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Created June 9, 2015 01:40
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Approximate dominating set with postprocessing heuristic
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Minimum Vertex and Edge Dominating Set
A dominating set for a graph G = (V, E) is a subset D of V such that every
vertex not in D is joined to at least one member of D by some edge. The
domination number gamma(G) is the number of vertices in a smallest dominating
set for G. Given a graph G = (V, E) find a minimum weight dominating set V'.
An edge dominating set for a graph G = (V, E) is a subset D of E such that
every edge not in D is adjacent to at least one edge in D.
# Copyright (C) 2011-2012 by
# Nicholas Mancuso <>
# All rights reserved.
# BSD license.
import networkx as nx
__all__ = ["min_weighted_dominating_set",
__author__ = """Nicholas Mancuso ("""
def min_weighted_dominating_set(G, weight=None,post_process=True):
r"""Return minimum weight vertex dominating set.
G : NetworkX graph
Undirected graph
weight : None or string, optional (default = None)
If None, every edge has weight/distance/weight 1. If a string, use this
edge attribute as the edge weight. Any edge attribute not present
defaults to 1.
min_weight_dominating_set : set
Returns a set of vertices whose weight sum is no more than log w(V) * OPT
This algorithm computes an approximate minimum weighted dominating set
for the graph G. The upper-bound on the size of the solution is
log w(V) * OPT. Runtime of the algorithm is `O(|E|)`.
.. [1] Vazirani, Vijay Approximation Algorithms (2001)
.. [2] Tal Grossman and Avishai Wool, EJOR 101:81-92, (1997)
if not G:
raise ValueError("Expected non-empty NetworkX graph!")
# min cover = min dominating set
dom_set = set([])
cost_func = dict((node, nd.get(weight, 1)) \
for node, nd in G.nodes_iter(data=True))
vertices = set(G)
vertex_depth=dict((node,0) for node in G)
sets = dict((node, set([node]) | set(G[node])) for node in G)
def _cost(node,subset):
""" Our cost effectiveness function for sets given its weight
cost = cost_func[node]
return cost / float(len(subset - dom_set))
while vertices:
# find the most cost effective set, and the vertex that for that set
dom_node, min_set = min(sets.items(),
key=lambda x: ( _cost(x[0],x[1]),x[0])) # second x[0] is tie breaker, not really needed
# add the node to the dominating set and reduce what we must cover
del sets[dom_node]
vertices = vertices - min_set
for v in min_set: vertex_depth[v]=vertex_depth[v]+1
redundancy = dict()
for node in dom_set:
redundancy[node] = -1+ min(vertex_depth[vv] for vv in (set([node]) | set(G[node])))
(max_redun, redun_node) = max(((redundancy[node],node) for node in redundancy),
key = lambda x: (x[0],cost_func[x[1]]))
while max_redun > 0:
dom_set= dom_set-set([redun_node])
del redundancy[redun_node]
for v in set([redun_node]) | set(G[redun_node]): vertex_depth[v]=vertex_depth[v]-1
for node in dom_set:
redundancy[node] = -1+ min(vertex_depth[vv] for vv in (set([node]) | set(G[node])))
max_redun, redun_node = max(((redundancy[node],node) for node in redundancy),
key = lambda x: (x[0],cost_func[x[1]]))
#print vertex_depth
#print redundancy
return dom_set
def min_edge_dominating_set(G):
r"""Return minimum cardinality edge dominating set.
G : NetworkX graph
Undirected graph
post-process=True :
Use Grossman & Wool's post-processing method to ensure result is at least
min_edge_dominating_set : set
Returns a set of dominating edges whose size is no more than 2 * OPT.
The algorithm computes an approximate solution to the edge dominating set
problem. The result is no more than 2 * OPT in terms of size of the set.
Runtime of the algorithm is `O(|E|)`.
if not G:
raise ValueError("Expected non-empty NetworkX graph!")
return nx.maximal_matching(G)
def test_this():
#print nx.nodes(H)
s = min_weighted_dominating_set(H)
print len(s), "=1?"
# should be 1
# here's a good test graph to test post_processing
G= nx.path_graph(6)
should look like
* *
/ \ |
\ / |
* *
s = min_weighted_dominating_set(G)
print len(s), "=2?"
# should = 2
s = min_weighted_dominating_set(G,post_process=False)
print len(s), "=3??" # probably 3
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