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Last active December 15, 2015 20:29
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object TypeSerializers {
implicit object LongPropertySerializer extends PropertySerializer[Long] {
def sqlType = "long"
implicit object StringPropertySerializer extends PropertySerializer[String] {
def sqlType = "string"
trait TaskProperties {
import TypeSerializers._
var id: Property[Long] = Property("id", None)
var title: Property[String] = Property("title", None)
val properties = List(id, title)
def toSQL() = { Property[_]) => + " " + Property.sqlType(p)).mkString(", ") + ", FOREIGN KEY(task_list_id) REFERENCES task_list(id)"
object Property {
def apply[T](name: String, value: Option[T]) = new Property(name, value)
def sqlType[T](p: Property[T])(implicit propertySerializer: PropertySerializer[T]): String =
class Property[T](val name: String, var value: Option[T])
[error] Task.scala:28: could not find implicit value for parameter propertySerializer:[_$1]
[error] + " " + Property.sqlType(p)).mkString(", ") + ", FOREIGN KEY(task_list_id) REFERENCES task_list(id)"
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