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Created December 15, 2014 21:44
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Overload errors
A layer to provide for dataconsistency utilizing a schema
Author: Jason Gillman Jr.
import py2neo
import json
def validateSchema(schema):
Validate the schema
schema is the JSON decoded version
if type(schema) is not dict or len(schema) == 0:
raise Exception('Empty Schema or is not a dict')
for nodeLabel, nodeDef in schema.iteritems():
location = 'Node Index ' + str(nodeLabel)
if not isinstance(nodeLabel, basestring):
raise Exception('Invalid node label in node definition at ' + location)
if type(nodeDef) is not dict:
raise Exception(location + ' is not a dict')
if 'description' in nodeDef and not isinstance(nodeDef['description'], basestring):
raise Exception('description is not a string at ' + location)
if 'requiredProperties' in nodeDef:
if type(nodeDef['requiredProperties']) is not dict:
raise Exception('requiredProperties for ' + location + 'is not a dict')
if len(nodeDef['requiredProperties']) > 0: # Dive into requiredProperties
for propLabel, propDef in nodeDef['requiredProperties'].iteritems():
location = 'Node Index ' + str(nodeLabel) + ' Property Index: ' + str(propLabel)
if not isinstance(propLabel, basestring):
raise Exception('Invalid property label in node definition at ' + location)
if type(propDef) is not dict:
raise Exception(location + ' is not a dict')
if 'validator' not in propDef or not isinstance(propDef['validator'], basestring):
raise Exception('No validator or invalid validator value for ' + location)
if 'description' in propDef and not isinstance(propDef['description'], basestring):
raise Exception('description is not a string at ' + location)
if 'validRelations' in nodeDef:
if type(nodeDef['validRelations']) is not dict:
raise Exception('validRelations for node definition at index ' + location + 'is not a dict')
if len(nodeDef['validRelations']) > 0: # Dive into validRelations
for relType, relDef in nodeDef['validRelations'].iteritems():
location = 'Node Index ' + str(nodeLabel) + ' Relation Index: ' + str(relType)
if not isinstance(relType, basestring):
raise Exception('Invalid relation type value in relation definition at ' + location)
if type(relDef) is not dict:
raise Exception(location + ' is not a dict')
if len(relDef) > 0: # Dive into validTargets
for tgtLabel, tgtDef in relDef.iteritems():
location = 'Node Index ' + str(nodeLabel) + ' Relation Index: ' + str(relType) + ' Target Index: ' + str(tgtLabel)
if not isinstance(tgtLabel, basestring):
raise Exception('Invalid target label in relation definition at ' + location)
if type(tgtDef) is not dict:
raise Exception(location + ' is not a dict')
if len (tgtDef) > 0: # Dive into required properties for the target
for propLabel, propDef in tgtDef.iteritems():
location = 'Node Index ' + str(nodeLabel) + ' Relation Index: ' + str(relType) + ' Target Index: ' + str(tgtLabel) + ' Property Index: ' + str(propLabel)
if not isinstance(propLabel, basestring):
raise Exception('Invalid property label at ' + location)
if type(propDef) is not dict:
raise Exception(location + ' is not a dict')
if 'validator' not in propDef or not isinstance(propDef['validator'], basestring):
raise Exception('No validator or invalid validator value for ' + location)
if 'description' in propDef and not isinstance(propDef['description'], basestring):
raise Exception('description is not a string at ' + location)
class Graph(py2neo.Graph):
An overloaded py2neo.Graph class which contains code to load the schema and validator objects.
Multiple schema objects can be instantiated.
def __init__(self, schemaPath, validatorPath, *args, **kwargs):
Insantiate a Graph object.
schemaPath is the path to the JSON file containing your schema
validatorPath is the path to the script that contains your validators
*args and **kwargs get passed to the py2neo.Graph constructor.
# Schema setup #
schemaFile = open(schemaPath)
rawSchema = json.loads(
validateSchema(rawSchema) # Make sure things are on the up and up
#py2neo.Graph.__init__(*args, **kwargs)
#validatorFile = open(validatorPath)
class Node(py2neo.Node):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
py2neo.Node.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
class Relationship(py2neo.Relationship):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
py2neo.Relationship.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
from __init__ import Graph, Node, Relationship
mygraph = Graph('/home/jgillman/QA Stuff/git-repos/pySchema4neo/documentation/examples/schemas/exampleSchema.json', 'thisisnotapathjustaplaceholder')
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Results in:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 5, in <module>
    mygraph = Graph('/home/jgillman/QA Stuff/git-repos/pySchema4neo/documentation/examples/schemas/exampleSchema.json', 'thisisnotapathjustaplaceholder')
TypeError: __new__() takes at most 2 arguments (3 given)

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