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Created July 24, 2013 14:48
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Slimer Logger Script
# Description:
# Logs chat to Redis and displays it over HTTP
# Dependencies:
# "redis": ">=0.7.2"
# "moment": ">=1.7.0"
# Configuration:
# LOG_REDIS_URL: URL to Redis backend to use for logging (uses REDISTOGO_URL
# if unset, and localhost:6379 if that is unset.
# LOG_HTTP_USER: username for viewing logs over HTTP (default 'logs' if unset)
# LOG_HTTP_PASS: password for viewing logs over HTTP (default 'changeme' if unset)
# LOG_HTTP_PORT: port for our logging Connect server to listen on (default 8081)
# LOG_STEALTH: If set, bot will not announce that it is logging in chat
# LOG_MESSAGES_ONLY: If set, bot will not log room enter or leave events
# Commands:
# hubot send me today's logs - messages you the logs for today
# hubot what did I miss - messages you logs for the past 10 minutes
# hubot what did I miss in the last x seconds/minutes/hours - messages you logs for the past x
# hubot start logging - start logging messages from now on
# hubot stop logging - stop logging messages for the next 15 minutes
# hubot stop logging forever - stop logging messages indefinitely
# hubot stop logging for x seconds/minutes/hours - stop logging messages for the next x
# i request the cone of silence - stop logging for the next 15 minutes
# Notes:
# This script by default starts a Connect server on 8081 with the following routes:
# /
# Form that takes a room ID and two UNIX timestamps to show the logs between.
# Action is a GET with room, start, and end parameters to /logs/view.
# /logs/view?room=room_name&start=1234567890&end=1456789023&presence=true
# Shows logs between UNIX timestamps <start> and <end> for <room>,
# and includes presence changes (joins, parts) if <presence>
# /logs/:room
# Lists all logs in the database for <room>
# /logs/:room/YYYMMDD?presence=true
# Lists all logs in <room> for the date YYYYMMDD, and includes joins and parts
# if <presence>
# Feel free to edit the HTML views at the bottom of this module if you want to make the views
# prettier or more functional.
# I have only thoroughly tested this script with the xmpp and shell adapters. It doesn't use
# anything that necessarily wouldn't work with other adapters, but it's possible some adapters
# may have issues sending large amounts of logs in a single message.
# Author:
# jenrzzz
Redis = require "redis"
Url = require "url"
Util = require "util"
moment = require "moment"
hubot = require "hubot"
# Convenience class to represent a log entry
class Entry
constructor: (@from, @timestamp, @type='text', @message='') ->
redis_server = Url.parse process.env.LOG_REDIS_URL || process.env.REDISTOGO_URL || 'redis://localhost:6379'
module.exports = (robot) ->
robot.logging ||= {} # stores some state info that should not persist between application runs ||= {}
robot.logger.debug "Starting chat logger."
# Setup our own redis connection
client = Redis.createClient redis_server.port, redis_server.hostname
if redis_server.auth
client.auth redis_server.auth.split(":")[1]
client.on 'error', (err) ->
robot.logger.error "Chat logger was unable to connect to a Redis backend at #{redis_server.hostname}:#{redis_server.port}"
robot.logger.error err
client.on 'connect', ->
robot.logger.debug "Chat logger successfully connected to Redis."
# Add a listener that matches all messages and calls log_message with redis and robot instances and a Response object
robot.listeners.push new hubot.Listener(robot, ((msg) -> return true), (res) -> log_message(client, robot, res))
# Override send methods in the Response prototype so that we can log Hubot's replies
# This is kind of evil, but there doesn't appear to be a better way
log_response = (room, strings...) ->
return unless[room]?.enabled
for string in strings
log_entry client, (new Entry(,, 'text', string)), room
response_orig =
send: robot.Response.prototype.send
reply: robot.Response.prototype.reply
robot.Response.prototype.send = (strings...) ->
log_response, strings... @, strings...
robot.Response.prototype.reply = (strings...) ->
log_response, strings... @, strings...
