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Created October 6, 2016 20:30
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Trampolined Style in Clojure
#!/usr/bin/env boot
;; Threads & concurrency without hardware threads or continuations
;; Most of this is from the paper "Trampolined Style" by Ganz, Friendman, and Wand
(defrecord Done [value])
(defrecord Doing [thunk])
(defn return [v]
(Done. v))
(defn bounce [t]
(Doing. t))
;; run a single thread
(defn pogo-stick [thread]
(condp instance? thread
Done (:value thread)
Doing (recur ((:thunk thread)))
;; alternates between two threads
(defn seesaw [down-thread up-thread]
(condp instance? down-thread
Done (:value down-thread)
Doing (recur up-thread ((:thunk down-thread)))
;; uses a queue of threads
(defn my-trampoline [[thread & threads]]
(condp instance? thread
Done (:value thread)
Doing (recur (conj (vec threads) ((:thunk thread))))
(defn fact-acc [n acc]
(if (zero? n)
(return acc)
#(fact-acc (- n 1) (* acc n)))))
(defn mem? [n ls]
(nil? ls) (return false)
(= (first ls) n) (return true)
:else (bounce (fn []
(mem? n (rest ls))))))
(defn search [pred [x & xs] status-fn]
(status-fn x)
(if (pred x)
(return x)
#(search pred xs status-fn))))
;; Basically three threads scheduled round-robin
;; returning the value of the first one to finish
(defn simple-queue-ex []
[(search #(= 5 %) (range) #(println "search1 " %))
(search #(= 200 %) (range 100 1000) #(println "search2 " %))
(fact-acc -1 0) ;; would never return
;; prints...
;; search1 0
;; search2 100
;; search1 1
;; search2 101
;; search1 2
;; search2 102
;; search1 3
;; search2 103
;; search1 4
;; search2 104
;; search1 5
;; search2 105
;; returns: 5
;; Using this technique to implement a reduce function
;; similar to Clojure's that can be terminated early
;; by wrapping a return value
(def reduced' return)
(defn reduce' [f acc coll]
(if (empty? coll)
(return acc)
(let [[x & xs] coll
res (f acc x)]
(if (instance? Done res)
#(reduce' f res xs))))))
(defn ex-reduced []
(reduce' #(if (> %1 20)
(reduced' %1)
(range 1 100))))
;; returns: 21
;; simple breakpoint mechanism
(defn break [thread]
(let [loop' (fn loop'' []
(let [input (read)
s (first input)]
(println thread)
(condp = s
'resume thread
'return (return (second s))
(bounce loop''))))]
(defn fact-acc-break [n acc]
(if (zero? n)
(return acc)
(break (bounce
#(fact-acc-break (- n 1) (* acc n))))))
;; > (pogo-stick (fact-acc-break 3 1))
;; (resume)
;; #boot.user.Doing{:thunk #function[boot.user/fact-acc-break$fn--11999]}
;; (resume)
;; #boot.user.Doing{:thunk #function[boot.user/fact-acc-break$fn--11999]}
;; (resume)
;; #boot.user.Doing{:thunk #function[boot.user/fact-acc-break$fn--11999]}
;; (resume)
;; 6
;; Threads that can spawn more threads
;; If you see something hacky it was probably from
;; me translating scheme into Clojure
(defn return+ [v]
[(Done. v)])
(defn bounce+ [t]
[(Doing. t)])
(defn trampoline+ [thread-queue]
(if (and (seq? thread-queue)
(not-empty thread-queue))
(let [x (first thread-queue)
y (rest thread-queue)]
(condp instance? x
Done (:value x)
Doing (trampoline+
((:thunk x))))))
"No thread returned a value"))
(defn die []
(defn spawn [threads1 threads2]
(concat threads1 threads2))
(defn mapcan [f coll]
(if (empty? coll)
(let [[x & xs] coll]
(concat (f x) (mapcan f xs)))))
(defn sequence+ [f threads]
(fn [thread]
(condp instance? thread
Done (f (:value thread))
Doing (bounce+
(fn []
(sequence+ f ((:thunk thread)))))))
(defn search-x [t]
(seq? t)
(not-empty t)) (spawn
(fn []
(search-x (first t))))
(fn []
(search-x (rest t)))))
(nil? t) (die)
(= t 'x) (return+ t)
(symbol? t) (do (print (format "^%s " t)) (die))))
(defn ex1 []
(fn [v]
(if (= v 'x)
(return+ 'yes)
(return+ 'no)))
(search-x '(((a b c d) (x e) (g h)))))))
;; > (ex1)
;; ^a ^b ^c
;; yes
(defn ex2 []
(fn [v]
(if (= v 'x)
(return+ 'yes)
(return+ 'no)))
(search-x '(((a d) (y e) (g h)))))))
;; > (ex2)
;; ^a ^d ^y ^e ^g ^h
;; "No thread returned a value"
(defn ex3 []
(fn [v]
(if (= v 'x)
(return+ 'yes)
(return+ 'no)))
(search-x '(((a d) (y e (o i c (x))) (g h)))))))
;; > (ex3)
;; ^a ^d ^y ^e ^g ^h ^o ^i ^c
;; yes
(defn -main [& args]
(boot (repl)))
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