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Created June 27, 2016 09:16
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# Pendulum collocation
# w position of cart
# w1,y1 position of pendulum
import numpy as NP
from casadi import *
from import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
nk = 50 # Control discretization
tf = 3.0 # End time
m = 0.1
l = 1.
M = 1.
gr = 9.81
# Dimensions
nu = 1
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Collocation setup
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Degree of interpolating polynomial
d = 6 #Fails for high order no f%#"@ clue why...
# Choose collocation points
tau_root = [0.0] + collocation_points(d,"radau")
# Size of the finite elements
h = tf/nk
# Coefficients of the collocation equation
C = NP.zeros((d+1,d+1))
# Coefficients of the continuity equation
D = NP.zeros(d+1)
# Dimensionless time inside one control interval
tau = SX.sym("tau")
# All collocation time points
T = NP.zeros((nk,d+1))
for k in range(nk):
for j in range(d+1):
T[k,j] = (k + tau_root[j])
# For all collocation points
for j in range(d+1):
# Construct Lagrange polynomials to get the polynomial basis at the collocation point
L = 1
for r in range(d+1):
if r != j:
L *= (tau-tau_root[r])/(tau_root[j]-tau_root[r])
lfcn = Function('lfcn', [tau],[L])
# Evaluate the polynomial at the final time to get the coefficients of the continuity equation
D[j] = lfcn(1.0)
# Evaluate the time derivative of the polynomial at all collocation points to get the coefficients of the continuity equation
tfcn = lfcn.tangent()
for r in range(d+1):
C[j][r], _ = tfcn(tau_root[r])
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Model Pendulum
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Declare variables (use scalar graph)
t = SX.sym('t') # time
u = SX.sym('u') # control
xa = SX.sym('xa') # algebraic state
p = SX.sym('p',0,1) # parameters
state_labels = ['w0','w','y','dw0','dw','dy'] # cart, mass x, mass y
xd = struct_symSX(state_labels)
xddot = struct_symSX([ 'd'+name for name in state_labels ])
res = vertcat(xddot['dw0'] - xd['dw0'],\
xddot['dw'] - xd['dw'],\
xddot['dy'] - xd['dy'],\
M*xddot['ddw0'] + (xd['w0']-xd['w'])*xa + u, \
m*xddot['ddw'] + (xd['w']-xd['w0'])*xa , \
m*xddot['ddy'] + (xd['y']*xa) + (m*gr) ,\
(xd['w'] - xd['w0'])*(xddot['ddw'] - xddot['ddw0']) + xd['y']*xddot['ddy'] + xd['dy']**2 + (xd['dw0']-xd['dw'])**2 )
# System dynamics (implicit formulation)
ffcn = Function('ffcn', [t,xd,xddot,xa,u,p],[res])
# Objective function
xref = xd()
xref['y'] = l
lagr = 1e2*(u-0)**2
LagrangeTerm = Function('lagrange', [t,xd,xa,u,p],[lagr])
# Differential state bounds
#Path bounds
xD_min = xd(-inf)
xD_max = xd( inf)
#Initial bounds
xDi_min = xd()
xDi_max = xd()
xDi_min['y'] = xDi_max['y'] = -l
#Final bounds
xDf_min = xd(-inf)
xDf_max = xd( inf)
for name in ['y','w0','dw0','dy']:
xDf_min[name] = xDf_max[name] = xref[name]
# Structure holding NLP variables
V = struct_symMX([
P = MX.sym('P',0,1)
# Constraint function for the NLP
coll_cstr = []
continuity_cstr = []
# For all finite elements
for k in range(nk):
# For all collocation points
for j in range(1,d+1):
# Get an expression for the state derivative at the collocation point
xp_jk = 0
for r in range (d+1):
xp_jk += C[r,j]*V["Xd",k,r]
# Add collocation equations to the NLP
fk = ffcn(h*T[k,j],V["Xd",k,j],xp_jk/h, V["XA",k,j-1], V["U",k], P)
# Get an expression for the state at the end of the finite element
xf_k = 0
for r in range(d+1):
xf_k += D[r]*V["Xd",k,r]
# Add continuity equation to NLP
if k < nk-1:
continuity_cstr.append(V["Xd",k+1,0] - xf_k)
xtf = 0
for r in range(d+1):
xtf += D[r]*V["Xd",-1,r]
g = struct_MX(
entry('finaltime', expr = xtf)
# Objective function
f = 0
for k in range(nk):
fk = LagrangeTerm(h*T[k,j],V["Xd",k,0], V["XA",k,0], V["U",k], P)
f += fk
# Initialise NLP - solver
nlp = {"x": V, "p": P, "f": f,"g": g}
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Concatenate constraints
lbg = g()
ubg = g()
for k,name in enumerate(state_labels):
lbg['finaltime',k] = xDf_min[name]
ubg['finaltime',k] = xDf_max[name]
# default bound -inf +inf
vars_lb = V(-inf)
vars_ub = V( inf)
vars_init = V()
# Set states and its bounds
for k in range(nk):
vars_init["Xd",k,:,'w0'] = 0
vars_init["Xd",k,:,'w'] = l*sin(pi*k/float(nk))
vars_init["Xd",k,:,'y'] = -l*cos(pi*k/float(nk))
vars_init["Xd",k,:,'dy'] = l*sin(pi*k/float(nk))*pi/nk/h
vars_init["Xd",k,:,'dw'] = l*cos(pi*k/float(nk))*pi/nk/h
vars_init["Xd",k,:,'dw0'] = 0
for name in xd.keys():
vars_lb["Xd",:,:,name] = xD_min[name]
vars_ub["Xd",:,:,name] = xD_max[name]
vars_init["XA",:,:] = np.array([-sign(xDi_min['y'])*9.81*m])
# Set controls and its bounds
vars_init["U",:] = np.array([0])
vars_lb["U",:] = np.array([-20])
vars_ub["U",:] = np.array([20])
# State at initial time
for name in xd.keys():
vars_lb["Xd",0,0,name] = xDi_min[name]
vars_ub["Xd",0,0,name] = xDi_max[name]
opts = {}
opts["expand"] = True
opts["ipopt.max_iter"] = 1000
opts["ipopt.linear_solver"] = 'ma57'
# opts['hessian_approximation'] = 'limited-memory'
# opts["linear_solver"] = 'ma27'
solver = nlpsol("solver", "ipopt", nlp, opts)
# Initial condition
arg = {}
arg["x0"] = vars_init
# Bounds on x
arg["lbx"] = vars_lb
arg["ubx"] = vars_ub
# Bounds on g
arg["lbg"] = lbg
arg["ubg"] = ubg
# Solve the problem
res = solver(**arg)
# Print the optimal cost
print "optimal cost: ", float(res["f"])
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