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Created January 30, 2020 21:45
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# This script is meant to be used with Jamf Pro and makes use of Jamf Helper.
# The idea behind this script is that it alerts the user that there are required OS
# updates that need to be installed. Rather than forcing updates to take place through the
# command line using "softwareupdate", the user is encouraged to use the GUI to update.
# In recent OS versions, Apple has done a poor job of testing command line-based workflows
# of updates and failed to account for scenarios where users may or may not be logged in.
# The update process through the GUI has not suffered from these kind of issues. The
# script will allow end users to postpone/defer updates X amount of times and then will
# give them one last change to postpone.
# This script should work rather reliably going back to 10.12 and maybe further, but at
# this point the real testing has only been done on 10.14.
# Please note, that this script does NOT cache updates in advance. The reason for this is
# that sometimes Apple releases updates that get superseded in a short time frame.
# This can result in downloaded updates that are in the /Library/Updates path that cannot
# be removed in 10.14+ due to System Integrity Protection.
# JAMF Pro Script Parameters:
# Parameter 4: Optional. Number of postponements allowed. Default: 3
# Parameter 5: Optional. Number of seconds dialog should remain up. Default: 900 seconds
# Parameter 6: Optional. Contact email, number, or department name used in messaging.
# Default: IT
# Here is the expected workflow with this script:
# If no user is logged in, the script will install updates through the command line and
# shutdown/restart as required.
# If a user is logged in and there are updates that require a restart, the user will get
# prompted to update or to postpone.
# If a user is logged in and there are no updates that require a restart, the updates will
# get installed in the background (unless either Safari or iTunes are running.)
# There are a few exit codes in this script that may indicate points of failure:
# 11: No power source detected while doing CLI update.
# 12: Software Update failed.
# 13: FV encryption is still in progress.
# 14: Incorrect deferral type used.
# Potential feature improvement
# Allow user to postpone to a specific time with a popup menu of available times
setDeferral (){
# Notes: PlistBuddy "print" will print stderr to stdout when file is not found.
# File Doesn't Exist, Will Create: /path/to/file.plist
# There is some unused code here with the idea that at some point in the future I can
# extend functionality of this script to support hard and relative dates.
if [[ "$DeferralType" == "date" ]]; then
DeferralDate="$(/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "print :"$BundleID":date" "$DeferralPlist" 2>/dev/null)"
# Set deferral date
if [[ -n "$DeferralDate" ]] && [[ ! "$DeferralDate" == *"File Doesn't Exist"* ]]; then
# PlistBuddy command example
# /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "set :"$BundleID":date '07/04/2019 11:21:51 +0000'" "$DeferralPlist"
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "set :"$BundleID":date $DeferralValue" "$DeferralPlist" 2>/dev/null
# PlistBuddy command example
# /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "add :"$BundleID":date date '07/04/2019 11:21:51 +0000'" "$DeferralPlist"
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "add :"$BundleID":date date $DeferralValue" "$DeferralPlist" 2>/dev/null
elif [[ "$DeferralType" == "count" ]]; then
DeferralCount="$(/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "print :"$BundleID":count" "$DeferralPlist" 2>/dev/null)"
# Set deferral count
if [[ -n "$DeferralCount" ]] && [[ ! "$DeferralCount" == *"File Doesn't Exist"* ]]; then
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "set :"$BundleID":count $DeferralValue" "$DeferralPlist" 2>/dev/null
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "add :"$BundleID":count integer $DeferralValue" "$DeferralPlist" 2>/dev/null
echo "Incorrect deferral type used"
exit 14
# Set path where deferral plist will be placed
DeferralPlistPath="/Library/Application Support/JAMF"
[[ ! -d "$DeferralPlistPath" ]] && /bin/mkdir -p "$DeferralPlistPath"
OSMajorVersion="$(/usr/bin/sw_vers -productVersion | /usr/bin/cut -d '.' -f 2)"
OSMinorVersion="$(/usr/bin/sw_vers -productVersion | /usr/bin/cut -d '.' -f 3)"
# Set default values
[[ -z "$DeferralValue" ]] && DeferralValue=3
[[ -z "$DeferralValue" ]] && TimeOutinSec="900"
[[ -z "$ITContact" ]] && ITContact="IT"
CurrentDeferralValue="$(/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "print :"$BundleID":count" "$DeferralPlist" 2>/dev/null)"
# Set up the deferral value if it does not exist already
if [[ -z "$CurrentDeferralValue" ]] || [[ "$CurrentDeferralValue" == *"File Doesn't Exist"* ]]; then
setDeferral "$BundleID" "$DeferralType" "$DeferralValue" "$DeferralPlist"
CurrentDeferralValue="$(/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "print :"$BundleID":count" "$DeferralPlist" 2>/dev/null)"
jamfHelper="/Library/Application Support/JAMF/bin/"
