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Created September 2, 2017 19:14
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export class Board {
constructor(numberOfRows, numberOfColumns, numberOfBombs) {
this._numberOfBombs = numberOfBombs;
this._numberOfTiles = numberOfRows * numberOfColumns
this._playerBoard = Board.generatePlayerBoard(numberOfRows, numberOfColumns)
this._bombBoard = Board.generateBombBoard(numberOfRows, numberOfColumns, numberOfBombs);
get playerBoard() {
return this._playerBoard
flipTile(rowIndex, colIndex) {
if (this._playerBoard[rowIndex][colIndex] !== ' ') { // added space inside of ''
console.log('This tile has already been flipped!')
} else if (this._bombBoard[rowIndex][colIndex] === 'B') {
this._playerBoard[rowIndex][colIndex] = 'B';
} else {
this._playerBoard[rowIndex][colIndex] = this.getNumberOfNeighborBombs(rowIndex, colIndex);
getNumberOfNeighborBombs(rowIndex, colIndex) {
const neighborOffsets = [
[-1, -1],
[0, -1],
[1, -1],
[1, 0],
[1, 1],
[-1, 0],
[-1, 1],
[0, 1]
const numberOfRows = this._bombBoard.length;
const numberOfColumns = this._bombBoard[0].length;
let numberOfBombs = 0; // added let
neighborOffsets.forEach(offset => {
const neighborRowIndex = rowIndex + offset[0]; //removed parantheses
const neighborColIndex = colIndex + offset[1]; // removed parantheses
if (neighborRowIndex >= 0 && neighborRowIndex < numberOfRows && neighborColIndex >= 0 && neighborColIndex < numberOfColumns) {
if (this._bombBoard[neighborRowIndex][neighborColIndex] === 'B') {
return numberOfBombs;
hasSafeTiles() {
return this._numberOfTiles !== this._numberOfBombs
print() {
console.log( => row.join(' | ')).join('\n'))
static generatePlayerBoard(numberOfRows, numberOfColumns) {
let board = []
for (let rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < numberOfRows; rowIndex++) {
let rows = [];
for (let colIndex = 0; colIndex < numberOfColumns; colIndex++) {
rows.push(' ');
return (board);
static generateBombBoard(numberOfRows, numberOfColumns, numberOfBombs) {
let board = []
for (let rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < numberOfRows; rowIndex++) {
let rows = [];
for (let colIndex = 0; colIndex < numberOfColumns; colIndex++) {
let numberOfBombsPlaced = 0;
while (numberOfBombsPlaced < numberOfBombs) {
let randomRowIndex = (Math.floor(Math.random() * numberOfRows))
let randomColIndex = (Math.floor(Math.random() * numberOfColumns))
if (board[randomRowIndex][randomColIndex] !== 'B') {
board[randomRowIndex][randomColIndex] = 'B';
//board[randomRowIndex][randomColIndex] = 'B';
//The code in your while loop has the potential to place bombs on top of already existing bombs. This will be fixed when you learn about control flow.
return (board)
// To play Minesweeper, we will create instances of MineSweeperGame in command line.
// For example:
// In the command line, navigate to the lib directory and run `node`
// Run `.load game.js` to load the contents of this file.
// Then create a Game instance and run commands like so:
// let game = new Game(3, 3, 3);
// game.playMove(0, 1);
// game.playMove(1, 2);
// When done run `.exit`
import { Board } from './board.js'
class Game {
constructor (numberOfRows, numberOfColumns, numberOfBombs) {
this._board = new Board(numberOfRows, numberOfColumns, numberOfBombs)
playMove (rowIndex, colIndex) {
this._board.flipTile(rowIndex, colIndex)
if (this._board.playerBoard[rowIndex][colIndex] === 'B') {
console.log('Game Over')
} else if (this._board.hasSafeTiles()) {
console.log('You Win')
} else console.log('Current Board: ')
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