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Created January 26, 2012 23:28
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Harvest your git messages
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Adapted from
# To use, put something like the following in your .bashrc.local:
# alias harvest='rvm use 1.9.2@harvester;harvester;cd ..;cd -'
author = `git config --global`.chomp
require 'rubygems'
require 'active_support/all'
require 'grit'
include Grit
repo =".")
only_commits_with = ARGV[0] || "#"
puts "Commits for #{author} from last 8 days containing '#{only_commits_with}'\n\n"
commits = repo.commits_since('HEAD', 8.days.ago).select{|c|}.select{|c| c.message.include?(only_commits_with) }
commits_by_date = commits.group_by {|x| x.authored_date.to_date}
output = { |date, commits|
# Only first line of each message
messages = { |c| c.message.split("\n")[0] }.join("; ")
[date, messages].join("\n")
puts output
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