# Path to temporarily store list of software updates. Avoids having to re-run the softwareupdate command multiple times.
# Set appropriate Software Update icon depending on OS version
if [[ "$OSMajorVersion" -gt 13 ]]; then
elif [[ "$OSMajorVersion" -eq 13 ]]; then
AppleSUIcon="/System/Library/CoreServices/Install Command Line Developer"
elif [[ "$OSMajorVersion" -ge 8 ]] && [[ "$OSMajorVersion" -le 12 ]]; then
elif [[ "$OSMajorVersion" -lt 8 ]]; then
AppleSUIcon="/System/Library/CoreServices/Software Update.icns"
## Verbiage For Messages ##
# Message to guide user to Software Update process
if [[ "$OSMajorVersion" -ge 14 ]]; then
#SUGuide="by clicking on the Apple menu, clicking System Preferences and clicking Software Update to install any available updates."
SUGuide="by navigating to:
 > System Preferences > Software Update"
#SUGuide="by opening up the App Store located in the Applications folder and clicking on the Updates tab to install any available updates."
SUIGuide="by navigating to:
 > App Store > Updates tab"
# Message to let user to contact IT
ContactMsg="There seems to have been an error installing the updates. You can try again $SUGuide
If the error persists, please contact $ITContact."
# Message to display when computer is running off battery
no_ac_power="The computer is currently running off battery and is not plugged into a power source."
# Standard Update Message
StandardUpdatePrompt="There is an OS update available for your Mac. Please click Continue to proceed to Software Update to run this update. If you are unable to start the process at this time, you may choose to postpone by one day.
Attempts left to postpone: $CurrentDeferralValue
You may install macOS software updates at any time $SUGuide"
# Forced Update Message
ForcedUpdatePrompt="There are software updates available for your Mac that require you to restart. You have already postponed updates the maximum number of times.
Please save your work and click 'Update' otherwise this message will disappear and the computer will restart automatically."
# Message shown when running CLI updates
HUDMessage="Please save your work and quit all other applications. macOS software updates are being installed in the background. Do not turn off this computer during this time.
This message will go away when updates are complete and closing it will not stop the update process.
If you feel too much time has passed, please contact $ITContact
## Functions ##
powerCheck (){
# This is meant to be used when doing CLI update installs.
# Updates through the GUI can already determine its own requirements to proceed with
# the update process.
# Let's wait 5 minutes to see if computer gets plugged into power.
for (( i = 1; i <= 5; ++i )); do
if [[ "$(/usr/bin/pmset -g ps | /usr/bin/grep "Battery Power")" = "Now drawing from 'Battery Power'" ]] && [[ $i = 5 ]]; then
echo "$no_ac_power"
elif [[ "$(/usr/bin/pmset -g ps | /usr/bin/grep "Battery Power")" = "Now drawing from 'Battery Power'" ]]; then
/bin/sleep 60
return 0
exit 11
updateCLI (){
# Install all software updates
/usr/sbin/softwareupdate -ia 2>&1 >> "$ListOfSoftwareUpdates" &
## Get the Process ID of the last command run in the background ($!) and wait for it to complete (wait)
# If you don't wait, the computer may take a restart action before updates are finished
SUPID=$(echo "$!")
wait $SUPID
echo $SU_EC
return $SU_EC
updateRestartAction (){
# On T2 hardware, we need to shutdown on certain updates
# Verbiage found when installing updates that require a shutdown:
# To install these updates, your computer must shut down. Your computer will automatically start up to finish installation.
