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Created January 26, 2021 20:50
Enabling Aruba ClearPass on a switch port
@echo off
set PORT=%1
if not defined PORT goto ERR
@echo conf t
@echo vlan 1 untag %PORT%
@echo no port-security %PORT%
@echo aaa port-access authenticator %PORT% client-limit 1
@echo aaa port-access authenticator %PORT% tx-period 10
@echo aaa port-access %PORT% auth-order mac-based authenticator
@echo aaa port-access %PORT% auth-priority authenticator mac-based
@echo aaa port-access authenticator %PORT%
@echo aaa port-access mac-based %PORT%
@echo int %PORT% enable
@echo sho mac-address ^| include %PORT%
@echo sho port-access clients ^| include %PORT%
goto END
@echo Give PORT on cmd line
goto END
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