## HTTP interface ##
if robot.router
app = robot.router
app.get '/', (req, res) ->
res.statusCode = 200
res.setHeader 'Content-Type', 'text/html'
res.end views.index
app.get '/logs/view', (req, res) ->
res.statusCode = 200
res.setHeader 'Content-Type', 'text/html'
if not (req.query.start || req.query.end)
res.end '<strong>No start or end date provided</strong>'
m_start = parseInt(req.query.start)
m_end = parseInt(req.query.end)
if isNaN(m_start) or isNaN(m_end)
res.end "Invalid range"
m_start = moment.unix m_start
m_end = moment.unix m_end
room = || 'general'
presence = !!req.query.presence
get_logs_for_range client, m_start, m_end, room, (replies) ->
res.write views.log_view.head
res.write format_logs_for_html(replies, presence).join("\r\n")
res.end views.log_view.tail
app.get '/logs/:room', (req, res) ->
res.statusCode = 200
res.setHeader 'Content-Type', 'text/html'
res.write views.log_view.head
res.write "<h2>Logs for #{}</h2>\r\n"
res.write "<ul>\r\n"
# This is a bit of a hack... KEYS takes O(n) time
# and shouldn't be used for this, but it's not worth
# creating a set just so that we can list all logs
# for a room.
client.keys "logs:#{}:*", (err, replies) ->
days = []
for key in replies
key = key.slice key.lastIndexOf(':')+1, key.length
days.push moment(key, "YYYYMMDD")
days.sort (a, b) ->
return b.diff(a)
days.forEach (date) ->
res.write "<li><a href=\"/logs/#{}/#{date.format('YYYYMMDD')}\">#{date.format('dddd, MMMM Do YYYY')}</a></li>\r\n"
res.write "</ul>"
res.end views.log_view.tail
app.get '/logs/:room/:id', (req, res) ->
res.statusCode = 200
res.setHeader 'Content-Type', 'text/html'
presence = !!req.query.presence
id = parseInt
if isNaN(id)
res.end "Bad log ID"
get_log client,, id, (logs) ->
res.write views.log_view.head
res.write format_logs_for_html(logs, presence).join("\r\n")
res.end views.log_view.tail
## Chat interface ##
# When we join a room, wait for some activity and notify that we're logging chat
# unless we're in stealth mode
robot.hear /.*/, (msg) ->
room =
robot.logging[room] ||= {}[room] ||= {}
if msg.match[0].match(///(#{} )?(start|stop) logging*///) or process.env.LOG_STEALTH
robot.logging[room].notified = true
if[room].enabled and not robot.logging[room].notified
msg.send "I'm logging messages in #{room} at " +
"http://#{process.env.HUBOT_HOSTNAME}/" +
"logs/#{encodeURIComponent(room)}/#{date_id()}\n" +
"Say `#{} stop logging forever' to disable logging indefinitely."
robot.logging[room].notified = true
# Give current logs url
robot.respond /logs$/i, (msg) ->
msg.send "Logs for this room can be found at: http://#{process.env.HUBOT_HOSTNAME}/logs/#{encodeURIComponent(}/#{date_id()}"
# Enable logging
robot.respond /start logging( messages)?$/i, (msg) ->
enable_logging robot, client, msg
# Disable logging with various options
robot.respond /stop logging( messages)?$/i, (msg) ->
end = moment().add('minutes', 15)
disable_logging robot, client, msg, end
robot.respond /stop logging forever$/i, (msg) ->
disable_logging robot, client, msg, 0
robot.hear /requests? the cone of silence/i, (msg) ->
end = moment().add('minutes', 15)
disable_logging robot, client, msg, end
robot.respond /stop logging( messages)? for( the next)? ([0-9]+) (seconds?|minutes?|hours?)$/i, (msg) ->
num = parseInt msg.match[3]
return if isNaN(num)
end = moment().add(msg.match[4][0], num)
disable_logging robot, client, msg, end
# PM logs to people who request them
robot.respond /(message|send) me (all|the|today'?s) logs?$/i, (msg) ->
get_logs_for_day client, new Date(),, (logs) ->
if logs.length == 0
msg.reply "I don't have any logs saved for today."
logs_formatted = format_logs_for_chat(logs)
robot.send direct_user(,, logs_formatted.join("\n")
robot.respond /what did I miss\??$/i, (msg) ->
now = moment()
before = moment().subtract('m', 10)
get_logs_for_range client, before, now,, (logs) ->
logs_formatted = format_logs_for_chat(logs)
robot.send direct_user(,, logs_formatted.join("\n")
robot.respond /what did I miss in the [pl]ast ([0-9]+) (seconds?|minutes?|hours?)\??/i, (msg) ->
num = parseInt(msg.match[1])
if isNaN(num)
msg.reply "I'm not sure how much time #{msg.match[1]} #{msg.match[2]} refers to."
