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Last active March 3, 2019 19:16
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PowerShell check systems for processes using over 1 GB of memory
-John Taylor
Interrogate all Windows systems listed in $disk_space_servers array for processes using over 1 GB
of 'WorkingSet64' memory and save the results to the file listed in $output
You can exclude "known processes" that will use more than 1 GB of memory by editing lines 32-35:
$over_mem_limit += ...
(this could be greatly improved by using an array instead of a bunch of -and clauses)
Also, restart the RSyslogWindowsAgent when it starts using more than 1 GB of memory because it has a memory leak.
write-host ""
write-host "Check systems for processes using over 1 GB of memory..."
write-host ""
# edit this. comma-separated list
$disk_space_servers = @(".")
#edit this. location of results.
$output = "c:\temp\check_servers_email_message.txt"
$file = New-Item -type file $output -force
$over_mem_limit = @()
$disk_servers_checked = 0
foreach ( $svr in $disk_space_servers ) {
try {
write-host "Checking: $svr"
$over_mem_limit += Get-Process -ComputerName $svr | Where-Object {$_.WorkingSet64 -gt 1000000000 -and `
$_.ProcessName -ne "sqlservr" -and $_.ProcessName -ne "MomServer" -and $_.ProcessName -ne "VmsDaemonService" -and `
$_.ProcessName -ne "w3wp" -and $_.ProcessName -ne "java" -and $_.ProcessName -ne "PDQDeployService" -and `
$_.ProcessName -ne "PDQInventoryService" -and $_.ProcessName -ne "javaw" -and $_.ProcessName -ne "ws_TomcatService" }
} catch {
write-warning "Could not connect to: $svr"
$disk_servers_checked += 1
# this sucks, but it works...
$check_mem_results = $over_mem_limit | ft -AutoSize MachineName, @{Label="Working Set (GB)";Expression={"{0:N2}" -f ($_.WorkingSet64/1073741824)}}, ProcessName, Id
$over_mem_limit | ft -AutoSize MachineName, @{Label="Working Set (GB)";Expression={"{0:N2}" -f ($_.WorkingSet64/1073741824)}}, ProcessName, Id | out-file -Encoding "ascii" -Append $output
if( $check_mem_results.Length -gt 0 ) {
#$success = $false
Write-Host $output
} else {
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "No servers have processes using over 1 GB of memory. $disk_servers_checked systems were checked."
Write-Host ""
write-host ""
write-host "====================================================================="
write-host ""
$rsyslog_count = 0
foreach( $proc in $over_mem_limit ) {
if( $proc.ProcessName -eq "rsyslogcl" ) {
$rsyslog_count += 1
write-host $proc.MachineName $proc.ProcessName
$attempts = 0
while($attempts -le 2) {
$result = (gwmi -computername $proc.MachineName -class win32_service | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq "RSyslogWindowsAgent" }).stopservice()
$attempts +=1
sleep $attempts
$restart = (gwmi -computername $proc.MachineName -class win32_service | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq "RSyslogWindowsAgent" }).startservice()
if ($restart -ne $null -and $restart.ReturnValue -eq 0 ) {
$line = "Successfully restarted Rsyslog service (rsyslogcl) on: " + $proc.MachineName
} else {
$line = "Could NOT restart Rsyslog service (rsyslogcl) on: " + $proc.MachineName
write-host $line
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