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Last active May 13, 2019 17:25
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  • Save jfix/9fb7d9e2510d112e83ee49af0fb9e27f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jfix/9fb7d9e2510d112e83ee49af0fb9e27f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This script takes the current status of the develop branch
and merges it automatically with the master branch.
It will ignore any modifications in the master branch.
This will trigger a deployment of the master branch to
the live server.
Not everyone has the right to make changes to the master
branch. Which is why we're using a GitHub token for a
generic account.
const fs = require('fs-extra')
const git = require('simple-git/promise')()
const path = require('path')
const prompts = require('prompts')
const tempDir = require('temp-dir')
// Abort if the .env file doesn't exist or is not correctly filled in
if (!process.env.GITHUB_NAME || !process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN) {
console.log(`\nThe GitHub login and/or token are missing. Do you have an .env file?\n`)
// Necessary for cloning the remote repository
const masterRepoUrl = `https://${process.env.GITHUB_NAME}:${process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN}`
const masterRepoDir = path.join(tempDir, 't4-eo-digital-report')
console.log(`\n Deleting temp directory first ${masterRepoDir} ...\n`)
(async () => {
try {
// Display warning and force user to type in a phrase/word
const response = await prompts({
type: 'text',
message: `Do you have committed and pushed all your changes to 'develop'?\n This will push your changes to the Live server!\n To continue type 'Yes!' to confirm or anything else to abort.`,
name: 'value'
if (response.value != `Yes!`) {
console.log(`\n -------------------------------------------------`)
console.log(`\n Aborting because input was not 'Yes!'\n`)
console.log(`\n -------------------------------------------------\n`)
console.log(` Ok, now pushing changes to the branch 'master' ...\n`)
// ==============================================================
await git
// make sure we see something while it works
.outputHandler((command, stdout, stderr) => {
// clone repo locally, with default branch 'develop'
.clone(masterRepoUrl, masterRepoDir, ['--branch', 'develop'])
console.log('Now merging ...')
await git.checkout('master')
await git.merge(['-srecursive', '-Xtheirs', 'develop'])
console.log('Now pushing ...')
await git.push('origin', 'master')
} catch(err) {
console.log(`An error occurred: ${err}.`)
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