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Last active October 20, 2019 23:15
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open collar/rlv scripts
key g_kWearer;
integer g_iGarbleChan;
integer g_iGarbleListen;
string g_sPrefix;
integer bOn;
key g_kBinder;
string Name(key id) {
return "secondlife:///app/agent/"+(string)id+"/inspect";
string garble(string in) {
// [
// "tt",
// "t's",
// "l",
// "k",
// "t",
// "s"
//[ "th",
// "th",
// "w",
// "w",
// "th",
// "sh" ]
// return punctuations unharmed
if (in == "." || in == "," || in == ";" || in == ":" || in == "?") return in;
if (in == "!" || in == " " || in == "(" || in == ")") return in;
// baby talk transformations
if (in == "t") return "th";
if (in == "k" || in == "l") return "w";
if (in == "s") return "sh";
return in;
bind() {
if (bOn) return ;
bOn = TRUE;
g_iGarbleListen = llListen(g_iGarbleChan, "", g_kWearer, "");
release() {
if (!bOn) return;
bOn = FALSE;
g_kBinder = NULL_KEY;
on_rez(integer num) {
if (llGetOwner() != g_kWearer) llResetScript();
state_entry() {
g_kWearer = llGetOwner();
g_sPrefix = llGetSubString(llKey2Name(g_kWearer),0,1);
g_iGarbleChan = llRound(llFrand(499) + 100);
listen(integer iChan, string sName, key kID, string sMsg) {
if (iChan == g_iGarbleChan && kID == g_kWearer) {
string sw = sMsg;
if (llGetSubString(sw, 0, 3) == "/me ") sw = llGetSubString(sw, 4, -1);
if (llGetSubString(sw, 0, 1) == "((" && llGetSubString(sw, -2, -1) == "))") sw = llGetSubString(sw, 2, -3);
if (llSubStringIndex(sw, g_sPrefix)==0) sw = llGetSubString(sw, llStringLength(g_sPrefix), -1);
string sOut;
integer i;
for (i = 0; i < llStringLength(sMsg); i++)
sOut += garble(llToLower(llGetSubString(sMsg, i, i)));
string sMe = llGetObjectName();
llWhisper(0, "/me "+Name(g_kWearer)+" babbles: " + sOut);
// This file is part of OpenCollar.
// Copyright (c) 2008 - 2015 Satomi Ahn, Nandana Singh, Joy Stipe,
// Wendy Starfall, Sumi Perl, littlemousy, Romka Swallowtail et al.
// Licensed under the GPLv2. See LICENSE for full details.
//original by Joy Stipe
integer CMD_OWNER = 500;
//integer CMD_TRUSTED = 501;
//integer CMD_GROUP = 502;
integer CMD_WEARER = 503;
integer CMD_EVERYONE = 504;
integer CMD_SAFEWORD = 510;
integer NOTIFY = 1002;
integer NOTIFY_OWNERS=1003;
integer REBOOT = -1000;
integer LINK_DIALOG = 3;
integer LINK_RLV = 4;
integer LINK_SAVE = 5;
integer LINK_UPDATE = -10;
// messages for storing and retrieving values in the settings script
integer LM_SETTING_SAVE = 2000;
//integer LM_SETTING_REQUEST = 2001;
integer LM_SETTING_RESPONSE = 2002;
integer LM_SETTING_DELETE = 2003;
integer LM_SETTING_EMPTY = 2004;
// messages for creating OC menu structure
integer MENUNAME_REQUEST = 3000;
integer MENUNAME_RESPONSE = 3001;
integer MENUNAME_REMOVE = 3003;
// messages for RLV commands
integer RLV_CMD = 6000;
integer RLV_REFRESH = 6001;//RLV plugins should reinstate their restrictions upon receiving this message.
integer RLV_CLEAR = 6002;//RLV plugins should clear their restriction lists upon receiving this message.
string g_sParentMenu = "Apps";
string GARBLE = "☐ BabyTalk";
string UNGARBLE = "☒ BabyTalk";
key g_kWearer;
integer g_iGarbleChan;
integer g_iGarbleListen;
string g_sSafeWord = "RED";
string g_sPrefix ;
integer bOn;
integer g_iBinder;
key g_kBinder;
integer g_iProfiled;
Debug(string sStr) {
//if you delete the first // from the preceeding and following lines,
// profiling is off, debug is off, and the compiler will remind you to
// remove the debug calls from the code, we're back to production mode
if (!g_iProfiled){
llOwnerSay(llGetScriptName() + "(min free:"+(string)(llGetMemoryLimit()-llGetSPMaxMemory())+")["+(string)llGetFreeMemory()+"] :\n" + sStr);
Notify(key kID, string sMsg, integer iAlsoNotifyWearer) {
string Name(key id) {
return "secondlife:///app/agent/"+(string)id+"/inspect";
string garble(string in) {
// [
// "tt",
// "t's",
// "l",
// "k",
// "t",
// "s"
//[ "th",
// "th",
// "w",
// "w",
// "th",
// "sh" ]
// return punctuations unharmed
if (in == "." || in == "," || in == ";" || in == ":" || in == "?") return in;
if (in == "!" || in == " " || in == "(" || in == ")") return in;
// baby talk transformations
if (in == "t") return "th";
if (in == "k" || in == "l") return "w";
if (in == "s") return "sh";
return in;
bind() {
if (bOn) return ;
bOn = TRUE;
llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, MENUNAME_RESPONSE, g_sParentMenu+"|"+UNGARBLE, "");
llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, MENUNAME_REMOVE, g_sParentMenu+"|"+GARBLE, "");
g_iGarbleListen = llListen(g_iGarbleChan, "", g_kWearer, "");
