_time_t
#define __need_timer_t
#define __need_clockid_t
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <time.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 132 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/time.h" 1 3 4
/* Copyright (C) 1991-2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
* ISO C99 Standard: 7.23 Date and time <time.h>
#ifndef _TIME_H
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if (! defined __need_time_t && !defined __need_clock_t && \
! defined __need_timespec)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 26 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# define _TIME_H 1
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <features.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 27 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# 28 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# 32 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
#ifdef _TIME_H
/* Get size_t and NULL from <stddef.h>. */
# define __need_size_t
# define __need_NULL
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <stddef.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 37 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# 38 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
/* This defines CLOCKS_PER_SEC, which is the number of processor clock
ticks per second. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/time.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 41 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# 42 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
/* This is the obsolete POSIX.1-1988 name for the same constant. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if !defined __STRICT_ANSI__ && !defined __USE_XOPEN2K
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 45 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# ifndef CLK_TCK
# endif
# 48 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# endif
# 49 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
#endif /* <time.h> included. */
# 51 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined __clock_t_defined && (defined _TIME_H || defined __need_clock_t)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 53 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# define __clock_t_defined 1
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/types.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 55 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# 56 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
/* Returned by `clock'. */
typedef __clock_t clock_t;
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_XOPEN || defined __USE_POSIX || defined __USE_MISC
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 62 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# 64 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
#endif /* clock_t not defined and <time.h> or need clock_t. */
# 66 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
#undef __need_clock_t
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined __time_t_defined && (defined _TIME_H || defined __need_time_t)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 69 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# define __time_t_defined 1
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/types.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 71 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# 72 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
/* Returned by `time'. */
typedef __time_t time_t;
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_POSIX || defined __USE_MISC || defined __USE_SVID
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 78 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# 80 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
#endif /* time_t not defined and <time.h> or need time_t. */
# 82 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
#undef __need_time_t
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined __clockid_t_defined && \
((defined _TIME_H && defined __USE_POSIX199309) || defined __need_clockid_t)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 86 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# define __clockid_t_defined 1
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/types.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 88 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# 89 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
/* Clock ID used in clock and timer functions. */
typedef __clockid_t clockid_t;
#endif /* clockid_t not defined and <time.h> or need clockid_t. */
# 94 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
#undef __clockid_time_t
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined __timer_t_defined && \
((defined _TIME_H && defined __USE_POSIX199309) || defined __need_timer_t)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 98 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# define __timer_t_defined 1
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/types.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 100 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# 101 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
/* Timer ID returned by `timer_create'. */
typedef __timer_t timer_t;
#endif /* timer_t not defined and <time.h> or need timer_t. */
# 106 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
#undef __need_timer_t
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if (!defined __timespec_defined \
&& ((defined _TIME_H \
&& (defined __USE_POSIX199309 || defined __USE_MISC \
|| defined __USE_ISOC11)) \
|| defined __need_timespec))
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 114 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# define __timespec_defined 1
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/types.h> /* This defines __time_t for us. */
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 116 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# 117 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
/* POSIX.1b structure for a time value. This is like a `struct timeval' but
has nanoseconds instead of microseconds. */
struct timespec
__time_t tv_sec; /* Seconds. */
__syscall_slong_t tv_nsec; /* Nanoseconds. */
#endif /* timespec not defined and <time.h> or need timespec. */
# 127 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
#undef __need_timespec
#ifdef _TIME_H
/* Used by other time functions. */
struct tm
int tm_sec; /* Seconds. [0-60] (1 leap second) */
int tm_min; /* Minutes. [0-59] */
int tm_hour; /* Hours. [0-23] */
int tm_mday; /* Day. [1-31] */
int tm_mon; /* Month. [0-11] */
int tm_year; /* Year - 1900. */
int tm_wday; /* Day of week. [0-6] */
int tm_yday; /* Days in year.[0-365] */
int tm_isdst; /* DST. [-1/0/1]*/
# ifdef __USE_BSD
long int tm_gmtoff; /* Seconds east of UTC. */
const char *tm_zone; /* Timezone abbreviation. */
# else
# 149 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
long int __tm_gmtoff; /* Seconds east of UTC. */
const char *__tm_zone; /* Timezone abbreviation. */
# endif
# 152 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_XOPEN || defined __USE_POSIX || defined __USE_MISC
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 155 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# 157 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# ifdef __USE_POSIX199309
/* POSIX.1b structure for timer start values and intervals. */
struct itimerspec
struct timespec it_interval;
struct timespec it_value;
/* We can use a simple forward declaration. */
struct sigevent;
# endif /* POSIX.1b */
# 171 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# ifdef __USE_XOPEN2K
# ifndef __pid_t_defined
typedef __pid_t pid_t;
# define __pid_t_defined
# endif
# 177 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# endif
# 178 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# ifdef __USE_ISOC11
/* Time base values for timespec_get. */
# define TIME_UTC 1
# endif
# 184 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
/* Time used by the program so far (user time + system time).
The result / CLOCKS_PER_SECOND is program time in seconds. */
extern clock_t clock (void) __THROW;
/* Return the current time and put it in *TIMER if TIMER is not NULL. */
extern time_t time (time_t *__timer) __THROW;
/* Return the difference between TIME1 and TIME0. */
extern double difftime (time_t __time1, time_t __time0)
__THROW __attribute__ ((__const__));
/* Return the `time_t' representation of TP and normalize TP. */
extern time_t mktime (struct tm *__tp) __THROW;
/* Format TP into S according to FORMAT.
Write no more than MAXSIZE characters and return the number
of characters written, or 0 if it would exceed MAXSIZE. */
extern size_t strftime (char *__restrict __s, size_t __maxsize,
const char *__restrict __format,
const struct tm *__restrict __tp) __THROW;
# ifdef __USE_XOPEN
/* Parse S according to FORMAT and store binary time information in TP.
The return value is a pointer to the first unparsed character in S. */
extern char *strptime (const char *__restrict __s,
const char *__restrict __fmt, struct tm *__tp)
# endif
# 217 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# ifdef __USE_XOPEN2K8
/* Similar to the two functions above but take the information from
the provided locale and not the global locale. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <xlocale.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 221 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# 222 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
extern size_t strftime_l (char *__restrict __s, size_t __maxsize,
const char *__restrict __format,
const struct tm *__restrict __tp,
__locale_t __loc) __THROW;
# endif
# 228 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# ifdef __USE_GNU
extern char *strptime_l (const char *__restrict __s,
const char *__restrict __fmt, struct tm *__tp,
__locale_t __loc) __THROW;
# endif
# 234 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
/* Return the `struct tm' representation of *TIMER
in Universal Coordinated Time (aka Greenwich Mean Time). */
extern struct tm *gmtime (const time_t *__timer) __THROW;
/* Return the `struct tm' representation
of *TIMER in the local timezone. */
extern struct tm *localtime (const time_t *__timer) __THROW;
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if defined __USE_POSIX || defined __USE_MISC
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 247 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
/* Return the `struct tm' representation of *TIMER in UTC,
using *TP to store the result. */
extern struct tm *gmtime_r (const time_t *__restrict __timer,
struct tm *__restrict __tp) __THROW;
/* Return the `struct tm' representation of *TIMER in local time,
using *TP to store the result. */
extern struct tm *localtime_r (const time_t *__restrict __timer,
struct tm *__restrict __tp) __THROW;
# endif /* POSIX or misc */
# 257 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
/* Return a string of the form "Day Mon dd hh:mm:ss yyyy\n"
that is the representation of TP in this format. */
extern char *asctime (const struct tm *__tp) __THROW;
/* Equivalent to `asctime (localtime (timer))'. */
extern char *ctime (const time_t *__timer) __THROW;
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if defined __USE_POSIX || defined __USE_MISC
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 268 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
/* Reentrant versions of the above functions. */
/* Return in BUF a string of the form "Day Mon dd hh:mm:ss yyyy\n"
that is the representation of TP in this format. */
extern char *asctime_r (const struct tm *__restrict __tp,
char *__restrict __buf) __THROW;
/* Equivalent to `asctime_r (localtime_r (timer, *TMP*), buf)'. */
extern char *ctime_r (const time_t *__restrict __timer,
char *__restrict __buf) __THROW;
# endif /* POSIX or misc */
# 279 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
/* Defined in localtime.c. */
extern char *__tzname[2]; /* Current timezone names. */
extern int __daylight; /* If daylight-saving time is ever in use. */
extern long int __timezone; /* Seconds west of UTC. */
# ifdef __USE_POSIX
/* Same as above. */
extern char *tzname[2];
/* Set time conversion information from the TZ environment variable.
If TZ is not defined, a locale-dependent default is used. */
extern void tzset (void) __THROW;
# endif
# 295 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if defined __USE_SVID || defined __USE_XOPEN
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 297 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
extern int daylight;
extern long int timezone;
# endif
# 300 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# ifdef __USE_SVID
/* Set the system time to *WHEN.
This call is restricted to the superuser. */
extern int stime (const time_t *__when) __THROW;
# endif
# 306 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
/* Nonzero if YEAR is a leap year (every 4 years,
except every 100th isn't, and every 400th is). */
# define __isleap(year) \
((year) % 4 == 0 && ((year) % 100 != 0 || (year) % 400 == 0))
# ifdef __USE_MISC
/* Miscellaneous functions many Unices inherited from the public domain
localtime package. These are included only for compatibility. */
/* Like `mktime', but for TP represents Universal Time, not local time. */
extern time_t timegm (struct tm *__tp) __THROW;
/* Another name for `mktime'. */
extern time_t timelocal (struct tm *__tp) __THROW;
/* Return the number of days in YEAR. */
extern int dysize (int __year) __THROW __attribute__ ((__const__));
# endif
# 327 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# ifdef __USE_POSIX199309
/* Pause execution for a number of nanoseconds.
This function is a cancellation point and therefore not marked with
__THROW. */
extern int nanosleep (const struct timespec *__requested_time,
struct timespec *__remaining);
/* Get resolution of clock CLOCK_ID. */
extern int clock_getres (clockid_t __clock_id, struct timespec *__res) __THROW;
/* Get current value of clock CLOCK_ID and store it in TP. */
extern int clock_gettime (clockid_t __clock_id, struct timespec *__tp) __THROW;
/* Set clock CLOCK_ID to value TP. */
extern int clock_settime (clockid_t __clock_id, const struct timespec *__tp)
# ifdef __USE_XOPEN2K
/* High-resolution sleep with the specified clock.
This function is a cancellation point and therefore not marked with
__THROW. */
extern int clock_nanosleep (clockid_t __clock_id, int __flags,
const struct timespec *__req,
struct timespec *__rem);
/* Return clock ID for CPU-time clock. */
extern int clock_getcpuclockid (pid_t __pid, clockid_t *__clock_id) __THROW;
# endif
# 360 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
/* Create new per-process timer using CLOCK_ID. */
extern int timer_create (clockid_t __clock_id,
struct sigevent *__restrict __evp,
timer_t *__restrict __timerid) __THROW;
/* Delete timer TIMERID. */
extern int timer_delete (timer_t __timerid) __THROW;
/* Set timer TIMERID to VALUE, returning old value in OVALUE. */
extern int timer_settime (timer_t __timerid, int __flags,
const struct itimerspec *__restrict __value,
struct itimerspec *__restrict __ovalue) __THROW;
/* Get current value of timer TIMERID and store it in VALUE. */
extern int timer_gettime (timer_t __timerid, struct itimerspec *__value)
/* Get expiration overrun for timer TIMERID. */
extern int timer_getoverrun (timer_t __timerid) __THROW;
# endif
# 382 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# ifdef __USE_ISOC11
/* Set TS to calendar time based in time base BASE. */
extern int timespec_get (struct timespec *__ts, int __base)
__THROW __nonnull ((1));
# endif
# 389 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
/* Set to one of the following values to indicate an error.
1 the DATEMSK environment variable is null or undefined,
2 the template file cannot be opened for reading,
3 failed to get file status information,
4 the template file is not a regular file,
5 an error is encountered while reading the template file,
6 memory allication failed (not enough memory available),
7 there is no line in the template that matches the input,
8 invalid input specification Example: February 31 or a time is
specified that can not be represented in a time_t (representing
the time in seconds since 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970) */
extern int getdate_err;
/* Parse the given string as a date specification and return a value
representing the value. The templates from the file identified by
the environment variable DATEMSK are used. In case of an error
`getdate_err' is set.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern struct tm *getdate (const char *__string);
# endif
# 414 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# ifdef __USE_GNU
/* Since `getdate' is not reentrant because of the use of `getdate_err'
and the static buffer to return the result in, we provide a thread-safe
variant. The functionality is the same. The result is returned in
the buffer pointed to by RESBUFP and in case of an error the return
value is != 0 with the same values as given above for `getdate_err'.
This function is not part of POSIX and therefore no official
cancellation point. But due to similarity with an POSIX interface
or due to the implementation it is a cancellation point and
therefore not marked with __THROW. */
extern int getdate_r (const char *__restrict __string,
struct tm *__restrict __resbufp);
# endif
# 429 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
#endif /* <time.h> included. */
# 433 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
#endif /* <time.h> not already included. */
# 435 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# 133 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 2 3 4
#ifdef __USE_XOPEN
# ifndef __useconds_t_defined
typedef __useconds_t useconds_t;
# define __useconds_t_defined
# endif
# 139 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# ifndef __suseconds_t_defined
typedef __suseconds_t suseconds_t;
# define __suseconds_t_defined
# endif
# 143 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# 144 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
#define __need_size_t
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <stddef.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 146 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# 1 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4
/*===---- stddef.h - Basic type definitions --------------------------------===
* Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
* See for license information.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(__STDDEF_H) || defined(__need_ptrdiff_t) || \
defined(__need_size_t) || defined(__need_wchar_t) || \
defined(__need_NULL) || defined(__need_wint_t)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 13 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(__need_ptrdiff_t) && !defined(__need_size_t) && \
!defined(__need_wchar_t) && !defined(__need_NULL) && \
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 17 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* Always define miscellaneous pieces when modules are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 19 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define __STDDEF_H
# 21 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 22 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <corecrt.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 22 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 23 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#endif // if defined(_MSC_VER)
# 24 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define __need_ptrdiff_t
#define __need_size_t
#define __need_wchar_t
#define __need_NULL
#define __need_STDDEF_H_misc
/* __need_wint_t is intentionally not defined here. */
# 31 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_ptrdiff_t)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 33 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(_PTRDIFF_T) || __has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 34 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* Always define ptrdiff_t when modules are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 36 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define _PTRDIFF_T
# 38 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ ptrdiff_t;
# 40 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_ptrdiff_t
#endif /* defined(__need_ptrdiff_t) */
# 42 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_size_t)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 44 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(_SIZE_T) || __has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 45 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* Always define size_t when modules are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 47 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define _SIZE_T
# 49 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ size_t;
# 51 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_size_t
#endif /*defined(__need_size_t) */
# 53 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 55 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* ISO9899:2011 7.20 (C11 Annex K): Define rsize_t if __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__ is
* enabled. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if (defined(__STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__) && __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__ >= 1 && \
!defined(_RSIZE_T)) || __has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 59 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* Always define rsize_t when modules are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 61 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define _RSIZE_T
# 63 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ rsize_t;
# 65 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#endif /* defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc) */
# 66 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_wchar_t)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 68 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#ifndef __cplusplus
/* Always define wchar_t when modules are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(_WCHAR_T) || __has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 71 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 72 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define _WCHAR_T
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(_MSC_EXTENSIONS)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 74 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 76 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 77 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __WCHAR_TYPE__ wchar_t;
# 79 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 80 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_wchar_t
#endif /* defined(__need_wchar_t) */
# 82 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_NULL)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 84 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef NULL
#ifdef __cplusplus
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if !defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(_MSC_VER)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 87 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# define NULL __null
# else
# 89 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# define NULL 0
# endif
# 91 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 92 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# define NULL ((void*)0)
# 94 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#ifdef __cplusplus
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 96 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
namespace std { typedef decltype(nullptr) nullptr_t; }
using ::std::nullptr_t;
# 99 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 100 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_NULL
#endif /* defined(__need_NULL) */
# 102 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 104 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 201112L || __cplusplus >= 201103L
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 105 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include "__stddef_max_align_t.h"
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 105 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 106 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 107 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define offsetof(t, d) __builtin_offsetof(t, d)
#undef __need_STDDEF_H_misc
#endif /* defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc) */
# 110 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* Some C libraries expect to see a wint_t here. Others (notably MinGW) will use
__WINT_TYPE__ directly; accommodate both by requiring __need_wint_t */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_wint_t)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 114 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* Always define wint_t when modules are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(_WINT_T) || __has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 116 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 117 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define _WINT_T
# 119 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __WINT_TYPE__ wint_t;
# 121 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_wint_t
#endif /* __need_wint_t */
# 123 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 125 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 147 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 2 3 4
#ifdef __USE_MISC
/* Old compatibility names for C types. */
typedef unsigned long int ulong;
typedef unsigned short int ushort;
typedef unsigned int uint;
# 154 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
/* These size-specific names are used by some of the inet code. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__GNUC_PREREQ (2, 7)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 158 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
/* These types are defined by the ISO C99 header <inttypes.h>. */
# ifndef __int8_t_defined
# define __int8_t_defined
typedef char int8_t;
typedef short int int16_t;
typedef int int32_t;
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if __WORDSIZE == 64
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 166 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
typedef long int int64_t;
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#elif 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 168 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
__extension__ typedef long long int int64_t;
# endif
# 170 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# endif
# 171 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
/* But these were defined by ISO C without the first `_'. */
typedef unsigned char u_int8_t;
typedef unsigned short int u_int16_t;
typedef unsigned int u_int32_t;
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if __WORDSIZE == 64
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 177 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
typedef unsigned long int u_int64_t;
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#elif 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 179 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
__extension__ typedef unsigned long long int u_int64_t;
# endif
# 181 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
typedef int register_t;
# 185 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
/* For GCC 2.7 and later, we can use specific type-size attributes. */
# define __intN_t(N, MODE) \
typedef int int##N##_t __attribute__ ((__mode__ (MODE)))
# define __u_intN_t(N, MODE) \
typedef unsigned int u_int##N##_t __attribute__ ((__mode__ (MODE)))
# ifndef __int8_t_defined
# define __int8_t_defined
__intN_t (8, __QI__);
__intN_t (16, __HI__);
__intN_t (32, __SI__);
__intN_t (64, __DI__);
# endif
# 199 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
__u_intN_t (8, __QI__);
__u_intN_t (16, __HI__);
__u_intN_t (32, __SI__);
__u_intN_t (64, __DI__);
typedef int register_t __attribute__ ((__mode__ (__word__)));
/* Some code from BIND tests this macro to see if the types above are
defined. */
# 211 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
#define __BIT_TYPES_DEFINED__ 1
#ifdef __USE_BSD
/* In BSD <sys/types.h> is expected to define BYTE_ORDER. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <endian.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 216 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# 217 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
/* It also defines `fd_set' and the FD_* macros for `select'. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <sys/select.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 219 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 1 3 4
/* `fd_set' type and related macros, and `select'/`pselect' declarations.
Copyright (C) 1996-2003, 2009, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
/* POSIX 1003.1g: 6.2 Select from File Descriptor Sets <sys/select.h> */
#ifndef _SYS_SELECT_H
#define _SYS_SELECT_H 1
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <features.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 24 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 3 4
# 25 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 3 4
/* Get definition of needed basic types. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/types.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 27 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 3 4
# 28 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 3 4
/* Get __FD_* definitions. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/select.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 30 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/select.h" 1 3 4
/* Copyright (C) 1997-1999,2001,2008,2009,2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
#ifndef _SYS_SELECT_H
# error "Never use <bits/select.h> directly; include <sys/select.h> instead."
# 21 "/usr/include/bits/select.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/wordsize.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 22 "/usr/include/bits/select.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 1 3 4
/* Determine the wordsize from the preprocessor defines. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __x86_64__ && !defined __ILP32__
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 4 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 3 4
# define __WORDSIZE 64
# 6 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 3 4
# define __WORDSIZE 32
# 8 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 3 4
#ifdef __x86_64__
# define __WORDSIZE_TIME64_COMPAT32 1
/* Both x86-64 and x32 use the 64-bit system call interface. */
# define __SYSCALL_WORDSIZE 64
# 14 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 3 4
# 23 "/usr/include/bits/select.h" 2 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ >= 2
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 26 "/usr/include/bits/select.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if __WORDSIZE == 64
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 28 "/usr/include/bits/select.h" 3 4
# define __FD_ZERO_STOS "stosq"
# else
# 30 "/usr/include/bits/select.h" 3 4
# define __FD_ZERO_STOS "stosl"
# endif
# 32 "/usr/include/bits/select.h" 3 4
# define __FD_ZERO(fdsp) \
do { \
int __d0, __d1; \
__asm__ __volatile__ ("cld; rep; " __FD_ZERO_STOS \
: "=c" (__d0), "=D" (__d1) \
: "a" (0), "0" (sizeof (fd_set) \
/ sizeof (__fd_mask)), \
"1" (&__FDS_BITS (fdsp)[0]) \
: "memory"); \
} while (0)
#else /* ! GNU CC */
# 45 "/usr/include/bits/select.h" 3 4
/* We don't use `memset' because this would require a prototype and
the array isn't too big. */
# define __FD_ZERO(set) \
do { \
unsigned int __i; \
fd_set *__arr = (set); \
for (__i = 0; __i < sizeof (fd_set) / sizeof (__fd_mask); ++__i) \
__FDS_BITS (__arr)[__i] = 0; \
} while (0)
#endif /* GNU CC */
# 57 "/usr/include/bits/select.h" 3 4
#define __FD_SET(d, set) \
((void) (__FDS_BITS (set)[__FD_ELT (d)] |= __FD_MASK (d)))
#define __FD_CLR(d, set) \
((void) (__FDS_BITS (set)[__FD_ELT (d)] &= ~__FD_MASK (d)))
#define __FD_ISSET(d, set) \
((__FDS_BITS (set)[__FD_ELT (d)] & __FD_MASK (d)) != 0)
# 31 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 2 3 4
/* Get __sigset_t. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/sigset.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 33 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/sigset.h" 1 3 4
/* __sig_atomic_t, __sigset_t, and related definitions. Linux version.
Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1997, 2007, 2012
Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
#ifndef _SIGSET_H_types
# define _SIGSET_H_types 1
typedef int __sig_atomic_t;
/* A `sigset_t' has a bit for each signal. */
# define _SIGSET_NWORDS (1024 / (8 * sizeof (unsigned long int)))
typedef struct
unsigned long int __val[_SIGSET_NWORDS];
} __sigset_t;
# 34 "/usr/include/bits/sigset.h" 3 4
/* We only want to define these functions if <signal.h> was actually
included; otherwise we were included just to define the types. Since we
are namespace-clean, it wouldn't hurt to define extra macros. But
trouble can be caused by functions being defined (e.g., any global
register vars declared later will cause compilation errors). */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined _SIGSET_H_fns && defined _SIGNAL_H
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 43 "/usr/include/bits/sigset.h" 3 4
# define _SIGSET_H_fns 1
# define _EXTERN_INLINE __extern_inline
# endif
# 48 "/usr/include/bits/sigset.h" 3 4
/* Return a mask that includes the bit for SIG only. */
# define __sigmask(sig) \
(((unsigned long int) 1) << (((sig) - 1) % (8 * sizeof (unsigned long int))))
/* Return the word index for SIG. */
# define __sigword(sig) (((sig) - 1) / (8 * sizeof (unsigned long int)))
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ >= 2
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 57 "/usr/include/bits/sigset.h" 3 4
# define __sigemptyset(set) \
(__extension__ ({ int __cnt = _SIGSET_NWORDS; \
sigset_t *__set = (set); \
while (--__cnt >= 0) __set->__val[__cnt] = 0; \
0; }))
# define __sigfillset(set) \
(__extension__ ({ int __cnt = _SIGSET_NWORDS; \
sigset_t *__set = (set); \
while (--__cnt >= 0) __set->__val[__cnt] = ~0UL; \
0; }))
# ifdef __USE_GNU
/* The POSIX does not specify for handling the whole signal set in one
command. This is often wanted and so we define three more functions
here. */
# define __sigisemptyset(set) \
(__extension__ ({ int __cnt = _SIGSET_NWORDS; \
const sigset_t *__set = (set); \
int __ret = __set->__val[--__cnt]; \
while (!__ret && --__cnt >= 0) \
__ret = __set->__val[__cnt]; \
__ret == 0; }))
# define __sigandset(dest, left, right) \
(__extension__ ({ int __cnt = _SIGSET_NWORDS; \
sigset_t *__dest = (dest); \
const sigset_t *__left = (left); \
const sigset_t *__right = (right); \
while (--__cnt >= 0) \
__dest->__val[__cnt] = (__left->__val[__cnt] \
& __right->__val[__cnt]); \
0; }))
# define __sigorset(dest, left, right) \
(__extension__ ({ int __cnt = _SIGSET_NWORDS; \
sigset_t *__dest = (dest); \
const sigset_t *__left = (left); \
const sigset_t *__right = (right); \
while (--__cnt >= 0) \
__dest->__val[__cnt] = (__left->__val[__cnt] \
| __right->__val[__cnt]); \
0; }))
# endif
# 98 "/usr/include/bits/sigset.h" 3 4
# endif
# 99 "/usr/include/bits/sigset.h" 3 4
/* These functions needn't check for a bogus signal number -- error
checking is done in the non __ versions. */
extern int __sigismember (const __sigset_t *, int);
extern int __sigaddset (__sigset_t *, int);
extern int __sigdelset (__sigset_t *, int);
NAME (CONST __sigset_t *__set, int __sig) \
{ \
unsigned long int __mask = __sigmask (__sig); \
unsigned long int __word = __sigword (__sig); \
return BODY; \
__SIGSETFN (__sigismember, (__set->__val[__word] & __mask) ? 1 : 0, const)
__SIGSETFN (__sigaddset, ((__set->__val[__word] |= __mask), 0), )
__SIGSETFN (__sigdelset, ((__set->__val[__word] &= ~__mask), 0), )
# undef __SIGSETFN
# endif
# 123 "/usr/include/bits/sigset.h" 3 4
#endif /* ! _SIGSET_H_fns. */
# 126 "/usr/include/bits/sigset.h" 3 4
# 34 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 2 3 4
#ifndef __sigset_t_defined
# define __sigset_t_defined
typedef __sigset_t sigset_t;
# 39 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 3 4
/* Get definition of timer specification structures. */
#define __need_time_t
#define __need_timespec
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <time.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 43 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/time.h" 1 3 4
/* Copyright (C) 1991-2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
* ISO C99 Standard: 7.23 Date and time <time.h>
#ifndef _TIME_H
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if (! defined __need_time_t && !defined __need_clock_t && \
! defined __need_timespec)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 26 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# define _TIME_H 1
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <features.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 27 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# 28 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# 32 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
#ifdef _TIME_H
/* Get size_t and NULL from <stddef.h>. */
# define __need_size_t
# define __need_NULL
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <stddef.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 37 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# 38 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
/* This defines CLOCKS_PER_SEC, which is the number of processor clock
ticks per second. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/time.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 41 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# 42 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
/* This is the obsolete POSIX.1-1988 name for the same constant. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if !defined __STRICT_ANSI__ && !defined __USE_XOPEN2K
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 45 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# ifndef CLK_TCK
# endif
# 48 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# endif
# 49 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
#endif /* <time.h> included. */
# 51 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined __clock_t_defined && (defined _TIME_H || defined __need_clock_t)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 53 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# define __clock_t_defined 1
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/types.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 55 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# 56 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
/* Returned by `clock'. */
typedef __clock_t clock_t;
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_XOPEN || defined __USE_POSIX || defined __USE_MISC
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 62 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# 64 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
#endif /* clock_t not defined and <time.h> or need clock_t. */
# 66 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
#undef __need_clock_t
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined __time_t_defined && (defined _TIME_H || defined __need_time_t)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 69 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# define __time_t_defined 1
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/types.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 71 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# 72 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
/* Returned by `time'. */
typedef __time_t time_t;
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_POSIX || defined __USE_MISC || defined __USE_SVID
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 78 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# 80 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
#endif /* time_t not defined and <time.h> or need time_t. */
# 82 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
#undef __need_time_t
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined __clockid_t_defined && \
((defined _TIME_H && defined __USE_POSIX199309) || defined __need_clockid_t)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 86 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# define __clockid_t_defined 1
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/types.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 88 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# 89 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
/* Clock ID used in clock and timer functions. */
typedef __clockid_t clockid_t;
#endif /* clockid_t not defined and <time.h> or need clockid_t. */
# 94 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
#undef __clockid_time_t
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined __timer_t_defined && \
((defined _TIME_H && defined __USE_POSIX199309) || defined __need_timer_t)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 98 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# define __timer_t_defined 1
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/types.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 100 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# 101 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
/* Timer ID returned by `timer_create'. */
typedef __timer_t timer_t;
#endif /* timer_t not defined and <time.h> or need timer_t. */
# 106 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
#undef __need_timer_t
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if (!defined __timespec_defined \
&& ((defined _TIME_H \
&& (defined __USE_POSIX199309 || defined __USE_MISC \
|| defined __USE_ISOC11)) \
|| defined __need_timespec))
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 114 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# define __timespec_defined 1
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/types.h> /* This defines __time_t for us. */
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 116 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# 117 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
/* POSIX.1b structure for a time value. This is like a `struct timeval' but
has nanoseconds instead of microseconds. */
struct timespec
__time_t tv_sec; /* Seconds. */
__syscall_slong_t tv_nsec; /* Nanoseconds. */
#endif /* timespec not defined and <time.h> or need timespec. */
# 127 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
#undef __need_timespec
#ifdef _TIME_H
/* Used by other time functions. */
struct tm
int tm_sec; /* Seconds. [0-60] (1 leap second) */
int tm_min; /* Minutes. [0-59] */
int tm_hour; /* Hours. [0-23] */
int tm_mday; /* Day. [1-31] */
int tm_mon; /* Month. [0-11] */
int tm_year; /* Year - 1900. */
int tm_wday; /* Day of week. [0-6] */
int tm_yday; /* Days in year.[0-365] */
int tm_isdst; /* DST. [-1/0/1]*/
# ifdef __USE_BSD
long int tm_gmtoff; /* Seconds east of UTC. */
const char *tm_zone; /* Timezone abbreviation. */
# else
# 149 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
long int __tm_gmtoff; /* Seconds east of UTC. */
const char *__tm_zone; /* Timezone abbreviation. */
# endif
# 152 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_XOPEN || defined __USE_POSIX || defined __USE_MISC
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 155 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# 157 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# ifdef __USE_POSIX199309
/* POSIX.1b structure for timer start values and intervals. */
struct itimerspec
struct timespec it_interval;
struct timespec it_value;
/* We can use a simple forward declaration. */
struct sigevent;
# endif /* POSIX.1b */
# 171 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# ifdef __USE_XOPEN2K
# ifndef __pid_t_defined
typedef __pid_t pid_t;
# define __pid_t_defined
# endif
# 177 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# endif
# 178 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# ifdef __USE_ISOC11
/* Time base values for timespec_get. */
# define TIME_UTC 1
# endif
# 184 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
/* Time used by the program so far (user time + system time).
