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Created February 25, 2019 22:32
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Content CORE Onboarding

Welcome! General onboarding details can be found at

Important People


  • Michael Goodwin @mjgoodwin
  • Joseph Cresencia @jcresencia
  • Michael Cravero @Orevarc
  • Brett Nisbett @bnisbett
  • Richard Ison @richardison


  • Belinda Alzner
  • Jasmine Xiao


  • Cristian Bratu @cristianbratu
  • David Cabral @pokerface3

Engineering Leadership

  • Hecham Ghazal
  • Jason Filipe


You should be in these channels:

  • #content
  • #team-content
  • #sharedservicesdevs (requires invite)
  • #team-content-core-dev (requires invite)
  • #ss-dev-notifications
  • #core
  • #engineering

There are many other useful channels to join. Have a look around.


If you notice any incorrect documentation in the READMEs or otherwise, please open a pull request. Before you begin, install Ruby/RVM, Bundler, Node/NPM, and PostgreSQL on your machine.

The main repo used by devops. Clone this repo and add your ssh key to Open a pull request and let @devops-devs know on slack in the #devops channel. We want to run Ansible commands from within a Docker container. To download start go to and install Docker Desktop. Once that is working, follow the instructions at to start the container for this repo. Use the $ wrapper script to execute commands.

This is the repo we use to set-up our development databases. Set this up on your laptop and vagrant up cms core-support rich-content waterfront.

Other content related repos to clone:

Development Flow

  1. Take a JIRA ticket from the top of the queue. The tickets in the ready for development should be in prioritized order. Keep the state of the ticket up to date as it progresses. Try not to have too many tickets in progress simultaneously. Always be shipping.
  2. To start development, create a feature branch. We follow the naming convention of prefixing the branch name with the ticket number, plus a short description. For example, CT-1234-cool-new-thing.
  3. Code it! Remember to add tests as appropriate, and take advantage of the linting tools.
  4. Test it! Once you are satisfied it is working on your local environment and CircleCI is passing, you are ready to test on staging. Merge your branch, deploy, and do some manual QA. If you are satisfied the code is production worthy, it is time to open a pull request.
  5. Open a PR. Prefix the title with the ticket number ([CT-1234] ...). Include a link to the ticket and any other pertinent details in the description. Add labels to the PR as appropriate, and request a review through Github from the rest of team.
  6. Once the PR has been approved twice, QA is complete, and all the stakeholders have give the green light, you are ready to ship. Please squash into one commit before merging. Once a branch has been merged, please delete it from origin.

Recurring Meetings

Daily Stand-up

  • 10:15, but usually starts late.
  • On Tuesdays the entire content team will come.

Biweekly Content CORE Grooming

  • We go through the new and in-progress tickets with the PMs.
  • Make sure the devs know what is coming down the pipe.
  • Estimate complexity.
  • Refine requirements.
  • Discuss implementation details.

Biweekly One-on-one

  • Get to know your manager.
  • Ask questions and give feedback.
  • Receive performance notes.

Biweekly Board Games

  • On Fridays from 4-6.
  • Play board games and have some adult beverages.

Monthly Retrospective

  • Discuss what went well, what went poorly, uncertainties, and risks.
  • Forum to help us improve as a team.

Monthly Tech Demo Days

  • Open forum to present new work, ideas, and learnings to the rest of the engineering team.
  • The barrier to present is very low, so get up there!

Working Hours

  • Put in a solid 8 hours.
  • Core hours are 10-4. Otherwise it is up to you.

Working From Home

  • Feel free to work from home up to once a week.
  • This is helpful if you have an appointment, are expecting a package, or just don't want to commute.
  • You are expected to call in to the Google Hangout for all meetings.
  • Put in the same 8 hours.
  • The expectation is you will be equally, if not more effective.


Our CI tool.

For deploying.

Our Jira board.

Internal Wiki.

Password manager.

Bug tracking.

Server logs.

Performance metrics.

Keep this calendar up to date with your vacations.

Our HR system.

Where the designers upload their designs.

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