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Last active May 12, 2021 14:10
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CircuitPythyon Simple i2C Seesaw Rotary Enocder
import board
import busio
from adafruit_seesaw.seesaw import Seesaw
from adafruit_seesaw.digitalio import DigitalIO
from adafruit_seesaw.neopixel import NeoPixel
import struct
_SWITCH = 24
def get_encoder_pos(ss,encoder=0):
"""Read the current position of the encoder"""
buf = bytearray(4), _ENCODER_POSITION + encoder, buf)
return struct.unpack(">i", buf)[0]
def set_encoder_pos(ss, pos, encoder=0):
"""Set the current position of the encoder"""
cmd = struct.pack(">i", pos)
ss.write(_ENCODER_BASE, _ENCODER_POSITION + encoder, cmd)
def get_encoder_delta(ss,encoder=0):
"""Read the change in encoder position since it was last read"""
buf = bytearray(4), _ENCODER_DELTA + encoder, buf)
return struct.unpack(">i", buf)[0]
# initialize i2c_bus (QTPY RP2040)
i2c_bus = busio.I2C(board.SCL1, board.SDA1)
# initialize seesaw
ss = Seesaw(i2c_bus,addr=0x36)
button = DigitalIO(ss,_SWITCH)
button_held = False
neopixel = NeoPixel(ss,_NEOPIX,1)
neopixel[0] = (0,255,0)
while True:
delta = get_encoder_delta(ss)
if delta != 0:
if not button.value and not button_held:
button_held = True
neopixel[0] = (255,0,0)
if button.value and button_held:
neopixel[0] = (0,255,0)
button_held = False
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