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Last active June 11, 2024 18:28
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Computing the number of orbits in a graph, with dreadnaut (nauty), in python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Wrapper around dreadnaut that computes the orbits of a graph.
NOTE: Must have installed `dreandaut`. The location of the binary can be passed
as an argument to `compute_automorphisms`.
Author: Jean-Gabriel Young <>
import subprocess
import networkx as nx
from os import remove
def _build_dreadnaut_file(g):
"""Prepare file to pass to dreadnaut.
Assumes that the nodes are represented by the 0 indexed integers.
# dreadnaut options
file_content = ["As"] # sparse mode
file_content.append("-a") # do not print out automorphisms
file_content.append("-m") # do not print out level markers
# specify graph structure
file_content.append("n=" + str(g.number_of_nodes()) + " g")
for v in sorted(g.nodes()):
line = " " + str(v) + " : "
for nb in g.neighbors(v):
if v < nb:
line += str(nb) + " "
line += ";"
# add nauty command
return file_content
def compute_automorphisms(g, tmp_path="/tmp/dreadnaut.txt", dreadnaut_call="dreadnaut"):
# get dreadnaut command file
file_content = _build_dreadnaut_file(g)
# write to tmp_path
with open(tmp_path, 'w') as f:
print("\n".join(file_content), file=f)
# call dreadnaut
proc =[dreadnaut_call],
input=b"< " + tmp_path.encode(),
[info, _, orbits] = proc.stdout.decode().strip().split("\n", 2)
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Extract high level info from captured output
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
num_orbits = int(info.split(" ")[0])
num_gen = int(info.split(" ")[3])
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Extract orbits
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# This big list comprehension splits all orbits into their own sublist, and
# each of these orbits into individual components (as string).
# There is still some post-processing to do since some of them are in the
# compact notation X:X+n when the n+1 nodes of the orbits are contiguous.
X = [_.strip().split(" (")[0].split(" ")
for _ in orbits.replace("\n ",'').strip().split(";")[:-1]]
for i, orbit in enumerate(X):
final_orbit = []
for elem in orbit:
if ":" in elem:
_ = elem.split(":")
final_orbit += range(int(_[0]), int(_[1]) + 1)
final_orbit += [int(elem)]
X[i] = final_orbit
# garbage collection
return num_orbits, num_gen, X
if __name__ == '__main__':
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# declare networkx graph
g = nx.barbell_graph(5, 2)
# orbits and generators of the graph
num_orbits, num_gen, X = compute_automorphisms(g)
print("Graph:\t\t", "num_orbits=" +str(num_orbits), "num_gen=" +str(num_gen))
# Plot
colors = [None for i in range(g.number_of_nodes())]
for idx, orbit in enumerate(X):
for v in orbit:
colors[v] = idx
nx.draw(g, node_color=colors, linewidths=2, width=2, edge_color='gray', edgecolors='k')
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rsln-s commented Mar 1, 2021

I believe there is a bug in how the dreadnaut file is generated. Consider two 6-node complete bipartite graphs K_{3,3} where each vertex in the first graph is connected to a vertex in the second graph:

g = nx.complete_bipartite_graph(3,3)
g2 = nx.relabel_nodes(nx.complete_bipartite_graph(3,3), mapping = {i:i+6 for i in range(6)})
g.add_edges_from([(i,i+6) for i in range(6)])

It is easy to verify that this graph is vertex-transitive. Your gist produces incorrect orbits for this graph. Suggested fix: in line 27 iterate over nodes in the order of increasing label

for v in g.nodes():

should be

for v in sorted(g.nodes()):

This is because the dreadnaut command ; increases the current index.

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jg-you commented Mar 2, 2021

Thanks, the code assumed an implicit sort of the nodes IDs, your fix make it more general.

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