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Last active July 17, 2018 11:31
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Rancher 2.0 DR Test

Create snapshots and copy to localhost.

rke etcd snapshot-save --name test.db

export SOURCE=

scp ubuntu@${SOURCE}:/opt/rke/etcd-snapshots/test.db ../../
scp ubuntu@${SOURCE}:/opt/rke/etcd-snapshots/pki.bundle.tar.gz ../../

Copy Snapshots to one node

export TARGET=

scp ../../test.db ubuntu@${TARGET}:/tmp
scp ../../pki.bundle.tar.gz ubuntu@${TARGET}:/tmp

ssh ubuntu@${TARGET}
sudo su -
mkdir -p /opt/rke/etcd-snapshots
cp /tmp/test.db /opt/rke/etcd-snapshots
cp /tmp/pki.bundle.tar.gz /opt/rke/etcd-snapshots

Restore snapshot to single node

rke etcd snapshot-restore --name test.db
rke up

Swap dns/load balancers to new cluster

Delete dead nodes

kubectl get nodes                   
NAME            STATUS     ROLES                      AGE       VERSION   Ready      controlplane,etcd,worker   4m        v1.10.5   NotReady   controlplane,etcd,worker   36m       v1.10.5

kubectl delete node
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