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Last active January 5, 2023 11:47
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Find out the Agent object corresponding to a BMH
# It returns all the BMH of an spoke cluster
# and its corresponding Agent
# it could be useful when scaling down a cluster with ZTP
# ZTP only controls (and delete) the BMH object
# but the Agent is not under the Gitops control
# and it has to be manually deleted
oc -n <SPOKE_CLUSTER_NS> get -o json \
| jq '.items[].metadata | "BMH resource: " + .labels."" + " with Agent: " + .name '
# or directly get the agent of a BMH
oc -n <SPOKE_CLUSTER_NS> get -o json \
| jq '.items[].metadata | select(.labels.""=="<DELETED_BMH_NAME>") | .name'
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