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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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  • Save jgrizzled/b065854bed5167c6bf3f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jgrizzled/b065854bed5167c6bf3f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
//Node.js script that gets block header data from geth via web3 RPC calls and exports to a CSV file
//Warning: it could take a few days to process the entire blockchain
//Automatically picks up were it left off
//CSV file format is:
//number,timestamp,difficulty,totalDifficulty,gasLimit,gasUsed,size,num tx
var fs = require('fs'),
web3 = require('web3'),
file = 'ethBlocks.csv',
notifyInterval = 30, //seconds
rpcHost = 'http://localhost:8545',
startBlock = 0, //0 starts at the genesis block
endBlock = -1; //-1 runs until current block is reached
if((endBlock != -1 && startBlock > endBlock) || endBlock < -1 || startBlock < 0) {
console.log('Something\'s fucky.');
console.log('Reading file...');
buff = fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf-8');
lines = buff.trim().split('\n');
lastLine = lines.slice(-1)[0];
fields = lastLine.split(',');
lastBlock = fields[0];
web3.setProvider(new web3.providers.HttpProvider(rpcHost));
while(1) {
try {
currentBlock = web3.eth.blockNumber;
} catch(e) {
console.log('RPC error, retrying in 5 seconds...');
timer = process.hrtime();
while(process.hrtime(timer)[0] < 5) {} //wait 5 sec
console.log("Got latest block: " + currentBlock);
if(endBlock == -1)
endBlock = currentBlock;
if(endBlock <= lastBlock) {
console.log('endBlock already in file');
if(startBlock <= lastBlock) {
startBlock = Number(lastBlock) + 1;
console.log('Resuming from last block in file: ' + lastBlock);
if(startBlock > lastBlock+1)
console.log('Warning: gap between startBlock and last block in file');
function additionalBlockTime(_remainingTime, _secondsPerBlock) {
var _addedTime = _remainingTime/10 * _secondsPerBlock; //assuming 10 sec blocks
if(_addedTime < 10)
return _addedTime;
return additionalBlockTime(_addedTime, _secondsPerBlock);
startTime = process.hrtime();
blockAtStart = startBlock;
for(var i = startBlock; i <= endBlock; i++) {
while(1) {
try {
block = web3.eth.getBlock(i);
currentBlock = web3.eth.blockNumber;
} catch(e) {
console.log('RPC error, retrying in 5 seconds...');
timer = process.hrtime();
while(process.hrtime(timer)[0] < 5) {} //wait 5 sec
block.number + ',' + block.timestamp + ',' + block.difficulty + ',' + block.totalDifficulty + ',' + block.gasLimit + ',' + block.gasUsed + ',' + block.size + ',' + block.transactions.length + '\n');
diff = process.hrtime(startTime);
elapsedTime = diff[0] + diff[1]/1e9;
if(elapsedTime >= notifyInterval) {
startTime = process.hrtime();
secondsPerBlock = elapsedTime/(i-blockAtStart);
blockAtStart = i;
remainingTime = secondsPerBlock * (currentBlock - i);
remainingTime += additionalBlockTime(remainingTime, secondsPerBlock);
console.log('Processed to block ' + block.number + ' at ' + (1/secondsPerBlock).toFixed(1) + ' blocks/s. ETA ' + (remainingTime/3600).toFixed(1) + ' hr');
console.log("FUCKING DONE");
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