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  • Save jfountain/e71170a55c76e1e2a9b455d7ca57dc15 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jfountain/e71170a55c76e1e2a9b455d7ca57dc15 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Export your open issues in github to a pivotal tracker friendly csv for import, requires github2 python api-client
import csv
from github2.client import Github
# api settings for github
git_username = 'your_git_username'
git_api_token = 'your_git_api_token'
git_repo = 'username/repo_name'
# import all issues as this story type
pivotal_story_type = 'Bug'
# csv name
csv_name = "open_git_hub_issues.csv"
def run_csv():
Export your open github issues into a csv format for
pivotal tracker import
pivotal_csv = csv.writer(open(csv_name, 'wb'), delimiter=',')
github = Github(username=git_username, api_token=git_api_token)
# pivotals csv headers
headers = [
'Story Type',
'Current State',
'Created At',
'Accepted At',
'Requested By',
'Owned By',
# write pivotals header rows
# get the git issues and write the rows to the csv
git_issues = github.issues.list(git_repo, state="open")
for git_issue in git_issues:
labels = ','.join(git_issue.labels)
# alot of these are blank because they are not really
# needed but if you need them just fill them out
story = [
'', # id
git_issue.title, # story
labels, # labels
pivotal_story_type, # story type
'', # estimate
'', # current stats
git_issue.created_at, # created at
'', # accepted at
'', # deadline
'', # requested by
'', # owned by
git_issue.body, # description
'', # note 1
'', # note 2
if __name__ == '__main__':
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