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Last active June 14, 2020 00:18
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A Python function for merging GeoJSON polygons.
import json
def merge_polygons(polygon_one, polygon_two):
with open("data.json") as input:
data = json.load(input)
map_one = None
map_two = None
for item in data:
if item["properties"]["code"] == polygon_one:
map_one = item
if item["properties"]["code"] == polygon_two:
map_two = item
if map_one and map_two:
if map_two["geometry"]["type"] == "Polygon":
map_two["geometry"]["coordinates"] = [map_two["geometry"]["coordinates"]]
map_two["geometry"]["type"] = "MultiPolygon"
for coord in map_one["geometry"]["coordinates"]:
if map_one["geometry"]["type"] == "Polygon":
elif map_one["geometry"]["type"] == "MultiPolygon":
for item in data:
if item["properties"]["code"] == polygon_two:
item = map_two
if item["properties"]["code"] == polygon_one:
with open("data.json", "w") as output:
json.dump(data, output, indent=2, sort_keys=True)
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