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Forked from pesakitan22/CategorySagas.js
Created March 22, 2017 19:07
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Redux-Saga for next.js
import {call, put, take, fork} from 'redux-saga/effects'
import {END} from 'redux-saga'
import CategoryActions, {CategoryTypes} from '../Redux/CategoryRedux'
// attempts to fetch category
export function* fetchCategoryServer (api) {
let action = yield take(CategoryTypes.CATEGORY_SERVER)
// check when it stopped
while (action !== END) {
yield fork(fetchCategoryAPI, api)
action = yield take(CategoryTypes.CATEGORY_SERVER)
function* fetchCategoryAPI (api) {
const response = yield call(api.getCategory)
if (response.ok) {
yield put(CategoryActions.categorySuccess(
} else {
yield put(CategoryActions.categoryFailure())
import React, {Component} from 'react'
import withRedux from 'next-redux-wrapper'
import {END} from 'redux-saga'
//init Store
import initStore from '../Redux'
//rootSaga & sagaMiddleWare
import rootSaga from '../RootSaga.js'
import { sagaMiddleware } from '../Redux/CreateStore'
//redux actions
import CategoryActions from '../Redux/CategoryRedux'
let clientTask = null
export default function reduxWrapper (ReduxComponent:Object) {
class ReduxContainer extends Component {
static async getInitialProps ({ store, req, isServer }) {
//check if it's on server or not, otherwise you will dispatch everytime you change route
if (isServer) {
const rootTask =
//dispatch for fetching initial data
//end the task
//await for task to complete then display
await rootTask.done.then(() => {
} else {
constructor (props:any) {
//start saga monitor for client side check whether clientTask is running
if (!clientTask) {
clientTask =
render () {
return (
<ReduxComponent {...this.props} />
return withRedux(initStore)(ReduxContainer)
import { takeLatest } from 'redux-saga'
import { fork } from 'redux-saga/effects'
// server sagas
import { fetchCategoryServer } from './CategorySagas'
// client sagas
import { login, logout } from './AuthSagas'
// api
import API from '../Services/Api'
/* ------------- API ------------- */
// The API we use is only used from Sagas, so we create it here and pass along
// to the sagas which need it.
const api = API.create()
function* serverSagas () {
yield [
fork(fetchCategoryServer, api)
function* clientSagas () {
yield [
fork(login, api)
export default function* root () {
yield [
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Perhaps this article helps other people on how to use Redux Saga in Next. However, thanks for your gist, because it helped me to figure out how things work when the app is server-rendered!

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same here

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Gracias por tu aporte.

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