# Installation will not complete successfully if you choose to restart your computer instead of shutting down.
# Please call halt(8) or select Shut Down from the Apple menu. To automate the shutdown process with softwareupdate(8), use --restart.
if [[ "$(/bin/cat "$ListOfSoftwareUpdates" | /usr/bin/grep -E "Please call halt")" || "$(/bin/cat "$ListOfSoftwareUpdates" | /usr/bin/grep -E "your computer must shut down")" ]] && [[ "$SEPType" ]]; then
if [[ "$OSMajorVersion" -eq 13 && "$OSMinorVersion" -ge 4 ]] || [[ "$OSMajorVersion" -ge 14 ]]; then
# Resetting the deferral count
setDeferral "$BundleID" "$DeferralType" "$DeferralValue" "$DeferralPlist"
echo "Restart Action: Shutdown/Halt"
/sbin/shutdown -h now
exit 0
# Resetting the deferral count
setDeferral "$BundleID" "$DeferralType" "$DeferralValue" "$DeferralPlist"
# If no shutdown is required then let's go ahead and restart
echo "Restart Action: Restart"
/sbin/shutdown -r now
exit 0
updateGUI (){
# Update through the GUI
if [[ "$OSMajorVersion" -ge 14 ]]; then
/usr/bin/open "/System/Library/CoreServices/Software"
elif [[ "$OSMajorVersion" -ge 8 ]] && [[ "$OSMajorVersion" -le 13 ]]; then
/usr/bin/open macappstore://showUpdatesPage
fvStatusCheck (){
# Check to see if the encryption process is complete
FVStatus="$(/usr/bin/fdesetup status)"
if [[ $(/usr/bin/grep -q "Encryption in progress" <<< "$FVStatus") ]]; then
echo "The encryption process is still in progress."
echo "$FVStatus"
exit 13
runUpdates (){
"$jamfHelper" -windowType hud -lockhud -title "Apple Software Update" -description "$HUDMessage""START TIME: $(/bin/date +"%b %d %Y %T")" -icon "$AppleSUIcon" &>/dev/null &
## We'll need the pid of jamfHelper to kill it once the updates are complete
JHPID=$(echo "$!")
## Run the jamf policy to insall software updates
## Kill the jamfHelper. If a restart is needed, the user will be prompted. If not the hud will just go away
/bin/kill -s KILL "$JHPID" &>/dev/null
if [[ "$SU_EC" -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "/usr/bin/softwareupdate failed. Exit Code: $SU_EC"
"$jamfHelper" -windowType utility -icon "$AppleSUIcon" -title "Apple Software Updates" -description "$ContactMsg" -button1 "OK"
exit 12
exit 0
# Function to do best effort check if using presentation or web conferencing is active
checkForDisplaySleepAssertions() {
Assertions="$(/usr/bin/pmset -g assertions | /usr/bin/awk '/NoDisplaySleepAssertion | PreventUserIdleDisplaySleep/ && match($0,/\(.+\)/) && ! /coreaudiod/ {gsub(/^\ +/,"",$0); print};')"
# There are multiple types of power assertions an app can assert.
# These specifically tend to be used when an app wants to try and prevent the OS from going to display sleep.
# Scenarios where an app may not want to have the display going to sleep include, but are not limited to:
# Presentation (KeyNote, PowerPoint)
# Web conference software (Zoom, Webex)
# Screen sharing session
# Apps have to make the assertion and therefore it's possible some apps may not get captured.
# Some assertions can be found here:
if [[ "$Assertions" ]]; then
echo "The following display-related power assertions have been detected:"
echo "$Assertions"
echo "Exiting script to avoid disrupting user while these power assertions are active."
