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Created August 30, 2017 22:23
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This R script uses dplyr and RODBC to combine individual CSVs into one dataframe that is then uploaded into a Azure SQL database. This cuts down manual processing significantly. Sometimes I'll get 10 or 12 individual csvs and this script frees me up to focus on other processes and tasks.
#Make sure working directory is new invoice folder in Dropbox
#Names of all files put in list to feed to merge code
filenames <- list.files()
#Add Column To Each Individual CSV and specify csv name in that column
read_csv_filename <- function(filename){
ret <- read.csv(filename, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
ret$Source <- filename #EDIT
import.list <- ldply(filenames, read_csv_filename)
#Merge code to put all data into one dataframe (no longer necessary because ldply above combines dataframes)
#savethis <-"rbind", lapply(filenames, read.csv, header = TRUE))
#Remove unnecessary columns
savethis <- subset(import.list, select=-c(Carrier,,,Pricing.Model,Shipping...Handling,
#Data noise and mess clean up
savethis$Tracking.Number <- gsub('=','',savethis$Tracking.Number)
savethis$ <- gsub('=','',savethis$
savethis[] <- lapply(savethis, str_replace_all, pattern = "'", replacement = "''")#escapes single quotes for sql insert later
savethis$Source <- gsub('.csv', '',savethis$Source)
#savethis[] <- 0 no longer needed because SQL import works
savethis$Ship.Date <- gsub('^$', '1/1/1900', savethis$Ship.Date) #more data noise cleanup
savethis <- subset(savethis, select = -X)
#setnames(savethis, old=c("WineDirect.Order.Number","Customer.Order.Number", First iteration of column renames
# "Ship.from.Warehouse","Tracking.Number","",
# "","","Billing.Code","Weight..lbs",
# "Ship.Date","","X3.Tier.Delivery.Services",
# "Fulfillment.Services","Fuel.Surcharge","Line.Haul.Services",
# "Line.Haul.Fuel.Surcharge","Foam.Packaging",
# "Additional.Insert.Fee","Other.Charges.Credits","Package.Total",
# "Source"), new=c("wdOrder", "OrderID","Whse","Tracking","City",
# "State","ZIP","BillingCode","Weight","ShipDate",
# "Zone","ThreeTier","Fulfillment","Fuel","Line",
# "LineFuel","Foam","Inserts","Other","Total",
# "InvoiceFile"))
#plyr::rename(savethis, WineDirect.Order.Number=wdOrder,Customer.Order.Number=OrderID, second iteration of column rename
# Ship.from.Warehouse=Whse,Tracking.Number=Tracking,,
# Weight..lbs.=Weight,Ship.Date=ShipDate,,
# X3.Tier.Delivery.Services=ThreeTier,Fulfillment.Services=Fulfillment,
# Fuel.Surcharge=Fuel,Line.Haul.Services=Line,Line.Haul.Fuel.Surcharge=LineFuel,
# Foam.Packaging=Foam,Additional.Insert.Fee=Inserts,
# Other.Charges.Credits=Other,Package.Total=Total,Source=InvoiceFile)
savethis <- plyr::rename(savethis, c("WineDirect.Order.Number"="wdOrder","Customer.Order.Number"="OrderID",
#Export Data to shipped_wdinvoices table on Azure SQL Database
conn <- odbcConnect("SQL Azure", uid = 'xxxxx', pwd = 'xxxxxx') #ODBC driver set up on Windows ODBC Admin (SQL Azure is the name of the driver)
try(sqlDrop(conn,"temp_invoiceimport", errors = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
sqlSave(conn,savethis, tablename = "temp_invoiceimport",rownames = FALSE,append = TRUE, fast = TRUE)
sqlQuery(conn,paste("insert into shipped_wdinvoices (wdorder,orderid,whse,tracking,city,state,zip,billingcode,weight,shipdate,zone,threetier,fulfillment,fuel,line,linefuel,foam,inserts,other,total,invoicefile) select * from temp_invoiceimport"))
#Save to CSV (deprecated since sql transfer works)
#now <- Sys.time()
#file_name <- paste(format(now,"%Y%m%d"),"combinedinvoices.csv",sep="_")
#write.csv(savethis, file_name)
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