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Created March 5, 2010 20:34
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JS: Amortization Calculator
(function(global) {
// Sample Calculators:
var startingBalance = 10000.00,
totalBalance = startingBalance,
apr = (17.5 / 100),
months = 11,
customMonthlyPayment = 1000,
console.log('Starting Balance: $' + startingBalance.toFixed(2));
console.log('APR: ' + apr);
function getTotalBalance(balance, apr, months) {
// Compute our total balance which is the starting balance + interest.
return balance * Math.pow(1 + (apr / 360), 360 * (months / 12));
function getMonthlyPayment(balance, apr, months) {
// Get our monthly payment calculated by amortization (daily compounded).
// We first need to figure out our monthly compounded payment rate.
var r = Math.pow(1 + (apr / 360), (360 / 12)) - 1;
// Now we can use our monthly rate to figure out our monthly payment.
return balance * ((r * Math.pow(1 + r, months)) / (Math.pow(1 + r, months) - 1));
function getPaymentPeriod(balance, apr, payment) {
var i = 0, fixedPayment = payment.toFixed(2),
// Determine how many payments will be needed for the specified balance,
// APR and payment. We want to stop our while loop once we've made more
// than 360 monthly payments (30 years).
while (balance > 0 && i < 360) {
// The line below first calculates the amount of interest (daily compounded)
// on the current balance. Then we subtract the current balance from
// the current balance with interest for the monthly payment. That result
// gives us the total amount of interest for the month. We then subtract
// that value from the payment to come up with our principal. We subtract
// our principal from our current balance.
totalBalance = balance * Math.pow(1 + (apr / 360), 30);
// Since we are manually going through the amortization schedule, our
// last payment will be very close to our remaining total balance.
// If that's the case, we will simply want to only subtract the remaining
// payment, if not, then continue to subtract the principal from the
// remaining balance.
if (fixedPayment === totalBalance.toFixed(2)) {
balance -= payment;
} else {
balance -= payment - (totalBalance - balance);
return i;
// Get our total balance
totalBalance = getTotalBalance(startingBalance, apr, months);
// Determine our total interest during the time period.
interest = totalBalance - startingBalance;
// Get our monthly payment
monthlyPayment = getMonthlyPayment(startingBalance, apr, months);
console.log('Months: ' + months);
console.log('Total Interest Paid: $' + interest.toFixed(2));
console.log('Total Balance (starting + interest): $' + totalBalance.toFixed(2));
console.log('Monthly Payment: $' + monthlyPayment.toFixed(2));
period = getPaymentPeriod(startingBalance, apr, monthlyPayment);
totalBalance = getTotalBalance(startingBalance, apr, period);
interest = totalBalance - startingBalance;
console.log('Total Interest Paid: $' + interest.toFixed(2));
console.log('Total Balance (starting + interest): $' + totalBalance.toFixed(2));
console.log('Number of calculated monthly payments: ' + period);
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