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Created May 8, 2012 15:26
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Plotting MODIS data with Matplotlib's Basemap
from osgeo import gdal
from osgeo import osr
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
def reproject_dataset ( dataset, \
pixel_spacing=0.463/100., \
wkt_from="+proj=sinu +R=6371007.181 +nadgrids=@null +wktext", epsg_to=4326 ):
A sample function to reproject and resample a GDAL dataset from within
Python. The idea here is to reproject from one system to another, as well
as to change the pixel size. The procedure is slightly long-winded, but
goes like this:
1. Set up the two Spatial Reference systems.
2. Open the original dataset, and get the geotransform
3. Calculate bounds of new geotransform by projecting the UL corners
4. Calculate the number of pixels with the new projection & spacing
5. Create an in-memory raster dataset
6. Perform the projection
# Define the UK OSNG, see <>
wgs84= osr.SpatialReference ()
wgs84.ImportFromEPSG ( epsg_to )
modis = osr.SpatialReference ()
modis.ImportFromProj4( wkt_from )
tx = osr.CoordinateTransformation ( modis, wgs84 )
# Up to here, all the projection have been defined, as well as a
# transformation from the from to the to :)
# We now open the dataset
g = gdal.Open ( dataset )
# Get the Geotransform vector
geo_t = g.GetGeoTransform ()
x_size = g.RasterXSize # Raster xsize
y_size = g.RasterYSize # Raster ysize
# Work out the boundaries of the new dataset in the target projection
(ulx, uly, ulz ) = tx.TransformPoint( geo_t[0], geo_t[3])
(lrx, lry, lrz ) = tx.TransformPoint( geo_t[0] + geo_t[1]*x_size, \
geo_t[3] + geo_t[5]*y_size )
# Now, we create an in-memory raster
mem_drv = gdal.GetDriverByName( 'MEM' )
# The size of the raster is given the new projection and pixel spacing
# Using the values we calculated above. Also, setting it to store one band
# and to use Float32 data type.
dest = mem_drv.Create('', int((lrx - ulx)/pixel_spacing), \
int((uly - lry)/pixel_spacing), 1, gdal.GDT_Float32)
# Calculate the new geotransform
new_geo = ( ulx, pixel_spacing, geo_t[2], \
uly, geo_t[4], -pixel_spacing )
# Set the geotransform
dest.SetGeoTransform( new_geo )
dest.SetProjection ( wgs84.ExportToWkt() )
# Perform the projection/resampling
res = gdal.ReprojectImage( g, dest, \
modis.ExportToWkt(), wgs84.ExportToWkt(), \
gdal.GRA_Bilinear )
return dest
def plot_gdal_file ( input_dataset, vmin=0, vmax=100 ):
#plt.figure ( figsize=(11.3*0.8, 8.7*0.8), dpi=600 ) # This is A4. Sort of
geo = input_dataset.GetGeoTransform() # Need to get the geotransform (ie, corners)
data = input_dataset.ReadAsArray()
# We need to flip the raster upside down
data = np.flipud( data )
# Define a cylindrical projection
# These are the extents in the native raster coordinates
extent = [ geo[0], geo[0] + input_dataset.RasterXSize*geo[1], \
geo[3], geo[3] + input_dataset.RasterYSize*geo[5]]
print geo
print extent
print input_dataset.RasterXSize
print input_dataset.RasterYSize
map = Basemap( llcrnrlon=extent[0], llcrnrlat=extent[3], \
urcrnrlon=extent[1],urcrnrlat=extent[2], ** projection_opts)
cmap =
cmap.set_under ('0.8' )
cmap.set_bad('0.8' )
cmap.set_over ('0.8')
map.imshow( data, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap, interpolation='nearest')
map.drawcoastlines (linewidth=0.5, color='k')
map.drawcountries(linewidth=0.5, color='k')
map.drawmeridians( np.arange(0,360,5), color='k')
map.drawparallels( np.arange(-90,90,5), color='k')
cb = plt.colorbar( orientation='horizontal', fraction=0.10, shrink=0.8)
cb.set_label(r'$10\cdot LAI$')
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Two scenarios
# 1.- We want to reproject using ``reproject_dataset`` above. Then the input_filename is the full MODIS HDF granule
## input_file='HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"/data/geospatial_10/ucfajlg/MCD15A2_SAfrica/MCD15A2.A2004241.h20v10.005.2007310144752.hdf":MOD_Grid_MOD15A2:Lai_1km'
## reprojected_datset = reproject_dataset ( input_file )
## plot_gdal_file ( reprojected_datset, vmin=0, vmax=40 )
# (Note that in this case, the LAI product example is 1km, and I reproject *and* resample to ~0.5km. Change pixel_spacing option for other values)
# 2.- We already have the reprojected data in an eg VRT file
reprojected_datset = gdal.Open ( "output_raster.vrt" )
plot_gdal_file ( reprojected_datset, vmin=1, vmax=60 )
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