The result / CLOCKS_PER_SECOND is program time in seconds. */
extern clock_t clock (void) __THROW;
/* Return the current time and put it in *TIMER if TIMER is not NULL. */
extern time_t time (time_t *__timer) __THROW;
/* Return the difference between TIME1 and TIME0. */
extern double difftime (time_t __time1, time_t __time0)
__THROW __attribute__ ((__const__));
/* Return the `time_t' representation of TP and normalize TP. */
extern time_t mktime (struct tm *__tp) __THROW;
/* Format TP into S according to FORMAT.
Write no more than MAXSIZE characters and return the number
of characters written, or 0 if it would exceed MAXSIZE. */
extern size_t strftime (char *__restrict __s, size_t __maxsize,
const char *__restrict __format,
const struct tm *__restrict __tp) __THROW;
# ifdef __USE_XOPEN
/* Parse S according to FORMAT and store binary time information in TP.
The return value is a pointer to the first unparsed character in S. */
extern char *strptime (const char *__restrict __s,
const char *__restrict __fmt, struct tm *__tp)
# endif
# 217 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# ifdef __USE_XOPEN2K8
/* Similar to the two functions above but take the information from
the provided locale and not the global locale. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <xlocale.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 221 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# 222 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
extern size_t strftime_l (char *__restrict __s, size_t __maxsize,
const char *__restrict __format,
const struct tm *__restrict __tp,
__locale_t __loc) __THROW;
# endif
# 228 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# ifdef __USE_GNU
extern char *strptime_l (const char *__restrict __s,
const char *__restrict __fmt, struct tm *__tp,
__locale_t __loc) __THROW;
# endif
# 234 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
/* Return the `struct tm' representation of *TIMER
in Universal Coordinated Time (aka Greenwich Mean Time). */
extern struct tm *gmtime (const time_t *__timer) __THROW;
/* Return the `struct tm' representation
of *TIMER in the local timezone. */
extern struct tm *localtime (const time_t *__timer) __THROW;
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if defined __USE_POSIX || defined __USE_MISC
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 247 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
/* Return the `struct tm' representation of *TIMER in UTC,
using *TP to store the result. */
extern struct tm *gmtime_r (const time_t *__restrict __timer,
struct tm *__restrict __tp) __THROW;
/* Return the `struct tm' representation of *TIMER in local time,
using *TP to store the result. */
extern struct tm *localtime_r (const time_t *__restrict __timer,
struct tm *__restrict __tp) __THROW;
# endif /* POSIX or misc */
# 257 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
/* Return a string of the form "Day Mon dd hh:mm:ss yyyy\n"
that is the representation of TP in this format. */
extern char *asctime (const struct tm *__tp) __THROW;
/* Equivalent to `asctime (localtime (timer))'. */
extern char *ctime (const time_t *__timer) __THROW;
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if defined __USE_POSIX || defined __USE_MISC
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 268 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
/* Reentrant versions of the above functions. */
/* Return in BUF a string of the form "Day Mon dd hh:mm:ss yyyy\n"
that is the representation of TP in this format. */
extern char *asctime_r (const struct tm *__restrict __tp,
char *__restrict __buf) __THROW;
/* Equivalent to `asctime_r (localtime_r (timer, *TMP*), buf)'. */
extern char *ctime_r (const time_t *__restrict __timer,
char *__restrict __buf) __THROW;
# endif /* POSIX or misc */
# 279 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
/* Defined in localtime.c. */
extern char *__tzname[2]; /* Current timezone names. */
extern int __daylight; /* If daylight-saving time is ever in use. */
extern long int __timezone; /* Seconds west of UTC. */
# ifdef __USE_POSIX
/* Same as above. */
extern char *tzname[2];
/* Set time conversion information from the TZ environment variable.
If TZ is not defined, a locale-dependent default is used. */
extern void tzset (void) __THROW;
# endif
# 295 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if defined __USE_SVID || defined __USE_XOPEN
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 297 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
extern int daylight;
extern long int timezone;
# endif
# 300 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# ifdef __USE_SVID
/* Set the system time to *WHEN.
This call is restricted to the superuser. */
extern int stime (const time_t *__when) __THROW;
# endif
# 306 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
/* Nonzero if YEAR is a leap year (every 4 years,
except every 100th isn't, and every 400th is). */
# define __isleap(year) \
((year) % 4 == 0 && ((year) % 100 != 0 || (year) % 400 == 0))
# ifdef __USE_MISC
/* Miscellaneous functions many Unices inherited from the public domain
localtime package. These are included only for compatibility. */
/* Like `mktime', but for TP represents Universal Time, not local time. */
extern time_t timegm (struct tm *__tp) __THROW;
/* Another name for `mktime'. */
extern time_t timelocal (struct tm *__tp) __THROW;
/* Return the number of days in YEAR. */
extern int dysize (int __year) __THROW __attribute__ ((__const__));
# endif
# 327 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# ifdef __USE_POSIX199309
/* Pause execution for a number of nanoseconds.
This function is a cancellation point and therefore not marked with
__THROW. */
extern int nanosleep (const struct timespec *__requested_time,
struct timespec *__remaining);
/* Get resolution of clock CLOCK_ID. */
extern int clock_getres (clockid_t __clock_id, struct timespec *__res) __THROW;
/* Get current value of clock CLOCK_ID and store it in TP. */
extern int clock_gettime (clockid_t __clock_id, struct timespec *__tp) __THROW;
/* Set clock CLOCK_ID to value TP. */
extern int clock_settime (clockid_t __clock_id, const struct timespec *__tp)
# ifdef __USE_XOPEN2K
/* High-resolution sleep with the specified clock.
This function is a cancellation point and therefore not marked with
__THROW. */
extern int clock_nanosleep (clockid_t __clock_id, int __flags,
const struct timespec *__req,
struct timespec *__rem);
/* Return clock ID for CPU-time clock. */
extern int clock_getcpuclockid (pid_t __pid, clockid_t *__clock_id) __THROW;
# endif
# 360 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
/* Create new per-process timer using CLOCK_ID. */
extern int timer_create (clockid_t __clock_id,
struct sigevent *__restrict __evp,
timer_t *__restrict __timerid) __THROW;
/* Delete timer TIMERID. */
extern int timer_delete (timer_t __timerid) __THROW;
/* Set timer TIMERID to VALUE, returning old value in OVALUE. */
extern int timer_settime (timer_t __timerid, int __flags,
const struct itimerspec *__restrict __value,
struct itimerspec *__restrict __ovalue) __THROW;
/* Get current value of timer TIMERID and store it in VALUE. */
extern int timer_gettime (timer_t __timerid, struct itimerspec *__value)
/* Get expiration overrun for timer TIMERID. */
extern int timer_getoverrun (timer_t __timerid) __THROW;
# endif
# 382 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# ifdef __USE_ISOC11
/* Set TS to calendar time based in time base BASE. */
extern int timespec_get (struct timespec *__ts, int __base)
__THROW __nonnull ((1));
# endif
# 389 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
/* Set to one of the following values to indicate an error.
1 the DATEMSK environment variable is null or undefined,
2 the template file cannot be opened for reading,
3 failed to get file status information,
4 the template file is not a regular file,
5 an error is encountered while reading the template file,
6 memory allication failed (not enough memory available),
7 there is no line in the template that matches the input,
8 invalid input specification Example: February 31 or a time is
specified that can not be represented in a time_t (representing
the time in seconds since 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970) */
extern int getdate_err;
/* Parse the given string as a date specification and return a value
representing the value. The templates from the file identified by
the environment variable DATEMSK are used. In case of an error
`getdate_err' is set.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
extern struct tm *getdate (const char *__string);
# endif
# 414 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# ifdef __USE_GNU
/* Since `getdate' is not reentrant because of the use of `getdate_err'
and the static buffer to return the result in, we provide a thread-safe
variant. The functionality is the same. The result is returned in
the buffer pointed to by RESBUFP and in case of an error the return
value is != 0 with the same values as given above for `getdate_err'.
This function is not part of POSIX and therefore no official
cancellation point. But due to similarity with an POSIX interface
or due to the implementation it is a cancellation point and
therefore not marked with __THROW. */
extern int getdate_r (const char *__restrict __string,
struct tm *__restrict __resbufp);
# endif
# 429 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
#endif /* <time.h> included. */
# 433 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
#endif /* <time.h> not already included. */
# 435 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# 44 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 2 3 4
#define __need_timeval
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/time.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 45 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/time.h" 1 3 4
/* System-dependent timing definitions. Linux version.
Copyright (C) 1996,1997,1999-2003,2010,2011,2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
* Never include this file directly; use <time.h> instead.
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __need_timeval || defined __USE_GNU
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 24 "/usr/include/bits/time.h" 3 4
# define _STRUCT_TIMEVAL 1
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/types.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 26 "/usr/include/bits/time.h" 3 4
# 27 "/usr/include/bits/time.h" 3 4
/* A time value that is accurate to the nearest
microsecond but also has a range of years. */
struct timeval
__time_t tv_sec; /* Seconds. */
__suseconds_t tv_usec; /* Microseconds. */
# endif /* struct timeval */
# 36 "/usr/include/bits/time.h" 3 4
# 37 "/usr/include/bits/time.h" 3 4
#ifndef __need_timeval
# ifndef _BITS_TIME_H
# define _BITS_TIME_H 1
/* ISO/IEC 9899:1990 7.12.1: <time.h>
The macro `CLOCKS_PER_SEC' is the number per second of the value
returned by the `clock' function. */
/* CAE XSH, Issue 4, Version 2: <time.h>
The value of CLOCKS_PER_SEC is required to be 1 million on all
XSI-conformant systems. */
# define CLOCKS_PER_SEC 1000000l
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if (!defined __STRICT_ANSI__ || defined __USE_POSIX) \
&& !defined __USE_XOPEN2K
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 52 "/usr/include/bits/time.h" 3 4
/* Even though CLOCKS_PER_SEC has such a strange value CLK_TCK
presents the real value for clock ticks per second for the system. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/types.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 54 "/usr/include/bits/time.h" 3 4
# 55 "/usr/include/bits/time.h" 3 4
extern long int __sysconf (int);
# define CLK_TCK ((__clock_t) __sysconf (2)) /* 2 is _SC_CLK_TCK */
# endif
# 58 "/usr/include/bits/time.h" 3 4
# ifdef __USE_POSIX199309
/* Identifier for system-wide realtime clock. */
/* Monotonic system-wide clock. */
/* High-resolution timer from the CPU. */
/* Thread-specific CPU-time clock. */
/* Monotonic system-wide clock, not adjusted for frequency scaling. */
/* Identifier for system-wide realtime clock, updated only on ticks. */
/* Monotonic system-wide clock, updated only on ticks. */
/* Monotonic system-wide clock that includes time spent in suspension. */
/* Like CLOCK_REALTIME but also wakes suspended system. */
/* Like CLOCK_BOOTTIME but also wakes suspended system. */
/* Like CLOCK_REALTIME but in International Atomic Time. */
# define CLOCK_TAI 11
/* Flag to indicate time is absolute. */
# define TIMER_ABSTIME 1
# endif
# 86 "/usr/include/bits/time.h" 3 4
# ifdef __USE_GNU
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/timex.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 88 "/usr/include/bits/time.h" 3 4
# 89 "/usr/include/bits/time.h" 3 4
/* Tune a POSIX clock. */
extern int clock_adjtime (__clockid_t __clock_id, struct timex *__utx) __THROW;
# endif /* use GNU */
# 97 "/usr/include/bits/time.h" 3 4
# endif /* bits/time.h */
# 99 "/usr/include/bits/time.h" 3 4
# 100 "/usr/include/bits/time.h" 3 4
#undef __need_timeval
# 46 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 2 3 4
#ifndef __suseconds_t_defined
typedef __suseconds_t suseconds_t;
# define __suseconds_t_defined
# 51 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 3 4
/* The fd_set member is required to be an array of longs. */
typedef long int __fd_mask;
/* Some versions of <linux/posix_types.h> define this macros. */
#undef __NFDBITS
/* It's easier to assume 8-bit bytes than to get CHAR_BIT. */
#define __NFDBITS (8 * (int) sizeof (__fd_mask))
#define __FD_ELT(d) ((d) / __NFDBITS)
#define __FD_MASK(d) ((__fd_mask) 1 << ((d) % __NFDBITS))
/* fd_set for select and pselect. */
typedef struct
/* XPG4.2 requires this member name. Otherwise avoid the name
from the global namespace. */
#ifdef __USE_XOPEN
__fd_mask fds_bits[__FD_SETSIZE / __NFDBITS];
# define __FDS_BITS(set) ((set)->fds_bits)
# 72 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 3 4
__fd_mask __fds_bits[__FD_SETSIZE / __NFDBITS];
# define __FDS_BITS(set) ((set)->__fds_bits)
# 75 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 3 4
} fd_set;
/* Maximum number of file descriptors in `fd_set'. */
#ifdef __USE_MISC
/* Sometimes the fd_set member is assumed to have this type. */
typedef __fd_mask fd_mask;
/* Number of bits per word of `fd_set' (some code assumes this is 32). */
# 87 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 3 4
/* Access macros for `fd_set'. */
#define FD_SET(fd, fdsetp) __FD_SET (fd, fdsetp)
#define FD_CLR(fd, fdsetp) __FD_CLR (fd, fdsetp)
#define FD_ISSET(fd, fdsetp) __FD_ISSET (fd, fdsetp)
#define FD_ZERO(fdsetp) __FD_ZERO (fdsetp)
/* Check the first NFDS descriptors each in READFDS (if not NULL) for read
readiness, in WRITEFDS (if not NULL) for write readiness, and in EXCEPTFDS
(if not NULL) for exceptional conditions. If TIMEOUT is not NULL, time out
after waiting the interval specified therein. Returns the number of ready
descriptors, or -1 for errors.
This function is a cancellation point and therefore not marked with
__THROW. */
extern int select (int __nfds, fd_set *__restrict __readfds,
fd_set *__restrict __writefds,
fd_set *__restrict __exceptfds,
struct timeval *__restrict __timeout);
#ifdef __USE_XOPEN2K
/* Same as above only that the TIMEOUT value is given with higher
resolution and a sigmask which is been set temporarily. This version
should be used.
This function is a cancellation point and therefore not marked with
__THROW. */
extern int pselect (int __nfds, fd_set *__restrict __readfds,
fd_set *__restrict __writefds,
fd_set *__restrict __exceptfds,
const struct timespec *__restrict __timeout,
const __sigset_t *__restrict __sigmask);
# 124 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 3 4
/* Define some inlines helping to catch common problems. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __USE_FORTIFY_LEVEL > 0 && defined __GNUC__
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 128 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/select2.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 128 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 3 4
# 129 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 3 4
# 130 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 3 4
#endif /* sys/select.h */
# 134 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 3 4
# 220 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 2 3 4
/* BSD defines these symbols, so we follow. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <sys/sysmacros.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 222 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/sys/sysmacros.h" 1 3 4
/* Definitions of macros to access `dev_t' values.
Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1999, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2011
Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
#define _SYS_SYSMACROS_H 1
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <features.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 23 "/usr/include/sys/sysmacros.h" 3 4
# 24 "/usr/include/sys/sysmacros.h" 3 4
/* If the compiler does not know long long it is out of luck. We are
not going to hack weird hacks to support the dev_t representation
they need. */
extern unsigned int gnu_dev_major (unsigned long long int __dev)
__THROW __attribute_const__;
extern unsigned int gnu_dev_minor (unsigned long long int __dev)
__THROW __attribute_const__;
extern unsigned long long int gnu_dev_makedev (unsigned int __major,
unsigned int __minor)
__THROW __attribute_const__;
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ >= 2 && defined __USE_EXTERN_INLINES
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 43 "/usr/include/sys/sysmacros.h" 3 4
__extension__ __extern_inline __attribute_const__ unsigned int
__NTH (gnu_dev_major (unsigned long long int __dev))
return ((__dev >> 8) & 0xfff) | ((unsigned int) (__dev >> 32) & ~0xfff);
__extension__ __extern_inline __attribute_const__ unsigned int
__NTH (gnu_dev_minor (unsigned long long int __dev))
return (__dev & 0xff) | ((unsigned int) (__dev >> 12) & ~0xff);
__extension__ __extern_inline __attribute_const__ unsigned long long int
__NTH (gnu_dev_makedev (unsigned int __major, unsigned int __minor))
return ((__minor & 0xff) | ((__major & 0xfff) << 8)
| (((unsigned long long int) (__minor & ~0xff)) << 12)
| (((unsigned long long int) (__major & ~0xfff)) << 32));
# endif
# 63 "/usr/include/sys/sysmacros.h" 3 4
/* Access the functions with their traditional names. */
# define major(dev) gnu_dev_major (dev)
# define minor(dev) gnu_dev_minor (dev)
# define makedev(maj, min) gnu_dev_makedev (maj, min)
# 70 "/usr/include/sys/sysmacros.h" 3 4
#endif /* sys/sysmacros.h */
# 72 "/usr/include/sys/sysmacros.h" 3 4
# 223 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 2 3 4
#endif /* Use BSD. */
# 224 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if (defined __USE_UNIX98 || defined __USE_XOPEN2K8) \
&& !defined __blksize_t_defined
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 228 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
typedef __blksize_t blksize_t;
# define __blksize_t_defined
# 231 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
/* Types from the Large File Support interface. */
#ifndef __USE_FILE_OFFSET64
# ifndef __blkcnt_t_defined
typedef __blkcnt_t blkcnt_t; /* Type to count number of disk blocks. */
# define __blkcnt_t_defined
# endif
# 238 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# ifndef __fsblkcnt_t_defined
typedef __fsblkcnt_t fsblkcnt_t; /* Type to count file system blocks. */
# define __fsblkcnt_t_defined
# endif
# 242 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# ifndef __fsfilcnt_t_defined
typedef __fsfilcnt_t fsfilcnt_t; /* Type to count file system inodes. */
# define __fsfilcnt_t_defined
# endif
# 246 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# 247 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# ifndef __blkcnt_t_defined
typedef __blkcnt64_t blkcnt_t; /* Type to count number of disk blocks. */
# define __blkcnt_t_defined
# endif
# 251 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# ifndef __fsblkcnt_t_defined
typedef __fsblkcnt64_t fsblkcnt_t; /* Type to count file system blocks. */
# define __fsblkcnt_t_defined
# endif
# 255 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# ifndef __fsfilcnt_t_defined
typedef __fsfilcnt64_t fsfilcnt_t; /* Type to count file system inodes. */
# define __fsfilcnt_t_defined
# endif
# 259 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# 260 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_LARGEFILE64
typedef __blkcnt64_t blkcnt64_t; /* Type to count number of disk blocks. */
typedef __fsblkcnt64_t fsblkcnt64_t; /* Type to count file system blocks. */
typedef __fsfilcnt64_t fsfilcnt64_t; /* Type to count file system inodes. */
# 266 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
/* Now add the thread types. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_POSIX199506 || defined __USE_UNIX98
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 270 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/pthreadtypes.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 270 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h" 1 3 4
/* Copyright (C) 2002-2007, 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/wordsize.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 21 "/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 1 3 4
/* Determine the wordsize from the preprocessor defines. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __x86_64__ && !defined __ILP32__
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 4 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 3 4
# define __WORDSIZE 64
# 6 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 3 4
# define __WORDSIZE 32
# 8 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 3 4
#ifdef __x86_64__
# define __WORDSIZE_TIME64_COMPAT32 1
/* Both x86-64 and x32 use the 64-bit system call interface. */
# define __SYSCALL_WORDSIZE 64
# 14 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 3 4
# 22 "/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h" 2 3 4
#ifdef __x86_64__
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if __WORDSIZE == 64
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 25 "/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h" 3 4
# else
# 35 "/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h" 3 4
# endif
# 45 "/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h" 3 4
# 46 "/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h" 3 4
# 56 "/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h" 3 4
/* Thread identifiers. The structure of the attribute type is not
exposed on purpose. */
typedef unsigned long int pthread_t;
union pthread_attr_t
char __size[__SIZEOF_PTHREAD_ATTR_T];
long int __align;
#ifndef __have_pthread_attr_t
typedef union pthread_attr_t pthread_attr_t;
# define __have_pthread_attr_t 1
# 72 "/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h" 3 4
#ifdef __x86_64__
typedef struct __pthread_internal_list
struct __pthread_internal_list *__prev;
struct __pthread_internal_list *__next;
} __pthread_list_t;
# 81 "/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h" 3 4
typedef struct __pthread_internal_slist
struct __pthread_internal_slist *__next;
} __pthread_slist_t;
# 86 "/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h" 3 4
/* Data structures for mutex handling. The structure of the attribute
type is not exposed on purpose. */
typedef union
struct __pthread_mutex_s
int __lock;
unsigned int __count;
int __owner;
#ifdef __x86_64__
unsigned int __nusers;
# 100 "/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h" 3 4
/* KIND must stay at this position in the structure to maintain
binary compatibility. */
int __kind;
#ifdef __x86_64__
short __spins;
short __elision;
__pthread_list_t __list;
/* Mutex __spins initializer used by PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER. */
# define __PTHREAD_SPINS 0, 0
# 111 "/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h" 3 4
unsigned int __nusers;
__extension__ union
short __espins;
short __elision;
# define __spins __elision_data.__espins
# define __elision __elision_data.__elision
# define __PTHREAD_SPINS { 0, 0 }
} __elision_data;
__pthread_slist_t __list;
# 125 "/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h" 3 4
} __data;
char __size[__SIZEOF_PTHREAD_MUTEX_T];
long int __align;
} pthread_mutex_t;
typedef union
int __align;
} pthread_mutexattr_t;
/* Data structure for conditional variable handling. The structure of
the attribute type is not exposed on purpose. */
typedef union
int __lock;
unsigned int __futex;
__extension__ unsigned long long int __total_seq;
__extension__ unsigned long long int __wakeup_seq;
__extension__ unsigned long long int __woken_seq;
void *__mutex;
unsigned int __nwaiters;
unsigned int __broadcast_seq;
} __data;
char __size[__SIZEOF_PTHREAD_COND_T];
__extension__ long long int __align;
} pthread_cond_t;
typedef union
int __align;
} pthread_condattr_t;
/* Keys for thread-specific data */
typedef unsigned int pthread_key_t;
/* Once-only execution */
typedef int pthread_once_t;
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_UNIX98 || defined __USE_XOPEN2K
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 172 "/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h" 3 4
/* Data structure for read-write lock variable handling. The
structure of the attribute type is not exposed on purpose. */
typedef union
# ifdef __x86_64__
int __lock;
unsigned int __nr_readers;
unsigned int __readers_wakeup;
unsigned int __writer_wakeup;
unsigned int __nr_readers_queued;
unsigned int __nr_writers_queued;
int __writer;
int __shared;
unsigned long int __pad1;
unsigned long int __pad2;
/* FLAGS must stay at this position in the structure to maintain
binary compatibility. */
unsigned int __flags;
} __data;
# else
# 195 "/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h" 3 4
int __lock;
unsigned int __nr_readers;
unsigned int __readers_wakeup;
unsigned int __writer_wakeup;
unsigned int __nr_readers_queued;
unsigned int __nr_writers_queued;
/* FLAGS must stay at this position in the structure to maintain
binary compatibility. */
unsigned char __flags;
unsigned char __shared;
unsigned char __pad1;
unsigned char __pad2;
int __writer;
} __data;
# endif
# 212 "/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h" 3 4
long int __align;
} pthread_rwlock_t;
typedef union
long int __align;
} pthread_rwlockattr_t;
# 222 "/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_XOPEN2K
/* POSIX spinlock data type. */
typedef volatile int pthread_spinlock_t;
/* POSIX barriers data type. The structure of the type is
deliberately not exposed. */
typedef union
long int __align;
} pthread_barrier_t;
typedef union
int __align;
} pthread_barrierattr_t;
# 243 "/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h" 3 4
#ifndef __x86_64__
/* Extra attributes for the cleanup functions. */
# define __cleanup_fct_attribute __attribute__ ((__regparm__ (1)))
# 249 "/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h" 3 4
#endif /* bits/pthreadtypes.h */
# 251 "/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h" 3 4
# 271 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 2 3 4
# 272 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
#endif /* sys/types.h */
# 276 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# 315 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 2 3 4
/* These are the functions that actually do things. The `random', `srandom',
`initstate' and `setstate' functions are those from BSD Unices.