now = moment()
start = moment().subtract(msg.match[2][0], num)
if now.diff(start, 'days', true) > 1
robot.send direct_user(,,
"I can only tell you activity for the last 24 hours in a message."
start = now.sod().subtract('d', 1)
get_logs_for_range client, start, moment(),, (logs) ->
logs_formatted = format_logs_for_chat(logs)
robot.send direct_user(,, logs_formatted.join("\n")
## Helpers ##
# Converts date into a string formatted YYYYMMDD
date_id = (date=moment())->
date = moment(date) if date instanceof Date
return date.format("YYYYMMDD")
# Returns an array of date IDs for the range between
# start and end (inclusive)
enumerate_keys_for_date_range = (start, end) ->
ids = []
start = moment(start) if start instanceof Date
end = moment(end) if end instanceof Date
start_i = moment(start)
while end.diff(start_i, 'days', true) >= 0
ids.push date_id(start_i)
start_i.add 'days', 1
return ids
# Returns an array of pretty-printed log messages for <logs>
# Params:
# logs - an array of log objects
format_logs_for_chat = (logs) ->
formatted = []
logs.forEach (item) ->
entry = JSON.parse item
timestamp = moment(entry.timestamp)
str = timestamp.format("MMM DD YYYY HH:mm:ss")
if entry.type is 'join'
str += " #{entry.from} joined"
else if entry.type is 'part'
str += " #{entry.from} left"
str += " <#{entry.from}> #{entry.message}"
formatted.push str
return formatted
# Returns an array of lines representing a table for <logs>
# Params:
# logs - an array of log objects
format_logs_for_html = (logs, presence=true) ->
lines = []
last_entry = null
for log in logs
l = JSON.parse log
# Don't print a bunch of join or part messages for the same person. Hubot sometimes
# sees keepalives from Jabber gateways as multiple joins
continue if l.type != 'text' and l.from == last_entry?.from and l.type == last_entry?.type
continue if not presence and l.type != 'text' = moment(l.timestamp)
# If the date changed
if not ( == last_entry?.date?.date() and == last_entry?.date?.month())
lines.push """<div class="row logentry">
<div class="span2">&nbsp;</div>
<div class="span10"><strong>Date changed to #{"D MMMM YYYY")}</strong></div>
last_entry = l
l.time = moment(l.timestamp).format("h:mm:ss a")
switch l.type
when 'join'
lines.push """<div class="row logentry">
<div class="span2">
<div class="span10">
<p><span class="username">#{l.from}</span> joined</p>
when 'part'
lines.push """<div class="row logentry">
<div class="span2">
<div class="span10">
<p><span class="username">#{l.from}</span> left</p>
when 'text'
lines.push """<div class="row logentry">
<div class="span2">
<div class="span10">
<p>&lt;<span class="username">#{l.from}</span>&gt;&nbsp;#{l.message}</p>
return lines
# Returns a User object to send a direct message to
# Params:
# id - the user's adapter ID
# room - string representing the room the user is in (optional for some adapters)
direct_user = (id, room=null) ->
u =
type: 'direct'
id: id
room: room
# Calls back an array of JSON log objects representing the log
# for the given ID
# Params:
# redis - a Redis client object
# room - the room to look up logs for
# id - the date to look up logs for
# callback - a function that takes an array
get_log = (redis, room, id, callback) ->
log_key = "logs:#{room}:#{id}"
return [] if not redis.exists log_key
redis.lrange [log_key, 0, -1], (err, replies) ->
# Calls back an array of JSON log objects representing the log
# for every date ID in <ids>
# Params:
# redis - a Redis client object
# room - the room to look up logs for
# ids - an array of YYYYMMDD date id strings to pull logs for
# callback - a function taking an array of log objects
get_logs_for_array = (redis, room, ids, callback) ->
m = redis.multi()
for id in ids
m.lrange("logs:#{room}:#{id}", 0, -1)
m.exec (err, reply) ->
ret = []
if reply[0] instanceof Array
for r in reply
ret = ret.concat r
ret = reply
# Calls back an array of JSON log objects representing the log
# for <date>
# Params:
# redis - a Redis client object
# date - Date or Moment object representing the date to look up
# room - the room to look up
# callback - function to pass an array of log objects for date to
get_logs_for_day = (redis, date, room, callback) ->
get_log redis, room, date_id(date), (reply) ->
# Calls back an array of JSON log objects representing the log
# between <start> and <end>
# Params:
# redis - a Redis client object
# start - Date or Moment object representing the start of the range
# end - Date or Moment object representing the end of the range (inclusive)
# room - the room to look up logs for
# callback - a function taking an array as an argument
get_logs_for_range = (redis, start, end, room, callback) ->
get_logs_for_array redis, room, enumerate_keys_for_date_range(start, end), (logs) ->
# TODO: use a fuzzy binary search to find the start and end indices
# of the log entries we want instead of iterating through the whole thing
slice = []
for log in logs
e = JSON.parse log
slice.push log if e.timestamp >= start.valueOf() && e.timestamp <= end.valueOf()
# Enables logging for the room that sent response
# Params:
# robot - a Robot instance
# redis - a Redis client object
# response - a Response that can be replied to
enable_logging = (robot, redis, response) ->[] ||= {}
response.reply "Logging is already enabled."
