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Forked from stephenturner/exome-coverage-multi.R
Last active May 6, 2019 07:49
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R code to plot fraction of captured target bases over depth for exome experiments
# Assumes you've already run coverageBed -hist, and grep'd '^all'. E.g. something like:
# find *bam | parallel 'bedtools coverage -hist -b {} -a /home/jgarces/genomes/sureSelect/sureSelect_v5_UTR/S04380219_Covered.bed | grep ^all > coverages/{}.hist.all.txt'
# Get a list of the bedtools output files you'd like to read in (all-in-one)
#print(files <- list.files(pattern="all.txt$"))
# Get a list of the bedtools output files you'd like to read in (by list)
args <- commandArgs(trailingOn = TRUE)
files <- scan(args[1], what = "", sep = "\n")
print(files <- paste0(files, ".hist.all.txt"))
# Optional, create short sample names from the filenames.
print(labs <- gsub("prefixToTrash-0|_GRCh37_sorted_merged_merged\\.nodups\\.bam\\.hist\\.all\\.txt", "", files, perl = TRUE))
# Create lists to hold coverage and cumulative coverage for each alignment, and read the data into these lists.
cov <- list()
cov_cumul <- list()
for (i in 1:length(files)) {
cov[[i]] <- read.table(files[i])
cov_cumul[[i]] <- 1-cumsum(cov[[i]][,5])
# Pick some colors
cols <- brewer.pal(length(cov), "Dark2")
# Save the graph to a file
png(paste0("exome-coverage-plots.", args[1], ".png"), h=1000, w=1000, pointsize=20)
# Create plot area, but do not plot anything. Add gridlines and axis labels.
plot(cov[[1]][2:401, 2], cov_cumul[[1]][1:400], type='n', xlab="Depth", ylab="Fraction of capture target bases \u2265 depth", ylim=c(0,1.0), main="Target Region Coverage")
abline(v = c(20,50,80,100), h = c(0.50,0.90), col = "gray60")
axis(1, at=c(20,50,80), labels=c(20,50,80))
axis(2, at=c(0.90), labels=c(0.90))
axis(2, at=c(0.50), labels=c(0.50))
# Actually plot the data for each of the alignments (stored in the lists).
for (i in 1:length(cov)) points(cov[[i]][2:401, 2], cov_cumul[[i]][1:400], type='l', lwd=3, col=cols[i])
# Add a legend using the nice sample labeles rather than the full filenames.
legend("topright", legend=labs, col=cols, lty=1, lwd=4)
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