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Created April 15, 2021 18:32
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JSON Web Token for GemStone/S
! ------------------- Class definition for JWT
expectvalue /Class
Object subclass: 'JWT'
instVarNames: #( payload)
classVars: #()
classInstVars: #( cache)
poolDictionaries: #()
inDictionary: UserGlobals
options: #()
! ------------------- Class definition for RsaPublicKey
expectvalue /Class
Object subclass: 'RsaPublicKey'
instVarNames: #( maxAge publicKey server)
classVars: #()
classInstVars: #( cache)
poolDictionaries: #()
inDictionary: UserGlobals
options: #()
! ------------------- Remove existing behavior from JWT
expectvalue /Metaclass3
JWT removeAllMethods.
JWT class removeAllMethods.
! ------------------- Class methods for JWT
set compile_env: 0
category: 'other'
classmethod: JWT
category: 'other'
classmethod: JWT
cache ifNil: [cache := StringKeyValueDictionary new].
cache copy keysAndValuesDo: [:key :value |
value isValid ifFalse: [cache removeKey: key ifAbsent: []].
category: 'other'
classmethod: JWT
forToken: aString
| jwt |
jwt := self cache
at: aString
ifAbsentPut: [self new initialize: aString; yourself].
jwt isValid ifTrue: [^jwt].
self cache removeKey: aString ifAbsent: [].
! ------------------- Instance methods for JWT
set compile_env: 0
category: 'other'
method: JWT
payload ifNil: [^nil].
^payload at: 'aud'
category: 'other'
method: JWT
bytesFromBase64URL: aString
| code result values |
code := 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_'.
values := (Array new: aString size+ 3 // 4 * 4) atAllPut: 0; yourself.
1 to: aString size do: [:i |
| char index |
char := aString at: i.
index := (code indexOf: char) - 1.
values at: i put: index.
result := ByteArray new.
1 to: values size by: 4 do: [:i |
| bytes uint24 |
uint24 := ((values at: i + 0) bitShift: 6 * 3)
+ ((values at: i + 1) bitShift: 6 * 2)
+ ((values at: i + 2) bitShift: 6 * 1)
+ ((values at: i + 3) bitShift: 6 * 0).
bytes := ByteArray new: 3.
bytes unsigned24At: 1 put: uint24.
result addAll: bytes.
category: 'other'
method: JWT
payload ifNil: [^nil].
^payload at: 'email'
category: 'other'
method: JWT
ifNil: [false]
ifNotNil: [payload at: 'email_verified']
category: 'other'
method: JWT
initialize: aString
| header keyPath kid messagePath pieces publicKey result signature signaturePath |
keyPath := '/tmp/key' , self asOop printString.
messagePath := '/tmp/message' , self asOop printString.
signaturePath := '/tmp/signature' , self asOop printString.
pieces := aString subStrings: $..
header := JsonParser parse: (self stringFromBase64URL: (pieces at: 1)).
(header at: 'alg') ~= 'RS256' ifTrue: [self error: 'Unsupported encryption algorithm!'].
kid := header at: 'kid'.
publicKey := RsaPublicKey publicKeyFor: kid.
(GsFile open: keyPath mode: 'w' onClient: false)
nextPutAll: publicKey;
(GsFile open: messagePath mode: 'w' onClient: false)
nextPutAll: (pieces at: 1) , '.' , (pieces at: 2);
signature := self bytesFromBase64URL: (pieces at: 3). "This was encrypted using the private key"
(GsFile open: signaturePath mode: 'wb' onClient: false)
nextPutAll: signature;
result := System performOnServer: 'openssl dgst -sha256 -verify ' , keyPath , ' -signature ' , signaturePath , ' ' , messagePath.
removeServerFile: keyPath;
removeServerFile: messagePath;
removeServerFile: signaturePath;
result trimSeparators = 'Verified OK' ifTrue: [
payload := JsonParser parse: (self stringFromBase64URL: (pieces at: 2)).
category: 'other'
method: JWT
^payload notNil and: [System timeGmt < (payload at: 'exp')]
category: 'other'
method: JWT
stringFromBase64URL: aString
^(self bytesFromBase64URL: aString) bytesIntoString reject: [:each | each codePoint == 0]
! ------------------- Remove existing behavior from RsaPublicKey
expectvalue /Metaclass3
RsaPublicKey removeAllMethods.
