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Last active February 27, 2024 10:08
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Example of deployement code for FHE training
import numpy as np
from sklearn.datasets import make_classification
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from import SGDClassifier
from concrete import fhe
# Generate synthetic dataset for classification
X, y = make_classification(n_samples=1000, n_features=20, n_classes=2, random_state=42)
# Split the dataset into training and testing sets
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)
# Initialize the model for training with Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE)
model = SGDClassifier(fit_encrypted=True, parameters_range=(-1, 1))
# Train the model on the unencrypted data (FHE is disabled for this part)
# This step initializes the FHE circuit, y_train, fhe="disable")
# Extract the FHE circuit generated during training
circuit = model.training_quantized_module.fhe_circuit
def calculate_accuracy(predictions, labels):
"""Calculate the accuracy of predictions against the true labels."""
correct_predictions = sum(p == l for p, l in zip(predictions, labels))
accuracy = correct_predictions / len(labels)
return accuracy
def make_predictions(X, weights, bias):
"""Make predictions using the updated weights and bias from the model."""
predictions =, weights[0]) + bias[0]
logits = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-predictions))
binary_predictions = (logits > 0.5).astype(
return binary_predictions.flatten()
# Save the FHE circuit to a file to be used by the server for encrypted computations"")
# ----- Server-Side Operations -----
# Load the FHE circuit on the server side from the saved file
server = fhe.Server.load("")
# Serialize the client specifications to enable client-side encryption/decryption setup
serialized_client_specs = server.client_specs.serialize()
# ----- Client-Side Operations -----
# Deserialize the client specifications received from the server
client_specs = fhe.ClientSpecs.deserialize(serialized_client_specs)
# Initialize the client with the deserialized specifications
client = fhe.Client(client_specs)
# Generate the necessary encryption/decryption keys on the client side
# Serialize the evaluation keys to be sent back to the server for encrypted computations
serialized_evaluation_keys = client.evaluation_keys.serialize()
# Initialize random weights and bias for the model
weights = np.random.randn(1, X_train.shape[1], 1)
bias = np.random.randn(1, 1, 1)
# Calculate and print the model's accuracy before any FHE-based training adjustments
initial_predictions = make_predictions(X_train, weights, bias)
initial_accuracy = calculate_accuracy(initial_predictions, y_train.flatten())
print(f"Pre-training: Accuracy = {initial_accuracy*100:.2f}%")
# Process the training data in batches for encrypted computations
batch_size = 8
num_batches = len(X_train) // batch_size
# Split the training data into manageable batches
X_train_batches = np.array_split(X_train[:num_batches * batch_size], num_batches)
y_train_batches = np.array_split(y_train[:num_batches * batch_size], num_batches)
# Iterate over each batch to perform encrypted training and accuracy evaluation
for i, (X_batch, y_batch) in enumerate(zip(X_train_batches, y_train_batches)):
# Prepare the data for FHE computation by reshaping and quantizing
X_batch_reshaped = X_batch.reshape(1, batch_size, -1)
y_batch_reshaped = y_batch.reshape(1, batch_size, -1)
quantized_inputs = model.training_quantized_module.quantize_input(X_batch_reshaped, y_batch_reshaped, weights, bias)
# Encrypt the quantized inputs for secure server-side computation
encrypted_inputs = client.encrypt(*quantized_inputs)
serialized_encrypted_inputs = [encrypted_input.serialize() for encrypted_input in encrypted_inputs]
# ----- Server-Side Computation -----
# The server deserialize inputs, performs computation on encrypted inputs, and re-serialize the results
deserialized_encrypted_inputs = [fhe.Value.deserialize(input) for input in serialized_encrypted_inputs]
deserialized_evaluation_keys = fhe.EvaluationKeys.deserialize(serialized_evaluation_keys)
results =*deserialized_encrypted_inputs, evaluation_keys=deserialized_evaluation_keys)
serialized_results = [result.serialize() for result in results]
# ----- Client-Side Post-Computation -----
# Decrypt and dequantize the results to update model weights and bias
deserialized_results = [fhe.Value.deserialize(result) for result in serialized_results]
decrypted_results = client.decrypt(*deserialized_results)
weights, bias = model.training_quantized_module.dequantize_output(*decrypted_results)
# Use the updated weights and bias to make predictions on the current batch
predictions = make_predictions(X_batch, weights, bias)
# Calculate and print the accuracy for the current batch
accuracy = calculate_accuracy(predictions, y_batch.flatten())
print(f"Iteration {i+1}/{num_batches}: Accuracy = {accuracy*100:.2f}%")
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