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Created August 6, 2014 15:44
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This is a ToResponseMarshaller able to stream a BinaryResponse object containing a content type and an Enumerator[Array[Byte]], using Spray chunked response streaming. I needed this to be able to serve files stored in a MongoDB database, using GridFS in a non blocking manner.
case class BinaryResponse(contentType: ContentType, data: Enumerator[Array[Byte]])
trait SharedJSONFormats extends DefaultJsonProtocol with MetaMarshallers with SprayJsonSupport {
implicit def binaryResponseMarshaller(implicit actorRefFactory: ActorRefFactory, executionContext: ExecutionContext, timeout: Timeout) = ToResponseMarshaller[BinaryResponse] { (value, toResponseMarshallingContext) =>
val responseStreamerActor: ActorRef = actorRefFactory.actorOf {
Props {
new Actor with ActorLogging {
object ChunkSent
def receive = {
case data: Array[Byte] => context.become(waitingForResponder(toResponseMarshallingContext.startChunkedMessage(HttpResponse(entity = HttpEntity(value.contentType, data)), ack = Some(ChunkSent)), sender))
case Input.EOF => {
toResponseMarshallingContext.marshalTo(HttpResponse(entity = HttpEntity(value.contentType, HttpData.Empty)))
case error: Throwable => {
def waitingForData(responder: ActorRef): Actor.Receive = {
case data: Array[Byte] => {
responder ! MessageChunk(data).withAck(ChunkSent)
context.become(waitingForResponder(responder, sender))
case Input.EOF => {
responder ! ChunkedMessageEnd
case error: Throwable => {
def waitingForResponder(responder: ActorRef, requestor: ActorRef): Actor.Receive = {
case ChunkSent => {
requestor ! ChunkSent
case event: Http.ConnectionClosed => {
log.warning("Binary response streaming stopped due to {}", event)
def byteArrayIteratee(responseStreamerActor: ActorRef): Iteratee[Array[Byte], Unit] = {
def continuation(input: Input[Array[Byte]]): Iteratee[Array[Byte], Unit] = input match {
case Input.Empty => Cont[Array[Byte], Unit](continuation)
case Input.El(array) => Iteratee.flatten((responseStreamerActor ? array) map (_ => Cont[Array[Byte], Unit](continuation)))
case Input.EOF => responseStreamerActor ! Input.EOF; Done((), Input.EOF)
Cont[Array[Byte], Unit](continuation)
} |>>> byteArrayIteratee(responseStreamerActor) onFailure {
case NonFatal(error) => responseStreamerActor ! error
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