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Created October 18, 2013 00:15
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grunt-connect-proxy config for Ember App Kit
// tasks/options/connect.js
// add the proxy settings on the same level as your server settings
module.exports = {
server: {
options: {
port: process.env.PORT || 8000,
hostname: 'localhost',
base: 'tmp/public',
// Use this option to have the catch-all return a different
// page than index.html on any url not matching an asset.
// wildcard: 'not_index.html'
middleware: middleware
proxies: [{
context: '/api',
host: 'localhost',
port: 7000,
changeOrigin: true,
rejectUnauthorized: false
dist: {
options: {
port: process.env.PORT || 8000,
hostname: '',
base: 'dist/',
middleware: middleware
// add the helper to require proxyRequest
function middleware(connect, options) {
var result = [
// Remove this middleware to disable catch-all routing.
// // Add connect-proxy middlware after lock middleware if enabled
if (Helpers.isPackageAvailable("grunt-connect-proxy")) {
result.splice(1,0, require("grunt-connect-proxy/lib/utils").proxyRequest);
// Add livereload middlware after lock middleware if enabled
if (Helpers.isPackageAvailable("connect-livereload")) {
result.splice(1,0, require("connect-livereload")());
return result;
// add 'configureProxies' before 'connect:server' in the test:server and server tasks
grunt.registerTask('test:server', "Start a Karma test server. Automatically reruns your tests when files change and logs the results to the terminal.", [
'build:debug', 'karma:server', 'configureProxies', 'connect:server', 'watch:test']);
grunt.registerTask('server', "Run your server in development mode, auto-rebuilding when files change.",
['build:debug', 'configureProxies', 'connect:server', 'watch:main']);
// tasks/helpers.js
// add connectProxy to the list of task requirements
var taskRequirements = {
'coffee': ['grunt-contrib-coffee'],
'compass': ['grunt-contrib-compass'],
'sass': ['grunt-sass', 'grunt-contrib-sass'],
'less': ['grunt-contrib-less'],
'stylus': ['grunt-contrib-stylus'],
'emberTemplates': ['grunt-ember-templates'],
'emblem': ['grunt-emblem'],
'connectProxy': ['grunt-connect-proxy']
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