return[].enabled = true[].pause = null
room = || || "unknown"
log_entry(redis, new Entry(,, 'text',
"#{ ||} restarted logging."),
response.reply "I will log messages in #{room} at " +
"http://#{process.env.HUBOT_HOSTNAME}/" +
"logs/#{encodeURIComponent(room)}/#{date_id()} from now on.\n" +
"Say `#{} stop logging forever' to disable logging indefinitely."
# Disables logging for the room that sent response
# Params:
# robot - a Robot instance
# redis - a Redis client object
# response - a Response that can be replied to
# end - a Moment representing the time at which to start logging again, or
# - a number representing the number of milliseconds until logging should be resumed, or
# - 0 or undefined to disable logging indefinitely
disable_logging = (robot, redis, response, end=0) ->
room =[room] ||= {}
# If logging was already disabled
if[room].enabled == false
pause =[room].pause
if pause.time and pause.end and end and end != 0
response.reply "Logging was already disabled #{pause.time.fromNow()} by " +
"#{pause.user} until #{pause.end.format()}."
else[room].pause = null
response.reply "Logging is currently disabled."
response.reply "Logging is currently disabled."
# Otherwise, disable it[room].enabled = false
if end != 0
if not end instanceof moment
if end instanceof Date
end = moment(end)
end = moment().add('seconds', parseInt(end))[room].pause =
time: moment()
user: || || 'unknown'
end: end
log_entry(redis, new Entry(,, 'text',
"#{ ||} disabled logging" +
" until #{end.format()}."), room)
# Re-enable logging after the set amount of time
setTimeout (-> enable_logging(robot, redis, response) if not[room].enabled),
response.reply "OK, I'll stop logging until #{end.format()}."
log_entry(redis, new Entry(,, 'text',
"#{ ||} disabled logging indefinitely."),
response.reply "OK, I'll stop logging from now on."
# Logs an Entry object
# Params:
# redis - a Redis client instance
# entry - an Entry object to log
# room - the room to log it in
log_entry = (redis, entry, room='general') ->
if not entry.type && entry.timestamp
throw new Error("Argument #{entry} to log_entry is not an entry object")
entry = JSON.stringify entry
redis.rpush("logs:#{room}:#{date_id()}", entry)
# Listener callback to log message in redis
# Params:
# redis - a Redis client instance
# response - a Response object emitted from a Listener
log_message = (redis, robot, response) ->
return if not[]?.enabled
if response.message instanceof hubot.TextMessage
type = 'text'
else if response.message instanceof hubot.EnterMessage
type = 'join'
else if response.message instanceof hubot.LeaveMessage
type = 'part'
return if process.env.LOG_MESSAGES_ONLY && type != 'text'
userName = response.message.user?.name || response.message.user?['id']
entry = JSON.stringify(new Entry(userName,, type, response.message.text))
room = || 'general'
redis.rpush("logs:#{room}:#{date_id()}", entry)
## Views ##
views =
index: """
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>View logs</title>
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="span8">
<form action="/logs/view" class="form-vertical" method="get">
<legend>Search for logs</legend>
<label for="room">JID of room</label>
<input name="room" type="text" placeholder=""><br />
<label for="start">UNIX timestamp for start date</label>
<input name="start" type="text" placeholder="1234567890" />
<label for="end">End date</label>
<input name="end" type="text" placeholder="1234567890" />
<span><label for="presence">Show joins and parts?</label>
<input name="presence" type="checkbox" /></span><br /><br />
<button type="submit" class="btn">Submit</button>
head: """
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Viewing logs</title>
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">
<style type="text/css">
.logentry {
font-family: Consolas, Inconsolata, monospace;
.username {
color: blue;
font-weight: bold;
<div class="container">
tail: "</div></body></html>"
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