exit 0
# Store list of software updates in /tmp which gets cleared periodically by the OS and on restarts
/usr/sbin/softwareupdate -l 2>&1 > "$ListOfSoftwareUpdates"
UpdatesNoRestart=$(/bin/cat "$ListOfSoftwareUpdates" | /usr/bin/grep recommended | /usr/bin/grep -v restart | /usr/bin/cut -d , -f 1 | /usr/bin/sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' | /usr/bin/sed -e 's/^Title:\ *//')
RestartRequired=$(/bin/cat "$ListOfSoftwareUpdates" | /usr/bin/grep restart | /usr/bin/grep -v '\*' | /usr/bin/cut -d , -f 1 | /usr/bin/sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' | /usr/bin/sed -e 's/^Title:\ *//')
# Determine Secure Enclave version
SEPType="$(/usr/sbin/system_profiler SPiBridgeDataType | /usr/bin/awk -F: '/Model Name/ { gsub(/.*: /,""); print $0}')"
# Determine currently logged in user
LoggedInUser="$(/usr/sbin/scutil <<< "show State:/Users/ConsoleUser" | /usr/bin/awk '/Name :/ && ! /loginwindow/ { print $3 }')"
# Let's make sure FileVault isn't encrypting before proceeding any further
# If there are no system updates, reset timer and exit script
if [[ "$UpdatesNoRestart" == "" ]] && [[ "$RestartRequired" == "" ]]; then
echo "No updates at this time."
setDeferral "$BundleID" "$DeferralType" "$DeferralValue" "$DeferralPlist"
exit 0
# If we get to this point, there are updates available.
# If there is no one logged in, let's try to run the updates.
if [[ "$LoggedInUser" == "" ]]; then
updateCLI &>/dev/null
# Someone is logged in. Prompt if any updates require a restart ONLY IF the update timer has not reached zero
if [[ "$RestartRequired" != "" ]]; then
if [[ "$CurrentDeferralValue" -gt 0 ]]; then
# Reduce the timer by 1. The script will run again the next day
let CurrTimer=$CurrentDeferralValue-1
setDeferral "$BundleID" "$DeferralType" "$CurrTimer" "$DeferralPlist"
# If someone is logged in and they have not canceled $DeferralValue times already, prompt them to install updates that require a restart and state how many more times they can press 'cancel' before updates run automatically.
HELPER=$("$jamfHelper" -windowType utility -icon "$AppleSUIcon" -title "Apple Software Updates" -description "$StandardUpdatePrompt" -button1 "Continue" -button2 "Postpone" -cancelButton "2" -defaultButton 2 -timeout "$TimeOutinSec")
echo "Jamf Helper Exit Code: $HELPER"
# If they click "Update" then take them to the software update preference pane
if [ "$HELPER" -eq 0 ]; then
exit 0
HELPER=$("$jamfHelper" -windowType utility -icon "$AppleSUIcon" -title "Apple Software Update" -description "$ForcedUpdatePrompt" -button1 "Update" -defaultButton 1 -timeout "$TimeOutinSec" -countdown -alignCountdown "right")
echo "Jamf Helper Exit Code: $HELPER"
# If they click Install Updates then run the updates
# Looks like someone tried to quit jamfHelper or the jamfHelper screen timed out
# The Timer is already 0, run the updates automatically, the end user has been warned!
if [[ "$HELPER" -eq "0" ]] || [[ "$HELPER" -eq "239" ]]; then
# Install updates that do not require a restart
# Future Fix: Might want to see if Safari and iTunes are running as sometimes these apps sometimes do not require a restart but do require that the apps be closed
# A simple stop gap to see if either process is running.
if [[ "$UpdatesNoRestart" != "" ]] && [[ ! "$(/bin/ps -axc | /usr/bin/grep -e Safari$)" ]] && [[ ! "$(/bin/ps -axc | /usr/bin/grep -e iTunes$)" ]]; then
updateCLI &>/dev/null
exit 0
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