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Last active December 29, 2015 11:19
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PHP - Debug class
Debug::Test("Testing... 1", ",2", ",3");
[12:11:13] Testing... 1,2,3
[12:11:13] Testing Log
[12:11:13 WARNING] Testing Warn
[12:11:13 ERROR] Testing Error
[12:11:13 DUMP | array | Testing var_dump]
array(1) {
string(3) "bar"
[12:11:13] Some special stuff!
class Debug
* @var $debug bool
* @var $dateFormat string
public static $debug = true;
public static $dateFormat = "H:m:s";
* @return string Current date based on format
public static function now ()
return date(Debug::$dateFormat);
* @param $obj mixed
* @param $message string (optional)
public static function Dump ($obj, $message='')
if (!Debug::$debug) return;
$type = gettype($obj);
if (isset($message) && $message !== '') $message = " | " . $message;
echo "\n[", Debug::now(), " DUMP | {$type}{$message}]\n";
* @param $content mixed
public static function Log ($content)
if (!Debug::$debug) return;
if (isset($content)) {
$content = implode('', (is_array($content) && sizeof(func_get_args())<=1) ? $content : func_get_args());
echo "\n[", Debug::now(), "]\t", $content, "\n";
* @param $content mixed
public static function Warn ($content)
if (!Debug::$debug) return;
if (isset($content)) {
$content = implode('', (is_array($content) && sizeof(func_get_args())<=1) ? $content : func_get_args());
echo "\n[", Debug::now(), " WARNING]\t", $content, "\n";
* @param $content mixed
public static function Error ($content)
if (!Debug::$debug) return;
if (isset($content)) {
$content = implode('', (is_array($content) && sizeof(func_get_args())<=1) ? $content : func_get_args());
echo "\n[", Debug::now(), " ERROR]\t", $content, "\n";
* @param $content mixed
public static function Highlight ($content)
if (!Debug::$debug) return;
if (isset($content)) {
$content = implode('', (is_array($content) && sizeof(func_get_args())<=1) ? $content : func_get_args());
echo "\n******************************************\n";
echo "******************************************\n";
echo "[", Debug::now(), "]\t", $content, "\n";
echo "******************************************\n";
echo "******************************************\n";
* @param $content mixed
public static function Test ($content)
if (!Debug::$debug) return;
if (isset($content)) {
$content = implode('', (is_array($content) && sizeof(func_get_args())<=1) ? $content : func_get_args());
Debug::Log("Testing Log");
Debug::Warn("Testing Warn");
Debug::Error("Testing Error");
Debug::Dump(["foo"=>"bar"], "Testing var_dump");\
Debug::Highlight("Some special stuff!");
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