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Last active August 30, 2015 15:30
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"type": "class",
"name": ""
"return": {
"type_name": "class:``",
"description": "The newly created bucket."
"arguments": {
"bucket_name": {
"type_name": "string",
"description": "The bucket name to create.",
"required": false
"name": "",
"type": "function",
"example": "bucket = client.create_bucket('my-bucket')\nprint bucket\n<Bucket: my-bucket>",
"description": "Create a new bucket. This implements \"storage.buckets.insert\". If the bucket already exists, will raise :class:`gcloud.exceptions.Conflict`."
"return": {
"type_name": "class:``",
"description": "The bucket object created."
"arguments": {
"bucket_name": {
"type_name": "string",
"description": "The name of the bucket to be instantiated.",
"required": false
"name": "",
"type": "function",
"example": "",
"description": "Factory constructor for bucket object. .. note:: This will not make an HTTP request; it simply instantiates a bucket object owned by this client."
"return": {
"type_name": "class:``",
"description": "The batch object created."
"arguments": {},
"name": "",
"type": "function",
"example": "",
"description": "Factory constructor for batch object. .. note:: This will not make an HTTP request; it simply instantiates a batch object owned by this client."
"return": {
"type_name": "class:`gcloud.client.Client`",
"description": "The client created with the retrieved P12 credentials."
"arguments": {
"private_key_path": {
"type_name": "string",
"description": "The path to a private key file (this file was given to you when you created the service account). This file must be in P12 format.",
"required": false
"args": {
"type_name": "tuple",
"description": "Remaining positional arguments to pass to constructor.",
"required": false
"client_email": {
"type_name": "string",
"description": "The e-mail attached to the service account.",
"required": false
"kwargs": {
"type_name": "dictionary",
"description": "Remaining keyword arguments to pass to constructor.",
"required": false
"name": "",
"type": "function",
"example": "",
"description": "Factory to retrieve P12 credentials while creating client. .. note:: Unless you have an explicit reason to use a PKCS12 key for your service account, we recommend using a JSON key."
"return": {
"type_name": "iterable of :class:`` objects.",
"description": "All buckets belonging to this project."
"arguments": {
"page_token": {
"type_name": "string or ``NoneType``",
"description": "Optional. Opaque marker for the next \"page\" of buckets. If not passed, will return the first page of buckets.",
"required": false
"max_results": {
"type_name": "integer or ``NoneType``",
"description": "Optional. Maximum number of buckets to return.",
"required": false
"prefix": {
"type_name": "string or ``NoneType``",
"description": "Optional. Filter results to buckets whose names begin with this prefix.",
"required": false
"fields": {
"type_name": "string or ``NoneType``",
"description": "Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. Must be a list of fields. For example to get a partial response with just the next page token and the language of each bucket returned: 'items/id,nextPageToken'",
"required": false
"projection": {
"type_name": "string or ``NoneType``",
"description": "If used, must be 'full' or 'noAcl'. Defaults to 'noAcl'. Specifies the set of properties to return.",
"required": false
"name": "",
"type": "function",
"example": "for bucket in client.list_buckets():\nprint bucket",
"description": "Get all buckets in the project associated to the client. This will not populate the list of blobs available in each bucket. This implements \"storage.buckets.list\"."
"return": {
"type_name": "class:``",
"description": "The bucket matching the name provided or None if not found."
"arguments": {
"bucket_name": {
"type_name": "string",
"description": "The name of the bucket to get.",
"required": false
"name": "",
"type": "function",
"example": "bucket = client.lookup_bucket('doesnt-exist')\nprint bucket\nNone\nbucket = client.lookup_bucket('my-bucket')\nprint bucket\n<Bucket: my-bucket>",
"description": "Get a bucket by name, returning None if not found. You can use this if you would rather check for a None value than catching an exception:"
"return": {
"type_name": "class:`gcloud.pubsub.client.Client`",
"description": "The client created with the retrieved JSON credentials."
"arguments": {
"json_credentials_path": {
"type_name": "string",
"description": "The path to a private key file (this file was given to you when you created the service account). This file must contain a JSON object with a private key and other credentials information (downloaded from the Google APIs console).",
"required": false
"args": {
"type_name": "tuple",
"description": "Remaining positional arguments to pass to constructor.",
"required": false
"kwargs": {
"type_name": "dictionary",
"description": "Remaining keyword arguments to pass to constructor.",
"required": false
"name": "",
"type": "function",
"example": "",
"description": "Factory to retrieve JSON credentials while creating client."
"return": {
"type_name": "class:``",
"description": "The bucket matching the name provided."
"arguments": {
"bucket_name": {
"type_name": "string",
"description": "The name of the bucket to get.",
"required": false
"name": "",
"type": "function",
"example": "try:\nbucket = client.get_bucket('my-bucket')\nexcept gcloud.exceptions.NotFound:\nprint 'Sorry, that bucket does not exist!'",
"description": "Get a bucket by name. If the bucket isn't found, this will raise a :class:``. This implements \"storage.buckets.get\"."
"type": "function",
"name": ""
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