llMessageLinked(LINK_RLV, RLV_CMD, "redirchat:"+(string)g_iGarbleChan+"=add,chatshout=n", NULL_KEY);
release() {
if (!bOn) return;
bOn = FALSE;
g_iBinder = CMD_EVERYONE;
g_kBinder = NULL_KEY;
llMessageLinked(LINK_SAVE, LM_SETTING_DELETE, "garble_Binder", "");
llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, MENUNAME_RESPONSE, g_sParentMenu + "|" + GARBLE, "");
llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, MENUNAME_REMOVE, g_sParentMenu + "|" + UNGARBLE, "");
llMessageLinked(LINK_RLV, RLV_CMD, "chatshout=y,redirchat:"+(string)g_iGarbleChan+"=rem", NULL_KEY);
UserCommand(integer iAuth, string sStr, key kID, integer iMenu) {
if (iAuth < CMD_OWNER || iAuth > CMD_WEARER) return;
else if (llToLower(sStr) == "settings") {
if (bOn) Notify(kID, "Garbled.", FALSE);
else Notify(kID, "Not Garbled.", FALSE);
} else if (sStr == "menu "+GARBLE || llToLower(sStr) == "garble on") {
if (bOn && g_kBinder == kID) Notify(kID, "I can't garble 'er any more, Jim! She's only a subbie!", FALSE);
else {
g_iBinder = iAuth;
g_kBinder = kID;
llMessageLinked(LINK_SAVE, LM_SETTING_SAVE, "garble_Binder="+(string)kID+","+(string)iAuth, "");
if (kID != g_kWearer) llOwnerSay(Name(kID)+" ordered you to be quiet");
Notify(kID, "%WEARERNAME%'s now speaks like a child", FALSE);
} else if (sStr == "menu "+UNGARBLE || llToLower(sStr) == "garble off") {
if (iAuth <= g_iBinder) {
if (kID != g_kWearer) llOwnerSay("You are free to speak again");
Notify(kID, "%WEARERNAME% is allowed to talk again", FALSE);
} else Notify(kID, "Sorry, the garbler can only be released by someone with an equal or higher rank than the person who set it.", FALSE);
if (iMenu) llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, iAuth, "menu "+g_sParentMenu, kID);
default {
on_rez(integer num) {
if (llGetOwner() != g_kWearer) llResetScript();
state_entry() {
g_kWearer = llGetOwner();
g_sPrefix = llGetSubString(llKey2Name(g_kWearer),0,1);
g_iGarbleChan = llRound(llFrand(499) + 100);
//llMessageLinked(LINK_SAVE, LM_SETTING_REQUEST, "listener_safeword", "");
//llMessageLinked(LINK_SAVE, LM_SETTING_REQUEST, "garble_Binder", "");
link_message(integer iLink, integer iNum, string sMsg, key kID) {
if (iNum >= CMD_OWNER && iNum <= CMD_WEARER) UserCommand(iNum, sMsg, kID, FALSE);
else if (iNum == MENUNAME_REQUEST && sMsg == g_sParentMenu) {
if (bOn) llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, MENUNAME_RESPONSE, g_sParentMenu+"|"+UNGARBLE, "");
else llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, MENUNAME_RESPONSE, g_sParentMenu+"|"+GARBLE, "");
} else if (iNum == RLV_REFRESH) {
if (bOn) bind();
else release();
} else if (iNum == RLV_CLEAR) release();
else if (iNum == CMD_SAFEWORD) release();
else if (iNum == LM_SETTING_RESPONSE) {
list lParam = llParseString2List(sMsg, ["="], []);
string sToken = llList2String(lParam, 0);
if (sToken == "garble_Binder") {
list lValue = llParseString2List(llList2String(lParam,1), [","], []);
g_kBinder = (key)llList2String(lValue, 0);
g_iBinder = (integer)llList2String(lValue, 1);
else if (sToken == "global_safeword") g_sSafeWord = llList2String(lParam, 1);
else if (sToken == "global_prefix") g_sPrefix = llList2String(lParam, 1);
else if (iNum == LM_SETTING_EMPTY && sMsg == "garble_Binder") release();
else if (iNum == LINK_UPDATE) {
if (sMsg == "LINK_DIALOG") LINK_DIALOG = iLink;
else if (sMsg == "LINK_RLV") LINK_RLV = iLink;
else if (sMsg == "LINK_SAVE") LINK_SAVE = iLink;
} else if (iNum == REBOOT && sMsg == "reboot") llResetScript();
listen(integer iChan, string sName, key kID, string sMsg) {
if (iChan == g_iGarbleChan && kID == g_kWearer) {
string sw = sMsg;
if (llGetSubString(sw, 0, 3) == "/me ") sw = llGetSubString(sw, 4, -1);
if (llGetSubString(sw, 0, 1) == "((" && llGetSubString(sw, -2, -1) == "))") sw = llGetSubString(sw, 2, -3);
if (llSubStringIndex(sw, g_sPrefix)==0) sw = llGetSubString(sw, llStringLength(g_sPrefix), -1);
if (sw == g_sSafeWord)
llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, CMD_SAFEWORD, "", "");
llOwnerSay("You used your safeword, your owner will be notified you did.");
llMessageLinked(LINK_DIALOG,NOTIFY_OWNERS,"Your sub %WEARERNAME% has used the safeword. Please check on their well-being in case further care is required.","");
string sOut;
integer i;
for (i = 0; i < llStringLength(sMsg); i++)
sOut += garble(llToLower(llGetSubString(sMsg, i, i)));
string sMe = llGetObjectName();
llWhisper(0, "/me "+Name(g_kWearer)+" mumbles: " + sOut);
changed(integer iChange) {
if (iChange & CHANGED_REGION) {
if (g_iProfiled) {
Debug("profiling restarted");
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