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Last active August 9, 2019 15:50
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Reproduction of classes_ bug in SVC classifier from sklearn
import numpy as np
from sklearn.svm import SVC
# same dataset
X = np.array([[0.29166667, 0.19366939],
[0.28611111, 0.34763765],
[0.26111111, 0.55716146],
[0.73333333, 0.2016059 ],
[0.70694444, 0.3952567 ],
[0.66666667, 0.61271701]])
# two different labelling
y0 = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1])
y1 = np.array([0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1])
# use a seed for reproducibility
SEED = 0
# train a classifier for y0
clf0 = SVC(gamma='scale', kernel='rbf', probability=True), y0)
print('Classifer 0 summary:')
print('True labels: {}'.format(y0))
print('Predited labels: {}'.format(clf0.predict(X)))
print('Classification accuracy: {}'.format(clf0.score(X, y0)))
print('Classes: {}'.format(clf0.classes_))
print('Predited probabilitic labeling:')
## here the classes ordering matches with the probabilistic prediction
# ####
# Classifer 0 summary:
# True labels: [0 0 0 1 1 1]
# Predited labels: [0 0 0 1 1 1]
# Classification accuracy: 1.0
# --
# Classes: [0 1]
# Predited probabilitic labeling:
# [[0.98456235 0.01543765]
# [0.98680646 0.01319354]
# [0.98189501 0.01810499]
# [0.0141697 0.9858303 ]
# [0.01153142 0.98846858]
# [0.02285266 0.97714734]]
# train a classifier for y1
clf1 = SVC(gamma='scale', kernel='rbf', probability=True), y1)
print('Classifer 1 summary:')
print('True labels: {}'.format(y1))
print('Predited labels: {}'.format(clf1.predict(X)))
print('Classification accuracy: {}'.format(clf1.score(X, y1)))
print('Classes: {}'.format(clf1.classes_))
print('Predited probabilitic labeling:')
## here the classes ordering does not match with the probabilistic prediction
# ####
# Classifer 1 summary:
# True labels: [0 0 1 0 1 1]
# Predited labels: [0 0 1 0 1 1]
# Classification accuracy: 1.0
# --
# Classes: [0 1]
# Predited probabilitic labeling:
# [[0.0774986 0.9225014 ]
# [0.21423451 0.78576549]
# [0.61478601 0.38521399]
# [0.32195121 0.67804879]
# [0.69766737 0.30233263]
# [0.9182796 0.0817204 ]]
## for the same data, with different labels, same seed, the classifier returns probabilisitic prediction in a different order which is not reflected in clf.classes_.
## suggested temporary workaround
def get_ordered_classes(clf, X, y):
y_pred = clf.predict(X)
y_pred_proba = clf.predict_proba(X)
index_pred = np.argmax(y_pred_proba, axis=1)
ordered_classes = []
n_class = y_pred_proba.shape[1]
for class_index in range(n_class):
# check which data points have been classified as class_index by the probability predictor
X_indexes_for_class_index = np.where(index_pred == class_index)
# find what label it corresponds to from the simple predictor
class_name = y_pred[X_indexes_for_class_index]
# make sure this is consistent and a unique label is in that list
# a rare case coudl happen if probab are exaclty equal betwen all classes [0.5 0.5] but so unlikelly that I won't cover it
class_name = np.unique(class_name)
assert class_name.shape == (1,), 'Something might be wrong between predict and predict proba in SVC'
# add class to list
return np.array(ordered_classes)
print('#### classes for y0')
print('classes_ from SVC: {}'.format(clf0.classes_))
print('classes as used in predict_proba: {}'.format(get_ordered_classes(clf0, X, y0)))
# #### classes for y0
# classes_ from SVC: [0 1]
# classes as used in predict_proba: [0 1]
print('#### classes for y1')
print('classes_ from SVC: {}'.format(clf1.classes_))
print('classes used in predict_proba: {}'.format(get_ordered_classes(clf1, X, y1)))
# #### classes for y1
# classes_ from SVC: [0 1]
# classes used in predict_proba: [1 0]
## Solution using CalibratedClassifierCV
from sklearn.calibration import CalibratedClassifierCV