The `rand' and `srand' functions are required by the ANSI standard.
We provide both interfaces to the same random number generator. */
/* Return a random long integer between 0 and RAND_MAX inclusive. */
extern long int random (void) __THROW;
/* Seed the random number generator with the given number. */
extern void srandom (unsigned int __seed) __THROW;
/* Initialize the random number generator to use state buffer STATEBUF,
of length STATELEN, and seed it with SEED. Optimal lengths are 8, 16,
32, 64, 128 and 256, the bigger the better; values less than 8 will
cause an error and values greater than 256 will be rounded down. */
extern char *initstate (unsigned int __seed, char *__statebuf,
size_t __statelen) __THROW __nonnull ((2));
/* Switch the random number generator to state buffer STATEBUF,
which should have been previously initialized by `initstate'. */
extern char *setstate (char *__statebuf) __THROW __nonnull ((1));
# ifdef __USE_MISC
/* Reentrant versions of the `random' family of functions.
These functions all use the following data structure to contain
state, rather than global state variables. */
struct random_data
int32_t *fptr; /* Front pointer. */
int32_t *rptr; /* Rear pointer. */
int32_t *state; /* Array of state values. */
int rand_type; /* Type of random number generator. */
int rand_deg; /* Degree of random number generator. */
int rand_sep; /* Distance between front and rear. */
int32_t *end_ptr; /* Pointer behind state table. */
extern int random_r (struct random_data *__restrict __buf,
int32_t *__restrict __result) __THROW __nonnull ((1, 2));
extern int srandom_r (unsigned int __seed, struct random_data *__buf)
__THROW __nonnull ((2));
extern int initstate_r (unsigned int __seed, char *__restrict __statebuf,
size_t __statelen,
struct random_data *__restrict __buf)
__THROW __nonnull ((2, 4));
extern int setstate_r (char *__restrict __statebuf,
struct random_data *__restrict __buf)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 2));
# endif /* Use misc. */
# 369 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#endif /* Use SVID || extended X/Open || BSD. */
# 370 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Return a random integer between 0 and RAND_MAX inclusive. */
extern int rand (void) __THROW;
/* Seed the random number generator with the given number. */
extern void srand (unsigned int __seed) __THROW;
#ifdef __USE_POSIX
/* Reentrant interface according to POSIX.1. */
extern int rand_r (unsigned int *__seed) __THROW;
# 383 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_SVID || defined __USE_XOPEN
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 386 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* System V style 48-bit random number generator functions. */
/* Return non-negative, double-precision floating-point value in [0.0,1.0). */
extern double drand48 (void) __THROW;
extern double erand48 (unsigned short int __xsubi[3]) __THROW __nonnull ((1));
/* Return non-negative, long integer in [0,2^31). */
extern long int lrand48 (void) __THROW;
extern long int nrand48 (unsigned short int __xsubi[3])
__THROW __nonnull ((1));
/* Return signed, long integers in [-2^31,2^31). */
extern long int mrand48 (void) __THROW;
extern long int jrand48 (unsigned short int __xsubi[3])
__THROW __nonnull ((1));
/* Seed random number generator. */
extern void srand48 (long int __seedval) __THROW;
extern unsigned short int *seed48 (unsigned short int __seed16v[3])
__THROW __nonnull ((1));
extern void lcong48 (unsigned short int __param[7]) __THROW __nonnull ((1));
# ifdef __USE_MISC
/* Data structure for communication with thread safe versions. This
type is to be regarded as opaque. It's only exported because users
have to allocate objects of this type. */
struct drand48_data
unsigned short int __x[3]; /* Current state. */
unsigned short int __old_x[3]; /* Old state. */
unsigned short int __c; /* Additive const. in congruential formula. */
unsigned short int __init; /* Flag for initializing. */
unsigned long long int __a; /* Factor in congruential formula. */
/* Return non-negative, double-precision floating-point value in [0.0,1.0). */
extern int drand48_r (struct drand48_data *__restrict __buffer,
double *__restrict __result) __THROW __nonnull ((1, 2));
extern int erand48_r (unsigned short int __xsubi[3],
struct drand48_data *__restrict __buffer,
double *__restrict __result) __THROW __nonnull ((1, 2));
/* Return non-negative, long integer in [0,2^31). */
extern int lrand48_r (struct drand48_data *__restrict __buffer,
long int *__restrict __result)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 2));
extern int nrand48_r (unsigned short int __xsubi[3],
struct drand48_data *__restrict __buffer,
long int *__restrict __result)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 2));
/* Return signed, long integers in [-2^31,2^31). */
extern int mrand48_r (struct drand48_data *__restrict __buffer,
long int *__restrict __result)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 2));
extern int jrand48_r (unsigned short int __xsubi[3],
struct drand48_data *__restrict __buffer,
long int *__restrict __result)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 2));
/* Seed random number generator. */
extern int srand48_r (long int __seedval, struct drand48_data *__buffer)
__THROW __nonnull ((2));
extern int seed48_r (unsigned short int __seed16v[3],
struct drand48_data *__buffer) __THROW __nonnull ((1, 2));
extern int lcong48_r (unsigned short int __param[7],
struct drand48_data *__buffer)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 2));
# endif /* Use misc. */
# 457 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#endif /* Use SVID or X/Open. */
# 458 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#endif /* don't just need malloc and calloc */
# 460 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifndef __malloc_and_calloc_defined
# define __malloc_and_calloc_defined
/* Allocate SIZE bytes of memory. */
extern void *malloc (size_t __size) __THROW __attribute_malloc__ __wur;
/* Allocate NMEMB elements of SIZE bytes each, all initialized to 0. */
extern void *calloc (size_t __nmemb, size_t __size)
__THROW __attribute_malloc__ __wur;
# 471 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifndef __need_malloc_and_calloc
/* Re-allocate the previously allocated block
in PTR, making the new block SIZE bytes long. */
/* __attribute_malloc__ is not used, because if realloc returns
the same pointer that was passed to it, aliasing needs to be allowed
between objects pointed by the old and new pointers. */
extern void *realloc (void *__ptr, size_t __size)
__THROW __attribute_warn_unused_result__;
/* Free a block allocated by `malloc', `realloc' or `calloc'. */
extern void free (void *__ptr) __THROW;
#ifdef __USE_MISC
/* Free a block. An alias for `free'. (Sun Unices). */
extern void cfree (void *__ptr) __THROW;
#endif /* Use misc. */
# 489 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_GNU || defined __USE_BSD || defined __USE_MISC
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 491 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <alloca.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 491 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/alloca.h" 1 3 4
/* Copyright (C) 1992, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
#ifndef _ALLOCA_H
#define _ALLOCA_H 1
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <features.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 21 "/usr/include/alloca.h" 3 4
# 22 "/usr/include/alloca.h" 3 4
#define __need_size_t
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <stddef.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 24 "/usr/include/alloca.h" 3 4
# 1 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4
/*===---- stddef.h - Basic type definitions --------------------------------===
* Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
* See for license information.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(__STDDEF_H) || defined(__need_ptrdiff_t) || \
defined(__need_size_t) || defined(__need_wchar_t) || \
defined(__need_NULL) || defined(__need_wint_t)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 13 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(__need_ptrdiff_t) && !defined(__need_size_t) && \
!defined(__need_wchar_t) && !defined(__need_NULL) && \
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 17 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* Always define miscellaneous pieces when modules are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 19 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define __STDDEF_H
# 21 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 22 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <corecrt.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 22 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 23 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#endif // if defined(_MSC_VER)
# 24 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define __need_ptrdiff_t
#define __need_size_t
#define __need_wchar_t
#define __need_NULL
#define __need_STDDEF_H_misc
/* __need_wint_t is intentionally not defined here. */
# 31 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_ptrdiff_t)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 33 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(_PTRDIFF_T) || __has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 34 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* Always define ptrdiff_t when modules are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 36 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define _PTRDIFF_T
# 38 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ ptrdiff_t;
# 40 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_ptrdiff_t
#endif /* defined(__need_ptrdiff_t) */
# 42 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_size_t)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 44 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(_SIZE_T) || __has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 45 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* Always define size_t when modules are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 47 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define _SIZE_T
# 49 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ size_t;
# 51 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_size_t
#endif /*defined(__need_size_t) */
# 53 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 55 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* ISO9899:2011 7.20 (C11 Annex K): Define rsize_t if __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__ is
* enabled. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if (defined(__STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__) && __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__ >= 1 && \
!defined(_RSIZE_T)) || __has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 59 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* Always define rsize_t when modules are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 61 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define _RSIZE_T
# 63 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ rsize_t;
# 65 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#endif /* defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc) */
# 66 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_wchar_t)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 68 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#ifndef __cplusplus
/* Always define wchar_t when modules are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(_WCHAR_T) || __has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 71 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 72 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define _WCHAR_T
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(_MSC_EXTENSIONS)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 74 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 76 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 77 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __WCHAR_TYPE__ wchar_t;
# 79 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 80 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_wchar_t
#endif /* defined(__need_wchar_t) */
# 82 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_NULL)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 84 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef NULL
#ifdef __cplusplus
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if !defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(_MSC_VER)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 87 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# define NULL __null
# else
# 89 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# define NULL 0
# endif
# 91 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 92 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# define NULL ((void*)0)
# 94 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#ifdef __cplusplus
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 96 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
namespace std { typedef decltype(nullptr) nullptr_t; }
using ::std::nullptr_t;
# 99 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 100 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_NULL
#endif /* defined(__need_NULL) */
# 102 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 104 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 201112L || __cplusplus >= 201103L
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 105 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include "__stddef_max_align_t.h"
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 105 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 106 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 107 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define offsetof(t, d) __builtin_offsetof(t, d)
#undef __need_STDDEF_H_misc
#endif /* defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc) */
# 110 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* Some C libraries expect to see a wint_t here. Others (notably MinGW) will use
__WINT_TYPE__ directly; accommodate both by requiring __need_wint_t */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_wint_t)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 114 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* Always define wint_t when modules are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(_WINT_T) || __has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 116 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 117 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define _WINT_T
# 119 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __WINT_TYPE__ wint_t;
# 121 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_wint_t
#endif /* __need_wint_t */
# 123 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 125 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 25 "/usr/include/alloca.h" 2 3 4
/* Remove any previous definitions. */
#undef alloca
/* Allocate a block that will be freed when the calling function exits. */
extern void *alloca (size_t __size) __THROW;
#ifdef __GNUC__
# define alloca(size) __builtin_alloca (size)
#endif /* GCC. */
# 37 "/usr/include/alloca.h" 3 4
#endif /* alloca.h */
# 41 "/usr/include/alloca.h" 3 4
# 492 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 2 3 4
#endif /* Use GNU, BSD, or misc. */
# 493 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if (defined __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED && !defined __USE_XOPEN2K) \
|| defined __USE_BSD
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 496 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Allocate SIZE bytes on a page boundary. The storage cannot be freed. */
extern void *valloc (size_t __size) __THROW __attribute_malloc__ __wur;
# 499 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_XOPEN2K
/* Allocate memory of SIZE bytes with an alignment of ALIGNMENT. */
extern int posix_memalign (void **__memptr, size_t __alignment, size_t __size)
__THROW __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# 505 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_ISOC11
/* ISO C variant of aligned allocation. */
extern void *aligned_alloc (size_t __alignment, size_t __size)
__THROW __wur __attribute__ ((__malloc__, __alloc_size__ (2)));
# 511 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Abort execution and generate a core-dump. */
extern void abort (void) __THROW __attribute__ ((__noreturn__));
/* Register a function to be called when `exit' is called. */
extern int atexit (void (*__func) (void)) __THROW __nonnull ((1));
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_ISOC11 || defined __USE_ISOCXX11
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 521 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Register a function to be called when `quick_exit' is called. */
# ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C++" int at_quick_exit (void (*__func) (void))
__THROW __asm ("at_quick_exit") __nonnull ((1));
# else
# 526 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
extern int at_quick_exit (void (*__func) (void)) __THROW __nonnull ((1));
# endif
# 528 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 529 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_MISC
/* Register a function to be called with the status
given to `exit' and the given argument. */
extern int on_exit (void (*__func) (int __status, void *__arg), void *__arg)
__THROW __nonnull ((1));
# 537 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Call all functions registered with `atexit' and `on_exit',
in the reverse of the order in which they were registered,
perform stdio cleanup, and terminate program execution with STATUS. */
extern void exit (int __status) __THROW __attribute__ ((__noreturn__));
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_ISOC11 || defined __USE_ISOCXX11
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 545 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Call all functions registered with `at_quick_exit' in the reverse
of the order in which they were registered and terminate program
execution with STATUS. */
extern void quick_exit (int __status) __THROW __attribute__ ((__noreturn__));
# 550 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_ISOC99
/* Terminate the program with STATUS without calling any of the
functions registered with `atexit' or `on_exit'. */
extern void _Exit (int __status) __THROW __attribute__ ((__noreturn__));
# 559 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Return the value of envariable NAME, or NULL if it doesn't exist. */
extern char *getenv (const char *__name) __THROW __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
#ifdef __USE_GNU
/* This function is similar to the above but returns NULL if the
programs is running with SUID or SGID enabled. */
extern char *secure_getenv (const char *__name)
__THROW __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# 572 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_SVID || defined __USE_XOPEN
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 574 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* The SVID says this is in <stdio.h>, but this seems a better place. */
/* Put STRING, which is of the form "NAME=VALUE", in the environment.
If there is no `=', remove NAME from the environment. */
extern int putenv (char *__string) __THROW __nonnull ((1));
# 579 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_BSD || defined __USE_XOPEN2K
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 581 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Set NAME to VALUE in the environment.
If REPLACE is nonzero, overwrite an existing value. */
extern int setenv (const char *__name, const char *__value, int __replace)
__THROW __nonnull ((2));
/* Remove the variable NAME from the environment. */
extern int unsetenv (const char *__name) __THROW __nonnull ((1));
# 589 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_MISC
/* The `clearenv' was planned to be added to POSIX.1 but probably
never made it. Nevertheless the POSIX.9 standard (POSIX bindings
for Fortran 77) requires this function. */
extern int clearenv (void) __THROW;
# 596 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_MISC \
|| (defined __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED && !defined __USE_XOPEN2K8)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 600 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Generate a unique temporary file name from TEMPLATE.
The last six characters of TEMPLATE must be "XXXXXX";
they are replaced with a string that makes the file name unique.
Always returns TEMPLATE, it's either a temporary file name or a null
string if it cannot get a unique file name. */
extern char *mktemp (char *__template) __THROW __nonnull ((1));
# 607 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_MISC || defined __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED \
|| defined __USE_XOPEN2K8
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 610 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Generate a unique temporary file name from TEMPLATE.
The last six characters of TEMPLATE must be "XXXXXX";
they are replaced with a string that makes the filename unique.
Returns a file descriptor open on the file for reading and writing,
or -1 if it cannot create a uniquely-named file.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
# ifndef __USE_FILE_OFFSET64
extern int mkstemp (char *__template) __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# else
# 621 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# ifdef __REDIRECT
extern int __REDIRECT (mkstemp, (char *__template), mkstemp64)
__nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# else
# 625 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# define mkstemp mkstemp64
# endif
# 627 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# endif
# 628 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# ifdef __USE_LARGEFILE64
extern int mkstemp64 (char *__template) __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# endif
# 631 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 632 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_MISC
/* Similar to mkstemp, but the template can have a suffix after the
XXXXXX. The length of the suffix is specified in the second
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
# ifndef __USE_FILE_OFFSET64
extern int mkstemps (char *__template, int __suffixlen) __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# else
# 643 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# ifdef __REDIRECT
extern int __REDIRECT (mkstemps, (char *__template, int __suffixlen),
mkstemps64) __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# else
# 647 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# define mkstemps mkstemps64
# endif
# 649 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# endif
# 650 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# ifdef __USE_LARGEFILE64
extern int mkstemps64 (char *__template, int __suffixlen)
__nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# endif
# 654 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 655 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_BSD || defined __USE_XOPEN2K8
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 657 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Create a unique temporary directory from TEMPLATE.
The last six characters of TEMPLATE must be "XXXXXX";
they are replaced with a string that makes the directory name unique.
Returns TEMPLATE, or a null pointer if it cannot get a unique name.
The directory is created mode 700. */
extern char *mkdtemp (char *__template) __THROW __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# 664 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_GNU
/* Generate a unique temporary file name from TEMPLATE similar to
mkstemp. But allow the caller to pass additional flags which are
used in the open call to create the file..
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
# ifndef __USE_FILE_OFFSET64
extern int mkostemp (char *__template, int __flags) __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# else
# 675 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# ifdef __REDIRECT
extern int __REDIRECT (mkostemp, (char *__template, int __flags), mkostemp64)
__nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# else
# 679 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# define mkostemp mkostemp64
# endif
# 681 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# endif
# 682 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# ifdef __USE_LARGEFILE64
extern int mkostemp64 (char *__template, int __flags) __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# endif
# 685 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Similar to mkostemp, but the template can have a suffix after the
XXXXXX. The length of the suffix is specified in the second
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
# ifndef __USE_FILE_OFFSET64
extern int mkostemps (char *__template, int __suffixlen, int __flags)
__nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# else
# 696 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# ifdef __REDIRECT
extern int __REDIRECT (mkostemps, (char *__template, int __suffixlen,
int __flags), mkostemps64)
__nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# else
# 701 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# define mkostemps mkostemps64
# endif
# 703 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# endif
# 704 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# ifdef __USE_LARGEFILE64
extern int mkostemps64 (char *__template, int __suffixlen, int __flags)
__nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# endif
# 708 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 709 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Execute the given line as a shell command.
This function is a cancellation point and therefore not marked with
__THROW. */
extern int system (const char *__command) __wur;
#ifdef __USE_GNU
/* Return a malloc'd string containing the canonical absolute name of the
existing named file. */
extern char *canonicalize_file_name (const char *__name)
__THROW __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# 726 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_BSD || defined __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 728 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Return the canonical absolute name of file NAME. If RESOLVED is
null, the result is malloc'd; otherwise, if the canonical name is
PATH_MAX chars or more, returns null with `errno' set to
ENAMETOOLONG; if the name fits in fewer than PATH_MAX chars,
returns the name in RESOLVED. */
extern char *realpath (const char *__restrict __name,
char *__restrict __resolved) __THROW __wur;
# 736 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Shorthand for type of comparison functions. */
#ifndef __COMPAR_FN_T
# define __COMPAR_FN_T
typedef int (*__compar_fn_t) (const void *, const void *);
# ifdef __USE_GNU
typedef __compar_fn_t comparison_fn_t;
# endif
# 746 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 747 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_GNU
typedef int (*__compar_d_fn_t) (const void *, const void *, void *);
# 750 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Do a binary search for KEY in BASE, which consists of NMEMB elements
of SIZE bytes each, using COMPAR to perform the comparisons. */
extern void *bsearch (const void *__key, const void *__base,
size_t __nmemb, size_t __size, __compar_fn_t __compar)
__nonnull ((1, 2, 5)) __wur;
/* Sort NMEMB elements of BASE, of SIZE bytes each,
using COMPAR to perform the comparisons. */
extern void qsort (void *__base, size_t __nmemb, size_t __size,
__compar_fn_t __compar) __nonnull ((1, 4));
#ifdef __USE_GNU
extern void qsort_r (void *__base, size_t __nmemb, size_t __size,
__compar_d_fn_t __compar, void *__arg)
__nonnull ((1, 4));
# 767 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Return the absolute value of X. */
extern int abs (int __x) __THROW __attribute__ ((__const__)) __wur;
extern long int labs (long int __x) __THROW __attribute__ ((__const__)) __wur;
#ifdef __USE_ISOC99
__extension__ extern long long int llabs (long long int __x)
__THROW __attribute__ ((__const__)) __wur;
# 778 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Return the `div_t', `ldiv_t' or `lldiv_t' representation
of the value of NUMER over DENOM. */
/* GCC may have built-ins for these someday. */
extern div_t div (int __numer, int __denom)
__THROW __attribute__ ((__const__)) __wur;
extern ldiv_t ldiv (long int __numer, long int __denom)
__THROW __attribute__ ((__const__)) __wur;
#ifdef __USE_ISOC99
__extension__ extern lldiv_t lldiv (long long int __numer,
long long int __denom)
__THROW __attribute__ ((__const__)) __wur;
# 797 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if (defined __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED && !defined __USE_XOPEN2K8) \
|| defined __USE_SVID
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 801 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Convert floating point numbers to strings. The returned values are
valid only until another call to the same function. */
/* Convert VALUE to a string with NDIGIT digits and return a pointer to
this. Set *DECPT with the position of the decimal character and *SIGN
with the sign of the number. */
extern char *ecvt (double __value, int __ndigit, int *__restrict __decpt,
int *__restrict __sign) __THROW __nonnull ((3, 4)) __wur;
/* Convert VALUE to a string rounded to NDIGIT decimal digits. Set *DECPT
with the position of the decimal character and *SIGN with the sign of
the number. */
extern char *fcvt (double __value, int __ndigit, int *__restrict __decpt,
int *__restrict __sign) __THROW __nonnull ((3, 4)) __wur;
/* If possible convert VALUE to a string with NDIGIT significant digits.
Otherwise use exponential representation. The resulting string will
be written to BUF. */
extern char *gcvt (double __value, int __ndigit, char *__buf)
__THROW __nonnull ((3)) __wur;
# ifdef __USE_MISC
/* Long double versions of above functions. */
extern char *qecvt (long double __value, int __ndigit,
int *__restrict __decpt, int *__restrict __sign)
__THROW __nonnull ((3, 4)) __wur;
extern char *qfcvt (long double __value, int __ndigit,
int *__restrict __decpt, int *__restrict __sign)
__THROW __nonnull ((3, 4)) __wur;
extern char *qgcvt (long double __value, int __ndigit, char *__buf)
__THROW __nonnull ((3)) __wur;
/* Reentrant version of the functions above which provide their own
buffers. */
extern int ecvt_r (double __value, int __ndigit, int *__restrict __decpt,
int *__restrict __sign, char *__restrict __buf,
size_t __len) __THROW __nonnull ((3, 4, 5));
extern int fcvt_r (double __value, int __ndigit, int *__restrict __decpt,
int *__restrict __sign, char *__restrict __buf,
size_t __len) __THROW __nonnull ((3, 4, 5));
extern int qecvt_r (long double __value, int __ndigit,
int *__restrict __decpt, int *__restrict __sign,
char *__restrict __buf, size_t __len)
__THROW __nonnull ((3, 4, 5));
extern int qfcvt_r (long double __value, int __ndigit,
int *__restrict __decpt, int *__restrict __sign,
char *__restrict __buf, size_t __len)
__THROW __nonnull ((3, 4, 5));
# endif /* misc */
# 853 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#endif /* use MISC || use X/Open Unix */
# 854 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Return the length of the multibyte character
in S, which is no longer than N. */
extern int mblen (const char *__s, size_t __n) __THROW __wur;
/* Return the length of the given multibyte character,
putting its `wchar_t' representation in *PWC. */
extern int mbtowc (wchar_t *__restrict __pwc,
const char *__restrict __s, size_t __n) __THROW __wur;
/* Put the multibyte character represented
by WCHAR in S, returning its length. */
extern int wctomb (char *__s, wchar_t __wchar) __THROW __wur;
/* Convert a multibyte string to a wide char string. */
extern size_t mbstowcs (wchar_t *__restrict __pwcs,
const char *__restrict __s, size_t __n) __THROW;
/* Convert a wide char string to multibyte string. */
extern size_t wcstombs (char *__restrict __s,
const wchar_t *__restrict __pwcs, size_t __n)
#ifdef __USE_SVID
/* Determine whether the string value of RESPONSE matches the affirmation
or negative response expression as specified by the LC_MESSAGES category
in the program's current locale. Returns 1 if affirmative, 0 if
negative, and -1 if not matching. */
extern int rpmatch (const char *__response) __THROW __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# 886 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED || defined __USE_XOPEN2K8
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 889 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Parse comma separated suboption from *OPTIONP and match against
strings in TOKENS. If found return index and set *VALUEP to
optional value introduced by an equal sign. If the suboption is
not part of TOKENS return in *VALUEP beginning of unknown
suboption. On exit *OPTIONP is set to the beginning of the next
token or at the terminating NUL character. */
extern int getsubopt (char **__restrict __optionp,
char *const *__restrict __tokens,
char **__restrict __valuep)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 2, 3)) __wur;
# 900 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_XOPEN
/* Setup DES tables according KEY. */
extern void setkey (const char *__key) __THROW __nonnull ((1));
# 906 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* X/Open pseudo terminal handling. */
/* Return a master pseudo-terminal handle. */
extern int posix_openpt (int __oflag) __wur;
# 914 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_XOPEN
/* The next four functions all take a master pseudo-tty fd and
perform an operation on the associated slave: */
/* Chown the slave to the calling user. */
extern int grantpt (int __fd) __THROW;
/* Release an internal lock so the slave can be opened.
Call after grantpt(). */
extern int unlockpt (int __fd) __THROW;
/* Return the pathname of the pseudo terminal slave assoicated with
the master FD is open on, or NULL on errors.
The returned storage is good until the next call to this function. */
extern char *ptsname (int __fd) __THROW __wur;
# 931 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_GNU
/* Store at most BUFLEN characters of the pathname of the slave pseudo
terminal associated with the master FD is open on in BUF.
