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Save jgomezdans/5488682 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Landsat DN to radiance script using GDAL and Numpy.
#!/usr/bin/env python
SYNOPSIS [-h,--help] [-v,--verbose] [-i,--input] [-o,--output]
This program is used to extract the gain parameters and to convert
Landsat TM "digital numbers" (DNs) to top-of-atmosphere (TOA) radiances.
The units of the output are W/(m2*ster*um). We assume that the user
provides an input band and that the band names follow the standard USGS
naming convention.
$ ./ --input LE71660672004161ASN01_B1.TIF --verbose
Tue Apr 30 14:26:06 2013
Start reading LE71660672004161ASN01_B1.TIF
Using blocksize 7831 x 1
Creating output LE71660672004161ASN01_B1_TOARAD.tif
Start reading LE71660672004161ASN01_B2.TIF
Using blocksize 7831 x 1
Creating output LE71660672004161ASN01_B2_TOARAD.tif
Start reading LE71660672004161ASN01_B3.TIF
Using blocksize 7831 x 1
Creating output LE71660672004161ASN01_B3_TOARAD.tif
Start reading LE71660672004161ASN01_B4.TIF
Using blocksize 7831 x 1
Creating output LE71660672004161ASN01_B4_TOARAD.tif
Start reading LE71660672004161ASN01_B5.TIF
Using blocksize 7831 x 1
Creating output LE71660672004161ASN01_B5_TOARAD.tif
Start reading LE71660672004161ASN01_B7.TIF
Using blocksize 7831 x 1
Creating output LE71660672004161ASN01_B7_TOARAD.tif
Tue Apr 30 14:26:31 2013
TOTAL TIME IN MINUTES: 0.429338383675
-1 if numpy and/or GDAL aren't present
J Gomez-Dans <>
This script is in the public domain, free from copyrights or restrictions.
import sys
import os
import traceback
import optparse
import time
import numpy as np
except ImportError:
print "You need numpy installed"
sys.exit ( -1 )
from osgeo import gdal
except ImportError:
print "You need GDAL installed"
sys.exit ( -1 )
def process_metadata ( fname ):
"""A function to extract the relelvant metadata from the
USGS control file. Returns dicionaries with LMAX, LMIN,
QCAL_LMIN and QCAL_LMAX for each of the bands of interest."""
fp = open( fname, 'r') # Open metadata file
lmax = {} # Dicts to store constants
lmin = {}
qc_lmax = {}
qc_lmin = {}
gain = {}
bias = {}
for line in fp: #
# Check for LMAX and LMIN strings
# Note that parse logic is identical to the first case
# This version of the code works, but is rather inelegant!
if ( line.find ("RADIANCE_MULT_BAND") >= 0 ):
s = line.split("=") # Split by equal sign
the_band = int(s[0].split("_")[3]) # Band number as integer
if the_band in [1,2,3,4,5,7]: # Is this one of the bands we want?
gain[the_band] = float ( s[-1] ) # Get constant as float
elif ( line.find ("RADIANCE_ADD_BAND") >= 0 ):
s = line.split("=") # Split by equal sign
the_band = int(s[0].split("_")[3]) # Band number as integer
if the_band in [1,2,3,4,5,7]: # Is this one of the bands we want?
bias[the_band] = float ( s[-1] ) # Get constant as float
elif ( line.find ("QUANTIZE_CAL_MAX_BAND") >= 0 ):
s = line.split("=") # Split by equal sign
the_band = int(s[0].split("_")[4]) # Band number as integer
if the_band in [1,2,3,4,5,7]: # Is this one of the bands we want?
qc_lmax[the_band] = float ( s[-1] ) # Get constant as float
elif ( line.find ("QUANTIZE_CAL_MIN_BAND") >= 0 ):
s = line.split("=") # Split by equal sign
the_band = int(s[0].split("_")[4]) # Band number as integer
if the_band in [1,2,3,4,5,7]: # Is this one of the bands we want?
qc_lmin[the_band] = float ( s[-1] ) # Get constant as float
elif ( line.find ("RADIANCE_MAXIMUM_BAND") >= 0 ):
s = line.split("=") # Split by equal sign
the_band = int(s[0].split("_")[3]) # Band number as integer
if the_band in [1,2,3,4,5,7]: # Is this one of the bands we want?
lmax[the_band] = float ( s[-1] ) # Get constant as float
elif ( line.find ("RADIANCE_MINIMUM_BAND") >= 0 ):
s = line.split("=") # Split by equal sign
the_band = int(s[0].split("_")[3]) # Band number as integer
if the_band in [1,2,3,4,5,7]: # Is this one of the bands we want?
lmin[the_band] = float ( s[-1] ) # Get constant as float
return ( bias, gain, lmax, lmin, qc_lmax, qc_lmin )
def get_metadata ( fname ):
"""This function takes `fname`, a filename (opionally with a path), and
and works out the associated metadata file"""
original_fname = os.path.basename ( fname )
metadata_fname = original_fname.split("_")[0] + "_MTL.txt"
metadata_fname = os.path.join ( os.path.dirname ( fname ), metadata_fname )
return metadata_fname
def extract_chunk ( the_file, n_blocks=1 ):
"""A function that extracts a chunk from a datafile"""
ds_config = {}
g = gdal.Open ( the_file )
block_size = g.GetRasterBand(1).GetBlockSize()
nx = g.RasterXSize
ny = g.RasterYSize
the_bands = np.arange ( g.RasterCount ) + 1
proj = g.GetProjectionRef()
geoT = g.GetGeoTransform()
ds_config['nx'] = nx
