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Last active January 24, 2024 13:45
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Sentinel1 from Planetary Computer: Angle of incidence
from io import StringIO
from typing import Optional, List
import numpy as np
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import pandas as pd
import requests
import xarray as xr
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
import pyproj
import stackstac
class CatalogItem:
# Assuming this class exists with necessary attributes
def get_schema_product_urls(item: CatalogItem, catalog) -> List[str]:
Extracts and returns a list of URLs for a given catalog item.
This function addresses issues with STAC objects pointing to incorrect
metadata files.
- item (CatalogItem): An object representing a catalog item.
- catalog: A stac catalogue
- List[str]: A list of URL strings.
grd_item = catalog.get_collection("sentinel-1-grd").get_item("_rtc", "")
if grd_item is None:
raise ValueError("Catalog item not found.")
urls = []
for polarization in ["vv", "vh"]:
href = grd_item.assets[f"schema-product-{polarization}"].href
rfi_path = f"/rfi/rfi-iw-{polarization}.xml"
clean_url = (
href.replace(rfi_path, f"/iw-{polarization}.xml")
if rfi_path in href
else href
return urls
def extract_geolocation_data(xml_source: str) -> Optional[pd.DataFrame]:
Extracts geolocation data from an XML source (file or URL) and returns it
as a pandas DataFrame.
This function looks for 'geolocationGridPoint' elements in the XML source
and extracts the 'latitude', 'longitude', 'incidenceAngle', and
'elevationAngle' from each element.
- xml_source (str): The path to the XML file or a URL to the XML content.
- pd.DataFrame: A DataFrame containing the extracted data, or None if no
data is found.
- FileNotFoundError: If the specified file does not exist and the source
is not a valid URL.
- ET.ParseError: If there is an error in parsing the XML content.
- requests.RequestException: If downloading from the URL fails.
# Check if the source is a URL
if xml_source.startswith("http://") or xml_source.startswith(
response = requests.get(xml_source)
response.raise_for_status() # Raises HTTPError for bad requests
xml_content = StringIO(response.text)
tree = ET.parse(xml_content)
# Load and parse the XML file
tree = ET.parse(xml_source)
root = tree.getroot()
# Extract geolocationGridPoint elements
geolocation_grid_points = root.findall(".//geolocationGridPoint")
# Sanity check: Ensure that geolocationGridPoint elements are found
if not geolocation_grid_points:
print("No geolocationGridPoint elements found in the XML source.")
return None
# Extract the required data
data = []
for point in geolocation_grid_points:
"latitude": point.find("latitude").text
if point.find("latitude") is not None
else None,
"longitude": point.find("longitude").text
if point.find("longitude") is not None
else None,
"incidenceAngle": point.find("incidenceAngle").text
if point.find("incidenceAngle") is not None
else None,
"elevationAngle": point.find("elevationAngle").text
if point.find("elevationAngle") is not None
else None,
# Create and return a pandas DataFrame
return pd.DataFrame(data)
except FileNotFoundError as e:
raise FileNotFoundError(f"File not found: {xml_source}") from e
except ET.ParseError as e:
raise ET.ParseError(
f"Error parsing XML content from source: {xml_source}"
) from e
except requests.RequestException as e:
raise requests.RequestException(
f"Error downloading content from URL: {xml_source}"
) from e
def interpolate_to_raster(
data_array: xr.DataArray,
df: pd.DataFrame,
dst_crs: str,
src_crs: str = "EPSG:4326",
field: str = "incidenceAngle",
) -> np.ndarray:
Perform bilinear interpolation on a DataFrame with lat/long coordinates
to create a 2D raster matching the shape of an xarray DataArray with
an arbitrary geographical projection.
:param data_array: xarray DataArray to match the shape, with a known CRS.
:param df: DataFrame containing lat/long coordinates and values.
:param src_crs: Source CRS in PROJ format (e.g., 'EPSG:4326' for lat/long).
:param dst_crs: Destination CRS of the DataArray.
:return: 2D numpy array with interpolated values.