Return 0 on success, otherwise an error number. */
extern int ptsname_r (int __fd, char *__buf, size_t __buflen)
__THROW __nonnull ((2));
/* Open a master pseudo terminal and return its file descriptor. */
extern int getpt (void);
# 942 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_BSD
/* Put the 1 minute, 5 minute and 15 minute load averages into the first
NELEM elements of LOADAVG. Return the number written (never more than
three, but may be less than NELEM), or -1 if an error occurred. */
extern int getloadavg (double __loadavg[], int __nelem)
__THROW __nonnull ((1));
# 950 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/stdlib-float.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 951 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/stdlib-float.h" 1 3 4
/* Floating-point inline functions for stdlib.h.
Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
#ifndef _STDLIB_H
# error "Never use <bits/stdlib-float.h> directly; include <stdlib.h> instead."
# 22 "/usr/include/bits/stdlib-float.h" 3 4
__extern_inline double
__NTH (atof (const char *__nptr))
return strtod (__nptr, (char **) NULL);
#endif /* Optimizing and Inlining. */
# 32 "/usr/include/bits/stdlib-float.h" 3 4
# 952 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 2 3 4
/* Define some macros helping to catch buffer overflows. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __USE_FORTIFY_LEVEL > 0 && defined __fortify_function
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 955 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/stdlib.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 955 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 956 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 957 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifdef __LDBL_COMPAT
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/stdlib-ldbl.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 958 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 959 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 960 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#endif /* don't just need malloc and calloc */
# 962 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#undef __need_malloc_and_calloc
#endif /* stdlib.h */
# 967 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 50 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Include/GraphBLAS.h" 2
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <stdbool.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 50 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Include/GraphBLAS.h"
# 1 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdbool.h" 1 3
/*===---- stdbool.h - Standard header for booleans -------------------------===
* Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
* See for license information.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#ifndef __STDBOOL_H
#define __STDBOOL_H
/* Don't define bool, true, and false in C++, except as a GNU extension. */
#ifndef __cplusplus
#define bool _Bool
#define true 1
#define false 0
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0
#elif defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#elif 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 19 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdbool.h" 3
/* Define _Bool as a GNU extension. */
#define _Bool bool
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __cplusplus < 201103L
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 22 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdbool.h" 3
/* For C++98, define bool, false, true as a GNU extension. */
#define bool bool
#define false false
#define true true
# 27 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdbool.h" 3
# 28 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdbool.h" 3
#define __bool_true_false_are_defined 1
#endif /* __STDBOOL_H */
# 32 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdbool.h" 3
# 51 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Include/GraphBLAS.h" 2
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <stdint.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 51 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Include/GraphBLAS.h"
# 1 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 1 3
/*===---- stdint.h - Standard header for sized integer types --------------===*\
* Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
* See for license information.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#ifndef __CLANG_STDINT_H
// AIX system headers need stdint.h to be re-enterable while _STD_TYPES_T
// is defined until an inclusion of it without _STD_TYPES_T occurs, in which
// case the header guard macro is defined.
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(_AIX) || !defined(_STD_TYPES_T) || !defined(__STDC_HOSTED__)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 14 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#define __CLANG_STDINT_H
# 16 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
/* If we're hosted, fall back to the system's stdint.h, which might have
* additional definitions.
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __STDC_HOSTED__ && __has_include_next(<stdint.h>)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 21 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
// C99 7.18.3 Limits of other integer types
// Footnote 219, 220: C++ implementations should define these macros only when
// __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS is defined before <stdint.h> is included.
// Footnote 222: C++ implementations should define these macros only when
// __STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS is defined before <stdint.h> is included.
// C++11 [cstdint.syn]p2:
// The macros defined by <cstdint> are provided unconditionally. In particular,
// the symbols __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS and __STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS (mentioned in
// footnotes 219, 220, and 222 in the C standard) play no role in C++.
// C11 removed the problematic footnotes.
// Work around this inconsistency by always defining those macros in C++ mode,
// so that a C library implementation which follows the C99 standard can be
// used in C++.
# ifdef __cplusplus
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if !defined(__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 43 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
# endif
# 46 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if !defined(__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 47 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
# endif
# 50 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
# endif
# 51 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include_next <stdint.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 52 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
# 1 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 1 3 4
/* Copyright (C) 1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
* ISO C99: 7.18 Integer types <stdint.h>
#ifndef _STDINT_H
#define _STDINT_H 1
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <features.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 25 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
# 26 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/wchar.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 26 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/wchar.h" 1 3 4
/* wchar_t type related definitions. i386/x86-64 version.
Copyright (C) 2000-2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
#ifndef _BITS_WCHAR_H
#define _BITS_WCHAR_H 1
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/wordsize.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 22 "/usr/include/bits/wchar.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 1 3 4
/* Determine the wordsize from the preprocessor defines. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __x86_64__ && !defined __ILP32__
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 4 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 3 4
# define __WORDSIZE 64
# 6 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 3 4
# define __WORDSIZE 32
# 8 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 3 4
#ifdef __x86_64__
# define __WORDSIZE_TIME64_COMPAT32 1
/* Both x86-64 and x32 use the 64-bit system call interface. */
# define __SYSCALL_WORDSIZE 64
# 14 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 3 4
# 23 "/usr/include/bits/wchar.h" 2 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __WORDSIZE == 64
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 25 "/usr/include/bits/wchar.h" 3 4
# define __WCHAR_MIN (-2147483647 - 1)
# define __WCHAR_MAX (2147483647)
# 28 "/usr/include/bits/wchar.h" 3 4
# define __WCHAR_MIN (-2147483647l - 1l)
# define __WCHAR_MAX (2147483647l)
# 31 "/usr/include/bits/wchar.h" 3 4
#endif /* bits/wchar.h */
# 33 "/usr/include/bits/wchar.h" 3 4
# 27 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 2 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/wordsize.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 27 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 1 3 4
/* Determine the wordsize from the preprocessor defines. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __x86_64__ && !defined __ILP32__
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 4 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 3 4
# define __WORDSIZE 64
# 6 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 3 4
# define __WORDSIZE 32
# 8 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 3 4
#ifdef __x86_64__
# define __WORDSIZE_TIME64_COMPAT32 1
/* Both x86-64 and x32 use the 64-bit system call interface. */
# define __SYSCALL_WORDSIZE 64
# 14 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 3 4
# 28 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 2 3 4
/* Exact integral types. */
/* Signed. */
/* There is some amount of overlap with <sys/types.h> as known by inet code */
#ifndef __int8_t_defined
# define __int8_t_defined
typedef signed char int8_t;
typedef short int int16_t;
typedef int int32_t;
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if __WORDSIZE == 64
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 40 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
typedef long int int64_t;
# else
# 42 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
typedef long long int int64_t;
# endif
# 45 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
# 46 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
/* Unsigned. */
typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
typedef unsigned short int uint16_t;
#ifndef __uint32_t_defined
typedef unsigned int uint32_t;
# define __uint32_t_defined
# 54 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __WORDSIZE == 64
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 55 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
typedef unsigned long int uint64_t;
# 57 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
typedef unsigned long long int uint64_t;
# 60 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
/* Small types. */
/* Signed. */
typedef signed char int_least8_t;
typedef short int int_least16_t;
typedef int int_least32_t;
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __WORDSIZE == 64
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 69 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
typedef long int int_least64_t;
# 71 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
typedef long long int int_least64_t;
# 74 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
/* Unsigned. */
typedef unsigned char uint_least8_t;
typedef unsigned short int uint_least16_t;
typedef unsigned int uint_least32_t;
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __WORDSIZE == 64
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 80 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
typedef unsigned long int uint_least64_t;
# 82 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
typedef unsigned long long int uint_least64_t;
# 85 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
/* Fast types. */
/* Signed. */
typedef signed char int_fast8_t;
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __WORDSIZE == 64
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 92 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
typedef long int int_fast16_t;
typedef long int int_fast32_t;
typedef long int int_fast64_t;
# 96 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
typedef int int_fast16_t;
typedef int int_fast32_t;
typedef long long int int_fast64_t;
# 101 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
/* Unsigned. */
typedef unsigned char uint_fast8_t;
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __WORDSIZE == 64
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 105 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
typedef unsigned long int uint_fast16_t;
typedef unsigned long int uint_fast32_t;
typedef unsigned long int uint_fast64_t;
# 109 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
typedef unsigned int uint_fast16_t;
typedef unsigned int uint_fast32_t;
typedef unsigned long long int uint_fast64_t;
# 114 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
/* Types for `void *' pointers. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __WORDSIZE == 64
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 118 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
# ifndef __intptr_t_defined
typedef long int intptr_t;
# define __intptr_t_defined
# endif
# 122 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
typedef unsigned long int uintptr_t;
# 124 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
# ifndef __intptr_t_defined
typedef int intptr_t;
# define __intptr_t_defined
# endif
# 128 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
typedef unsigned int uintptr_t;
# 130 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
/* Largest integral types. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __WORDSIZE == 64
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 134 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
typedef long int intmax_t;
typedef unsigned long int uintmax_t;
# 137 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
typedef long long int intmax_t;
typedef unsigned long long int uintmax_t;
# 142 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if __WORDSIZE == 64
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 145 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
# define __INT64_C(c) c ## L
# define __UINT64_C(c) c ## UL
# else
# 148 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
# define __INT64_C(c) c ## LL
# define __UINT64_C(c) c ## ULL
# endif
# 151 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
/* Limits of integral types. */
/* Minimum of signed integral types. */
# define INT8_MIN (-128)
# define INT16_MIN (-32767-1)
# define INT32_MIN (-2147483647-1)
# define INT64_MIN (-__INT64_C(9223372036854775807)-1)
/* Maximum of signed integral types. */
# define INT8_MAX (127)
# define INT16_MAX (32767)
# define INT32_MAX (2147483647)
# define INT64_MAX (__INT64_C(9223372036854775807))
/* Maximum of unsigned integral types. */
# define UINT8_MAX (255)
# define UINT16_MAX (65535)
# define UINT32_MAX (4294967295U)
# define UINT64_MAX (__UINT64_C(18446744073709551615))
/* Minimum of signed integral types having a minimum size. */
# define INT_LEAST8_MIN (-128)
# define INT_LEAST16_MIN (-32767-1)
# define INT_LEAST32_MIN (-2147483647-1)
# define INT_LEAST64_MIN (-__INT64_C(9223372036854775807)-1)
/* Maximum of signed integral types having a minimum size. */
# define INT_LEAST8_MAX (127)
# define INT_LEAST16_MAX (32767)
# define INT_LEAST32_MAX (2147483647)
# define INT_LEAST64_MAX (__INT64_C(9223372036854775807))
/* Maximum of unsigned integral types having a minimum size. */
# define UINT_LEAST8_MAX (255)
# define UINT_LEAST16_MAX (65535)
# define UINT_LEAST32_MAX (4294967295U)
# define UINT_LEAST64_MAX (__UINT64_C(18446744073709551615))
/* Minimum of fast signed integral types having a minimum size. */
# define INT_FAST8_MIN (-128)
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if __WORDSIZE == 64
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 193 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
# define INT_FAST16_MIN (-9223372036854775807L-1)
# define INT_FAST32_MIN (-9223372036854775807L-1)
# else
# 196 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
# define INT_FAST16_MIN (-2147483647-1)
# define INT_FAST32_MIN (-2147483647-1)
# endif
# 199 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
# define INT_FAST64_MIN (-__INT64_C(9223372036854775807)-1)
/* Maximum of fast signed integral types having a minimum size. */
# define INT_FAST8_MAX (127)
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if __WORDSIZE == 64
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 203 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
# define INT_FAST16_MAX (9223372036854775807L)
# define INT_FAST32_MAX (9223372036854775807L)
# else
# 206 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
# define INT_FAST16_MAX (2147483647)
# define INT_FAST32_MAX (2147483647)
# endif
# 209 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
# define INT_FAST64_MAX (__INT64_C(9223372036854775807))
/* Maximum of fast unsigned integral types having a minimum size. */
# define UINT_FAST8_MAX (255)
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if __WORDSIZE == 64
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 214 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
# define UINT_FAST16_MAX (18446744073709551615UL)
# define UINT_FAST32_MAX (18446744073709551615UL)
# else
# 217 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
# define UINT_FAST16_MAX (4294967295U)
# define UINT_FAST32_MAX (4294967295U)
# endif
# 220 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
# define UINT_FAST64_MAX (__UINT64_C(18446744073709551615))
/* Values to test for integral types holding `void *' pointer. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if __WORDSIZE == 64
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 225 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
# define INTPTR_MIN (-9223372036854775807L-1)
# define INTPTR_MAX (9223372036854775807L)
# define UINTPTR_MAX (18446744073709551615UL)
# else
# 229 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
# define INTPTR_MIN (-2147483647-1)
# define INTPTR_MAX (2147483647)
# define UINTPTR_MAX (4294967295U)
# endif
# 233 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
/* Minimum for largest signed integral type. */
# define INTMAX_MIN (-__INT64_C(9223372036854775807)-1)
/* Maximum for largest signed integral type. */
# define INTMAX_MAX (__INT64_C(9223372036854775807))
/* Maximum for largest unsigned integral type. */
# define UINTMAX_MAX (__UINT64_C(18446744073709551615))
/* Limits of other integer types. */
/* Limits of `ptrdiff_t' type. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if __WORDSIZE == 64
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 248 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
# define PTRDIFF_MIN (-9223372036854775807L-1)
# define PTRDIFF_MAX (9223372036854775807L)
# else
# 251 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
# define PTRDIFF_MIN (-2147483647-1)
# define PTRDIFF_MAX (2147483647)
# endif
# 254 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
/* Limits of `sig_atomic_t'. */
# define SIG_ATOMIC_MIN (-2147483647-1)
# define SIG_ATOMIC_MAX (2147483647)
/* Limit of `size_t' type. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if __WORDSIZE == 64
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 261 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
# define SIZE_MAX (18446744073709551615UL)
# else
# 263 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
# define SIZE_MAX (4294967295UL)
# else
# 266 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
# define SIZE_MAX (4294967295U)
# endif
# 268 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
# endif
# 269 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
/* Limits of `wchar_t'. */
# ifndef WCHAR_MIN
/* These constants might also be defined in <wchar.h>. */
# endif
# 276 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
/* Limits of `wint_t'. */
# define WINT_MIN (0u)
# define WINT_MAX (4294967295u)
/* Signed. */
# define INT8_C(c) c
# define INT16_C(c) c
# define INT32_C(c) c
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if __WORDSIZE == 64
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 287 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
# define INT64_C(c) c ## L
# else
# 289 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
# define INT64_C(c) c ## LL
# endif
# 291 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
/* Unsigned. */
# define UINT8_C(c) c
# define UINT16_C(c) c
# define UINT32_C(c) c ## U
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if __WORDSIZE == 64
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 297 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
# define UINT64_C(c) c ## UL
# else
# 299 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
# define UINT64_C(c) c ## ULL
# endif
# 301 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
/* Maximal type. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if __WORDSIZE == 64
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 304 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
# define INTMAX_C(c) c ## L
# define UINTMAX_C(c) c ## UL
# else
# 307 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
# define INTMAX_C(c) c ## LL
# define UINTMAX_C(c) c ## ULL
# endif
# 310 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
#endif /* stdint.h */
# 312 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
# 53 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 2 3
# endif
# 58 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
# endif
# 62 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
# 64 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
/* C99 Exact-width integer types.
* C99 Minimum-width integer types.
* C99 Fastest minimum-width integer types.
* The standard requires that exact-width type be defined for 8-, 16-, 32-, and
* 64-bit types if they are implemented. Other exact width types are optional.
* This implementation defines an exact-width types for every integer width
* that is represented in the standard integer types.
* The standard also requires minimum-width types be defined for 8-, 16-, 32-,
* and 64-bit widths regardless of whether there are corresponding exact-width
* types.
* To accommodate targets that are missing types that are exactly 8, 16, 32, or
* 64 bits wide, this implementation takes an approach of cascading
* redefinitions, redefining __int_leastN_t to successively smaller exact-width
* types. It is therefore important that the types are defined in order of
* descending widths.
* We currently assume that the minimum-width types and the fastest
* minimum-width types are the same. This is allowed by the standard, but is
* suboptimal.
* In violation of the standard, some targets do not implement a type that is
* wide enough to represent all of the required widths (8-, 16-, 32-, 64-bit).
* To accommodate these targets, a required minimum-width type is only
* defined if there exists an exact-width type of equal or greater width.
#ifdef __INT64_TYPE__
# ifndef __int8_t_defined /* glibc sys/types.h also defines int64_t*/
typedef __INT64_TYPE__ int64_t;
# endif /* __int8_t_defined */
# 98 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
typedef __UINT64_TYPE__ uint64_t;
# define __int_least64_t int64_t
# define __uint_least64_t uint64_t
# define __int_least32_t int64_t
# define __uint_least32_t uint64_t
# define __int_least16_t int64_t
# define __uint_least16_t uint64_t
# define __int_least8_t int64_t
# define __uint_least8_t uint64_t
#endif /* __INT64_TYPE__ */
# 108 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __int_least64_t
typedef __int_least64_t int_least64_t;
typedef __uint_least64_t uint_least64_t;
typedef __int_least64_t int_fast64_t;
typedef __uint_least64_t uint_fast64_t;
#endif /* __int_least64_t */
# 115 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT56_TYPE__
typedef __INT56_TYPE__ int56_t;
typedef __UINT56_TYPE__ uint56_t;
typedef int56_t int_least56_t;
typedef uint56_t uint_least56_t;
typedef int56_t int_fast56_t;
typedef uint56_t uint_fast56_t;
# define __int_least32_t int56_t
# define __uint_least32_t uint56_t
# define __int_least16_t int56_t
# define __uint_least16_t uint56_t
# define __int_least8_t int56_t
# define __uint_least8_t uint56_t
#endif /* __INT56_TYPE__ */
# 130 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT48_TYPE__
typedef __INT48_TYPE__ int48_t;
typedef __UINT48_TYPE__ uint48_t;
typedef int48_t int_least48_t;
typedef uint48_t uint_least48_t;
typedef int48_t int_fast48_t;
typedef uint48_t uint_fast48_t;
# define __int_least32_t int48_t
# define __uint_least32_t uint48_t
# define __int_least16_t int48_t
# define __uint_least16_t uint48_t
# define __int_least8_t int48_t
# define __uint_least8_t uint48_t
#endif /* __INT48_TYPE__ */
# 146 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT40_TYPE__
typedef __INT40_TYPE__ int40_t;
typedef __UINT40_TYPE__ uint40_t;
typedef int40_t int_least40_t;
typedef uint40_t uint_least40_t;
typedef int40_t int_fast40_t;
typedef uint40_t uint_fast40_t;
# define __int_least32_t int40_t
# define __uint_least32_t uint40_t
# define __int_least16_t int40_t
# define __uint_least16_t uint40_t
# define __int_least8_t int40_t
# define __uint_least8_t uint40_t
#endif /* __INT40_TYPE__ */
# 162 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT32_TYPE__
# ifndef __int8_t_defined /* glibc sys/types.h also defines int32_t*/
typedef __INT32_TYPE__ int32_t;
# endif /* __int8_t_defined */
# 169 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
# ifndef __uint32_t_defined /* more glibc compatibility */
# define __uint32_t_defined
typedef __UINT32_TYPE__ uint32_t;
# endif /* __uint32_t_defined */
# 174 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
# define __int_least32_t int32_t
# define __uint_least32_t uint32_t
# define __int_least16_t int32_t
# define __uint_least16_t uint32_t
# define __int_least8_t int32_t
# define __uint_least8_t uint32_t
#endif /* __INT32_TYPE__ */
# 182 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __int_least32_t
typedef __int_least32_t int_least32_t;
typedef __uint_least32_t uint_least32_t;
typedef __int_least32_t int_fast32_t;
typedef __uint_least32_t uint_fast32_t;
#endif /* __int_least32_t */
# 189 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT24_TYPE__
typedef __INT24_TYPE__ int24_t;
typedef __UINT24_TYPE__ uint24_t;
typedef int24_t int_least24_t;
typedef uint24_t uint_least24_t;
typedef int24_t int_fast24_t;
typedef uint24_t uint_fast24_t;
# define __int_least16_t int24_t
# define __uint_least16_t uint24_t
# define __int_least8_t int24_t
# define __uint_least8_t uint24_t
#endif /* __INT24_TYPE__ */
# 202 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT16_TYPE__
#ifndef __int8_t_defined /* glibc sys/types.h also defines int16_t*/
typedef __INT16_TYPE__ int16_t;
#endif /* __int8_t_defined */
# 207 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
typedef __UINT16_TYPE__ uint16_t;
# define __int_least16_t int16_t
# define __uint_least16_t uint16_t
# define __int_least8_t int16_t
# define __uint_least8_t uint16_t
#endif /* __INT16_TYPE__ */
# 213 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __int_least16_t
typedef __int_least16_t int_least16_t;
typedef __uint_least16_t uint_least16_t;
typedef __int_least16_t int_fast16_t;
typedef __uint_least16_t uint_fast16_t;
#endif /* __int_least16_t */
# 220 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT8_TYPE__
#ifndef __int8_t_defined /* glibc sys/types.h also defines int8_t*/
typedef __INT8_TYPE__ int8_t;
#endif /* __int8_t_defined */
# 226 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
typedef __UINT8_TYPE__ uint8_t;
# define __int_least8_t int8_t
# define __uint_least8_t uint8_t
#endif /* __INT8_TYPE__ */
# 230 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __int_least8_t
typedef __int_least8_t int_least8_t;
typedef __uint_least8_t uint_least8_t;
typedef __int_least8_t int_fast8_t;
typedef __uint_least8_t uint_fast8_t;
#endif /* __int_least8_t */
# 237 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
/* prevent glibc sys/types.h from defining conflicting types */
#ifndef __int8_t_defined
# define __int8_t_defined
#endif /* __int8_t_defined */
# 242 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
/* C99 Integer types capable of holding object pointers.
#define __stdint_join3(a,b,c) a ## b ## c
#ifndef _INTPTR_T
#ifndef __intptr_t_defined
typedef __INTPTR_TYPE__ intptr_t;
#define __intptr_t_defined
#define _INTPTR_T
# 253 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
# 254 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#ifndef _UINTPTR_T
typedef __UINTPTR_TYPE__ uintptr_t;
#define _UINTPTR_T
# 259 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
/* C99 Greatest-width integer types.
typedef __INTMAX_TYPE__ intmax_t;
typedef __UINTMAX_TYPE__ uintmax_t;
/* C99 7.18.4 Macros for minimum-width integer constants.
* The standard requires that integer constant macros be defined for all the
* minimum-width types defined above. As 8-, 16-, 32-, and 64-bit minimum-width
* types are required, the corresponding integer constant macros are defined
* here. This implementation also defines minimum-width types for every other
* integer width that the target implements, so corresponding macros are
* defined below, too.
* These macros are defined using the same successive-shrinking approach as
* the type definitions above. It is likewise important that macros are defined
* in order of decending width.
* Note that C++ should not check __STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS here, contrary to the
* claims of the C standard (see C++ 18.3.1p2, [cstdint.syn]).
#define __int_c_join(a, b) a ## b
#define __int_c(v, suffix) __int_c_join(v, suffix)
#define __uint_c(v, suffix) __int_c_join(v##U, suffix)
#ifdef __INT64_TYPE__
# ifdef __INT64_C_SUFFIX__
# define __int64_c_suffix __INT64_C_SUFFIX__
# define __int32_c_suffix __INT64_C_SUFFIX__
# define __int16_c_suffix __INT64_C_SUFFIX__
# define __int8_c_suffix __INT64_C_SUFFIX__
# else
# 294 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
# undef __int64_c_suffix
# undef __int32_c_suffix
# undef __int16_c_suffix
# undef __int8_c_suffix
# endif /* __INT64_C_SUFFIX__ */
# 299 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#endif /* __INT64_TYPE__ */
# 300 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __int_least64_t
# ifdef __int64_c_suffix
# define INT64_C(v) __int_c(v, __int64_c_suffix)
# define UINT64_C(v) __uint_c(v, __int64_c_suffix)
# else
# 306 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
# define INT64_C(v) v
# define UINT64_C(v) v ## U
# endif /* __int64_c_suffix */
# 309 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#endif /* __int_least64_t */
# 310 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT56_TYPE__
# ifdef __INT56_C_SUFFIX__
# define INT56_C(v) __int_c(v, __INT56_C_SUFFIX__)
# define UINT56_C(v) __uint_c(v, __INT56_C_SUFFIX__)
# define __int32_c_suffix __INT56_C_SUFFIX__
# define __int16_c_suffix __INT56_C_SUFFIX__
# define __int8_c_suffix __INT56_C_SUFFIX__
# else
# 320 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
# define INT56_C(v) v
# define UINT56_C(v) v ## U
# undef __int32_c_suffix
# undef __int16_c_suffix
# undef __int8_c_suffix
# endif /* __INT56_C_SUFFIX__ */
# 326 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#endif /* __INT56_TYPE__ */
# 327 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT48_TYPE__
# ifdef __INT48_C_SUFFIX__
# define INT48_C(v) __int_c(v, __INT48_C_SUFFIX__)
# define UINT48_C(v) __uint_c(v, __INT48_C_SUFFIX__)
# define __int32_c_suffix __INT48_C_SUFFIX__
# define __int16_c_suffix __INT48_C_SUFFIX__
# define __int8_c_suffix __INT48_C_SUFFIX__
# else
# 337 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
# define INT48_C(v) v
# define UINT48_C(v) v ## U
# undef __int32_c_suffix
# undef __int16_c_suffix
# undef __int8_c_suffix
# endif /* __INT48_C_SUFFIX__ */
# 343 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#endif /* __INT48_TYPE__ */
# 344 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT40_TYPE__
# ifdef __INT40_C_SUFFIX__
# define INT40_C(v) __int_c(v, __INT40_C_SUFFIX__)
# define UINT40_C(v) __uint_c(v, __INT40_C_SUFFIX__)
# define __int32_c_suffix __INT40_C_SUFFIX__
# define __int16_c_suffix __INT40_C_SUFFIX__
# define __int8_c_suffix __INT40_C_SUFFIX__
# else
# 354 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
# define INT40_C(v) v
# define UINT40_C(v) v ## U
# undef __int32_c_suffix
# undef __int16_c_suffix
# undef __int8_c_suffix
# endif /* __INT40_C_SUFFIX__ */
# 360 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#endif /* __INT40_TYPE__ */
# 361 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT32_TYPE__
# ifdef __INT32_C_SUFFIX__
# define __int32_c_suffix __INT32_C_SUFFIX__
# define __int16_c_suffix __INT32_C_SUFFIX__
# define __int8_c_suffix __INT32_C_SUFFIX__
# 369 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
# undef __int32_c_suffix
# undef __int16_c_suffix
# undef __int8_c_suffix
# endif /* __INT32_C_SUFFIX__ */
# 373 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#endif /* __INT32_TYPE__ */
# 374 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __int_least32_t
# ifdef __int32_c_suffix
# define INT32_C(v) __int_c(v, __int32_c_suffix)
# define UINT32_C(v) __uint_c(v, __int32_c_suffix)
# else
# 380 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
# define INT32_C(v) v
# define UINT32_C(v) v ## U
# endif /* __int32_c_suffix */
# 383 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#endif /* __int_least32_t */
# 384 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT24_TYPE__
# ifdef __INT24_C_SUFFIX__
# define INT24_C(v) __int_c(v, __INT24_C_SUFFIX__)
# define UINT24_C(v) __uint_c(v, __INT24_C_SUFFIX__)
# define __int16_c_suffix __INT24_C_SUFFIX__
# define __int8_c_suffix __INT24_C_SUFFIX__
# else
# 393 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
# define INT24_C(v) v
# define UINT24_C(v) v ## U
# undef __int16_c_suffix
# undef __int8_c_suffix
# endif /* __INT24_C_SUFFIX__ */
# 398 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#endif /* __INT24_TYPE__ */
# 399 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT16_TYPE__
# ifdef __INT16_C_SUFFIX__
# define __int16_c_suffix __INT16_C_SUFFIX__
# define __int8_c_suffix __INT16_C_SUFFIX__
# 406 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
# undef __int16_c_suffix
# undef __int8_c_suffix
# endif /* __INT16_C_SUFFIX__ */
# 409 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#endif /* __INT16_TYPE__ */
# 410 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __int_least16_t
# ifdef __int16_c_suffix
# define INT16_C(v) __int_c(v, __int16_c_suffix)
# define UINT16_C(v) __uint_c(v, __int16_c_suffix)
# else
# 416 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
# define INT16_C(v) v
# define UINT16_C(v) v ## U
# endif /* __int16_c_suffix */
# 419 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#endif /* __int_least16_t */
# 420 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT8_TYPE__
# ifdef __INT8_C_SUFFIX__
# define __int8_c_suffix __INT8_C_SUFFIX__
# 426 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
# undef __int8_c_suffix
# endif /* __INT8_C_SUFFIX__ */
# 428 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#endif /* __INT8_TYPE__ */
# 429 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __int_least8_t
# ifdef __int8_c_suffix
# define INT8_C(v) __int_c(v, __int8_c_suffix)
# define UINT8_C(v) __uint_c(v, __int8_c_suffix)
# else
# 435 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
# define INT8_C(v) v
# define UINT8_C(v) v ## U
# endif /* __int8_c_suffix */
# 438 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#endif /* __int_least8_t */
# 439 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
/* C99 Limits of exact-width integer types.
