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Last active January 15, 2018 16:25
Laravel pre-distribution clean up and package to zip project excluding files that don't need to be shipped
#This program automates creating a clean archive for public release of
#Laravel framework based application. For security, you will need to append .env-example to your final zip archive.
#For Windows with Ubuntu sub-system, create a .bat file called deploy.bat and append ./laravel-deploy.bash.
#Then you can click on the .bat to run deployment script.
# The format of the final filename is "v1" increments to v2 and so forth in consequent runs.
#Target filename
#Target directory with no trailing slash!
echo $(php artisan view:clear)
echo $(php artisan config:clear)
echo $(php artisan route:clear)
echo $(php artisan clear-compiled)
echo $(php artisan cache:clear)
echo $(composer dump-autoload)
echo "Testing target directory..."
if [ -d "$path" ]
echo "Found target directory!"
echo "Creating target directory"
mkdir -p "$path"
echo Reading current versions
ls "$path"
#read -p "Would you like to include Laravel assets? " -n 1 -r
# echo
# if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]
# then
# assets=""
# else
# #exclude if no add "$assets$ after -x on zip command below
# assets="resources/assets/"
# fi
fileName=$(find "$path" -type f -name "$name-*.zip")
array=( $fileName )
echo "Echo current versions is: $currentVer"
echo "Echo new version is: $newVer"
find storage/framework/sessions ! -name '.gitignore' -type f -exec rm {} +
rm -rf storage/debugbar
rm -df public/storage
rm -rf bash.exe.stackdump npm-debug.log storage/logs/laravel.log composer.lock
touch storage/logs/laravel.log
now=$(date +"%m-%d-%Y")
zip -r "$path$name-$now-v$" * -x "*.git*" "*.idea*" "*node_modules/*" "*vendor/*" "zip.bash" "deploy.bat" "npm-debug.log" ".env"
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