RsaPublicKey class removeAllMethods.
! ------------------- Class methods for RsaPublicKey
set compile_env: 0
category: 'other'
classmethod: RsaPublicKey
category: 'other'
classmethod: RsaPublicKey
cache ifNil: [cache := StringKeyValueDictionary new].
cache copy keysAndValuesDo: [:key :value |
value isValid ifFalse: [
cache removeKey: key ifAbsent: ["This method can be recursive"].
self readServer: value server.
category: 'other'
classmethod: RsaPublicKey
maxAgeFrom: aString
| pieces value |
pieces := (aString subStrings: $,) collect: [:each | each trimBlanks].
value := pieces detect: [:each | 8 < each size and: [(each copyFrom: 1 to: 8) = 'max-age=']] ifNone: [self error: 'Invalid response!'].
value := value copyFrom: 9 to: value size.
^System timeGmt2005 + value asNumber
category: 'other'
classmethod: RsaPublicKey
parse: curlString server: serverString
| key line pieces maxAge stream value |
stream := ReadStream on: curlString.
line := stream nextLine.
line size < 4 or: [(line copyFrom: 1 to: 4) ~= 'HTTP'].
] whileTrue: [
stream atEnd ifTrue: [self error: 'Invalid response!'].
(line subStrings at: 2) ~= '200' ifTrue: [self error: 'Invalid response!'].
(line := stream nextLine) notEmpty.
] whileTrue: [
pieces := line subStrings: $:.
key := pieces at: 1.
value := pieces at: 2.
key = 'cache-control' ifTrue: [maxAge := self maxAgeFrom: value]. "System timeGmt2005"
stream nextLine trimBlanks = '{' ifFalse: [self error: 'Invalid response!'].
line := stream nextLine.
line trimBlanks ~= '}'.
] whileTrue: [
pieces := line subStrings: $:.
key := (pieces at: 1) trimBlanks.
value := (pieces at: 2) trimBlanks.
value last == $, ifTrue: [value := (value copyFrom: 1 to: value size - 1) trimBlanks].
(key first == $" and: [key last == $" and: [value first == $" and: [value last == $"]]]) ifFalse: [self error: 'Invalid response!'].
key := key copyFrom: 2 to: key size - 1.
value := value copyFrom: 2 to: value size - 1.
value := value copyReplaceAll: '\n' with: Character lf asString.
self cache at: key put: (self new initialize: value expires: maxAge server: serverString).
category: 'other'
classmethod: RsaPublicKey
publicKeyFor: aString
RsaPublicKey publicKeyFor: 'a322b68bce4311e869639533d3a1a2551d5e74c6'.
| publicKey |
publicKey := self cache
at: aString
ifAbsent: [^nil].
publicKey isValid ifFalse: [self readServer: publicKey server].
publicKey := self cache at: aString.
publicKey isValid ifFalse: [^nil].
^publicKey publicKey
category: 'other'
classmethod: RsaPublicKey
RsaPublicKey readGoogle.
self readServer: ''.
category: 'other'
classmethod: RsaPublicKey
readServer: aString
parse: (System performOnServer: 'curl -i -s ' , aString)
server: aString.
! ------------------- Instance methods for RsaPublicKey
set compile_env: 0
category: 'other'
method: RsaPublicKey
initialize: certificateString expires: anInteger server: serverString
| index string |
maxAge := anInteger.
string := System performOnServer: 'echo ' , certificateString printString , ' | openssl x509 -pubkey'.
index := string indexOfSubCollection: '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----'.
publicKey := string copyFrom: 1 to: index - 1.
server := serverString.
category: 'other'
method: RsaPublicKey
^System timeGmt2005 < maxAge
category: 'other'
method: RsaPublicKey
category: 'other'
method: RsaPublicKey
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