* C99 Limits of minimum-width integer types.
* C99 Limits of fastest minimum-width integer types.
* The presence of limit macros are completely optional in C99. This
* implementation defines limits for all of the types (exact- and
* minimum-width) that it defines above, using the limits of the minimum-width
* type for any types that do not have exact-width representations.
* As in the type definitions, this section takes an approach of
* successive-shrinking to determine which limits to use for the standard (8,
* 16, 32, 64) bit widths when they don't have exact representations. It is
* therefore important that the definitions be kept in order of decending
* widths.
* Note that C++ should not check __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS here, contrary to the
* claims of the C standard (see C++ 18.3.1p2, [cstdint.syn]).
#ifdef __INT64_TYPE__
# define INT64_MAX INT64_C( 9223372036854775807)
# define INT64_MIN (-INT64_C( 9223372036854775807)-1)
# define UINT64_MAX UINT64_C(18446744073709551615)
# define __INT_LEAST64_MIN INT64_MIN
# define __INT_LEAST64_MAX INT64_MAX
# define __UINT_LEAST64_MAX UINT64_MAX
# define __INT_LEAST32_MIN INT64_MIN
# define __INT_LEAST32_MAX INT64_MAX
# define __UINT_LEAST32_MAX UINT64_MAX
# define __INT_LEAST16_MIN INT64_MIN
# define __INT_LEAST16_MAX INT64_MAX
# define __UINT_LEAST16_MAX UINT64_MAX
# define __INT_LEAST8_MIN INT64_MIN
# define __INT_LEAST8_MAX INT64_MAX
#endif /* __INT64_TYPE__ */
# 477 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT_LEAST64_MIN
#endif /* __INT_LEAST64_MIN */
# 486 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT56_TYPE__
# define INT56_MAX INT56_C(36028797018963967)
# define INT56_MIN (-INT56_C(36028797018963967)-1)
# define UINT56_MAX UINT56_C(72057594037927935)
# define INT_LEAST56_MIN INT56_MIN
# define INT_LEAST56_MAX INT56_MAX
# define INT_FAST56_MIN INT56_MIN
# define INT_FAST56_MAX INT56_MAX
# define __INT_LEAST32_MIN INT56_MIN
# define __INT_LEAST32_MAX INT56_MAX
# define __UINT_LEAST32_MAX UINT56_MAX
# define __INT_LEAST16_MIN INT56_MIN
# define __INT_LEAST16_MAX INT56_MAX
# define __UINT_LEAST16_MAX UINT56_MAX
# define __INT_LEAST8_MIN INT56_MIN
# define __INT_LEAST8_MAX INT56_MAX
#endif /* __INT56_TYPE__ */
# 508 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT48_TYPE__
# define INT48_MAX INT48_C(140737488355327)
# define INT48_MIN (-INT48_C(140737488355327)-1)
# define UINT48_MAX UINT48_C(281474976710655)
# define INT_LEAST48_MIN INT48_MIN
# define INT_LEAST48_MAX INT48_MAX
# define INT_FAST48_MIN INT48_MIN
# define INT_FAST48_MAX INT48_MAX
# define __INT_LEAST32_MIN INT48_MIN
# define __INT_LEAST32_MAX INT48_MAX
# define __UINT_LEAST32_MAX UINT48_MAX
# define __INT_LEAST16_MIN INT48_MIN
# define __INT_LEAST16_MAX INT48_MAX
# define __UINT_LEAST16_MAX UINT48_MAX
# define __INT_LEAST8_MIN INT48_MIN
# define __INT_LEAST8_MAX INT48_MAX
#endif /* __INT48_TYPE__ */
# 530 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT40_TYPE__
# define INT40_MAX INT40_C(549755813887)
# define INT40_MIN (-INT40_C(549755813887)-1)
# define UINT40_MAX UINT40_C(1099511627775)
# define INT_LEAST40_MIN INT40_MIN
# define INT_LEAST40_MAX INT40_MAX
# define INT_FAST40_MIN INT40_MIN
# define INT_FAST40_MAX INT40_MAX
# define __INT_LEAST32_MIN INT40_MIN
# define __INT_LEAST32_MAX INT40_MAX
# define __UINT_LEAST32_MAX UINT40_MAX
# define __INT_LEAST16_MIN INT40_MIN
# define __INT_LEAST16_MAX INT40_MAX
# define __UINT_LEAST16_MAX UINT40_MAX
# define __INT_LEAST8_MIN INT40_MIN
# define __INT_LEAST8_MAX INT40_MAX
#endif /* __INT40_TYPE__ */
# 552 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT32_TYPE__
# define INT32_MAX INT32_C(2147483647)
# define INT32_MIN (-INT32_C(2147483647)-1)
# define UINT32_MAX UINT32_C(4294967295)
# define __INT_LEAST32_MIN INT32_MIN
# define __INT_LEAST32_MAX INT32_MAX
# define __UINT_LEAST32_MAX UINT32_MAX
# define __INT_LEAST16_MIN INT32_MIN
# define __INT_LEAST16_MAX INT32_MAX
# define __UINT_LEAST16_MAX UINT32_MAX
# define __INT_LEAST8_MIN INT32_MIN
# define __INT_LEAST8_MAX INT32_MAX
#endif /* __INT32_TYPE__ */
# 568 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT_LEAST32_MIN
#endif /* __INT_LEAST32_MIN */
# 577 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT24_TYPE__
# define INT24_MAX INT24_C(8388607)
# define INT24_MIN (-INT24_C(8388607)-1)
# define UINT24_MAX UINT24_C(16777215)
# define INT_LEAST24_MIN INT24_MIN
# define INT_LEAST24_MAX INT24_MAX
# define INT_FAST24_MIN INT24_MIN
# define INT_FAST24_MAX INT24_MAX
# define __INT_LEAST16_MIN INT24_MIN
# define __INT_LEAST16_MAX INT24_MAX
# define __UINT_LEAST16_MAX UINT24_MAX
# define __INT_LEAST8_MIN INT24_MIN
# define __INT_LEAST8_MAX INT24_MAX
#endif /* __INT24_TYPE__ */
# 596 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT16_TYPE__
#define INT16_MAX INT16_C(32767)
#define INT16_MIN (-INT16_C(32767)-1)
#define UINT16_MAX UINT16_C(65535)
# define __INT_LEAST16_MIN INT16_MIN
# define __INT_LEAST16_MAX INT16_MAX
# define __UINT_LEAST16_MAX UINT16_MAX
# define __INT_LEAST8_MIN INT16_MIN
# define __INT_LEAST8_MAX INT16_MAX
#endif /* __INT16_TYPE__ */
# 609 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT_LEAST16_MIN
#endif /* __INT_LEAST16_MIN */
# 618 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT8_TYPE__
# define INT8_MAX INT8_C(127)
# define INT8_MIN (-INT8_C(127)-1)
# define UINT8_MAX UINT8_C(255)
# define __INT_LEAST8_MIN INT8_MIN
# define __INT_LEAST8_MAX INT8_MAX
#endif /* __INT8_TYPE__ */
# 628 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT_LEAST8_MIN
#endif /* __INT_LEAST8_MIN */
# 637 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
/* Some utility macros */
#define __INTN_MIN(n) __stdint_join3( INT, n, _MIN)
#define __INTN_MAX(n) __stdint_join3( INT, n, _MAX)
#define __UINTN_MAX(n) __stdint_join3(UINT, n, _MAX)
#define __INTN_C(n, v) __stdint_join3( INT, n, _C(v))
#define __UINTN_C(n, v) __stdint_join3(UINT, n, _C(v))
/* C99 Limits of integer types capable of holding object pointers. */
/* C99 7.18.3 Limits of other integer types. */
#define INTPTR_MIN (-__INTPTR_MAX__-1)
#define PTRDIFF_MIN (-__PTRDIFF_MAX__-1)
#define SIZE_MAX __SIZE_MAX__
/* ISO9899:2011 7.20 (C11 Annex K): Define RSIZE_MAX if __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__
* is enabled. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__) && __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__ >= 1
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 658 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#define RSIZE_MAX (SIZE_MAX >> 1)
# 660 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
/* C99 Limits of greatest-width integer types. */
#define INTMAX_MIN (-__INTMAX_MAX__-1)
/* C99 7.18.3 Limits of other integer types. */
#ifdef __WINT_UNSIGNED__
# define WINT_MIN __UINTN_C(__WINT_WIDTH__, 0)
# 673 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
# 676 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#ifndef WCHAR_MAX
# define WCHAR_MAX __WCHAR_MAX__
# 680 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#ifndef WCHAR_MIN
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 682 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
# else
# 684 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
# define WCHAR_MIN __UINTN_C(__WCHAR_WIDTH__, 0)
# endif
# 686 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
# 687 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
/* Macros for greatest-width integer constants. */
#define INTMAX_C(v) __int_c(v, __INTMAX_C_SUFFIX__)
#define UINTMAX_C(v) __int_c(v, __UINTMAX_C_SUFFIX__)
#endif /* __STDC_HOSTED__ */
# 693 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
#endif /* __CLANG_STDINT_H */
# 694 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stdint.h" 3
# 52 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Include/GraphBLAS.h" 2
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <inttypes.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 52 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Include/GraphBLAS.h"
# 1 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/inttypes.h" 1 3
/*===---- inttypes.h - Standard header for integer printf macros ----------===*\
* Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
* See for license information.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// AIX system headers need inttypes.h to be re-enterable while _STD_TYPES_T
// is defined until an inclusion of it without _STD_TYPES_T occurs, in which
// case the header guard macro is defined.
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(_AIX) || !defined(_STD_TYPES_T)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 14 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/inttypes.h" 3
# 16 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/inttypes.h" 3
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1800
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 18 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/inttypes.h" 3
#error MSVC does not have inttypes.h prior to Visual Studio 2013
# 20 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/inttypes.h" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include_next <inttypes.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 21 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/inttypes.h" 3
# 1 "/usr/include/inttypes.h" 1 3 4
/* Copyright (C) 1997-2001, 2004, 2007, 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
* ISO C99: 7.8 Format conversion of integer types <inttypes.h>
#ifndef _INTTYPES_H
#define _INTTYPES_H 1
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <features.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 25 "/usr/include/inttypes.h" 3 4
# 26 "/usr/include/inttypes.h" 3 4
/* Get the type definitions. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <stdint.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 27 "/usr/include/inttypes.h" 3 4
# 28 "/usr/include/inttypes.h" 3 4
/* Get a definition for wchar_t. But we must not define wchar_t itself. */
#ifndef ____gwchar_t_defined
# ifdef __cplusplus
# define __gwchar_t wchar_t
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0
# elif defined __WCHAR_TYPE__
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#elif 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 34 "/usr/include/inttypes.h" 3 4
typedef __WCHAR_TYPE__ __gwchar_t;
# else
# 36 "/usr/include/inttypes.h" 3 4
# define __need_wchar_t
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <stddef.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 37 "/usr/include/inttypes.h" 3 4
# 38 "/usr/include/inttypes.h" 3 4
typedef wchar_t __gwchar_t;
# endif
# 40 "/usr/include/inttypes.h" 3 4
# define ____gwchar_t_defined 1
# 42 "/usr/include/inttypes.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if __WORDSIZE == 64
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 45 "/usr/include/inttypes.h" 3 4
# define __PRI64_PREFIX "l"
# define __PRIPTR_PREFIX "l"
# else
# 48 "/usr/include/inttypes.h" 3 4
# define __PRI64_PREFIX "ll"
# define __PRIPTR_PREFIX
# endif
# 51 "/usr/include/inttypes.h" 3 4
/* Macros for printing format specifiers. */
/* Decimal notation. */
# define PRId8 "d"
# define PRId16 "d"
# define PRId32 "d"
# define PRId64 __PRI64_PREFIX "d"
# define PRIdLEAST8 "d"
# define PRIdLEAST16 "d"
# define PRIdLEAST32 "d"
# define PRIdLEAST64 __PRI64_PREFIX "d"
# define PRIdFAST8 "d"
# define PRIdFAST16 __PRIPTR_PREFIX "d"
# define PRIdFAST32 __PRIPTR_PREFIX "d"
# define PRIdFAST64 __PRI64_PREFIX "d"
# define PRIi8 "i"
# define PRIi16 "i"
# define PRIi32 "i"
# define PRIi64 __PRI64_PREFIX "i"
# define PRIiLEAST8 "i"
# define PRIiLEAST16 "i"
# define PRIiLEAST32 "i"
# define PRIiLEAST64 __PRI64_PREFIX "i"
# define PRIiFAST8 "i"
# define PRIiFAST16 __PRIPTR_PREFIX "i"
# define PRIiFAST32 __PRIPTR_PREFIX "i"
# define PRIiFAST64 __PRI64_PREFIX "i"
/* Octal notation. */
# define PRIo8 "o"
# define PRIo16 "o"
# define PRIo32 "o"
# define PRIo64 __PRI64_PREFIX "o"
# define PRIoLEAST8 "o"
# define PRIoLEAST16 "o"
# define PRIoLEAST32 "o"
# define PRIoLEAST64 __PRI64_PREFIX "o"
# define PRIoFAST8 "o"
# define PRIoFAST16 __PRIPTR_PREFIX "o"
# define PRIoFAST32 __PRIPTR_PREFIX "o"
# define PRIoFAST64 __PRI64_PREFIX "o"
/* Unsigned integers. */
# define PRIu8 "u"
# define PRIu16 "u"
# define PRIu32 "u"
# define PRIu64 __PRI64_PREFIX "u"
# define PRIuLEAST8 "u"
# define PRIuLEAST16 "u"
# define PRIuLEAST32 "u"
# define PRIuLEAST64 __PRI64_PREFIX "u"
# define PRIuFAST8 "u"
# define PRIuFAST16 __PRIPTR_PREFIX "u"
# define PRIuFAST32 __PRIPTR_PREFIX "u"
# define PRIuFAST64 __PRI64_PREFIX "u"
/* lowercase hexadecimal notation. */
# define PRIx8 "x"
# define PRIx16 "x"
# define PRIx32 "x"
# define PRIx64 __PRI64_PREFIX "x"
# define PRIxLEAST8 "x"
# define PRIxLEAST16 "x"
# define PRIxLEAST32 "x"
# define PRIxLEAST64 __PRI64_PREFIX "x"
# define PRIxFAST8 "x"
# define PRIxFAST16 __PRIPTR_PREFIX "x"
# define PRIxFAST32 __PRIPTR_PREFIX "x"
# define PRIxFAST64 __PRI64_PREFIX "x"
/* UPPERCASE hexadecimal notation. */
# define PRIX8 "X"
# define PRIX16 "X"
# define PRIX32 "X"
# define PRIX64 __PRI64_PREFIX "X"
# define PRIXLEAST8 "X"
# define PRIXLEAST16 "X"
# define PRIXLEAST32 "X"
# define PRIXLEAST64 __PRI64_PREFIX "X"
# define PRIXFAST8 "X"
# define PRIXFAST64 __PRI64_PREFIX "X"
/* Macros for printing `intmax_t' and `uintmax_t'. */
# define PRIdMAX __PRI64_PREFIX "d"
# define PRIiMAX __PRI64_PREFIX "i"
# define PRIoMAX __PRI64_PREFIX "o"
# define PRIuMAX __PRI64_PREFIX "u"
# define PRIxMAX __PRI64_PREFIX "x"
# define PRIXMAX __PRI64_PREFIX "X"
/* Macros for printing `intptr_t' and `uintptr_t'. */
# define PRIdPTR __PRIPTR_PREFIX "d"
# define PRIiPTR __PRIPTR_PREFIX "i"
# define PRIoPTR __PRIPTR_PREFIX "o"
# define PRIuPTR __PRIPTR_PREFIX "u"
# define PRIxPTR __PRIPTR_PREFIX "x"
/* Macros for scanning format specifiers. */
/* Signed decimal notation. */
# define SCNd8 "hhd"
# define SCNd16 "hd"
# define SCNd32 "d"
# define SCNd64 __PRI64_PREFIX "d"
# define SCNdLEAST8 "hhd"
# define SCNdLEAST16 "hd"
# define SCNdLEAST32 "d"
# define SCNdLEAST64 __PRI64_PREFIX "d"
# define SCNdFAST8 "hhd"
# define SCNdFAST16 __PRIPTR_PREFIX "d"
# define SCNdFAST32 __PRIPTR_PREFIX "d"
# define SCNdFAST64 __PRI64_PREFIX "d"
/* Signed decimal notation. */
# define SCNi8 "hhi"
# define SCNi16 "hi"
# define SCNi32 "i"
# define SCNi64 __PRI64_PREFIX "i"
# define SCNiLEAST8 "hhi"
# define SCNiLEAST16 "hi"
# define SCNiLEAST32 "i"
# define SCNiLEAST64 __PRI64_PREFIX "i"
# define SCNiFAST8 "hhi"
# define SCNiFAST16 __PRIPTR_PREFIX "i"
# define SCNiFAST32 __PRIPTR_PREFIX "i"
# define SCNiFAST64 __PRI64_PREFIX "i"
/* Unsigned decimal notation. */
# define SCNu8 "hhu"
# define SCNu16 "hu"
# define SCNu32 "u"
# define SCNu64 __PRI64_PREFIX "u"
# define SCNuLEAST8 "hhu"
# define SCNuLEAST16 "hu"
# define SCNuLEAST32 "u"
# define SCNuLEAST64 __PRI64_PREFIX "u"
# define SCNuFAST8 "hhu"
# define SCNuFAST16 __PRIPTR_PREFIX "u"
# define SCNuFAST32 __PRIPTR_PREFIX "u"
# define SCNuFAST64 __PRI64_PREFIX "u"
/* Octal notation. */
# define SCNo8 "hho"
# define SCNo16 "ho"
# define SCNo32 "o"
# define SCNo64 __PRI64_PREFIX "o"
# define SCNoLEAST8 "hho"
# define SCNoLEAST16 "ho"
# define SCNoLEAST32 "o"
# define SCNoLEAST64 __PRI64_PREFIX "o"
# define SCNoFAST8 "hho"
# define SCNoFAST16 __PRIPTR_PREFIX "o"
# define SCNoFAST32 __PRIPTR_PREFIX "o"
# define SCNoFAST64 __PRI64_PREFIX "o"
/* Hexadecimal notation. */
# define SCNx8 "hhx"
# define SCNx16 "hx"
# define SCNx32 "x"
# define SCNx64 __PRI64_PREFIX "x"
# define SCNxLEAST8 "hhx"
# define SCNxLEAST16 "hx"
# define SCNxLEAST32 "x"
# define SCNxLEAST64 __PRI64_PREFIX "x"
# define SCNxFAST8 "hhx"
# define SCNxFAST16 __PRIPTR_PREFIX "x"
# define SCNxFAST32 __PRIPTR_PREFIX "x"
# define SCNxFAST64 __PRI64_PREFIX "x"
/* Macros for scanning `intmax_t' and `uintmax_t'. */
# define SCNdMAX __PRI64_PREFIX "d"
# define SCNiMAX __PRI64_PREFIX "i"
# define SCNoMAX __PRI64_PREFIX "o"
# define SCNuMAX __PRI64_PREFIX "u"
# define SCNxMAX __PRI64_PREFIX "x"
/* Macros for scaning `intptr_t' and `uintptr_t'. */
# define SCNdPTR __PRIPTR_PREFIX "d"
# define SCNiPTR __PRIPTR_PREFIX "i"
# define SCNoPTR __PRIPTR_PREFIX "o"
# define SCNuPTR __PRIPTR_PREFIX "u"
# define SCNxPTR __PRIPTR_PREFIX "x"
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __WORDSIZE == 64
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 270 "/usr/include/inttypes.h" 3 4
/* We have to define the `uintmax_t' type using `ldiv_t'. */
typedef struct
long int quot; /* Quotient. */
long int rem; /* Remainder. */
} imaxdiv_t;
# 279 "/usr/include/inttypes.h" 3 4
/* We have to define the `uintmax_t' type using `lldiv_t'. */
typedef struct
long long int quot; /* Quotient. */
long long int rem; /* Remainder. */
} imaxdiv_t;
# 288 "/usr/include/inttypes.h" 3 4
/* Compute absolute value of N. */
extern intmax_t imaxabs (intmax_t __n) __THROW __attribute__ ((__const__));
/* Return the `imaxdiv_t' representation of the value of NUMER over DENOM. */
extern imaxdiv_t imaxdiv (intmax_t __numer, intmax_t __denom)
__THROW __attribute__ ((__const__));
/* Like `strtol' but convert to `intmax_t'. */
extern intmax_t strtoimax (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr, int __base) __THROW;
/* Like `strtoul' but convert to `uintmax_t'. */
extern uintmax_t strtoumax (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char ** __restrict __endptr, int __base) __THROW;
/* Like `wcstol' but convert to `intmax_t'. */
extern intmax_t wcstoimax (const __gwchar_t *__restrict __nptr,
__gwchar_t **__restrict __endptr, int __base)
/* Like `wcstoul' but convert to `uintmax_t'. */
extern uintmax_t wcstoumax (const __gwchar_t *__restrict __nptr,
__gwchar_t ** __restrict __endptr, int __base)
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if __WORDSIZE == 64
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 318 "/usr/include/inttypes.h" 3 4
extern long int __strtol_internal (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr,
int __base, int __group)
__THROW __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
/* Like `strtol' but convert to `intmax_t'. */
__extern_inline intmax_t
__NTH (strtoimax (const char *__restrict nptr, char **__restrict endptr,
int base))
return __strtol_internal (nptr, endptr, base, 0);
extern unsigned long int __strtoul_internal (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char ** __restrict __endptr,
int __base, int __group)
__THROW __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
/* Like `strtoul' but convert to `uintmax_t'. */
__extern_inline uintmax_t
__NTH (strtoumax (const char *__restrict nptr, char **__restrict endptr,
int base))
return __strtoul_internal (nptr, endptr, base, 0);
extern long int __wcstol_internal (const __gwchar_t * __restrict __nptr,
__gwchar_t **__restrict __endptr,
int __base, int __group)
__THROW __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
/* Like `wcstol' but convert to `intmax_t'. */
__extern_inline intmax_t
__NTH (wcstoimax (const __gwchar_t *__restrict nptr,
__gwchar_t **__restrict endptr, int base))
return __wcstol_internal (nptr, endptr, base, 0);
extern unsigned long int __wcstoul_internal (const __gwchar_t *
__restrict __nptr,
__gwchar_t **
__restrict __endptr,
int __base, int __group)
__THROW __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
/* Like `wcstoul' but convert to `uintmax_t'. */
__extern_inline uintmax_t
__NTH (wcstoumax (const __gwchar_t *__restrict nptr,
__gwchar_t **__restrict endptr, int base))
return __wcstoul_internal (nptr, endptr, base, 0);
# else /* __WORDSIZE == 32 */
# 370 "/usr/include/inttypes.h" 3 4
extern long long int __strtoll_internal (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr,
int __base, int __group)
__THROW __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
/* Like `strtol' but convert to `intmax_t'. */
__extern_inline intmax_t
__NTH (strtoimax (const char *__restrict nptr, char **__restrict endptr,
int base))
return __strtoll_internal (nptr, endptr, base, 0);
extern unsigned long long int __strtoull_internal (const char *
__restrict __nptr,
char **
__restrict __endptr,
int __base,
int __group)
__THROW __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
/* Like `strtoul' but convert to `uintmax_t'. */
__extern_inline uintmax_t
__NTH (strtoumax (const char *__restrict nptr, char **__restrict endptr,
int base))
return __strtoull_internal (nptr, endptr, base, 0);
extern long long int __wcstoll_internal (const __gwchar_t *__restrict __nptr,
__gwchar_t **__restrict __endptr,
int __base, int __group)
__THROW __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
/* Like `wcstol' but convert to `intmax_t'. */
__extern_inline intmax_t
__NTH (wcstoimax (const __gwchar_t *__restrict nptr,
__gwchar_t **__restrict endptr, int base))
return __wcstoll_internal (nptr, endptr, base, 0);
extern unsigned long long int __wcstoull_internal (const __gwchar_t *
__restrict __nptr,
__gwchar_t **
__restrict __endptr,
int __base,
int __group)
__THROW __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
/* Like `wcstoul' but convert to `uintmax_t'. */
__extern_inline uintmax_t
__NTH (wcstoumax (const __gwchar_t *__restrict nptr,
__gwchar_t **__restrict endptr, int base))
return __wcstoull_internal (nptr, endptr, base, 0);
# endif /* __WORDSIZE == 32 */
# 431 "/usr/include/inttypes.h" 3 4
#endif /* Use extern inlines. */
# 432 "/usr/include/inttypes.h" 3 4
#endif /* inttypes.h */
# 436 "/usr/include/inttypes.h" 3 4
# 22 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/inttypes.h" 2 3
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1900
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 24 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/inttypes.h" 3
/* MSVC headers define int32_t as int, but PRIx32 as "lx" instead of "x".
