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Last active December 14, 2015 12:19
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Algorithm for solving the minimum integer addition chain problem.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import itertools
# The input to the algorithm.
N = 11
def build_tree(n):
# This should be `limit = O(log n)`...
limit = (n // 2) + 1
# Initialize empty sets for each level.
V = [set() for i in range(limit)]
E = [set() for i in range(limit)]
# Add the root node.
V[0].add((1, ))
# Iterate over each level.
# There are O(log n) levels.
for i in range(limit - 1):
# Iterate over each node in the previous level.
# There are O(i^{i^2}) nodes at level i, or O((log n)^{log^2 n}), or
# O(2^{log^2 n log log n}).
for old_node in V[i]:
# Iterate over each pair of previous values in the path specified
# by the previous node.
# There are O(i^2) pairs at level i, or O(log^2 n) pairs.
for (x, y) in itertools.product(old_node, repeat=2):
# Only continue creating the tree if we haven't exceeded n, and
# only if this pair would produce a number greater than the
# current maximum number in the addition chain.
if old_node[-1] < x + y <= n:
# Create the new node.
new_node = old_node + (x + y, )
# Add the new node to the next level of vertices, and add
# an edge from the previous node to the new node.
V[i + 1].add(new_node)
E[i + 1].add((old_node, new_node))
# The returned graph should have vertex set equal to the union of all
# vertices at all levels and edge set equal to the union of all edges at
# all levels.
V = set(itertools.chain(*V))
E = set(itertools.chain(*E))
return (V, E)
def minimum_integer_addition_chain(n):
# Compute the tree.
(V, E) = build_tree(N)
# Find the leaf with the addition chain with the smallest length.
return min((node for node in V if node[-1] == n), key=lambda x: len(x))
if __name__ == '__main__':
best = minimum_integer_addition_chain(N)
print('A shortest integer addition chain for {} is {}.'.format(N, best))
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