ds_config['ny'] = ny
ds_config['nb'] = g.RasterCount
ds_config['geoT'] = geoT
ds_config['proj'] = proj
block_size = [ block_size[0]*n_blocks, block_size[1]*n_blocks ]
# store these numbers in variables that may change later
nx_valid = block_size[0]
ny_valid = block_size[1]
# find total x and y blocks to be read
nx_blocks = (int)((nx + block_size[0] - 1) / block_size[0]);
ny_blocks = (int)((ny + block_size[1] - 1) / block_size[1]);
buf_size = block_size[0]*block_size[1]
print("Using blocksize %s x %s" %(block_size[0], block_size[1]))
# start looping through blocks of data
# loop through X-lines
for X in xrange( nx_blocks ):
# change the block size of the final piece
if X == nx_blocks-1:
nx_valid = nx - X * block_size[0]
buf_size = nx_valid*ny_valid
# find X offset
this_X = X*block_size[0]
# reset buffer size for start of Y loop
ny_valid = block_size[1]
buf_size = nx_valid*ny_valid
# loop through Y lines
for Y in xrange( ny_blocks ):
# change the block size of the final piece
if Y == ny_blocks-1:
ny_valid = ny - Y * block_size[1]
buf_size = nx_valid*ny_valid
# find Y offset
this_Y = Y*block_size[1]
buf = g.ReadRaster(this_X, this_Y, nx_valid, ny_valid, \
buf_xsize=nx_valid, buf_ysize=ny_valid, \
band_list= the_bands )
a = np.frombuffer(buf, dtype=np.uint8 )
if len(the_bands) > 1:
data_in = a.reshape(( len(the_bands), ny_valid, nx_valid))
data_in = a.reshape(( ny_valid, nx_valid))
yield ( ds_config, this_X, this_Y, nx_valid, ny_valid, data_in )
def convert_to_radiance ( fname, band, gain, bias, lmax, lmin, qc_lmax, qc_lmin, verbose ):
This function reads the input file chunk by chunk using ``extract_chunk``,
and converts from DN to radiance using the methodology given by
# This variable is used to create the output dataset when the first
# chunk of data is read.
first_time = True
# `extract_chunk` can be used to efficiently read chunks of data
# from a GDAL dataset. It uses a "generator", which means that we
# can iterate over it using e.g. a for loop
if verbose:
print "Start reading %s" % fname
# The output filaname.
output_fname = fname.replace(".TIF", "_TOARAD.tif" )
for ( ds_config, this_X, this_Y, nx_valid, ny_valid, data_in ) in \
extract_chunk ( fname ):
if first_time:
if verbose:
print "Creating output %s" % output_fname
# Create output dataset if `first_time` is true
drv = gdal.GetDriverByName ( "GTiff" )
dst_ds = drv.Create ( output_fname, ds_config['nx'], \
ds_config['ny'], 1, gdal.GDT_Float32, options=GDAL_OPTS )
dst_ds.SetGeoTransform ( ds_config['geoT'] )
dst_ds.SetProjection ( ds_config['proj'] )
first_time = False
# Create the output array. Not needed, but we can
# conveniently set the output type here to float32
radiance = np.zeros_like ( data_in, dtype=np.float32 )
# DN to radiance conversion if we have a sensible DN
passer = np.logical_and ( qc_lmin < data_in, data_in < qc_lmax )
radiance = np.where ( passer, \
(( lmax - lmin )/(qc_lmax-qc_lmin))*\
( (data_in*gain + bias) - qc_lmin) + lmin, \
-999 )
# Write the output chunk
dst_ds.GetRasterBand ( 1 ).WriteArray( radiance, \
xoff=this_X, yoff=this_Y)
# Add some useful metadata to the dataset
dst_ds.GetRasterBand( 1 ).SetNoDataValue ( -999 )
dst_ds.GetRasterBand( 1 ).SetMetadata ( {"Band": "%d" % band, \
"Units": "W/(m2*ster*um)", \
"Data": "TOA Radiance" } )
# Need to do this to flush the dataset to disk
dst_ds = None
def main ():
"""The main function"""
global options
global args
metadata_file = get_metadata ( options.input_f )
( gain, bias, lmax, lmin, qc_lmax, qc_lmin ) = process_metadata ( metadata_file )
original_fname = os.path.basename ( options.input_f)
prefix = original_fname.split("_")[0]
fname_prefix = os.path.join ( os.path.dirname ( options.input_f ), prefix )
for the_band in [1,2,3,4,5,7]:
input_file = fname_prefix + "_B%d.TIF" % the_band
convert_to_radiance ( input_file, the_band, \
gain[the_band], bias[the_band], \
lmax[the_band], lmin[the_band], qc_lmax[the_band], \
qc_lmin[the_band], options.verbose )
if __name__ == '__main__':
start_time = time.time()
parser = optparse.OptionParser(formatter=optparse.TitledHelpFormatter(), \
usage=globals()['__doc__'] )
parser.add_option ('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', \
default=False, help='verbose output')
parser.add_option ('-i', '--input', action='store', dest="input_f",\
type=str, help='Input filename')
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if options.verbose: print time.asctime()
if options.verbose: print time.asctime()
if options.verbose: print 'TOTAL TIME IN MINUTES:',
if options.verbose: print (time.time() - start_time) / 60.0
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from gdalconst import *
RED= gdal.Open("d:)
NIR= gdal.Open("d:)

