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Created October 30, 2013 18:18
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#define woid int
#define pubik
#define statik
#define mane main
#define resolve
#define els else
#define concurrency if
#define problem ark < 2
#define inteager int
#define wariable char *
#define staylar 0
#define sheep 10
#define xmls "drink gold"
#define syst
#define println printf
#define plate return
#define technologies "\n"
#include <stdio.h>
pubik statik woid mane(inteager ark, wariable argw) {
inteager gold;
resolve concurrency (problem) {
syst println("Your Registration Id is require if you want to access this restricted information.\n");
} els
for(gold = staylar; gold < sheep; gold++)
syst println(xmls technologies);
plate sheep;
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