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Created December 4, 2011 21:56
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shell for script to turn pandoc math to svg
-- math2svg.hs
-- compile with:
-- ghc --make math2svg.hs
-- run using:
-- pandoc -t json -s | ./math2svg | pandoc -f json
import Text.Pandoc
import Text.JSON.Generic
main = getContents >>= transform . decodeJSON >>= putStrLn . encodeJSON
transform :: Pandoc -> IO Pandoc
transform = bottomUpM mathToSvg
mathToSvg :: Inline -> IO Inline
mathToSvg (Math mathType x) = do
svg <- -- (CODE TO CONVERT x to SVG tag)
return (RawInline "html" svg)
mathToSvg x = return x
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