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Last active January 29, 2021 09:19
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Ansible playbook to apply a hotfix for a determined container in the Undercloud
- hosts: localhost
# working_dir: The home directory from where the script is being triggered, usually the Undercloud's /home/stack
working_dir: "/home/stack"
# rc_file: RC file for the undercloud
rc_file: "stackrc"
# hotfix_tag: Tag used to identify the built image for the hotfix, this tag will be appended to the existing container tag
hotfix_tag: "hotfix_bz1911653"
# hotfix_rpm_dir: Location for the RPMS required for the hoftix
hotfix_rpm_dir: "/home/stack/hotfix_bz1911653"
# hotfix_rpm_url: List with the URL for all the RPMs to be dowloaded in hotfix_rpm_dir
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
# container: Name of the container to be patched
container: "mistral_executor"
# container_param: Name of the Heat parameter used to identify the image. This name corresponds to the container
# image name joined (removing underscore) and with the first letter of each word in capital letters:
# Ex: mistral_executor -> MistralExecutor, heat_api -> HeatApi, nova_compute -> NovaCompute
container_param: "MistralExecutor"
- name: Make sure directory to store the rpms exists
path: "{{ hotfix_rpm_dir }}"
state: directory
mode: '0755'
tags: always
- name: Retrieve full container fqdn
become: true
command: "podman inspect --format \\{\\{.ImageName\\}\\} {{ container }}"
register: container_fqdn
tags: always
- block:
- name: Download hotfix rpms
url: "{{ item }}"
dest: "{{ hotfix_rpm_dir }}/{{ item | basename }}"
loop: "{{ hotfix_rpm_url }}"
tags: rpm_download
- name: Execute hotfix command
shell: |
set -o pipefail
source {{ working_dir }}/{{ rc_file }}
openstack tripleo container image hotfix --image {{ container_fqdn.stdout }} \
--rpms-path {{ hotfix_rpm_dir }} --tag {{ hotfix_tag }}
- name: Check if the new image is available
become: true
shell: "buildah images | grep {{ hotfix_tag }}"
- name: Push image to the registry
become: true
shell: |
set -o pipefail
source {{ working_dir}}/{{ rc_file }}
openstack tripleo container image push --local --registry-url {{ container_fqdn.stdout.split('/') | first }} \
{{ container_fqdn.stdout }}-{{ hotfix_tag }}
tags: build_image
- name: Create parameters file
shell: |
cat <<EOF > {{ working_dir }}/{{ hotfix_tag }}.yaml
Container{{ container_param }}Image: {{ container_fqdn.stdout }}-{{ hotfix_tag }}
tags: config_hotfix
- name: Add parameter to undercloud.conf
path: "{{ working_dir }}/undercloud.conf"
backup: true
section: DEFAULT
option: custom_env_files
value: "{{ working_dir }}/{{ hotfix_tag }}.yaml"
tags: config_hotfix
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