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Last active September 22, 2019 08:53
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quick hack mpv JSON IPC client
#lang racket
(require json
(provide mpv/fire-and-forget)
(define (mpv/fire-and-forget files)
([(_ _ to-mpv _) (subprocess (open-output-file "/dev/null" #:exists 'append)
(open-output-file "/dev/null" #:exists 'append)
(find-executable-path "mpv")
(display-lines files to-mpv)
(display "\n" to-mpv)
(flush-output to-mpv)
(close-output-port to-mpv)))
(provide current-mpv-connection)
(define current-mpv-connection (make-parameter null))
(provide mpv-server)
(define (mpv-server)
(match-let*-values ([(socket-name) (format "/tmp/mpv.socket-~a" (current-inexact-milliseconds))]
[(`(,_ ,_ ,proc-pid ,_ ,proc-control))
;; start mpv
(apply process*
`(,(find-executable-path "mpv")
,(string-append "--input-ipc-server=" socket-name)))]
[(socket-in socket-out)
;; give mpv a moment to create the unix socket
(let retry-loop ([retries 30])
(when (zero? retries) (raise 'mpv-failed-to-start-in-time))
(unless (file-exists? socket-name)
(sleep .1)
(retry-loop (sub1 retries))))
;; connect to mpv
(unix-socket-connect socket-name))])
(thread (thunk
(define request-bindings (make-hash))
(define observer-map (make-hash))
(define (send-json js)
(displayln (jsexpr->string js)
(flush-output socket-out))
;; unix socket connection thread
;; syncing on a unix socket connection and a thread mailbox at the
;; same time doesn't seem to work, so instead each are given their
;; own thread. TODO: deeper investigation
(thread (thunk
(let loop ()
(define res (read-json socket-in))
(match res
;; command response
[(hash-table ('request_id request-id) _ ...)
(async-channel-put (hash-ref request-bindings (hash-ref res 'request_id))
`(,(hash-ref res 'error)
,(hash-ref res 'data #f)))
(hash-remove! request-bindings (hash-ref res 'request_id))]
;; observations
[(hash-table ('event event)
('id id)
('data data)
('name name) _ ...)
(async-channel-put (hash-ref request-bindings id)
`(,event ,data ,name))]
;; disconnencted (mpv probably quit)
[(? (curry eq? eof) _) (raise 'mpv-lost-connection) ]
;; print everything else
[e (println e)])
;; Thread mailbox thread loop
(let loop ()
(define res (thread-receive))
(match res
;; normal command
[`(,command ,return-channel)
(define request-id (random 4294967087))
(send-json (hash 'command command
'request_id request-id))
(hash-set! request-bindings request-id return-channel)]
;; observations
[`(observe ,command ,name ,return-channel)
(define observer-id (random 4294967087))
(hash 'command `(,command ,observer-id ,name)))
(hash-set! observer-map return-channel observer-id)
(hash-set! request-bindings observer-id return-channel)]
;; cancel observations
[`(unobserve ,observation-channel)
(define observer-id (hash-ref observer-map observation-channel))
(hash 'command `("unobserve_property" ,observer-id)))
(hash-remove! request-bindings observer-id)
(hash-remove! observer-map observation-channel)]
;; print everything else
[e (printf "unknown:~a~n" e)])
(provide mpv-command/sync)
(define (mpv-command/sync cmd #:connection [connection (current-mpv-connection)])
(let* ([return-channel (make-async-channel)]
[request `(,cmd ,return-channel)])
(thread-send connection request)
(match (async-channel-get return-channel)
[`("success" ,response) response]
[`("error" ,response) (raise response)]
(provide mpv-command/async)
(define (mpv-command/async cmd #:connection [connection (current-mpv-connection)])
(let* ([return-channel (make-async-channel)]
[request `(,cmd ,return-channel)])
(thread-send connection request)
(define (mpv-observe cmd name #:connection [connection (current-mpv-connection)])
(let* ([observation-channel (make-async-channel)]
[request `(observe ,cmd ,name ,observation-channel)])
(thread-send connection request)
(provide mpv-unobserve)
(define (mpv-unobserve observation-channel #:connection [connection (current-mpv-connection)])
(let* ([request `(unobserve ,observation-channel)])
(thread-send connection request)))
(provide mpv-loadfile)
(define (mpv-loadfile file #:connection [connection (current-mpv-connection)])
(mpv-command/sync `("loadfile" ,file)
#:connection connection))
(provide mpv-loadfile-append)
(define (mpv-loadfile-append file #:connection [connection (current-mpv-connection)])
(mpv-command/sync `("loadfile" ,file "append-play")
#:connection connection))
(provide mpv-playlist-clear)
(define (mpv-playlist-clear #:connection [connection (current-mpv-connection)])
(mpv-command/sync '("stop")
#:connection connection))
(provide mpv-playlist-load)
(define (mpv-playlist-load lst #:connection [connection (current-mpv-connection)])
(for ([file lst])
(mpv-loadfile-append file
#:connection connection)))
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