* This triggers format warnings, so fix it up here. */
#undef PRId32
#undef PRIdLEAST32
#undef PRIdFAST32
#undef PRIi32
#undef PRIiLEAST32
#undef PRIiFAST32
#undef PRIo32
#undef PRIoLEAST32
#undef PRIoFAST32
#undef PRIu32
#undef PRIuLEAST32
#undef PRIuFAST32
#undef PRIx32
#undef PRIxLEAST32
#undef PRIxFAST32
#undef PRIX32
#undef PRIXLEAST32
#undef PRIXFAST32
#undef SCNd32
#undef SCNdLEAST32
#undef SCNdFAST32
#undef SCNi32
#undef SCNiLEAST32
#undef SCNiFAST32
#undef SCNo32
#undef SCNoLEAST32
#undef SCNoFAST32
#undef SCNu32
#undef SCNuLEAST32
#undef SCNuFAST32
#undef SCNx32
#undef SCNxLEAST32
#undef SCNxFAST32
#define PRId32 "d"
#define PRIdLEAST32 "d"
#define PRIdFAST32 "d"
#define PRIi32 "i"
#define PRIiLEAST32 "i"
#define PRIiFAST32 "i"
#define PRIo32 "o"
#define PRIoLEAST32 "o"
#define PRIoFAST32 "o"
#define PRIu32 "u"
#define PRIuLEAST32 "u"
#define PRIuFAST32 "u"
#define PRIx32 "x"
#define PRIxLEAST32 "x"
#define PRIxFAST32 "x"
#define PRIX32 "X"
#define PRIXLEAST32 "X"
#define PRIXFAST32 "X"
#define SCNd32 "d"
#define SCNdLEAST32 "d"
#define SCNdFAST32 "d"
#define SCNi32 "i"
#define SCNiLEAST32 "i"
#define SCNiFAST32 "i"
#define SCNo32 "o"
#define SCNoLEAST32 "o"
#define SCNoFAST32 "o"
#define SCNu32 "u"
#define SCNuLEAST32 "u"
#define SCNuFAST32 "u"
#define SCNx32 "x"
#define SCNxLEAST32 "x"
#define SCNxFAST32 "x"
# 96 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/inttypes.h" 3
#endif /* __CLANG_INTTYPES_H */
# 98 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/inttypes.h" 3
# 53 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Include/GraphBLAS.h" 2
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <stddef.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 53 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Include/GraphBLAS.h"
# 1 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 1 3
/*===---- stddef.h - Basic type definitions --------------------------------===
* Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
* See for license information.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(__STDDEF_H) || defined(__need_ptrdiff_t) || \
defined(__need_size_t) || defined(__need_wchar_t) || \
defined(__need_NULL) || defined(__need_wint_t)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 13 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(__need_ptrdiff_t) && !defined(__need_size_t) && \
!defined(__need_wchar_t) && !defined(__need_NULL) && \
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 17 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
/* Always define miscellaneous pieces when modules are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 19 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
#define __STDDEF_H
# 21 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 22 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <corecrt.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 22 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
# 23 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
#endif // if defined(_MSC_VER)
# 24 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
#define __need_ptrdiff_t
#define __need_size_t
#define __need_wchar_t
#define __need_NULL
#define __need_STDDEF_H_misc
/* __need_wint_t is intentionally not defined here. */
# 31 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_ptrdiff_t)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 33 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(_PTRDIFF_T) || __has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 34 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
/* Always define ptrdiff_t when modules are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 36 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
#define _PTRDIFF_T
# 38 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
typedef __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ ptrdiff_t;
# 40 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
#undef __need_ptrdiff_t
#endif /* defined(__need_ptrdiff_t) */
# 42 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_size_t)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 44 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(_SIZE_T) || __has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 45 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
/* Always define size_t when modules are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 47 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
#define _SIZE_T
# 49 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ size_t;
# 51 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
#undef __need_size_t
#endif /*defined(__need_size_t) */
# 53 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 55 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
/* ISO9899:2011 7.20 (C11 Annex K): Define rsize_t if __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__ is
* enabled. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if (defined(__STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__) && __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__ >= 1 && \
!defined(_RSIZE_T)) || __has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 59 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
/* Always define rsize_t when modules are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 61 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
#define _RSIZE_T
# 63 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ rsize_t;
# 65 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
#endif /* defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc) */
# 66 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_wchar_t)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 68 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
#ifndef __cplusplus
/* Always define wchar_t when modules are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(_WCHAR_T) || __has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 71 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 72 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
#define _WCHAR_T
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(_MSC_EXTENSIONS)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 74 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
# 76 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
# 77 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
typedef __WCHAR_TYPE__ wchar_t;
# 79 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
# 80 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
#undef __need_wchar_t
#endif /* defined(__need_wchar_t) */
# 82 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_NULL)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 84 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
#undef NULL
#ifdef __cplusplus
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if !defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(_MSC_VER)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 87 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
# define NULL __null
# else
# 89 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
# define NULL 0
# endif
# 91 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
# 92 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
# define NULL ((void*)0)
# 94 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
#ifdef __cplusplus
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 96 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
namespace std { typedef decltype(nullptr) nullptr_t; }
using ::std::nullptr_t;
# 99 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
# 100 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
#undef __need_NULL
#endif /* defined(__need_NULL) */
# 102 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 104 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 201112L || __cplusplus >= 201103L
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 105 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include "__stddef_max_align_t.h"
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 105 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
# 1 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/__stddef_max_align_t.h" 1 3
/*===---- __stddef_max_align_t.h - Definition of max_align_t for modules ---===
* Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
* See for license information.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 14 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/__stddef_max_align_t.h" 3
typedef double max_align_t;
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#elif 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 16 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/__stddef_max_align_t.h" 3
typedef long double max_align_t;
# 18 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/__stddef_max_align_t.h" 3
// Define 'max_align_t' to match the GCC definition.
typedef struct {
long long __clang_max_align_nonce1
__attribute__((__aligned__(__alignof__(long long))));
long double __clang_max_align_nonce2
__attribute__((__aligned__(__alignof__(long double))));
} max_align_t;
# 26 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/__stddef_max_align_t.h" 3
# 28 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/__stddef_max_align_t.h" 3
# 106 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 2 3
# 107 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
#define offsetof(t, d) __builtin_offsetof(t, d)
#undef __need_STDDEF_H_misc
#endif /* defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc) */
# 110 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
/* Some C libraries expect to see a wint_t here. Others (notably MinGW) will use
__WINT_TYPE__ directly; accommodate both by requiring __need_wint_t */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__need_wint_t)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 114 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
/* Always define wint_t when modules are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(_WINT_T) || __has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 116 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 117 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
#define _WINT_T
# 119 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
typedef __WINT_TYPE__ wint_t;
# 121 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
#undef __need_wint_t
#endif /* __need_wint_t */
# 123 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
# 125 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3
# 54 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Include/GraphBLAS.h" 2
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <limits.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 54 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Include/GraphBLAS.h"
# 1 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/limits.h" 1 3
Copyright (C) 2014-2021 Intel Corporation
This software and the related documents are Intel copyrighted materials, and
your use of them is governed by the express license under which they were
provided to you ("License"). Unless the License provides otherwise, you may
not use, modify, copy, publish, distribute, disclose or transmit this
software or the related documents without Intel's prior written permission.
This software and the related documents are provided as is, with no express
or implied warranties, other than those that are expressly stated in the
/* limits.h - Standard header for integer sizes */
Copyright (c) 2009 Chris Lattner
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
// System headers include a number of constants from POSIX in <limits.h>.
// Include it if it exists.
// Use QNX SDK <limits.h> in freestanding mode for QNX 64 bit
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if (__STDC_HOSTED__ || defined(__QNX__)) && \
defined(__has_include_next) && __has_include_next(<limits.h>)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 45 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/limits.h" 3
// The system limits.h may, in turn, try to #include_next GCC's limits.h
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __GNUC__ && !defined _GCC_LIMITS_H_
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 48 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/limits.h" 3
#define _GCC_LIMITS_H_
#ifndef _LIBC_LIMITS_H_
#endif /* _LIBC_LIMITS_H_ */
# 52 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/limits.h" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include_next <limits.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 52 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/limits.h" 3
# 1 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/limits.h" 1 3
/*===---- limits.h - Standard header for integer sizes --------------------===*\
* Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
* See for license information.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#ifndef __CLANG_LIMITS_H
#define __CLANG_LIMITS_H
/* The system's limits.h may, in turn, try to #include_next GCC's limits.h.
Avert this #include_next madness. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __GNUC__ && !defined _GCC_LIMITS_H_
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 15 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/limits.h" 3
#define _GCC_LIMITS_H_
# 17 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/limits.h" 3
/* System headers include a number of constants from POSIX in <limits.h>.
Include it if we're hosted. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __STDC_HOSTED__ && __has_include_next(<limits.h>)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 21 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/limits.h" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include_next <limits.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 21 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/limits.h" 3
# 1 "/usr/include/limits.h" 1 3 4
/* Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2005
Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
* ISO C99 Standard: 7.10/ Sizes of integer types <limits.h>
#ifndef _LIBC_LIMITS_H_
#define _LIBC_LIMITS_H_ 1
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <features.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 26 "/usr/include/limits.h" 3 4
# 27 "/usr/include/limits.h" 3 4
/* Maximum length of any multibyte character in any locale.
We define this value here since the gcc header does not define
the correct value. */
#define MB_LEN_MAX 16
/* If we are not using GNU CC we have to define all the symbols ourself.
Otherwise use gcc's definitions (see below). */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined __GNUC__ || __GNUC__ < 2
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 38 "/usr/include/limits.h" 3 4
/* We only protect from multiple inclusion here, because all the other
#include's protect themselves, and in GCC 2 we may #include_next through
multiple copies of this file before we get to GCC's. */
# ifndef _LIMITS_H
# define _LIMITS_H 1
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/wordsize.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 45 "/usr/include/limits.h" 3 4
# 46 "/usr/include/limits.h" 3 4
/* We don't have #include_next.
Define ANSI <limits.h> for standard 32-bit words. */
/* These assume 8-bit `char's, 16-bit `short int's,
and 32-bit `int's and `long int's. */
/* Number of bits in a `char'. */
# define CHAR_BIT 8
/* Minimum and maximum values a `signed char' can hold. */
# define SCHAR_MIN (-128)
# define SCHAR_MAX 127
/* Maximum value an `unsigned char' can hold. (Minimum is 0.) */
# define UCHAR_MAX 255
/* Minimum and maximum values a `char' can hold. */
# ifdef __CHAR_UNSIGNED__
# define CHAR_MIN 0
# else
# 68 "/usr/include/limits.h" 3 4
# endif
# 71 "/usr/include/limits.h" 3 4
/* Minimum and maximum values a `signed short int' can hold. */
# define SHRT_MIN (-32768)
# define SHRT_MAX 32767
/* Maximum value an `unsigned short int' can hold. (Minimum is 0.) */
# define USHRT_MAX 65535
/* Minimum and maximum values a `signed int' can hold. */
# define INT_MIN (-INT_MAX - 1)
# define INT_MAX 2147483647
/* Maximum value an `unsigned int' can hold. (Minimum is 0.) */
# define UINT_MAX 4294967295U
/* Minimum and maximum values a `signed long int' can hold. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if __WORDSIZE == 64
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 88 "/usr/include/limits.h" 3 4
# define LONG_MAX 9223372036854775807L
# else
# 90 "/usr/include/limits.h" 3 4
# define LONG_MAX 2147483647L
# endif
# 92 "/usr/include/limits.h" 3 4
# define LONG_MIN (-LONG_MAX - 1L)
/* Maximum value an `unsigned long int' can hold. (Minimum is 0.) */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if __WORDSIZE == 64
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 96 "/usr/include/limits.h" 3 4
# define ULONG_MAX 18446744073709551615UL
# else
# 98 "/usr/include/limits.h" 3 4
# define ULONG_MAX 4294967295UL
# endif
# 100 "/usr/include/limits.h" 3 4
# ifdef __USE_ISOC99
/* Minimum and maximum values a `signed long long int' can hold. */
# define LLONG_MAX 9223372036854775807LL
# define LLONG_MIN (-LLONG_MAX - 1LL)
/* Maximum value an `unsigned long long int' can hold. (Minimum is 0.) */
# define ULLONG_MAX 18446744073709551615ULL
# endif /* ISO C99 */
# 111 "/usr/include/limits.h" 3 4
# endif /* limits.h */
# 113 "/usr/include/limits.h" 3 4
#endif /* GCC 2. */
# 114 "/usr/include/limits.h" 3 4
#endif /* !_LIBC_LIMITS_H_ */
# 116 "/usr/include/limits.h" 3 4
/* Get the compiler's limits.h, which defines almost all the ISO constants.
We put this #include_next outside the double inclusion check because
it should be possible to include this file more than once and still get
the definitions from gcc's header. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __GNUC__ && !defined _GCC_LIMITS_H_
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 123 "/usr/include/limits.h" 3 4
/* `_GCC_LIMITS_H_' is what GCC's file defines. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include_next <limits.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 124 "/usr/include/limits.h" 3 4
# 125 "/usr/include/limits.h" 3 4
# 126 "/usr/include/limits.h" 3 4
/* The <limits.h> files in some gcc versions don't define LLONG_MIN,
LLONG_MAX, and ULLONG_MAX. Instead only the values gcc defined for
ages are available. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_ISOC99 && defined __GNUC__
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 131 "/usr/include/limits.h" 3 4
# ifndef LLONG_MIN
# define LLONG_MIN (-LLONG_MAX-1)
# endif
# 134 "/usr/include/limits.h" 3 4
# ifndef LLONG_MAX
# endif
# 137 "/usr/include/limits.h" 3 4
# ifndef ULLONG_MAX
# define ULLONG_MAX (LLONG_MAX * 2ULL + 1)
# endif
# 140 "/usr/include/limits.h" 3 4
# 141 "/usr/include/limits.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_POSIX
/* POSIX adds things to <limits.h>. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/posix1_lim.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 144 "/usr/include/limits.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/posix1_lim.h" 1 3 4
/* Copyright (C) 1991-2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
* POSIX Standard: 2.9.2 Minimum Values Added to <limits.h>
* Never include this file directly; use <limits.h> instead.
#ifndef _BITS_POSIX1_LIM_H
#define _BITS_POSIX1_LIM_H 1
/* These are the standard-mandated minimum values. */
/* Minimum number of operations in one list I/O call. */
/* Minimal number of outstanding asynchronous I/O operations. */
#define _POSIX_AIO_MAX 1
/* Maximum length of arguments to `execve', including environment. */
#define _POSIX_ARG_MAX 4096
/* Maximum simultaneous processes per real user ID. */
#ifdef __USE_XOPEN2K
# define _POSIX_CHILD_MAX 25
# 43 "/usr/include/bits/posix1_lim.h" 3 4
# define _POSIX_CHILD_MAX 6
# 45 "/usr/include/bits/posix1_lim.h" 3 4
/* Minimal number of timer expiration overruns. */
/* Maximum length of a host name (not including the terminating null)
as returned from the GETHOSTNAME function. */
#define _POSIX_HOST_NAME_MAX 255
/* Maximum link count of a file. */
#define _POSIX_LINK_MAX 8
/* Maximum length of login name. */
/* Number of bytes in a terminal canonical input queue. */
#define _POSIX_MAX_CANON 255
/* Number of bytes for which space will be
available in a terminal input queue. */
#define _POSIX_MAX_INPUT 255
/* Maximum number of message queues open for a process. */
#define _POSIX_MQ_OPEN_MAX 8
/* Maximum number of supported message priorities. */
#define _POSIX_MQ_PRIO_MAX 32
/* Number of bytes in a filename. */
#define _POSIX_NAME_MAX 14
/* Number of simultaneous supplementary group IDs per process. */
#ifdef __USE_XOPEN2K
# 79 "/usr/include/bits/posix1_lim.h" 3 4
# 81 "/usr/include/bits/posix1_lim.h" 3 4
/* Number of files one process can have open at once. */
#ifdef __USE_XOPEN2K
# define _POSIX_OPEN_MAX 20
# 86 "/usr/include/bits/posix1_lim.h" 3 4
# define _POSIX_OPEN_MAX 16
# 88 "/usr/include/bits/posix1_lim.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined __USE_XOPEN2K || defined __USE_GNU
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 90 "/usr/include/bits/posix1_lim.h" 3 4
/* Number of descriptors that a process may examine with `pselect' or
`select'. */
# 94 "/usr/include/bits/posix1_lim.h" 3 4
/* Number of bytes in a pathname. */
#define _POSIX_PATH_MAX 256
/* Number of bytes than can be written atomically to a pipe. */
#define _POSIX_PIPE_BUF 512
/* The number of repeated occurrences of a BRE permitted by the
REGEXEC and REGCOMP functions when using the interval notation. */
#define _POSIX_RE_DUP_MAX 255
/* Minimal number of realtime signals reserved for the application. */
#define _POSIX_RTSIG_MAX 8
/* Number of semaphores a process can have. */
#define _POSIX_SEM_NSEMS_MAX 256
/* Maximal value of a semaphore. */
#define _POSIX_SEM_VALUE_MAX 32767
/* Number of pending realtime signals. */
/* Largest value of a `ssize_t'. */
#define _POSIX_SSIZE_MAX 32767
/* Number of streams a process can have open at once. */
/* The number of bytes in a symbolic link. */
#define _POSIX_SYMLINK_MAX 255
/* The number of symbolic links that can be traversed in the
resolution of a pathname in the absence of a loop. */
/* Number of timer for a process. */
#define _POSIX_TIMER_MAX 32
/* Maximum number of characters in a tty name. */
/* Maximum length of a timezone name (element of `tzname'). */
#ifdef __USE_XOPEN2K
# define _POSIX_TZNAME_MAX 6
# 140 "/usr/include/bits/posix1_lim.h" 3 4
# define _POSIX_TZNAME_MAX 3
# 142 "/usr/include/bits/posix1_lim.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined __USE_XOPEN2K || defined __USE_GNU
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 144 "/usr/include/bits/posix1_lim.h" 3 4
/* Maximum number of connections that can be queued on a socket. */
# define _POSIX_QLIMIT 1
/* Maximum number of bytes that can be buffered on a socket for send
or receive. */
/* Maximum number of elements in an `iovec' array. */
# define _POSIX_UIO_MAXIOV 16
# 154 "/usr/include/bits/posix1_lim.h" 3 4
/* Maximum clock resolution in nanoseconds. */
#define _POSIX_CLOCKRES_MIN 20000000
/* Get the implementation-specific values for the above. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/local_lim.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 160 "/usr/include/bits/posix1_lim.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/local_lim.h" 1 3 4
/* Minimum guaranteed maximum values for system limits. Linux version.
Copyright (C) 1993-1998,2000,2002-2004,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If
not, see <>. */
/* The kernel header pollutes the namespace with the NR_OPEN symbol
and defines LINK_MAX although filesystems have different maxima. A
similar thing is true for OPEN_MAX: the limit can be changed at
runtime and therefore the macro must not be defined. Remove this
after including the header if necessary. */
#ifndef NR_OPEN
# define __undef_NR_OPEN
# 27 "/usr/include/bits/local_lim.h" 3 4
#ifndef LINK_MAX
# define __undef_LINK_MAX
# 30 "/usr/include/bits/local_lim.h" 3 4
#ifndef OPEN_MAX
# define __undef_OPEN_MAX
# 33 "/usr/include/bits/local_lim.h" 3 4
#ifndef ARG_MAX
# define __undef_ARG_MAX
# 36 "/usr/include/bits/local_lim.h" 3 4
/* The kernel sources contain a file with all the needed information. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <linux/limits.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 38 "/usr/include/bits/local_lim.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/linux/limits.h" 1 3 4
#define NR_OPEN 1024
#define NGROUPS_MAX 65536 /* supplemental group IDs are available */
#define ARG_MAX 131072 /* # bytes of args + environ for exec() */
#define LINK_MAX 127 /* # links a file may have */
#define MAX_CANON 255 /* size of the canonical input queue */
#define MAX_INPUT 255 /* size of the type-ahead buffer */
#define NAME_MAX 255 /* # chars in a file name */
#define PATH_MAX 4096 /* # chars in a path name including nul */
#define PIPE_BUF 4096 /* # bytes in atomic write to a pipe */
#define XATTR_NAME_MAX 255 /* # chars in an extended attribute name */
#define XATTR_SIZE_MAX 65536 /* size of an extended attribute value (64k) */
#define XATTR_LIST_MAX 65536 /* size of extended attribute namelist (64k) */
#define RTSIG_MAX 32
# 21 "/usr/include/linux/limits.h" 3 4
# 39 "/usr/include/bits/local_lim.h" 2 3 4
/* Have to remove NR_OPEN? */
#ifdef __undef_NR_OPEN
# undef NR_OPEN
# undef __undef_NR_OPEN
# 45 "/usr/include/bits/local_lim.h" 3 4
/* Have to remove LINK_MAX? */
#ifdef __undef_LINK_MAX
# undef LINK_MAX
# undef __undef_LINK_MAX
# 50 "/usr/include/bits/local_lim.h" 3 4
/* Have to remove OPEN_MAX? */
#ifdef __undef_OPEN_MAX
# undef OPEN_MAX
# undef __undef_OPEN_MAX
# 55 "/usr/include/bits/local_lim.h" 3 4
/* Have to remove ARG_MAX? */
#ifdef __undef_ARG_MAX
# undef ARG_MAX
# undef __undef_ARG_MAX
# 60 "/usr/include/bits/local_lim.h" 3 4
/* The number of data keys per process. */
/* This is the value this implementation supports. */
#define PTHREAD_KEYS_MAX 1024
/* Controlling the iterations of destructors for thread-specific data. */
/* Number of iterations this implementation does. */
/* The number of threads per process. */
/* We have no predefined limit on the number of threads. */
/* Maximum amount by which a process can descrease its asynchronous I/O
priority level. */
/* Minimum size for a thread. We are free to choose a reasonable value. */
#define PTHREAD_STACK_MIN 16384
/* Maximum number of timer expiration overruns. */
#define DELAYTIMER_MAX 2147483647
/* Maximum tty name length. */
#define TTY_NAME_MAX 32
/* Maximum login name length. This is arbitrary. */
#define LOGIN_NAME_MAX 256
/* Maximum host name length. */
#define HOST_NAME_MAX 64
/* Maximum message queue priority level. */
#define MQ_PRIO_MAX 32768
/* Maximum value the semaphore can have. */
#define SEM_VALUE_MAX (2147483647)
# 161 "/usr/include/bits/posix1_lim.h" 2 3 4
#ifndef SSIZE_MAX
# 166 "/usr/include/bits/posix1_lim.h" 3 4
/* This value is a guaranteed minimum maximum.
The current maximum can be got from `sysconf'. */
# define NGROUPS_MAX 8
# 174 "/usr/include/bits/posix1_lim.h" 3 4
#endif /* bits/posix1_lim.h */
# 176 "/usr/include/bits/posix1_lim.h" 3 4
# 145 "/usr/include/limits.h" 2 3 4
# 146 "/usr/include/limits.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_POSIX2
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/posix2_lim.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 148 "/usr/include/limits.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/posix2_lim.h" 1 3 4
/* Copyright (C) 1991, 1996, 1999, 2000, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
* Never include this file directly; include <limits.h> instead.
#ifndef _BITS_POSIX2_LIM_H
#define _BITS_POSIX2_LIM_H 1
/* The maximum `ibase' and `obase' values allowed by the `bc' utility. */
#define _POSIX2_BC_BASE_MAX 99
/* The maximum number of elements allowed in an array by the `bc' utility. */
#define _POSIX2_BC_DIM_MAX 2048
/* The maximum `scale' value allowed by the `bc' utility. */
#define _POSIX2_BC_SCALE_MAX 99
/* The maximum length of a string constant accepted by the `bc' utility. */
#define _POSIX2_BC_STRING_MAX 1000
/* The maximum number of weights that can be assigned to an entry of
the LC_COLLATE `order' keyword in the locale definition file. */
/* The maximum number of expressions that can be nested
within parentheses by the `expr' utility. */
#define _POSIX2_EXPR_NEST_MAX 32
/* The maximum length, in bytes, of an input line. */
#define _POSIX2_LINE_MAX 2048
/* The maximum number of repeated occurrences of a regular expression
permitted when using the interval notation `\{M,N\}'. */
#define _POSIX2_RE_DUP_MAX 255
/* The maximum number of bytes in a character class name. We have no
fixed limit, 2048 is a high number. */
/* These values are implementation-specific,
and may vary within the implementation.
Their precise values can be obtained from sysconf. */
#ifndef BC_BASE_MAX
# 65 "/usr/include/bits/posix2_lim.h" 3 4
#ifndef BC_DIM_MAX
# 68 "/usr/include/bits/posix2_lim.h" 3 4
#ifndef BC_SCALE_MAX
# 71 "/usr/include/bits/posix2_lim.h" 3 4
# 74 "/usr/include/bits/posix2_lim.h" 3 4
#define COLL_WEIGHTS_MAX 255
# 77 "/usr/include/bits/posix2_lim.h" 3 4
# 80 "/usr/include/bits/posix2_lim.h" 3 4
#ifndef LINE_MAX
# 83 "/usr/include/bits/posix2_lim.h" 3 4
# 86 "/usr/include/bits/posix2_lim.h" 3 4
/* This value is defined like this in regex.h. */
#define RE_DUP_MAX (0x7fff)
#endif /* bits/posix2_lim.h */
# 91 "/usr/include/bits/posix2_lim.h" 3 4
# 149 "/usr/include/limits.h" 2 3 4
# 150 "/usr/include/limits.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_XOPEN
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/xopen_lim.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 152 "/usr/include/limits.h" 3 4
# 153 "/usr/include/limits.h" 3 4
# 154 "/usr/include/limits.h" 3 4
# 22 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/limits.h" 2 3
# 23 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/limits.h" 3
/* Many system headers try to "help us out" by defining these. No really, we
know how big each datatype is. */
#undef SCHAR_MIN
#undef SCHAR_MAX
#undef UCHAR_MAX
#undef SHRT_MIN
#undef SHRT_MAX
#undef USHRT_MAX
#undef INT_MIN
#undef INT_MAX
#undef UINT_MAX
#undef LONG_MIN
#undef LONG_MAX
#undef ULONG_MAX
#undef CHAR_BIT
#undef CHAR_MIN
#undef CHAR_MAX
/* C90/99 */
#define SHRT_MAX __SHRT_MAX__
#define INT_MAX __INT_MAX__
#define LONG_MAX __LONG_MAX__
#define SCHAR_MIN (-__SCHAR_MAX__-1)
#define SHRT_MIN (-__SHRT_MAX__ -1)
#define INT_MIN (-__INT_MAX__ -1)
#define LONG_MIN (-__LONG_MAX__ -1L)
#define UCHAR_MAX (__SCHAR_MAX__*2 +1)
#define USHRT_MAX (__SHRT_MAX__ *2 +1)
#define UINT_MAX (__INT_MAX__ *2U +1U)
#define ULONG_MAX (__LONG_MAX__ *2UL+1UL)
#ifndef MB_LEN_MAX
#define MB_LEN_MAX 1
# 62 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/limits.h" 3
#define CHAR_BIT __CHAR_BIT__
#ifdef __CHAR_UNSIGNED__ /* -funsigned-char */
#define CHAR_MIN 0
# 69 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/limits.h" 3
#define CHAR_MAX __SCHAR_MAX__
# 72 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/limits.h" 3
/* C99 Added long long.
