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Last active October 24, 2016 16:01
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module Alexer (scan, test, Token(..), AlexPosn(..), PosToken(..)) where
import Syntax
%wrapper "posn"
$digit = 0-9 -- digits
$alpha = [a-zA-Z] -- alphabetic characters
tokens :-
$white+ ;
"--".* ;
"." { tok (\s -> Dot) }
"lambda" { tok (\s -> Lambda) }
$digit+ { tok (\s -> Int (read s)) }
[\=\+\-\*\/\(\)] { tok (\s -> Sym (head s)) }
[a-z]+ { tok (\s -> Id s) }
-- Each right-hand side has type :: AlexPosn -> String -> Token
-- Some action helpers:
tok :: (String -> Token) -> AlexPosn -> String -> PosToken
tok f (AlexPn abs line col) s =
PosToken (f s) (Position line col)
scan s = alexScanTokens s
-- return tokens without their positions. Good for testing
test s = fmap pickToken (alexScanTokens s)
where pickToken (PosToken token position) = token
module MainSpec (spec) where
import Test.Hspec
import Test.QuickCheck
import Alexer
import HParser
import Syntax
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "Lexer" $ do
it "lexes single lambda" $ do
test "lambda x. x" `shouldBe`
[Lambda,Id "x",Dot,Id "x"]
it "lexes two lambdas" $ do
test "lambda y. lambda x. x y" `shouldBe`
[Lambda,Id "y",Dot,Lambda,Id "x",Dot,Id "x",Id "y"]
it "lexes lambdas in parens" $ do
test "(lambda x. x) (lambda x. x x)" `shouldBe`
[Sym '(',Lambda,Id "x",Dot,Id "x",Sym ')',Sym '(',Lambda,Id "x",Dot,Id "x",Id "x",Sym ')']
describe "Parser" $ do
it "parses a variable eval" $ do
parse (scan "x") `shouldBe` [Eval (Info (Position 1 1)) (Var (Info (Position 1 1)) "x")]
it "parses a lambda" $ do
parse (scan "lambda x.x") `shouldBe` [Eval (Info (Position 1 1)) (Abs (Info (Position 1 1)) "x" (Var (Info (Position 1 10)) "x"))]
it "deals with parens and application" $ do
parse (scan "(lambda x. x) (lambda y. y)") `shouldBe` [Eval (Info (Position 1 2)) (App (Info (Position 1 2)) (Abs (Info (Position 1 2)) "x" (Var (Info (Position 1 12)) "x")) (Abs (Info (Position 1 16)) "y" (Var (Info (Position 1 26)) "y")))]
it "deals with empty input" $ do
parse (scan "") `shouldBe` []
module HParser (parse) where
import Syntax
import Alexer
%name toplevel
%tokentype { Context -> PosToken }
LAMBDA { PosToken (Lambda) _ }
'.' { PosToken Dot _ }
'(' { PosToken (Sym '(') _ }
')' { PosToken (Sym ')') _ }
';' { PosToken (Sym ';') _ }
IDENTIFIER { PosToken _ _}
TopLevel :
Command { \ctx -> [$1] } |
TopLevel ';' Command { \ctx -> $3:$1 } |
{- empty -} { [] }
Command : Term { \ctx -> Eval (termInfo $1) $1 }
Term :
AppTerm { \ctx -> $1 } |
LAMBDA IDENTIFIER '.' Term { \ctx -> Abs (info $1) (getId $2) $4 }
AppTerm :
ATerm {\ctx -> $1 } |
AppTerm ATerm {\ctx -> App (termInfo $1) $1 $2 }
ATerm :
'(' Term ')' { \ctx -> $2 } |
IDENTIFIER {\ctx -> Var (info $1) (getId $1) }
info (PosToken _ pos) = Info pos
token (PosToken tok _) = tok
getId (PosToken (Id s) _) = s
happyError x = error ("Parse Error at line " ++ show x)
parse = toplevel
module Syntax where
data Command =
Eval Info Term |
Bind Info String String deriving (Eq, Show)
data Term =
Var Info String |
Abs Info String Term |
App Info Term Term deriving (Eq, Show)
data Info = Info Position deriving (Eq, Show)
termInfo :: Term -> Info
termInfo (Var info _) = info
termInfo (Abs info _ _) = info
termInfo (App info _ _) = info
-- The token type:
data Token =
Sym Char |
Id String |
Int Int |
Lambda |
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Position = Position Int Int deriving (Eq, Show)
data PosToken = PosToken Token Position deriving (Eq, Show)
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