print ('size ',RED.RasterXSize,'x',RED.RasterYSize,
print ('proek ',RED.GetProjection())

geotransform = RED.GetGeoTransform()
if not geotransform is None:
print ('nachal cor (',geotransform[0], ',',geotransform[3],')')
print ('razmer pix = (',geotransform[1], ',',geotransform[5],')')

band_RED = RED.GetRasterBand(1)
band_NIR = NIR.GetRasterBand(1)
proj = RED.GetProjection()
print ('Тип данных',gdal.GetDataTypeName(band_RED.DataType))
print ('Тип данных',gdal.GetDataTypeName(band_NIR.DataType))

if band_RED.GetOverviewCount() > 0:
print ('Канал содержит ', band_RED.GetOverviewCount(),' обзорных изображений.')
if not band_RED.GetRasterColorTable() is None:
print ('Канал содержит таблицу цветов с ',
band_RED.GetRasterColorTable().GetCount(), ' записями.')

if band_NIR.GetOverviewCount() > 0:
print ('Канал содержит ', band_NIR.GetOverviewCount(),' обзорных изображений.')
if not band_NIR.GetRasterColorTable() is None:
print ('Канал содержит таблицу цветов с ',
band_NIR.GetRasterColorTable().GetCount(), ' записями.')

array_RED = band_RED.ReadAsArray()
cut_RED = array_RED[3000:4000,3000:4000]
geotransform_cut = RED.GetGeoTransform()
print (cut_RED)

array_NIR = band_NIR.ReadAsArray()
cut_NIR = array_NIR[3000:4000,3000:4000]
geotransform_cut = NIR.GetGeoTransform()
print (cut_NIR)

NDVI = (calib_NIR - calib_RED)/(calib_NIR + calib_RED)

def Save (image, name):
driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff")
dst_ds = driver.Create("d:\Rul\Python\Landsat 8{}.TIF".format(name), 1000, 1000, 1, gdal. GDT_Float32)
dst_ds.SetGeoTransform([geotransform[0]+3000geotransform[1],geotransform[1], 0,
geotransform[5], 0, geotransform[5]])

Save (calib_RED , 'RED')
Save (calib_NIR , 'NIR')
Save (NDVI , 'NDVI')

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Is it possible you've switched around gain/bias?
return ( bias, gain, lmax, lmin, qc_lmax, qc_lmin )
( gain, bias, lmax, lmin, qc_lmax, qc_lmin ) = process_metadata ( metadata_file )


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arashmad commented Aug 23, 2020

Is it possible you've switched around gain/bias?
return ( bias, gain, lmax, lmin, qc_lmax, qc_lmin )
( gain, bias, lmax, lmin, qc_lmax, qc_lmin ) = process_metadata ( metadata_file )


I think the order should be followed.
def test_return():
a = 1
b = 2
return (a , b)

and then
(b, a) = test_retun()
print('a: %s' % a)
print('b: %s' % b)

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