C++11 same contents as the Standard C Library header <limits.h>.
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L || __cplusplus >= 201103L
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 77 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/limits.h" 3
#undef LLONG_MIN
#undef LLONG_MAX
#define LLONG_MIN (-__LONG_LONG_MAX__-1LL)
# 86 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/limits.h" 3
/* LONG_LONG_MIN/LONG_LONG_MAX/ULONG_LONG_MAX are a GNU extension. It's too bad
that we don't have something like #pragma poison that could be used to
deprecate a macro - the code should just use LLONG_MAX and friends.
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__GNU_LIBRARY__) ? defined(__USE_GNU) : !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 92 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/limits.h" 3
# 101 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/limits.h" 3
#endif /* __CLANG_LIMITS_H */
# 103 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/limits.h" 3
# 53 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/limits.h" 2 3
# 55 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/limits.h" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include_next <limits.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 55 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/limits.h" 3
# 56 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/limits.h" 3
#endif /* defined __GNUC__) ... */
# 57 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/limits.h" 3
#endif /* __STDC_HOSTED__ && ... */
# 58 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/limits.h" 3
// Do not include Intel(R) compiler provided <limits.h> for QNX,
// use QNX SDK <limits.h> only.
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !(defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) || defined(__INTEL_LLVM_COMPILER)) || \
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 63 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/limits.h" 3
// Only put the file inclusion guards around this portion of the include
// file. If there are a bunch of these in the include chain, we want to
// let those all get done by the include_nexts above, and not artificially
// stopped by an include guard.
#ifndef __CLANG_LIMITS_H
#define __CLANG_LIMITS_H
#undef SCHAR_MIN
#undef SCHAR_MAX
#undef UCHAR_MAX
#undef SHRT_MIN
#undef SHRT_MAX
#undef USHRT_MAX
#undef INT_MIN
#undef INT_MAX
#undef UINT_MAX
#undef LONG_MIN
#undef LONG_MAX
#undef ULONG_MAX
#undef CHAR_BIT
#undef CHAR_MIN
#undef CHAR_MAX
// C90/99
#define SHRT_MAX __SHRT_MAX__
#define INT_MAX __INT_MAX__
#define LONG_MAX __LONG_MAX__
#define SCHAR_MIN (-__SCHAR_MAX__-1)
#define SHRT_MIN (-__SHRT_MAX__ -1)
#define INT_MIN (-__INT_MAX__ -1)
#define LONG_MIN (-__LONG_MAX__ -1L)
#define UCHAR_MAX (__SCHAR_MAX__*2 +1)
#define USHRT_MAX (__SHRT_MAX__ *2 +1)
#define UINT_MAX (__INT_MAX__ *2U +1U)
#define ULONG_MAX (__LONG_MAX__ *2UL+1UL)
#define CHAR_BIT __CHAR_BIT__
#ifdef __CHAR_UNSIGNED__ /* -funsigned-char */
#define CHAR_MIN 0
# 111 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/limits.h" 3
#define CHAR_MAX __SCHAR_MAX__
# 114 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/limits.h" 3
// C99 Added long long
#undef LLONG_MIN
#undef LLONG_MAX
#define LLONG_MIN (-__LONG_LONG_MAX__-1LL)
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__GNU_LIBRARY__) ? defined(__USE_GNU) : !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 125 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/limits.h" 3
# 134 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/limits.h" 3
#endif /* !(__INTEL_COMPILER || __INTEL_LLVM_COMPILER) || !__QNX__ */
# 136 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/limits.h" 3
#endif /* __CLANG_LIMITS_H */
# 137 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/limits.h" 3
# 55 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Include/GraphBLAS.h" 2
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <math.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 55 "/users/jfg508/scratch/software-test/SuiteSparse/GB/GraphBLAS-7.0.1/GraphBLAS/../Include/GraphBLAS.h"
# 1 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 1 3
Copyright (C) 1985-2021 Intel Corporation
This software and the related documents are Intel copyrighted materials, and
your use of them is governed by the express license under which they were
provided to you ("License"). Unless the License provides otherwise, you may
not use, modify, copy, publish, distribute, disclose or transmit this
software or the related documents without Intel's prior written permission.
This software and the related documents are provided as is, with no express
or implied warranties, other than those that are expressly stated in the
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !(defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) || defined(__INTEL_LLVM_COMPILER)) && \
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 19 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
#define __PURE_SYS_C99_HEADERS__
# 22 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__PURE_SYS_C99_HEADERS__)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 25 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if (defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64))
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 27 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) || defined(__INTEL_LLVM_COMPILER)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 28 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include_next <math.h> /* utilize system header */
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 28 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
# 29 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
# 30 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if _MSC_VER >= 1900 /* MSVS2015+ */
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 31 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
/* Location of math.h has been changed starting with VS2015 */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <../ucrt/math.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 32 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
# 33 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0
#elif _MSC_VER >= 1400 /* Previous versions of MSVS are not supported. */
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#elif 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 34 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
Here, the #include <../../vc/include/header.h> is used as the
equivalent of #include_next<header.h> working for MS C compiler
of MSVS 2005, 2008, 2010 with default installation paths.
The equivalent works correctly when Intel(R) compiler header is not
located in ../../vc/include subfolder for any searched include path,
and MS header is.
In case of non standard location of MS headers, say in
macro should be defined in command line -D option
#define __MS_VC_INSTALL_PATH ../../vc
# 49 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
#define __TMP_GLUE(a,b) a##b
#define __TMP_PASTE2(a,b) __TMP_GLUE(a,b)
#define __TMP_ANGLE_BRACKETS(x) <x>
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include __TMP_ANGLE_BRACKETS(__TMP_PASTE2(__MS_VC_INSTALL_PATH,/include/math.h))
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 53 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
# 54 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
#undef __TMP_GLUE
#undef __TMP_PASTE2
# 58 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
# 59 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
# 60 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include_next <math.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 60 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
# 61 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
# 62 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__TOGGLED_PURE_SYS_C99_HEADERS__)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 64 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
#undef __PURE_SYS_C99_HEADERS__
# 67 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
#else /* (__PURE_SYS_C99_HEADERS__) */
# 69 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
/* To avoid conflicts, we mangle in the sys header file the names we then declare */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(__PURE_INTEL_C99_HEADERS__) /* utilize and expand sys header */
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 72 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
/* Use these definitions to get around inline implementations in MS header file */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if (defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64))
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 75 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined (_M_X64)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 77 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
#define acosf __MS_acosf
#define asinf __MS_asinf
#define atan2f __MS_atan2f
#define atanf __MS_atanf
#define ceilf __MS_ceilf
#define coshf __MS_coshf
#define cosf __MS_cosf
#define expf __MS_expf
#endif /* _M_X64 */
# 86 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
#define fabsf __MS_fabsf
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined (_M_X64)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 90 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
#define floorf __MS_floorf
#define fmodf __MS_fmodf
#endif /* _M_X64 */
# 93 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
#define frexpf __MS_frexpf
#define hypotf __MS_hypotf
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(__INTEL_LLVM_COMPILER)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 98 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
#define ldexpf __MS_ldexpf
# 100 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if _MSC_VER < 1900 /* MSVS2015- */
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 102 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
/* prior to MSVS2015, hypot is inlined in MS header file */
#define hypot __MS_hypot
#endif /* _MSC_VER < 1900 */
# 105 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined (_M_X64)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 107 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
#define log10f __MS_log10f
#define logf __MS_logf
#define modff __MS_modff
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined(__INTEL_LLVM_COMPILER)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 112 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
#define powf __MS_powf
# 114 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
#define sinhf __MS_sinhf
#define sinf __MS_sinf
#define sqrtf __MS_sqrtf
#define tanhf __MS_tanhf
#define tanf __MS_tanf
#endif /* _M_X64 */
# 121 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
#define acosl __MS_acosl
#define asinl __MS_asinl
#define atan2l __MS_atan2l
#define atanl __MS_atanl
#define ceill __MS_ceill
#define coshl __MS_coshl
#define cosl __MS_cosl
#define expl __MS_expl
#define fabsl __MS_fabsl
#define floorl __MS_floorl
#define fmodl __MS_fmodl
#define frexpl __MS_frexpl
#define hypotl __MS_hypotl
#define ldexpl __MS_ldexpl
#define logl __MS_logl
#define log10l __MS_log10l
#define modfl __MS_modfl
#define powl __MS_powl
#define sinhl __MS_sinhl
#define sinl __MS_sinl
#define sqrtl __MS_sqrtl
#define tanhl __MS_tanhl
#define tanl __MS_tanl
/* Define the macro to get around definition of complex macro in MS math.h */
/* Define _complex struct to be compatible with math.h on Windows*/
struct _complex {
double x, y; /* real and imaginary parts */
#endif /* _COMPLEX_DEFINED */
# 154 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
/* User should include complex.h to get definition of complex macro and cabs */
#define cabs __MS_cabs
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) || defined(__INTEL_LLVM_COMPILER)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 159 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include_next <math.h> /* utilize system header */
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 159 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
# 160 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
# 161 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if _MSC_VER >= 1900 /* MSVS2015+ */
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 162 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
/* Location of math.h has been changed starting with VS2015 */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <../ucrt/math.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 163 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
# 164 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0
#elif _MSC_VER >= 1400 /* Previous versions of MSVS are not supported. */
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#elif 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 165 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
Here, the #include <../../vc/include/header.h> is used as the
equivalent of #include_next<header.h> working for MS C compiler
of MSVS 2005, 2008, 2010 with default installation paths.
The equivalent works correctly when Intel(R) compiler header is not
located in ../../vc/include subfolder for any searched include path,
and MS header is.
In case of non standard location of MS headers, say in
macro should be defined in command line -D option
#define __MS_VC_INSTALL_PATH ../../vc
# 180 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
#define __TMP_GLUE(a,b) a##b
#define __TMP_PASTE2(a,b) __TMP_GLUE(a,b)
#define __TMP_ANGLE_BRACKETS(x) <x>
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include __TMP_ANGLE_BRACKETS(__TMP_PASTE2(__MS_VC_INSTALL_PATH,/include/math.h))
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 184 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
# 185 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
#undef __TMP_GLUE
#undef __TMP_PASTE2
# 189 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
# 190 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
# 191 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include_next <math.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 191 "/mnt/lustre/users/jfg508/easybuild-dev/software/intel-compilers/2022.0.1/compiler/2022.0.1/linux/bin-llvm/../compiler/include/math.h" 3
# 1 "/usr/include/math.h" 1 3 4
/* Declarations for math functions.
Copyright (C) 1991-1993, 1995-1999, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2009, 2011, 2012
Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
* ISO C99 Standard: 7.12 Mathematics <math.h>
#ifndef _MATH_H
#define _MATH_H 1
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <features.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 27 "/usr/include/math.h" 3 4
# 28 "/usr/include/math.h" 3 4
/* Get machine-dependent HUGE_VAL value (returned on overflow).
On all IEEE754 machines, this is +Infinity. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/huge_val.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 33 "/usr/include/math.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/huge_val.h" 1 3 4
/* `HUGE_VAL' constant for IEEE 754 machines (where it is infinity).
Used by <stdlib.h> and <math.h> functions for overflow.
Copyright (C) 1992, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2004
Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
#ifndef _MATH_H
# error "Never use <bits/huge_val.h> directly; include <math.h> instead."
# 24 "/usr/include/bits/huge_val.h" 3 4
/* IEEE positive infinity (-HUGE_VAL is negative infinity). */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __GNUC_PREREQ(3,3)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 28 "/usr/include/bits/huge_val.h" 3 4
# define HUGE_VAL (__builtin_huge_val())
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0
#elif __GNUC_PREREQ(2,96)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#elif 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 30 "/usr/include/bits/huge_val.h" 3 4
# define HUGE_VAL (__extension__ 0x1.0p2047)
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0
#elif defined __GNUC__
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#elif 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 32 "/usr/include/bits/huge_val.h" 3 4
# define HUGE_VAL \
(__extension__ \
((union { unsigned __l __attribute__((__mode__(__DI__))); double __d; }) \
{ __l: 0x7ff0000000000000ULL }).__d)
#else /* not GCC */
# 39 "/usr/include/bits/huge_val.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <endian.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 40 "/usr/include/bits/huge_val.h" 3 4
# 41 "/usr/include/bits/huge_val.h" 3 4
typedef union { unsigned char __c[8]; double __d; } __huge_val_t;
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 45 "/usr/include/bits/huge_val.h" 3 4
# define __HUGE_VAL_bytes { 0x7f, 0xf0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
# endif
# 47 "/usr/include/bits/huge_val.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 48 "/usr/include/bits/huge_val.h" 3 4
# define __HUGE_VAL_bytes { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0xf0, 0x7f }
# endif
# 50 "/usr/include/bits/huge_val.h" 3 4
static __huge_val_t __huge_val = { __HUGE_VAL_bytes };
# define HUGE_VAL (__huge_val.__d)
#endif /* GCC. */
# 55 "/usr/include/bits/huge_val.h" 3 4
# 34 "/usr/include/math.h" 2 3 4
#ifdef __USE_ISOC99
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/huge_valf.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 35 "/usr/include/math.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/huge_valf.h" 1 3 4
/* `HUGE_VALF' constant for IEEE 754 machines (where it is infinity).
Used by <stdlib.h> and <math.h> functions for overflow.
Copyright (C) 1992, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2004
Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
#ifndef _MATH_H
# error "Never use <bits/huge_valf.h> directly; include <math.h> instead."
# 24 "/usr/include/bits/huge_valf.h" 3 4
/* IEEE positive infinity (-HUGE_VAL is negative infinity). */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __GNUC_PREREQ(3,3)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 28 "/usr/include/bits/huge_valf.h" 3 4
# define HUGE_VALF (__builtin_huge_valf())
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0
#elif __GNUC_PREREQ(2,96)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#elif 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 30 "/usr/include/bits/huge_valf.h" 3 4
# define HUGE_VALF (__extension__ 0x1.0p255f)
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0
#elif defined __GNUC__
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#elif 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 32 "/usr/include/bits/huge_valf.h" 3 4
# define HUGE_VALF \
(__extension__ \
((union { unsigned __l __attribute__((__mode__(__SI__))); float __d; }) \
{ __l: 0x7f800000UL }).__d)
#else /* not GCC */
# 39 "/usr/include/bits/huge_valf.h" 3 4
typedef union { unsigned char __c[4]; float __f; } __huge_valf_t;
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 43 "/usr/include/bits/huge_valf.h" 3 4
# define __HUGE_VALF_bytes { 0x7f, 0x80, 0, 0 }
# endif
# 45 "/usr/include/bits/huge_valf.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 46 "/usr/include/bits/huge_valf.h" 3 4
# define __HUGE_VALF_bytes { 0, 0, 0x80, 0x7f }
# endif
# 48 "/usr/include/bits/huge_valf.h" 3 4
static __huge_valf_t __huge_valf = { __HUGE_VALF_bytes };
# define HUGE_VALF (__huge_valf.__f)
#endif /* GCC. */
# 53 "/usr/include/bits/huge_valf.h" 3 4
# 36 "/usr/include/math.h" 2 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/huge_vall.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 36 "/usr/include/math.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/huge_vall.h" 1 3 4
/* `HUGE_VALL' constant for ix86 (where it is infinity).
Used by <stdlib.h> and <math.h> functions for overflow.
Copyright (C) 1992, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2004
Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
#ifndef _MATH_H
# error "Never use <bits/huge_vall.h> directly; include <math.h> instead."
# 24 "/usr/include/bits/huge_vall.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __GNUC_PREREQ(3,3)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 26 "/usr/include/bits/huge_vall.h" 3 4
# define HUGE_VALL (__builtin_huge_vall())
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0
#elif __GNUC_PREREQ(2,96)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#elif 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 28 "/usr/include/bits/huge_vall.h" 3 4
# define HUGE_VALL (__extension__ 0x1.0p32767L)
# 30 "/usr/include/bits/huge_vall.h" 3 4
# define __HUGE_VALL_bytes { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x80, 0xff, 0x7f, 0, 0 }
# define __huge_vall_t union { unsigned char __c[12]; long double __ld; }
# ifdef __GNUC__
# define HUGE_VALL (__extension__ \
((__huge_vall_t) { __c: __HUGE_VALL_bytes }).__ld)
# else /* Not GCC. */
# 38 "/usr/include/bits/huge_vall.h" 3 4
static __huge_vall_t __huge_vall = { __HUGE_VALL_bytes };
# define HUGE_VALL (__huge_vall.__ld)
# endif /* GCC. */
# 41 "/usr/include/bits/huge_vall.h" 3 4
#endif /* GCC 2.95 */
# 43 "/usr/include/bits/huge_vall.h" 3 4
# 37 "/usr/include/math.h" 2 3 4
/* Get machine-dependent INFINITY value. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/inf.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 39 "/usr/include/math.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/inf.h" 1 3 4
/* `INFINITY' constant for IEEE 754 machines.
Copyright (C) 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
#ifndef _MATH_H
# error "Never use <bits/inf.h> directly; include <math.h> instead."
# 22 "/usr/include/bits/inf.h" 3 4
/* IEEE positive infinity. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __GNUC_PREREQ(3,3)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 26 "/usr/include/bits/inf.h" 3 4
# define INFINITY (__builtin_inff())
# 28 "/usr/include/bits/inf.h" 3 4
# 30 "/usr/include/bits/inf.h" 3 4
# 40 "/usr/include/math.h" 2 3 4
/* Get machine-dependent NAN value (returned for some domain errors). */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/nan.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 42 "/usr/include/math.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/nan.h" 1 3 4
/* `NAN' constant for IEEE 754 machines.
Copyright (C) 1992,1996,1997,1999,2004,2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
#ifndef _MATH_H
# error "Never use <bits/nan.h> directly; include <math.h> instead."
# 22 "/usr/include/bits/nan.h" 3 4
/* IEEE Not A Number. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if __GNUC_PREREQ(3,3)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 27 "/usr/include/bits/nan.h" 3 4
# define NAN (__builtin_nanf (""))
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0
#elif defined __GNUC__
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#elif 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 31 "/usr/include/bits/nan.h" 3 4
# define NAN \
(__extension__ \
((union { unsigned __l __attribute__ ((__mode__ (__SI__))); float __d; }) \
{ __l: 0x7fc00000UL }).__d)
# 38 "/usr/include/bits/nan.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <endian.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 39 "/usr/include/bits/nan.h" 3 4
# 40 "/usr/include/bits/nan.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 42 "/usr/include/bits/nan.h" 3 4
# define __nan_bytes { 0x7f, 0xc0, 0, 0 }
# endif
# 44 "/usr/include/bits/nan.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 45 "/usr/include/bits/nan.h" 3 4
# define __nan_bytes { 0, 0, 0xc0, 0x7f }
# endif
# 47 "/usr/include/bits/nan.h" 3 4
static union { unsigned char __c[4]; float __d; } __nan_union
__attribute_used__ = { __nan_bytes };
# define NAN (__nan_union.__d)
#endif /* GCC. */
# 53 "/usr/include/bits/nan.h" 3 4
# 43 "/usr/include/math.h" 2 3 4
#endif /* __USE_ISOC99 */
# 44 "/usr/include/math.h" 3 4
/* Get general and ISO C99 specific information. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/mathdef.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 46 "/usr/include/math.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/mathdef.h" 1 3 4
/* Copyright (C) 2001-2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if !defined _MATH_H && !defined _COMPLEX_H
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 0 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 19 "/usr/include/bits/mathdef.h" 3 4
# error "Never use <bits/mathdef.h> directly; include <math.h> instead"
# 21 "/usr/include/bits/mathdef.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_ISOC99 && defined _MATH_H && !defined _MATH_H_MATHDEF
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 23 "/usr/include/bits/mathdef.h" 3 4
# define _MATH_H_MATHDEF 1
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if defined __x86_64__ || (defined __FLT_EVAL_METHOD__ && __FLT_EVAL_METHOD__ == 0)
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 26 "/usr/include/bits/mathdef.h" 3 4
/* The x86-64 architecture computes values with the precission of the
used type. Similarly for -m32 -mfpmath=sse. */
typedef float float_t; /* `float' expressions are evaluated as `float'. */
typedef double double_t; /* `double' expressions are evaluated
as `double'. */
# else
# 32 "/usr/include/bits/mathdef.h" 3 4
/* The ix87 FPUs evaluate all values in the 80 bit floating-point format
which is also available for the user as `long double'. Therefore we
define: */
typedef long double float_t; /* `float' expressions are evaluated as
`long double'. */
typedef long double double_t; /* `double' expressions are evaluated as
`long double'. */
# endif
# 40 "/usr/include/bits/mathdef.h" 3 4
/* The values returned by `ilogb' for 0 and NaN respectively. */
# define FP_ILOGB0 (-2147483647 - 1)
# define FP_ILOGBNAN (-2147483647 - 1)
/* The GCC 4.6 compiler will define __FP_FAST_FMA{,F,L} if the fma{,f,l}
builtins are supported. */
# ifdef __FP_FAST_FMA
# define FP_FAST_FMA 1
# endif
# 50 "/usr/include/bits/mathdef.h" 3 4
# ifdef __FP_FAST_FMAF
# define FP_FAST_FMAF 1
# endif
# 54 "/usr/include/bits/mathdef.h" 3 4
# ifdef __FP_FAST_FMAL
# define FP_FAST_FMAL 1
# endif
# 58 "/usr/include/bits/mathdef.h" 3 4
#endif /* ISO C99 */
# 60 "/usr/include/bits/mathdef.h" 3 4
# 47 "/usr/include/math.h" 2 3 4
/* The file <bits/mathcalls.h> contains the prototypes for all the
actual math functions. These macros are used for those prototypes,
so we can easily declare each function as both `name' and `__name',
and can declare the float versions `namef' and `__namef'. */
#define __MATHCALL(function,suffix, args) \
__MATHDECL (_Mdouble_,function,suffix, args)
#define __MATHDECL(type, function,suffix, args) \
__MATHDECL_1(type, function,suffix, args); \
__MATHDECL_1(type, __CONCAT(__,function),suffix, args)
#define __MATHCALLX(function,suffix, args, attrib) \
__MATHDECLX (_Mdouble_,function,suffix, args, attrib)
#define __MATHDECLX(type, function,suffix, args, attrib) \
__MATHDECL_1(type, function,suffix, args) __attribute__ (attrib); \
__MATHDECL_1(type, __CONCAT(__,function),suffix, args) __attribute__ (attrib)
#define __MATHDECL_1(type, function,suffix, args) \
extern type __MATH_PRECNAME(function,suffix) args __THROW
#define _Mdouble_ double
#define __MATH_PRECNAME(name,r) __CONCAT(name,r)
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/mathcalls.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 70 "/usr/include/math.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 1 3 4
/* Prototype declarations for math functions; helper file for <math.h>.
Copyright (C) 1996-2003, 2006, 2011, 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
/* NOTE: Because of the special way this file is used by <math.h>, this
file must NOT be protected from multiple inclusion as header files
usually are.
This file provides prototype declarations for the math functions.
Most functions are declared using the macro:
__MATHCALL (NAME,[_r], (ARGS...));
This means there is a function `NAME' returning `double' and a function
`NAMEf' returning `float'. Each place `_Mdouble_' appears in the
prototype, that is actually `double' in the prototype for `NAME' and
`float' in the prototype for `NAMEf'. Reentrant variant functions are
called `NAME_r' and `NAMEf_r'.
Functions returning other types like `int' are declared using the macro:
__MATHDECL (TYPE, NAME,[_r], (ARGS...));
This is just like __MATHCALL but for a function returning `TYPE'
instead of `_Mdouble_'. In all of these cases, there is still
both a `NAME' and a `NAMEf' that takes `float' arguments.
