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Forked from squaredisk/main.c
Created October 1, 2010 14:53
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// Simple game where the mission is the correctly estimate the passage of a
// small amount of time
// Gareth Williams // SquareDisk // All round, different
#include "msp430g2211.h"
void lose (char too_slow);
void win (void);
volatile char mode = 10; // default to easy mode
volatile char flash = 0; // keeps track of which iteration we are on
volatile int ticks = 0; // counts the WDT interrupts
int main (void)
WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // stop the watchdog timer
// set up the clocks for the factory preset 1MHz
P1DIR = (BIT0 + BIT6); // enable the two LEDs as outputs
P1OUT = BIT6; // flip LED1 on
// set up the clocks for the LED blink
// WDTTMSEL = Interval timer mode
// clock source is SMCLK (1MHz or 1000000Hz)
// Interval is clock /64 (15625 interrupts per second)
IE1 |= WDTIE; // enable WDT interrupt
// set up the interrupt for the button
P1IE |= BIT3;
P1IES |= BIT3;
P1IFG &= ~BIT3; // clear the interrupt flag
_bis_SR_register(LPM1_bits + GIE); // enter low power mode w/ interrupts
void lose (char too_slow)
unsigned int flash_time, x;
P1OUT &= ~BIT6; // ensure the the green LED is off
flash_time = (too_slow) ? 60000 : 6000;
while (1) // program end, loop infinitely
P1OUT ^= BIT0; // toggle LED1
for (x = 0; x < flash_time; x++) // wait
void win (void)
P1OUT = BIT6; // turn on the LED2
_bis_SR_register(LPM4_bits); // program end, enter max. power saving mode
#pragma vector=WDT_VECTOR
__interrupt void wdt_trigger(void)
// WDT is triggered 15625 times per second, I only want a 1Hz flash for
// the purpose of choosing a difficulty mode so...
case 0:
if (P1OUT & (BIT0 + BIT6)) // check if we are choosing a difficulty level
P1OUT ^= (BIT0 + BIT6); // reverse LED1 and LED2
else // we are in a game
if (++flash <= mode)
P1OUT ^= (mode == 5) ? BIT0 : BIT6; // turn on the appropriate LED
if (flash == 12)
lose (1);
case 1500:
if ((flash) && (flash <= mode))
P1OUT ^= (mode == 5) ? BIT0 : BIT6; // turn off the appropriate LED
case 15624:
ticks = 0; // reset the counter for the next flash
#pragma vector=PORT1_VECTOR
__interrupt void button_trigger(void)
P1IFG &= ~BIT3; // clear the interrupt flag
if (flash) // check we are in a game
// a perfect win is when flash=10 and tick=750, 10*15625+750=157000
// margin of error is ~20% or 157000 + or - 1500
if ((long)flash * 15625 + ticks > 157000 - 1500)
if ((long)flash * 15625 + ticks < 157000 + 1500)
win(); // great timing, win!
lose(1); // too slow, lose
lose(0); // too fast, lose
else // we have just selected a difficulty
if (P1OUT & BIT0) mode = 5; // if LED1 was lit switch to hard mode
P1OUT &= ~(BIT0 + BIT6); // turn off both the LEDs
ticks = 1501; // reset the tick counter
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