calibrator0 = CalibratedClassifierCV(clf0, method='sigmoid', cv='prefit'), y0)
print('#### classes for y0')
print('classes_ from SVC: {}'.format(clf0.classes_))
print('classes as used in predict_proba: {}'.format(get_ordered_classes(clf0, X, y0)))
print('classes as used in Calibrator: {}'.format(get_ordered_classes(calibrator0, X, y0)))
# #### classes for y0
# classes_ from SVC: [0 1]
# classes as used in predict_proba: [0 1]
# classes as used in Calibrator: [0 1]
calibrator1 = CalibratedClassifierCV(clf1, method='sigmoid', cv='prefit'), y1)
print('#### classes for y1')
print('classes_ from SVC: {}'.format(clf1.classes_))
print('classes used in predict_proba: {}'.format(get_ordered_classes(clf1, X, y1)))
print('classes as used in Calibrator: {}'.format(get_ordered_classes(calibrator1, X, y1)))
# #### classes for y1
# classes_ from SVC: [0 1]
# classes used in predict_proba: [1 0]
# classes as used in Calibrator: [0 1]
#reproduction of bug with CalibratedClassifierCV due to the crossvalidation procedure as deatilled in
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
# reproduce a bad classification to to the cv procedure
calibrator1 = CalibratedClassifierCV(clf1, method='sigmoid', cv=KFold(n_splits=5, shuffle=True, random_state=3)), y1)
print('#### info for CalibratedClassifierCV with Kfold(5)')
print('True labels: {}'.format(y1))
print('Pred labels: {}'.format(calibrator1.predict(X)))
print('Score: {}'.format(calibrator1.score(X, y1)))
print('Pred probas:')
print('classes_ from SVC: {}'.format(clf1.classes_))
print('classes_ from CalibratedClassifierCV: {}'.format(calibrator1.classes_))
# but the classes are still correctly ordered
print('Classes as used in Calibrator with Kfold(5): {}'.format(get_ordered_classes(calibrator1, X, y1)))
# #### info for CalibratedClassifierCV with Kfold(5)
# True labels: [0 0 1 0 1 1]
# Pred labels: [0 0 0 0 1 1]
# Score: 0.8333333333333334
# Pred probas:
# [[0.59647343 0.40352657]
# [0.59110486 0.40889514]
# [0.56214059 0.43785941]
# [0.53333338 0.46666662]
# [0.49341504 0.50658496]
# [0.46666686 0.53333314]]
# classes_ from SVC: [0 1]
# classes_ from CalibratedClassifierCV: [0 1]
# Classes as used in Calibrator with Kfold(5): [0 1]
# trying to generate a reverse ordering
print('#### Trying to generate a reverse ordering...')
classe_orderings = []
accuracies = []
for random_state in range(10000):
calibrator1 = CalibratedClassifierCV(clf1, method='sigmoid', cv=KFold(n_splits=5, shuffle=True, random_state=random_state)), y1)
# the function breaks when all prediction are of the same class, those cases don't not really matter for this little experiment
# we seek to find one case where the prediction are reversed as for clf1 with probability=True
classe_orderings.append(get_ordered_classes(calibrator1, X, y1))
accuracies.append(calibrator1.score(X, y1))
uniqueValues, occurCount = np.unique(classe_orderings, return_counts=True, axis=0)
print('Unique classe ordering:')
# Iterate over the zip object
for v, o in zip(uniqueValues, occurCount):
print('{} occurs : {}/{} times'.format(v, o, len(classe_orderings)))
#### Trying to generate a reverse ordering...
# Unique classe ordering:
# [0 1] occurs : 5955/5955 times
# The output is always [0 1] never [1 0] as SVC produces sometimes
uniqueValues, occurCount = np.unique(accuracies, return_counts=True, axis=0)
print('Unique accuracies:')
# Iterate over the zip object
for v, o in zip(uniqueValues, occurCount):
print('{} occurs : {}/{} times'.format(v, o, len(accuracies)))
# Unique accuracies:
# 0.3333333333333333 occurs : 1294/5955 times
# 0.8333333333333334 occurs : 4661/5955 times
# There is some reverse fitting (score of 0.33) but the labels association is still ok
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