Note that there must be no whitespace before the argument passed for
NAME, to make token pasting work with -traditional. */
#ifndef _MATH_H
# error "Never include <bits/mathcalls.h> directly; include <math.h> instead."
# 48 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
/* Trigonometric functions. */
/* Arc cosine of X. */
__MATHCALL (acos,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Arc sine of X. */
__MATHCALL (asin,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Arc tangent of X. */
__MATHCALL (atan,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Arc tangent of Y/X. */
__MATHCALL (atan2,, (_Mdouble_ __y, _Mdouble_ __x));
/* Cosine of X. */
__MATHCALL (cos,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Sine of X. */
__MATHCALL (sin,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Tangent of X. */
__MATHCALL (tan,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Hyperbolic functions. */
/* Hyperbolic cosine of X. */
__MATHCALL (cosh,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Hyperbolic sine of X. */
__MATHCALL (sinh,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Hyperbolic tangent of X. */
__MATHCALL (tanh,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
#ifdef __USE_GNU
/* Cosine and sine of X. */
__MATHDECL (void,sincos,,
(_Mdouble_ __x, _Mdouble_ *__sinx, _Mdouble_ *__cosx));
# 84 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_MISC || defined __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED || defined __USE_ISOC99
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 86 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
/* Hyperbolic arc cosine of X. */
__MATHCALL (acosh,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Hyperbolic arc sine of X. */
__MATHCALL (asinh,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Hyperbolic arc tangent of X. */
__MATHCALL (atanh,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
# 95 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
/* Exponential and logarithmic functions. */
/* Exponential function of X. */
__MATHCALL (exp,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Break VALUE into a normalized fraction and an integral power of 2. */
__MATHCALL (frexp,, (_Mdouble_ __x, int *__exponent));
/* X times (two to the EXP power). */
__MATHCALL (ldexp,, (_Mdouble_ __x, int __exponent));
/* Natural logarithm of X. */
__MATHCALL (log,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Base-ten logarithm of X. */
__MATHCALL (log10,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Break VALUE into integral and fractional parts. */
__MATHCALL (modf,, (_Mdouble_ __x, _Mdouble_ *__iptr))
__attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (2)));
#ifdef __USE_GNU
/* A function missing in all standards: compute exponent to base ten. */
__MATHCALL (exp10,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Another name occasionally used. */
__MATHCALL (pow10,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
# 125 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_MISC || defined __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED || defined __USE_ISOC99
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 127 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
/* Return exp(X) - 1. */
__MATHCALL (expm1,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Return log(1 + X). */
__MATHCALL (log1p,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Return the base 2 signed integral exponent of X. */
__MATHCALL (logb,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
# 138 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_ISOC99
/* Compute base-2 exponential of X. */
__MATHCALL (exp2,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Compute base-2 logarithm of X. */
__MATHCALL (log2,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
# 148 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
/* Power functions. */
/* Return X to the Y power. */
__MATHCALL (pow,, (_Mdouble_ __x, _Mdouble_ __y));
/* Return the square root of X. */
__MATHCALL (sqrt,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_MISC || defined __USE_XOPEN || defined __USE_ISOC99
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 161 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
/* Return `sqrt(X*X + Y*Y)'. */
__MATHCALL (hypot,, (_Mdouble_ __x, _Mdouble_ __y));
# 166 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_MISC || defined __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED || defined __USE_ISOC99
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 168 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
/* Return the cube root of X. */
__MATHCALL (cbrt,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
# 173 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
/* Nearest integer, absolute value, and remainder functions. */
/* Smallest integral value not less than X. */
__MATHCALLX (ceil,, (_Mdouble_ __x), (__const__));
/* Absolute value of X. */
__MATHCALLX (fabs,, (_Mdouble_ __x), (__const__));
/* Largest integer not greater than X. */
__MATHCALLX (floor,, (_Mdouble_ __x), (__const__));
/* Floating-point modulo remainder of X/Y. */
__MATHCALL (fmod,, (_Mdouble_ __x, _Mdouble_ __y));
/* Return 0 if VALUE is finite or NaN, +1 if it
is +Infinity, -1 if it is -Infinity. */
__MATHDECL_1 (int,__isinf,, (_Mdouble_ __value)) __attribute__ ((__const__));
/* Return nonzero if VALUE is finite and not NaN. */
__MATHDECL_1 (int,__finite,, (_Mdouble_ __value)) __attribute__ ((__const__));
#ifdef __USE_MISC
/* Return 0 if VALUE is finite or NaN, +1 if it
is +Infinity, -1 if it is -Infinity. */
__MATHDECL_1 (int,isinf,, (_Mdouble_ __value)) __attribute__ ((__const__));
/* Return nonzero if VALUE is finite and not NaN. */
__MATHDECL_1 (int,finite,, (_Mdouble_ __value)) __attribute__ ((__const__));
/* Return the remainder of X/Y. */
__MATHCALL (drem,, (_Mdouble_ __x, _Mdouble_ __y));
/* Return the fractional part of X after dividing out `ilogb (X)'. */
__MATHCALL (significand,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
#endif /* Use misc. */
# 214 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_MISC || defined __USE_ISOC99
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 216 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
/* Return X with its signed changed to Y's. */
__MATHCALLX (copysign,, (_Mdouble_ __x, _Mdouble_ __y), (__const__));
# 221 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_ISOC99
/* Return representation of NaN for double type. */
__MATHCALLX (nan,, (const char *__tagb), (__const__));
# 228 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
/* Return nonzero if VALUE is not a number. */
__MATHDECL_1 (int,__isnan,, (_Mdouble_ __value)) __attribute__ ((__const__));
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_MISC || defined __USE_XOPEN
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 234 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
/* Return nonzero if VALUE is not a number. */
__MATHDECL_1 (int,isnan,, (_Mdouble_ __value)) __attribute__ ((__const__));
/* Bessel functions. */
__MATHCALL (j0,, (_Mdouble_));
__MATHCALL (j1,, (_Mdouble_));
__MATHCALL (jn,, (int, _Mdouble_));
__MATHCALL (y0,, (_Mdouble_));
__MATHCALL (y1,, (_Mdouble_));
__MATHCALL (yn,, (int, _Mdouble_));
# 245 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_MISC || defined __USE_XOPEN || defined __USE_ISOC99
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 248 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
/* Error and gamma functions. */
__MATHCALL (erf,, (_Mdouble_));
__MATHCALL (erfc,, (_Mdouble_));
__MATHCALL (lgamma,, (_Mdouble_));
# 255 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_ISOC99
/* True gamma function. */
__MATHCALL (tgamma,, (_Mdouble_));
# 262 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_MISC || defined __USE_XOPEN
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 264 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
/* Obsolete alias for `lgamma'. */
__MATHCALL (gamma,, (_Mdouble_));
# 267 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_MISC
/* Reentrant version of lgamma. This function uses the global variable
`signgam'. The reentrant version instead takes a pointer and stores
the value through it. */
__MATHCALL (lgamma,_r, (_Mdouble_, int *__signgamp));
# 274 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_MISC || defined __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED || defined __USE_ISOC99
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 277 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
/* Return the integer nearest X in the direction of the
prevailing rounding mode. */
__MATHCALL (rint,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Return X + epsilon if X < Y, X - epsilon if X > Y. */
__MATHCALLX (nextafter,, (_Mdouble_ __x, _Mdouble_ __y), (__const__));
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if defined __USE_ISOC99 && !defined __LDBL_COMPAT
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 285 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
__MATHCALLX (nexttoward,, (_Mdouble_ __x, long double __y), (__const__));
# endif
# 287 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
/* Return the remainder of integer divison X / Y with infinite precision. */
__MATHCALL (remainder,, (_Mdouble_ __x, _Mdouble_ __y));
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if defined __USE_MISC || defined __USE_ISOC99
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 292 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
/* Return X times (2 to the Nth power). */
__MATHCALL (scalbn,, (_Mdouble_ __x, int __n));
# endif
# 295 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
/* Return the binary exponent of X, which must be nonzero. */
__MATHDECL (int,ilogb,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
# 299 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_ISOC99
/* Return X times (2 to the Nth power). */
__MATHCALL (scalbln,, (_Mdouble_ __x, long int __n));
/* Round X to integral value in floating-point format using current
rounding direction, but do not raise inexact exception. */
__MATHCALL (nearbyint,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Round X to nearest integral value, rounding halfway cases away from
zero. */
__MATHCALLX (round,, (_Mdouble_ __x), (__const__));
/* Round X to the integral value in floating-point format nearest but
not larger in magnitude. */
__MATHCALLX (trunc,, (_Mdouble_ __x), (__const__));
/* Compute remainder of X and Y and put in *QUO a value with sign of x/y
and magnitude congruent `mod 2^n' to the magnitude of the integral
quotient x/y, with n >= 3. */
__MATHCALL (remquo,, (_Mdouble_ __x, _Mdouble_ __y, int *__quo));
/* Conversion functions. */
/* Round X to nearest integral value according to current rounding
direction. */
__MATHDECL (long int,lrint,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
__MATHDECL (long long int,llrint,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Round X to nearest integral value, rounding halfway cases away from
zero. */
__MATHDECL (long int,lround,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
__MATHDECL (long long int,llround,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Return positive difference between X and Y. */
__MATHCALL (fdim,, (_Mdouble_ __x, _Mdouble_ __y));
/* Return maximum numeric value from X and Y. */
__MATHCALLX (fmax,, (_Mdouble_ __x, _Mdouble_ __y), (__const__));
/* Return minimum numeric value from X and Y. */
__MATHCALLX (fmin,, (_Mdouble_ __x, _Mdouble_ __y), (__const__));
/* Classify given number. */
__MATHDECL_1 (int, __fpclassify,, (_Mdouble_ __value))
__attribute__ ((__const__));
/* Test for negative number. */
__MATHDECL_1 (int, __signbit,, (_Mdouble_ __value))
__attribute__ ((__const__));
/* Multiply-add function computed as a ternary operation. */
__MATHCALL (fma,, (_Mdouble_ __x, _Mdouble_ __y, _Mdouble_ __z));
#endif /* Use ISO C99. */
# 357 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_MISC || defined __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED || defined __USE_ISOC99
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 359 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
# 361 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_MISC || defined __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 363 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
/* Return X times (2 to the Nth power). */
__MATHCALL (scalb,, (_Mdouble_ __x, _Mdouble_ __n));
# 366 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
# 71 "/usr/include/math.h" 2 3 4
#undef _Mdouble_
#undef _Mdouble_BEGIN_NAMESPACE
#undef _Mdouble_END_NAMESPACE
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_MISC || defined __USE_ISOC99
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 77 "/usr/include/math.h" 3 4
/* Include the file of declarations again, this time using `float'
instead of `double' and appending f to each function name. */
# ifndef _Mfloat_
# define _Mfloat_ float
# endif
# 85 "/usr/include/math.h" 3 4
# define _Mdouble_ _Mfloat_
# define __MATH_PRECNAME(name,r) name##f##r
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/mathcalls.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 89 "/usr/include/math.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 1 3 4
/* Prototype declarations for math functions; helper file for <math.h>.
Copyright (C) 1996-2003, 2006, 2011, 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
/* NOTE: Because of the special way this file is used by <math.h>, this
file must NOT be protected from multiple inclusion as header files
usually are.
This file provides prototype declarations for the math functions.
Most functions are declared using the macro:
__MATHCALL (NAME,[_r], (ARGS...));
This means there is a function `NAME' returning `double' and a function
`NAMEf' returning `float'. Each place `_Mdouble_' appears in the
prototype, that is actually `double' in the prototype for `NAME' and
`float' in the prototype for `NAMEf'. Reentrant variant functions are
called `NAME_r' and `NAMEf_r'.
Functions returning other types like `int' are declared using the macro:
__MATHDECL (TYPE, NAME,[_r], (ARGS...));
This is just like __MATHCALL but for a function returning `TYPE'
instead of `_Mdouble_'. In all of these cases, there is still
both a `NAME' and a `NAMEf' that takes `float' arguments.
Note that there must be no whitespace before the argument passed for
NAME, to make token pasting work with -traditional. */
#ifndef _MATH_H
# error "Never include <bits/mathcalls.h> directly; include <math.h> instead."
# 48 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
/* Trigonometric functions. */
/* Arc cosine of X. */
__MATHCALL (acos,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Arc sine of X. */
__MATHCALL (asin,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Arc tangent of X. */
__MATHCALL (atan,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Arc tangent of Y/X. */
__MATHCALL (atan2,, (_Mdouble_ __y, _Mdouble_ __x));
/* Cosine of X. */
__MATHCALL (cos,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Sine of X. */
__MATHCALL (sin,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Tangent of X. */
__MATHCALL (tan,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Hyperbolic functions. */
/* Hyperbolic cosine of X. */
__MATHCALL (cosh,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Hyperbolic sine of X. */
__MATHCALL (sinh,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Hyperbolic tangent of X. */
__MATHCALL (tanh,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
#ifdef __USE_GNU
/* Cosine and sine of X. */
__MATHDECL (void,sincos,,
(_Mdouble_ __x, _Mdouble_ *__sinx, _Mdouble_ *__cosx));
# 84 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_MISC || defined __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED || defined __USE_ISOC99
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 86 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
/* Hyperbolic arc cosine of X. */
__MATHCALL (acosh,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Hyperbolic arc sine of X. */
__MATHCALL (asinh,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Hyperbolic arc tangent of X. */
__MATHCALL (atanh,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
# 95 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
/* Exponential and logarithmic functions. */
/* Exponential function of X. */
__MATHCALL (exp,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Break VALUE into a normalized fraction and an integral power of 2. */
__MATHCALL (frexp,, (_Mdouble_ __x, int *__exponent));
/* X times (two to the EXP power). */
__MATHCALL (ldexp,, (_Mdouble_ __x, int __exponent));
/* Natural logarithm of X. */
__MATHCALL (log,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Base-ten logarithm of X. */
__MATHCALL (log10,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Break VALUE into integral and fractional parts. */
__MATHCALL (modf,, (_Mdouble_ __x, _Mdouble_ *__iptr))
__attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (2)));
#ifdef __USE_GNU
/* A function missing in all standards: compute exponent to base ten. */
__MATHCALL (exp10,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Another name occasionally used. */
__MATHCALL (pow10,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
# 125 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_MISC || defined __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED || defined __USE_ISOC99
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 127 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
/* Return exp(X) - 1. */
__MATHCALL (expm1,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Return log(1 + X). */
__MATHCALL (log1p,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Return the base 2 signed integral exponent of X. */
__MATHCALL (logb,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
# 138 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_ISOC99
/* Compute base-2 exponential of X. */
__MATHCALL (exp2,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Compute base-2 logarithm of X. */
__MATHCALL (log2,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
# 148 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
/* Power functions. */
/* Return X to the Y power. */
__MATHCALL (pow,, (_Mdouble_ __x, _Mdouble_ __y));
/* Return the square root of X. */
__MATHCALL (sqrt,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_MISC || defined __USE_XOPEN || defined __USE_ISOC99
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 161 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
/* Return `sqrt(X*X + Y*Y)'. */
__MATHCALL (hypot,, (_Mdouble_ __x, _Mdouble_ __y));
# 166 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_MISC || defined __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED || defined __USE_ISOC99
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 168 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
/* Return the cube root of X. */
__MATHCALL (cbrt,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
# 173 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
/* Nearest integer, absolute value, and remainder functions. */
/* Smallest integral value not less than X. */
__MATHCALLX (ceil,, (_Mdouble_ __x), (__const__));
/* Absolute value of X. */
__MATHCALLX (fabs,, (_Mdouble_ __x), (__const__));
/* Largest integer not greater than X. */
__MATHCALLX (floor,, (_Mdouble_ __x), (__const__));
/* Floating-point modulo remainder of X/Y. */
__MATHCALL (fmod,, (_Mdouble_ __x, _Mdouble_ __y));
/* Return 0 if VALUE is finite or NaN, +1 if it
is +Infinity, -1 if it is -Infinity. */
__MATHDECL_1 (int,__isinf,, (_Mdouble_ __value)) __attribute__ ((__const__));
/* Return nonzero if VALUE is finite and not NaN. */
__MATHDECL_1 (int,__finite,, (_Mdouble_ __value)) __attribute__ ((__const__));
#ifdef __USE_MISC
/* Return 0 if VALUE is finite or NaN, +1 if it
is +Infinity, -1 if it is -Infinity. */
__MATHDECL_1 (int,isinf,, (_Mdouble_ __value)) __attribute__ ((__const__));
/* Return nonzero if VALUE is finite and not NaN. */
__MATHDECL_1 (int,finite,, (_Mdouble_ __value)) __attribute__ ((__const__));
/* Return the remainder of X/Y. */
__MATHCALL (drem,, (_Mdouble_ __x, _Mdouble_ __y));
/* Return the fractional part of X after dividing out `ilogb (X)'. */
__MATHCALL (significand,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
#endif /* Use misc. */
# 214 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_MISC || defined __USE_ISOC99
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 216 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
/* Return X with its signed changed to Y's. */
__MATHCALLX (copysign,, (_Mdouble_ __x, _Mdouble_ __y), (__const__));
# 221 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_ISOC99
/* Return representation of NaN for double type. */
__MATHCALLX (nan,, (const char *__tagb), (__const__));
# 228 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
/* Return nonzero if VALUE is not a number. */
__MATHDECL_1 (int,__isnan,, (_Mdouble_ __value)) __attribute__ ((__const__));
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_MISC || defined __USE_XOPEN
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 234 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
/* Return nonzero if VALUE is not a number. */
__MATHDECL_1 (int,isnan,, (_Mdouble_ __value)) __attribute__ ((__const__));
/* Bessel functions. */
__MATHCALL (j0,, (_Mdouble_));
__MATHCALL (j1,, (_Mdouble_));
__MATHCALL (jn,, (int, _Mdouble_));
__MATHCALL (y0,, (_Mdouble_));
__MATHCALL (y1,, (_Mdouble_));
__MATHCALL (yn,, (int, _Mdouble_));
# 245 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_MISC || defined __USE_XOPEN || defined __USE_ISOC99
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 248 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
/* Error and gamma functions. */
__MATHCALL (erf,, (_Mdouble_));
__MATHCALL (erfc,, (_Mdouble_));
__MATHCALL (lgamma,, (_Mdouble_));
# 255 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_ISOC99
/* True gamma function. */
__MATHCALL (tgamma,, (_Mdouble_));
# 262 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_MISC || defined __USE_XOPEN
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 264 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
/* Obsolete alias for `lgamma'. */
__MATHCALL (gamma,, (_Mdouble_));
# 267 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_MISC
/* Reentrant version of lgamma. This function uses the global variable
`signgam'. The reentrant version instead takes a pointer and stores
the value through it. */
__MATHCALL (lgamma,_r, (_Mdouble_, int *__signgamp));
# 274 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_MISC || defined __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED || defined __USE_ISOC99
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 277 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
/* Return the integer nearest X in the direction of the
prevailing rounding mode. */
__MATHCALL (rint,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Return X + epsilon if X < Y, X - epsilon if X > Y. */
__MATHCALLX (nextafter,, (_Mdouble_ __x, _Mdouble_ __y), (__const__));
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if defined __USE_ISOC99 && !defined __LDBL_COMPAT
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 285 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
__MATHCALLX (nexttoward,, (_Mdouble_ __x, long double __y), (__const__));
# endif
# 287 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
/* Return the remainder of integer divison X / Y with infinite precision. */
__MATHCALL (remainder,, (_Mdouble_ __x, _Mdouble_ __y));
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if defined __USE_MISC || defined __USE_ISOC99
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 292 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
/* Return X times (2 to the Nth power). */
__MATHCALL (scalbn,, (_Mdouble_ __x, int __n));
# endif
# 295 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
/* Return the binary exponent of X, which must be nonzero. */
__MATHDECL (int,ilogb,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
# 299 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_ISOC99
/* Return X times (2 to the Nth power). */
__MATHCALL (scalbln,, (_Mdouble_ __x, long int __n));
/* Round X to integral value in floating-point format using current
rounding direction, but do not raise inexact exception. */
__MATHCALL (nearbyint,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Round X to nearest integral value, rounding halfway cases away from
zero. */
__MATHCALLX (round,, (_Mdouble_ __x), (__const__));
/* Round X to the integral value in floating-point format nearest but
not larger in magnitude. */
__MATHCALLX (trunc,, (_Mdouble_ __x), (__const__));
/* Compute remainder of X and Y and put in *QUO a value with sign of x/y
and magnitude congruent `mod 2^n' to the magnitude of the integral
quotient x/y, with n >= 3. */
__MATHCALL (remquo,, (_Mdouble_ __x, _Mdouble_ __y, int *__quo));
/* Conversion functions. */
/* Round X to nearest integral value according to current rounding
direction. */
__MATHDECL (long int,lrint,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
__MATHDECL (long long int,llrint,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Round X to nearest integral value, rounding halfway cases away from
zero. */
__MATHDECL (long int,lround,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
__MATHDECL (long long int,llround,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Return positive difference between X and Y. */
__MATHCALL (fdim,, (_Mdouble_ __x, _Mdouble_ __y));
/* Return maximum numeric value from X and Y. */
__MATHCALLX (fmax,, (_Mdouble_ __x, _Mdouble_ __y), (__const__));
/* Return minimum numeric value from X and Y. */
__MATHCALLX (fmin,, (_Mdouble_ __x, _Mdouble_ __y), (__const__));
/* Classify given number. */
__MATHDECL_1 (int, __fpclassify,, (_Mdouble_ __value))
__attribute__ ((__const__));
/* Test for negative number. */
__MATHDECL_1 (int, __signbit,, (_Mdouble_ __value))
__attribute__ ((__const__));
/* Multiply-add function computed as a ternary operation. */
__MATHCALL (fma,, (_Mdouble_ __x, _Mdouble_ __y, _Mdouble_ __z));
#endif /* Use ISO C99. */
# 357 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_MISC || defined __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED || defined __USE_ISOC99
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 359 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
# 361 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_MISC || defined __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 363 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
/* Return X times (2 to the Nth power). */
__MATHCALL (scalb,, (_Mdouble_ __x, _Mdouble_ __n));
# 366 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
# 90 "/usr/include/math.h" 2 3 4
# undef _Mdouble_
# undef _Mdouble_BEGIN_NAMESPACE
# undef _Mdouble_END_NAMESPACE
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
# if !(defined __NO_LONG_DOUBLE_MATH && defined _LIBC) \
|| defined __LDBL_COMPAT
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 97 "/usr/include/math.h" 3 4
# ifdef __LDBL_COMPAT
# ifdef __USE_ISOC99
extern float __nldbl_nexttowardf (float __x, long double __y)
__THROW __attribute__ ((__const__));
# ifdef __REDIRECT_NTH
extern float __REDIRECT_NTH (nexttowardf, (float __x, long double __y),
__attribute__ ((__const__));
extern double __REDIRECT_NTH (nexttoward, (double __x, long double __y),
nextafter) __attribute__ ((__const__));
extern long double __REDIRECT_NTH (nexttowardl,
(long double __x, long double __y),
nextafter) __attribute__ ((__const__));
# endif
# 112 "/usr/include/math.h" 3 4
# endif
# 113 "/usr/include/math.h" 3 4
# undef __MATHDECL_1
# define __MATHDECL_2(type, function,suffix, args, alias) \
extern type __REDIRECT_NTH(__MATH_PRECNAME(function,suffix), \
args, alias)
# define __MATHDECL_1(type, function,suffix, args) \
__MATHDECL_2(type, function,suffix, args, __CONCAT(function,suffix))
# endif
# 121 "/usr/include/math.h" 3 4
/* Include the file of declarations again, this time using `long double'
instead of `double' and appending l to each function name. */
# ifndef _Mlong_double_
# define _Mlong_double_ long double
# endif
# 128 "/usr/include/math.h" 3 4
# define _Mdouble_ _Mlong_double_
# define __MATH_PRECNAME(name,r) name##l##r
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/mathcalls.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 133 "/usr/include/math.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 1 3 4
/* Prototype declarations for math functions; helper file for <math.h>.
Copyright (C) 1996-2003, 2006, 2011, 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
/* NOTE: Because of the special way this file is used by <math.h>, this
file must NOT be protected from multiple inclusion as header files
usually are.
This file provides prototype declarations for the math functions.
Most functions are declared using the macro:
__MATHCALL (NAME,[_r], (ARGS...));
This means there is a function `NAME' returning `double' and a function
`NAMEf' returning `float'. Each place `_Mdouble_' appears in the
prototype, that is actually `double' in the prototype for `NAME' and
`float' in the prototype for `NAMEf'. Reentrant variant functions are
called `NAME_r' and `NAMEf_r'.
Functions returning other types like `int' are declared using the macro:
__MATHDECL (TYPE, NAME,[_r], (ARGS...));
This is just like __MATHCALL but for a function returning `TYPE'
instead of `_Mdouble_'. In all of these cases, there is still
both a `NAME' and a `NAMEf' that takes `float' arguments.
Note that there must be no whitespace before the argument passed for
NAME, to make token pasting work with -traditional. */
#ifndef _MATH_H
# error "Never include <bits/mathcalls.h> directly; include <math.h> instead."
# 48 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
/* Trigonometric functions. */
/* Arc cosine of X. */
__MATHCALL (acos,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Arc sine of X. */
__MATHCALL (asin,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Arc tangent of X. */
__MATHCALL (atan,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Arc tangent of Y/X. */
__MATHCALL (atan2,, (_Mdouble_ __y, _Mdouble_ __x));
/* Cosine of X. */
__MATHCALL (cos,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Sine of X. */
__MATHCALL (sin,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Tangent of X. */
__MATHCALL (tan,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Hyperbolic functions. */
/* Hyperbolic cosine of X. */
__MATHCALL (cosh,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Hyperbolic sine of X. */
__MATHCALL (sinh,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Hyperbolic tangent of X. */
__MATHCALL (tanh,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
#ifdef __USE_GNU
/* Cosine and sine of X. */
__MATHDECL (void,sincos,,
(_Mdouble_ __x, _Mdouble_ *__sinx, _Mdouble_ *__cosx));
# 84 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_MISC || defined __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED || defined __USE_ISOC99
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 86 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
/* Hyperbolic arc cosine of X. */
__MATHCALL (acosh,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Hyperbolic arc sine of X. */
__MATHCALL (asinh,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Hyperbolic arc tangent of X. */
__MATHCALL (atanh,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
# 95 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
/* Exponential and logarithmic functions. */
/* Exponential function of X. */
__MATHCALL (exp,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Break VALUE into a normalized fraction and an integral power of 2. */
__MATHCALL (frexp,, (_Mdouble_ __x, int *__exponent));
/* X times (two to the EXP power). */
__MATHCALL (ldexp,, (_Mdouble_ __x, int __exponent));
/* Natural logarithm of X. */
__MATHCALL (log,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Base-ten logarithm of X. */
__MATHCALL (log10,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Break VALUE into integral and fractional parts. */
__MATHCALL (modf,, (_Mdouble_ __x, _Mdouble_ *__iptr))
__attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (2)));
#ifdef __USE_GNU
/* A function missing in all standards: compute exponent to base ten. */
__MATHCALL (exp10,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Another name occasionally used. */
__MATHCALL (pow10,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
# 125 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_MISC || defined __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED || defined __USE_ISOC99
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 127 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
/* Return exp(X) - 1. */
__MATHCALL (expm1,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Return log(1 + X). */
__MATHCALL (log1p,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Return the base 2 signed integral exponent of X. */
__MATHCALL (logb,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
# 138 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_ISOC99
/* Compute base-2 exponential of X. */
__MATHCALL (exp2,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/* Compute base-2 logarithm of X. */
__MATHCALL (log2,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
# 148 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
/* Power functions. */
/* Return X to the Y power. */
__MATHCALL (pow,, (_Mdouble_ __x, _Mdouble_ __y));
/* Return the square root of X. */
__MATHCALL (sqrt,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_MISC || defined __USE_XOPEN || defined __USE_ISOC99
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 161 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
/* Return `sqrt(X*X + Y*Y)'. */
__MATHCALL (hypot,, (_Mdouble_ __x, _Mdouble_ __y));
# 166 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if defined __USE_MISC || defined __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED || defined __USE_ISOC99
#endif /* disabled by -frewrite-includes */
#if 1 /* evaluated by -frewrite-includes */
# 168 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
/* Return the cube root of X. */
__MATHCALL (cbrt,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
# 173 "/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h" 3 4
/* Nearest integer, absolute value, and remainder functions. */
/* Smallest integral value not less than X. */
__MATHCALLX (ceil,, (_Mdouble_ __x), (__const__));
/* Absolute value of X. */
__MATHCALLX (fabs,, (_Mdouble_ __x), (__const__));
/* Largest integer not greater than X. */
__MATHCALLX (floor,, (_Mdouble_ __x), (__const__));
/* Floating-point modulo remainder of X/Y. */
__MATHCALL (fmod,, (_Mdouble_ __x, _Mdouble_ __y));
/* Return 0 if VALUE is finite or NaN, +1 if it
is +Infinity, -1 if it is -Infinity. */
__MATHDECL_1 (int,__isinf,, (_Mdouble_ __value)) __attribute__ ((__const__));
/* Return nonzero if VALUE is finite and not NaN. */
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