# Initialize coordinate transformation
transformer = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(src_crs, dst_crs, always_xy=True)
# Transform coordinates from lat/long to DataArray's CRS
transformed_points = np.array(
transformer.transform(x, y)
for x, y in zip(df["longitude"], df["latitude"])
# Extract transformed coordinates and values
points = transformed_points
values = df[field].to_numpy()
grid_x, grid_y = np.meshgrid(data_array.coords["x"], data_array.coords["y"])
# Perform bilinear interpolation
raster = griddata(points, values, (grid_x, grid_y), method="linear")
return raster
def convert_array_stack_to_xarray(
ds: xr.Dataset, new_band1: xr.DataArray, new_band2: xr.DataArray
) -> xr.Dataset:
Converts two numpy arrays (new_band1 and new_band2) to xarray
DataArrays and integrates them into an existing xarray Dataset.
- ds (xr.Dataset): The existing xarray Dataset.
- new_band1 (xr.DataArray): The first numpy array to be converted.
- new_band2 (xr.DataArray): The second numpy array to be converted.
- xr.Dataset: The updated xarray Dataset with new_band1 and new_band2
# Extract the non-band specific coordinates from existing data
non_band_coords = {
k: v for k, v in ds.coords.items() if "band" not in v.dims
# Convert new_band1 and new_band2 to xarray DataArrays with
# dimensions and coordinates
new_band1_da = xr.DataArray(
new_band1, dims=["time", "y", "x"], coords=non_band_coords
new_band2_da = xr.DataArray(
new_band2, dims=["time", "y", "x"], coords=non_band_coords
# Assign metadata to new DataArrays
for k in ["title", "description"]:
new_band1_da.coords[k] = "Incidence angle [deg] VV"
new_band2_da.coords[k] = "Incidence angle [deg] VH"
# Add a new band dimension to these DataArrays and update the dataset
new_band1_da = new_band1_da.expand_dims({"band": [2]})
new_band1_da.coords["band"] = ["incidenceAngleVH"]
new_band2_da = new_band2_da.expand_dims({"band": [3]})
new_band2_da.coords["band"] = ["incidenceAngleVV"]
# Combine the original and new DataArrays into a single dataset
return xr.concat([ds, new_band1_da, new_band2_da], dim="band")
def process_angles(catalog, items: List[CatalogItem], ds: xr.Dataset) -> xr.Dataset:
Processes angle data for a given list of catalog items and integrates
it into an xarray Dataset.
- catalog [?]: A stac catalog object
- items (List[CatalogItem]): A list of catalog items to process.
- ds (xr.Dataset): The initial xarray Dataset.
- xr.Dataset: The updated xarray Dataset with processed angle data.
raster_vv, raster_vh = [], []
missing_metadata = []
for ii, item in enumerate(items):
metadatas = get_schema_product_urls(item, catalog)
except ValueError:
print("No metadata found for item.")
for polarization, url in zip(["vv", "vh"], metadatas):
df = extract_geolocation_data(url)
if polarization == "vv":
raster_vv.append(interpolate_to_raster(ds, df,
elif polarization == "vh":
raster_vh.append(interpolate_to_raster(ds, df,
valid_items = [x for j, x in enumerate(items) if j not in missing_metadata]
raster_vv, raster_vh = np.array(raster_vv), np.array(raster_vh)
# Assuming stackstac and convert_array_stack_to_xarray functions are defined elsewhere
ds_new = stackstac.stack(
valid_items, bounds_latlon=ds.attrs["bounds_latlon"],
combined_array = convert_array_stack_to_xarray(
ds_new, raster_vv, raster_vh
return combined_array
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from io import StringIO
from typing import Optional, List
import numpy as np
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import pandas as pd
import requests
import xarray as xr
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
import pyproj
import stackstac
class CatalogItem:
# Assuming this class exists with necessary attributes
def get_schema_product_urls(item: CatalogItem, catalog) -> List[str]:
Extracts and returns a list of URLs for a given catalog item.
This function addresses issues with STAC objects pointing to incorrect
metadata files.
- item (CatalogItem): An object representing a catalog item.
- catalog: A stac catalogue
- List[str]: A list of URL strings.
grd_item = catalog.get_collection("sentinel-1-grd").get_item("_rtc", "")
if grd_item is None:
raise ValueError("Catalog item not found.")
urls = []
for polarization in ["vv", "vh"]:
href = grd_item.assets[f"schema-product-{polarization}"].href
rfi_path = f"/rfi/rfi-iw-{polarization}.xml"
clean_url = (
href.replace(rfi_path, f"/iw-{polarization}.xml")
if rfi_path in href
else href
return urls
def extract_geolocation_data(xml_source: str) -> Optional[pd.DataFrame]:
Extracts geolocation data from an XML source (file or
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