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Created May 25, 2023 06:36
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// flashspi
// Small program to use with Arduino to connect to an SPI
// flash chip using the SPIMemory library. This program
// provides an interface over the serial connection at 115200
// baud that supports the following commands:
// id - prints the JEDEC, manufacturer and unique ID
// cap - prints the flash chip's capacity in bytes
// dump - dumps the entire chip in hex (xxd format)
// wipe - wipes the entire chip
// Additionally, if a line in xxd format is sent to the code
// it will be written into the flash. Need to wipe first.
// This assumes that the flash chip is connected to the Arduino
// as follows:
// Arduino PIN Flash chip
// 10 CS/SS
// 11 MOSI/DO
// 12 MISO/DI
// 13 SCK/CLK
#include <SPIMemory.h>
SPIFlash flash;
// printHex prints out 8, 12, ,16, 20, 24, 28 and 32 bit numbers
// in hex with leading zeroes. This is needed because Serial.print()
// on Arduino doesn't pad leading zeroes.
void printHex(uint32_t b, uint8_t bits) {
char buffer[9];
sprintf(buffer, "%08lx", b);
// printIDs dumps the three main IDs that can be extracted from
// the flash chip.
void printIDs() {
printHex(flash.getJEDECID(), 24);
printHex(flash.getManID(), 16);
uint64_t u = flash.getUniqueID();
printHex(u >> 32, 32);
printHex(u & 0xFFFFFFFF, 32);
// printCapacity outputs the capacity of the flash chip in bytes.
void printCapacity() {
// pages keeps count of the numbers of pages that need to be dumped
// and p is the next page to dump. p < pages then dumping should
// happen. p == pages then the chip has been dumped.
static uint32_t pages = 0;
static uint32_t p = 0;
// dump starts a dump of the entire flash chip.
void dump() {
pages = flash.getCapacity() / SPI_PAGESIZE;
p = 0;
// _dump_page dumps a single page (256 bytes) from the flash chip
// in xxd default hex format. It moves the page counter p up by one
// so this can be repeatedly called.
void _dump_page() {
if (p < pages) {
uint32_t address = p*SPI_PAGESIZE;
uint8_t data[SPI_PAGESIZE];
if (!flash.readByteArray(address, &data[0], SPI_PAGESIZE)) {
Serial.println("Failed to read data from flash");
for (int i = 0; i < SPI_PAGESIZE/16; i++) {
printHex(address+i*16, 32);
Serial.print(": ");
for (int j = 0; j < 16; j += 2) {
printHex(data[i*16+j], 8);
printHex(data[i*16+j+1], 8);
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print(" ");
for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
uint8_t c = data[i*16+j];
if ((c < 32) || (c > 126)) {
c = '.';
p += 1;
} else {
pages = 0;
p = 0;
// hex2byte converts two hex digits (upper or lowercase)
// to the byte they represent.
uint8_t hex2byte(char *s) {
uint8_t b = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
if ((s[i] >= '0') && (s[i] <= '9')) {
b = (b << 4) + s[i] - '0';
} else {
b = (b << 4) + toupper(s[i]) - 'A' + 10;
return b;
// Buffer in which to keep data coming in from the serial connection
// until the \r is hit.
#define BUF_LENGTH 128
static char buf[BUF_LENGTH];
static int len = 0;
// _write_buffer parses and write the bytes from a single line
// of xxd format hex.
// 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456
// 00003260: 5453 2d4d 4f4e 4f20 4d50 3320 185f 9da8 TS-MONO MP3 ._..
void _write_buffer() {
uint32_t address = 0;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i += 2) {
address <<= 8;
address += hex2byte(&buf[i]);
uint8_t towrite[16];
i += 2;
printHex(address, 32);
Serial.print(" -> ");
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
towrite[j*2] = hex2byte(&buf[i]);
towrite[j*2+1] = hex2byte(&buf[i+2]);
i += 5;
printHex(towrite[j*2], 8);
printHex(towrite[j*2+1], 8);
Serial.print(" ");
if (!flash.writeByteArray(address, &towrite[0], 16)) {
Serial.println("Failed to write data to flash");
// handle deals with a command from the user or a line of xxd
// format hex to write to the chip.
void handle() {
if (strcmp(buf, "id") == 0) {
if (strcmp(buf, "cap") == 0) {
if (strcmp(buf, "dump") == 0) {
if (strcmp(buf, "wipe") == 0) {
if (!flash.eraseChip()) {
Serial.println("Erasing chip failed");
// If we reach here this might be a line of hex to be written
// into the flash. The format will be 8 hex digits followed
// by a colon and the line will be 67 characters long.
if (strlen(buf) == 67) {
if (buf[8] == ':') {
void setup() {
while (!Serial) {
if (!flash.begin()) {
Serial.println("Failed to set up the flash chip");
void loop() {
// If we're in the process of dumping memory then dump
// out a page before handling any input.
if (p < pages) {
// If there's something waiting on the serial connection
// then read it and buffer until a \r is hit.
while (Serial.available() > 0) {
int d =;
if (d == '\r') {
buf[len] = 0;
if (len > 0) {
len = 0;
} else {
if (len < BUF_LENGTH - 1) {
buf[len] = d;
len += 1;
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