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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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Script for Hack Session for NYTimes Dialect Map Visualization
#This is my attempt to recreate the [Hack Session for NYTimes Dialect Map Visualization](
# See question on [stackoverflow](
# Get the data
## Create URL address
### Do it this way so that we can use mainURL to get data for individual states later
mainURL <- ''
stateURL <- 'states.html'
url <- paste0(mainURL, stateURL)
## Download URL
tmp <- getURL(url)
## Parse
tmp <- htmlTreeParse(tmp, useInternalNodes = TRUE)
## Extract page addresses and save to subURL
subURL <- unlist(xpathSApply(tmp, '//a[@href]', xmlAttrs))
## Remove pages that aren't state's names
subURL <- subURL[-(1:4)]
## Show first four states
head(subURL, 4)
# Get questions
## Select first state
suburl <- subURL[1]
## Paste it at the end of the main URL
url <- paste0(mainURL, suburl)
## Download URL
tmp <- getURL(url)
## Read data from html
tb <- readHTMLTable(tmp, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## Remove first column
Questions <- tb[[1]][,1]
##Remove empty strings
Questions <- Questions[Questions!= '']
## Check
# Create objects to populate later
survey <- vector(length(subURL), mode = "list")
i <- 1
stateNames <- rep('', length(subURL))
## Populate stateNames
### Remove state_ from stateNames
stateNames <- gsub('state_','',subURL)
### Remove .html from stateNames
stateNames <- gsub('.html','',stateNames)
# Remove pictures in the data representing IPA symbols with their names (e.g., names of the pictures)
## Get url
url <- paste0(mainURL, subURL)
tmp <- getURL(url)
## Replace .gif with _
tmp <- gsub(".gif>", '_', tmp)
## Replace "<img\\s+src=./images/" with _
tmp <- gsub("<img\\s+src=./images/", '_', tmp)
# Read in data
tb <- readHTMLTable(tmp, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#tb <- tb[-1]
## Subset 2nd and 4th columns and apply to every item on list
tb <- lapply(tb, function(x) x[,c(2,4)])
## Remove quotation marks, percent sign and convert to number; apply to every item
tb <- lapply(tb, function(x) {
x [,1 ] = gsub('"','*',x[,1] )
x [,2 ] = gsub('\\(','',x[,2] )
x [,2 ] = gsub('%\\)','',x[,2])
x [,2 ] = as.numeric(x[,2])
## Assign column names to all dataframes
tb <- lapply(tb, setNames , nm = c("option", "percentage"))
## Remove unneeded dataframes in list
tb1 <- tb[-seq(1, length(tb), by=123)]
## Function to clean data sets
f1 <- function(list1){ Reduce(function(...) merge(..., by= 'option', all=TRUE), list1) }; res <- lapply(1:122, function(i) {indx <- seq(i, length(tb), by=122); f1(tb[indx])})
## Function to merge datasets together
res1 <- lapply(1:122, function(i) f1(tb1[seq(i, length(tb1), by=122)]))
## Create names for the states
stateNames2 <- c("Options", stateNames)
# Rename columns in the new dataframes
res2 <- lapply(res1, setNames , nm = stateNames2)
## Recode NAs as O
survey_results <- lapply(res2, function(x) {
x[] <- 0
# Assign names
# Replace \" with *
Questions <- gsub("\"", "*", Questions)
# Assign names to survey_results
names(survey_results) <- Questions
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